TORCS: Bindings to the TORCS vehicle simulator.

[ bindings, frp, library, program, simulation ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

A library for building autonomous vehicles that run in the TORCS simulator. This requires the following external dependencies:

  1. torcs 1.3.4 (

  2. scr-server 2.1 (

Not that scr-server will only work with 1.3.4, until that is updated you must use exactly torcs 1.3.4. Complete install instructions here

On Ubunutu 16.04, you may need to comment out line 70 in src/modules/simu/simuv2/simu.cpp in order for TORCS to compile.

A guide script for install is available at

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Versions [RSS] 0.1.0,,
Change log
Dependencies base (>=4.9 && <4.11), bytestring (>=0.10 && <0.11), containers (>=, directory, lens, monad-loops, monad-parallel (>=, MonadRandom, network (>=2.6 && <2.7), process (>=1.4), random, random-shuffle, time (>=1.6 && <1.7), TORCS, Yampa (>=0.10 && <0.11) [details]
License LicenseRef-GPL
Author Mark Santolucito
Category Simulation, FRP, Bindings
Source repo head: git clone git://
Uploaded by MarkSantolucito at 2018-02-14T19:49:09Z
Executables Simple
Downloads 1953 total (10 in the last 30 days)
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Readme for TORCS-

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# Haskell Binding to TORCS


- torcs 1.3.4 (
- scr-server 2.1 (

scr-server will only work with 1.3.4, until that is updated you must use exactly torcs 1.3.4

Complete install instructions here

on Ubunutu 16.04, you may need to comment out line 70 in src/modules/simu/simuv2/simu.cpp 

## Usage

To install, go to the top level directory, and run 'cabal install'.
You only need to do 'cabal install' the first time, or whenever you change the cabal file.
Later on, just 'cabal repl' is fine.

See the examples folder for how to program a controller.

You can load up the examples and run them with 'cabal repl' on the top directory. 
This will load TORCS.hs, which loads a few examples that can be connected to TORCS.
As an example, first open TORCS to a quick race and set the player to src_server1. 
Then on the command line run:

    $> cabal repl
    ghci> :l Examples/Simple.hs
    ghci> main

### Using machine learning with TORCS

Race Mode : Practice
Configure Race -> Last page of options, switch 'display' from 'normal' to 'results only'

### TODO

- write controller for basic platoon
- build and ship to hackage