{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | A bitmap-friendly XY coordinate.
-- YX rather than XY since layout is row major (first row sorts before the
-- second, etc.).
module Data.Geometry.YX ( YX(..)
                        , box, rowRange
                        , up, left, right, down
                        , steps4, steps8
                        , byteStringToArray, arrayToByteString ) where

import Data.Array.IArray (IArray)
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as Array
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Ix (Ix)
import qualified Data.Ix as Ix
import Data.List (groupBy)

-- | A 2D coordinate.
-- YX implements 'Num'. Integers are converted to their diagonal equivalent
-- (for example @2@ becomes @YX 2 2@).
data YX = YX { y :: !Int, x :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

lift1 :: (Int -> Int) -> YX -> YX
lift1 f (YX y1 x1) = YX (f y1) (f x1)

lift2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> YX -> YX -> YX
lift2 f (YX y1 x1) (YX y2 x2) = YX (f y1 y2) (f x1 x2)

instance Num YX where
  (+) = lift2 (+)
  (*) = lift2 (*)
  abs = lift1 abs
  signum = lift1 signum
  fromInteger i = let i' = fromInteger i in YX i' i'
  negate = lift1 negate

instance Ix YX where
  range (YX yl xl, YX yu xu) =
    [ YX y x | y <- Ix.range (yl, yu), x <- Ix.range (xl, xu) ]
  index (YX yl xl, YX yu xu) (YX y x) =
    Ix.index (yl, yu) y * Ix.rangeSize (xl, xu) + Ix.index (xl, xu) x
  inRange (YX yl xl, YX yu xu) (YX y x) =
    Ix.inRange (yl, yu) y && Ix.inRange (xl, xu) x

-- | The smallest rectangle containing the input coordinates.
box :: Foldable f => f YX -> Maybe (YX, YX)
box = foldl' go Nothing where
  go Nothing yx = Just (yx, yx)
  go (Just (tl, br)) yx = Just (lift2 min tl yx, lift2 max br yx)

-- | All coordinates, grouped by row.
rowRange :: (YX, YX) -> [[YX]]
rowRange = groupBy (\(YX y1 _) (YX y2 _) -> y1 == y2) . Ix.range

-- | Basic steps.
up, left, right, down :: YX
up = YX (-1) 0
left = YX 0 (-1)
right = YX 0 1
down = YX 1 0

-- | Ordered array of the 4 base steps.
steps4 :: [YX]
steps4 = [up, left, right, down]

-- | Ordered array of the 8 steps (4 base and 4 diagonal).
steps8 :: [YX]
steps8 = [up + left, up, up + right, left, right, down + left, down, down + right]

-- | Parse newline delimited bytestring into an array.
byteStringToArray :: (IArray a e) => (Char -> Maybe e) -> ByteString -> Either String (a YX e)
byteStringToArray f bs = shape (BS.split '\n' bs) (-1) >>= materialize bs where
  shape [] (YX y x) = Right (YX y (max x 0))
  shape (row : rows) yx@(YX y x0)
    | null rows && BS.null row = shape [] yx -- Empty last row.
    | otherwise = let x = BS.length row - 1
                  in if x /= x0 && x0 >= 0
                    then Left $ "bad row lengths: " ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show x0
                    else shape rows (YX (y + 1) x)
  materialize bs yx = Array.listArray (0, yx) <$> elems bs
  elems = sequenceA . fmap parse . filter (/= '\n') . BS.unpack
  parse c = case f c of
    Just e -> Right e
    Nothing -> Left $ "unknown char: " ++ show c

-- | Reverse of `byteStringToArray`
arrayToByteString :: (IArray a e) => (e -> Char) -> a YX e -> ByteString
arrayToByteString f arr = BS.intercalate "\n" lines where
  lines = fmap (BS.pack . fmap (f . (arr Array.!))) . rowRange . Array.bounds $ arr