yi-language-0.19.1: Collection of language-related Yi libraries.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data SearchOption Source #



Compile for matching that ignores char case


Compile for newline-insensitive matching


Treat the input not as a regex but as a literal string to search for.


Instances details
Generic SearchOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yi.Regex

Associated Types

type Rep SearchOption :: Type -> Type #

Binary SearchOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yi.Regex

Eq SearchOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yi.Regex

type Rep SearchOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yi.Regex

type Rep SearchOption = D1 ('MetaData "SearchOption" "Yi.Regex" "yi-language-0.19.1-48kBHo5CiHwKn5eCndJTLb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "IgnoreCase" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "NoNewLine" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "QuoteRegex" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))

data SearchExp Source #


Instances details
Binary SearchExp Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yi.Regex

emptyRegex :: Regex Source #

The regular expression that matches nothing.

regexEscapeString :: String -> String Source #

Return an escaped (for parseRegex use) version of the string.

reversePattern :: (Pattern, (t, DoPa)) -> (Pattern, (t, DoPa)) Source #

Reverse a pattern. Note that the submatches will be reversed as well.

newtype AllTextSubmatches (f :: Type -> Type) b #

Used in results of RegexContext instances.




class Extract source => RegexLike regex source where #

RegexLike is parametrized on a regular expression type and a source type to run the matching on.

There are default implementations: matchTest and matchOnceText use matchOnce; matchCount and matchAllText use matchAll. Conversely, matchOnce uses matchOnceText and matchAll uses matchAllText. So a minimal complete instance need to provide at least (matchOnce or matchOnceText) and (matchAll or matchAllText). Additional definitions are often provided where they will increase efficiency.

[ c | let notVowel = makeRegex "[^aeiou]" :: Regex, c <- ['a'..'z'], matchTest notVowel [c]  ]


The strictness of these functions is instance dependent.

Minimal complete definition



matchAll :: regex -> source -> [MatchArray] #

matchAll returns a list of matches. The matches are in order and do not overlap. If any match succeeds but has 0 length then this will be the last match in the list.

matchOnceText :: regex -> source -> Maybe (source, MatchText source, source) #

This can return a tuple of three items: the source before the match, an array of the match and captured substrings (with their indices), and the source after the match.

data Regex #

The TDFA backend specific Regex type, used by this module's RegexOptions and RegexMaker.

data CompOption #

Control whether the pattern is multiline or case-sensitive like Text.Regex and whether to capture the subgroups (\1, \2, etc). Controls enabling extra anchor syntax.




makeRegex :: RegexMaker regex compOpt execOpt source => source -> regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: (RegexMaker regex compOpt execOpt source, MonadFail m) => compOpt -> execOpt -> source -> m regex #

Specify your own options, reporting errors with fail

defaultCompOpt :: RegexOptions regex compOpt execOpt => compOpt #

Reasonable options (extended, caseSensitive, multiline regex).

defaultExecOpt :: RegexOptions regex compOpt execOpt => execOpt #

Reasonable options (extended, caseSensitive, multiline regex).

(=~) :: (RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source, RegexContext Regex source1 target) => source1 -> source -> target #

This is the pure functional matching operator. If the target cannot be produced then some empty result will be returned. If there is an error in processing, then error will be called.