{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Yi.Config.Default (defaultConfig) where

import           Lens.Micro.Platform ((.~))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import           Data.Monoid
import           Paths_yi_core
import           System.FilePath

import           Yi.Buffer
import           Yi.Command          (cabalBuildE, cabalConfigureE, grepFind,
                                      makeBuild, reloadProjectE, searchSources,
import           Yi.Config
import           Yi.Core             (errorEditor, quitEditor)
import           Yi.Editor
import           Yi.Eval             (publishedActions)
import           Yi.File
import qualified Yi.Interact         as I
import           Yi.Keymap
import           Yi.Keymap.Keys
import           Yi.Layout
import           Yi.Mode.Common      (fundamentalMode)
import qualified Yi.Rope             as R
import           Yi.Search
import           Yi.Style.Library
import           Yi.Utils

import           Yi.Types            ()

-- | List of published Actions

-- ("symbol", box symbol")
-- ... so we can hope getting rid of this someday.
-- Failing to conform to this rule exposes the code to instant deletion.
-- TODO: String → Text/YiString
defaultPublishedActions :: HM.HashMap String Action
defaultPublishedActions = HM.fromList
      ("atBoundaryB"            , box atBoundaryB)
    , ("cabalBuildE"            , box cabalBuildE)
    , ("cabalConfigureE"        , box cabalConfigureE)
    , ("closeBufferE"           , box closeBufferE)
    , ("deleteB"                , box deleteB)
    , ("deleteBlankLinesB"      , box deleteBlankLinesB)
    , ("getSelectRegionB"       , box getSelectRegionB)
    , ("grepFind"               , box grepFind)
    , ("insertB"                , box insertB)
    , ("leftB"                  , box leftB)
    , ("linePrefixSelectionB"   , box linePrefixSelectionB)
    , ("lineStreamB"            , box lineStreamB)
--    , ("mkRegion"               , box mkRegion) -- can't make 'instance Promptable Region'
    , ("makeBuild"              , box makeBuild)
    , ("moveB"                  , box moveB)
    , ("numberOfB"              , box numberOfB)
    , ("pointB"                 , box pointB)
    , ("regionOfB"              , box regionOfB)
    , ("regionOfPartB"          , box regionOfPartB)
    , ("regionOfPartNonEmptyB"  , box regionOfPartNonEmptyB)
    , ("reloadProjectE"         , box reloadProjectE)
    , ("replaceString"          , box replaceString)
    , ("revertE"                , box revertE)
    , ("shell"                  , box shell)
    , ("searchSources"          , box searchSources)
    , ("setAnyMode"             , box setAnyMode)
    , ("sortLines"              , box sortLines)
    , ("unLineCommentSelectionB", box unLineCommentSelectionB)
    , ("writeB"                 , box writeB)

    box :: (Show x, YiAction a x) => a -> Action
    box = makeAction

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig =
  publishedActions .~ defaultPublishedActions $
  Config { startFrontEnd    = error "panic: no frontend compiled in! (configure with -fvty or another frontend.)"
         , configUI         =  UIConfig
           { configFontSize = Just 10
           , configFontName = Nothing
           , configScrollWheelAmount = 4
           , configScrollStyle = Nothing
           , configCursorStyle = FatWhenFocusedAndInserting
           , configLineWrap = True
           , configLeftSideScrollBar = True
           , configAutoHideScrollBar = False
           , configAutoHideTabBar = True
           , configWindowFill = ' '
           , configTheme = defaultTheme
           , configLineNumbers = False
         , defaultKm        = modelessKeymapSet nilKeymap
         , startActions     = mempty
         , initialActions   = mempty
         , modeTable = [AnyMode fundamentalMode]
         , debugMode = False
         , configKillringAccumulate = False
         , configCheckExternalChangesObsessively = True
         , configRegionStyle = Exclusive
         , configInputPreprocess = I.idAutomaton
         , bufferUpdateHandler = mempty
         , layoutManagers = [hPairNStack 1, vPairNStack 1, tall, wide]
         , configVars = mempty

nilKeymap :: Keymap
nilKeymap = choice [
             char 'q' ?>>! quitEditor,
             char 'h' ?>>! configHelp
            <|| (anyEvent >>! errorEditor "Keymap not defined, 'q' to quit, 'h' for help.")
      configHelp :: YiM ()
      configHelp = do
        dataDir <- io getDataDir
        let x <//> y = R.fromString (x </> y)
            welcomeText = R.unlines
              [ "This instance of Yi is not configured."
              , ""
              , "To get a standard reasonable keymap, you can run yi with"
              , "either --as=cua, --as=vim or --as=emacs."
              , ""
              , "You should however create your own ~/.config/yi/yi.hs file."
              , "As a starting point it's recommended to use one of the configs"
              , "from " <> (dataDir <//> "example-configs/")
              , ""
        withEditor_ $ newBufferE (MemBuffer "configuration help") welcomeText