Synopsis |
Documentation |
Scan one token. Return (maybe) a token and a new state.
Constructors | | Instances | |
Constructors | | Instances | |
Constructors | Hiding | | Qualified | | As | | Import | | Data | | NewType | | Type | | Where | | Let | | In | | Do | | Of | | OtherLayout | | Deriving | | Module | | Forall | | Other | | Class | | Instance | |
| Instances | |
Constructors | Pipe | | Equal | | BackSlash | | LeftArrow | | RightArrow | | DoubleRightArrow | | DoubleColon | | DoubleDot | | Arobase | | Tilda | |
| Instances | |
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.1 |