yet-another-logger-0.1.1: Yet Another Logger

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2014-2015 PivotCloud, Inc.
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0
MaintainerLars Kuhtz <>
Safe HaskellNone




This module provides a logger that implements the logger interface that is defined in System.Logger.Types.

If you want to roll your own implementation you may use the code in this module as an example and starting point.


Logger Configuration

data LoggerConfig Source

Logger Configuration




_loggerConfigQueueSize :: !Int
_loggerConfigThreshold :: !LogLevel

initial log threshold, can be changed later on

_loggerConfigScope :: !LogScope

initial stack of log labels, can be extended later on

_loggerConfigPolicy :: !LogPolicy

how to deal with a congested logging pipeline


data Logger a Source


Generic (Logger a) 
LoggerCtx (Logger a) a 
Typeable (* -> *) Logger 
type Rep (Logger a) 

releaseLogger :: MonadIO μ => Logger a -> μ () Source

withLogger :: (MonadIO μ, MonadBaseControl IO μ) => LoggerConfig -> LoggerBackend a -> (Logger a -> μ α) -> μ α Source

Provide a computation with a Logger.

Here is an example how this can be used to run a computation with a MonadLog constraint:

    ∷ (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
    ⇒ LogLevel
    → LoggerT T.Text m α
    → m α
withConsoleLogger level inner = do
   withHandleBackend (config ^. logConfigBackend) $ \backend →
       withLogger (config ^. logConfigLogger) backend $ runLoggerT inner
   config = defaultLogConfig
       & logConfigLogger ∘ loggerConfigThreshold .~ level

withLogFunction :: (Show a, Typeable a, NFData a, MonadIO μ, MonadBaseControl IO μ) => LoggerConfig -> LoggerBackend a -> (LogFunctionIO a -> μ α) -> μ α Source

For simple cases, when the logger threshold and the logger scope is constant this function can be used to directly initialize a log function.

LoggerT Monad Transformer

runLoggerT :: LoggerT a m α -> Logger a -> m α Source

runLogT :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) => LoggerConfig -> LoggerBackend msg -> LoggerT msg m α -> m α Source

Convenience function that unwraps a MonadLog computation over a newly created Logger