yet-another-logger- Yet Another Logger

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2014-2015 PivotCloud, Inc.
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0
MaintainerLars Kuhtz <>
Safe HaskellNone








data LogPolicy Source

Policy that determines how the case of a congested logging pipeline is addressed.


Logger Backend

data LogMessage a Source

The Internal log message type.

The type parameter a is expected to provide intances of Show, Typeable, and NFData.

If we need to support different backends, we may consider including the backend here...




_logMsg :: !a
_logMsgLevel :: !LogLevel
_logMsgScope :: !LogScope

efficiency of this depends on whether this is shared between log messsages. Usually this should be just a pointer to a shared list.


Eq a => Eq (LogMessage a) 
Ord a => Ord (LogMessage a) 
Read a => Read (LogMessage a) 
Show a => Show (LogMessage a) 
Generic (LogMessage a) 
NFData a => NFData (LogMessage a) 
Typeable (* -> *) LogMessage 
type Rep (LogMessage a) 

type LoggerBackend a = Either (LogMessage Text) (LogMessage a) -> IO () Source

This is given to logger when it is created. It formats and delivers individual log messages synchronously.

The type parameter a is expected to provide instances for Show Typeable, and NFData.

The Left values of the argument allows the generation of log messages that are independent of the parameter a. The motivation for this is reporting issues in Logging system itself, like a full logger queue or providing statistics about the fill level of the queue. There may be other uses of this, too.

TODO there may be scenarios where chunked processing is beneficial. While this can be done in a closure of this function a more direct support might be desirable.

Logger Frontend

type LogFunction a m = LogLevel -> a -> m () Source

type LogFunctionIO a = LogLevel -> a -> IO () Source

This function is provided by the logger.


class LoggerCtx ctx msg | ctx -> msg where Source

Abstraction of a logger context that can be used without dependening on a specific monadic context.

The loggerFunIO incorporates a LoggerBackend. An instance of a LoggerCtx is free to use a hard coded LoggerBackend or to be usable with different LoggerBackend functions. The latter is recommended but not required.

You don't have to provide an instance of this for your logger. Instead you may just provide an instance of MonadLog directly.

If this doesn't fit your needs you may use a newtype wrapper and define your own instances.


loggerFunIO :: (Show msg, Typeable msg, NFData msg) => ctx -> LogFunctionIO msg Source

setLoggerLevel :: Setter' ctx LogLevel Source

setLoggerScope :: Setter' ctx LogScope Source

setLoggerPolicy :: Setter' ctx LogPolicy Source

withLoggerLevel :: LogLevel -> ctx -> (ctx -> α) -> α Source

withLoggerLabel :: LogLabel -> ctx -> (ctx -> α) -> α Source

withLoggerPolicy :: LogPolicy -> ctx -> (ctx -> α) -> α Source


data LoggerCtxT ctx m α Source


MonadState a m => MonadState a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
Monad m => MonadReader ctx (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadWriter a m => MonadWriter a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadError a m => MonadError a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadBase a m => MonadBase a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
(Monad m, MonadTrace t m) => MonadTrace t (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
(Show a, Typeable * a, NFData a, MonadIO m, LoggerCtx ctx a) => MonadLogIO a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
(Show a, Typeable * a, NFData a, MonadIO m, LoggerCtx ctx a) => MonadLog a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadTrans (LoggerCtxT ctx) 
MonadTransControl (LoggerCtxT ctx) 
Monad m => Monad (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
Functor m => Functor (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
Applicative m => Applicative (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadIO m => MonadIO (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
type StT (LoggerCtxT ctx) a = StT (ReaderT ctx) a 
type StM (LoggerCtxT ctx m) a = ComposeSt (LoggerCtxT ctx) m a 

runLoggerCtxT :: LoggerCtxT ctx m α -> ctx -> m α Source


class Monad m => MonadLog a m | m -> a where Source


logg :: LogFunction a m Source

withLevel :: LogLevel -> m α -> m α Source

withPolicy :: LogPolicy -> m α -> m α Source

localScope :: (LogScope -> LogScope) -> m α -> m α Source


MonadLog a m => MonadLog a (EitherT σ m) 
MonadLog a m => MonadLog a (StateT σ m) 
MonadLog a m => MonadLog a (ExceptT ε m) 
(Monoid σ, MonadLog a m) => MonadLog a (WriterT σ m) 
(Show a, Typeable * a, NFData a, MonadIO m, LoggerCtx ctx a) => MonadLog a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadLog a m => MonadLog a (TraceT t e m) 

withLabel :: MonadLog a m => LogLabel -> m α -> m α Source

clearScope :: MonadLog a m => m α -> m α Source

popLabel :: MonadLog a m => m α -> m α Source

class MonadLog a m => MonadLogIO a m where Source

Instances of MonadLog that allow to obtain a LogFunctionIO as plain value. This is helpful when dealing with frameworks that take a logging function in IO as parameter.

An instance of this class should apply the LogLevel, LogScope, and LogPolicy at the time when logFunIO is called and not when the returned action is excecuted. If the returned action is excecuted after the logger got released or otherwise invalidated the behavior should match the behavior on a congested logging pipeling accorrding to the log-policy that was in scope when logFunIO was called.

Even though it can be very convenient, instances of this class must be used with care. The action may contain in its closure a reference to some internal state of the MonadLog instance. Beside of being a source of potential memory leaks, there also is nothing that prevents a programer to call this action outside of the valid scope of the MonadLog instance. In case that the context of the MonadLog instance depends on some state that gets explicitely deallocated this action may have unexectped behavior.


logFunIO :: m (LogFunctionIO a) Source


MonadLogIO a m => MonadLogIO a (EitherT σ m) 
MonadLogIO a m => MonadLogIO a (StateT σ m) 
MonadLogIO a m => MonadLogIO a (ExceptT ε m) 
(Monoid σ, MonadLogIO a m) => MonadLogIO a (WriterT σ m) 
(MonadLog a (ReaderT σ m), MonadLogIO a m) => MonadLogIO a (ReaderT σ m) 
(Show a, Typeable * a, NFData a, MonadIO m, LoggerCtx ctx a) => MonadLogIO a (LoggerCtxT ctx m) 
MonadLogIO a m => MonadLogIO a (TraceT t e m)