-- |
-- Module      : Presentation.Yeamer
-- Copyright   : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2017
-- License     : GPL v3
-- Maintainer  : (@) jsagemue $ uni-koeln.de
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types             #-}

module Presentation.Yeamer ( Presentation
                           -- * Running a presentation
                           , yeamer
                           -- * Primitives
                           , staticContent, tweakContent, serverSide
                           -- ** Maths
                           , ($<>), maths
                           -- ** Media content
                           , imageFromFile, mediaFromFile, imageFromFileSupplier
                           -- ** Arbitrary file serving
                           , useFile, useFileSupplier
                           -- ** Code / plaintext
                           , verbatim, plaintext, verbatimWithin
                           -- * Structure / composition
                           , addHeading, (======), discardResult
                           , module Data.Monoid
                           , module Data.Semigroup.Numbered
                           -- * CSS
                           , divClass, divClasses, spanClass, (#%), styling, Css
                           -- * Server configuration
                           , yeamer'
                           , YeamerServerConfig
                           -- | Default port is 14910
                           , yeamerTcpPort
                           ) where

import Yesod hiding (get)
import Yesod.Form.Jquery

import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Txt (toStrict)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Txt
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
import Data.Flat (Flat, flat, unflat)
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as HTM
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HTM
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as HTMText
import Presentation.Yeamer.Internal.Progress
import Presentation.Yeamer.Internal.PrPathStepCompression
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Arr
import Presentation.Yeamer.Internal.Grid

import Text.Cassius (Css)
import Text.Julius (rawJS)

import Yesod.Static (Static, static, base64md5)
import Yesod.EmbeddedStatic
import qualified Language.Javascript.JQuery as JQuery
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax ( Exp(LitE, AppE, VarE, ConE)
                                  , Lit(StringL), Name, runIO )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote

import qualified CAS.Dumb.Symbols as TMM
import qualified CAS.Dumb.Tree as TMM
import qualified Math.LaTeX.Prelude as TMM
import Text.LaTeX (LaTeX)
import qualified Text.LaTeX as LaTeX
import qualified Text.TeXMath as MathML
import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML

import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Traversable.Redundancy (rmRedundancy)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.JSONable
import Control.Monad.Trans.List
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.These
import Data.These.Lens
import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG
import Data.Semigroup.Numbered
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow (first, second, (&&&))
import Control.Applicative

import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Default.Class

import System.FilePath ( takeFileName, takeExtension, takeBaseName, dropExtension
                       , (<.>), (</>) )
import System.Directory ( doesPathExist, makeAbsolute
                        , createDirectoryIfMissing, renameFile
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,3,1)
                        , createFileLink, pathIsSymbolicLink, getSymbolicLinkTarget
#if !MIN_VERSION_directory(1,3,1)
import System.Posix.Files (createSymbolicLink, readSymbolicLink)
import System.IO.Temp

import GHC.Generics
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.TH
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)

#if !MIN_VERSION_directory(1,3,1)
createFileLink = createSymbolicLink
getSymbolicLinkTarget = readSymbolicLink
pathIsSymbolicLink _ = pure True

#if !MIN_VERSION_flat(0,4,0)
instance (Flat a) => Flat (Identity a)

type Sessionable = Flat

data SessionableWitness a where
  SessionableWitness :: Sessionable a => SessionableWitness a
data EncapsulableWitness t where
  EncapsulableWitness :: ( r . Sessionable r => SessionableWitness (t r))
                           -> EncapsulableWitness t

data Container t where
  WithHeading :: Html -> Container Identity
  ManualCSSClasses :: Container (WriterT HTMChunkK [])
  GriddedBlocks :: Container Gridded
  CustomEncapsulation :: EncapsulableWitness t -> (t Html -> Html) -> Container t

data HTMChunkK = HTMDiv {_hchunkCSSClass::Text} | HTMSpan {_hchunkCSSClass::Text}
          deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord)
instance JSON.FromJSON HTMChunkK
instance JSON.ToJSON HTMChunkK
instance Flat HTMChunkK
makeLenses ''HTMChunkK

data IPresentation m r where
   StaticContent :: Html -> IPresentation m ()
   Resultless :: IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m ()
   Styling :: [Css] -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
   Encaps :: (Traversable t, Sessionable r, Sessionable (t ()))
               => Container t -> t (IPresentation m r) -> IPresentation m (t r)
   Pure :: r -> IPresentation m r
   Deterministic :: (r -> s) -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m s
   Interactive :: Sessionable r
          => IPresentation m () -> m r -> IPresentation m r
   Dependent :: Sessionable x
                   => IPresentation m x -> (x -> IPresentation m r) -> IPresentation m r
instance (r ~ ()) => IsString (IPresentation m r) where
  fromString = StaticContent . fromString

type Presentation = IPresentation IO ()

data PresentationServer = PresentationServer {
      presentationToShow :: Presentation
    , getStatic :: EmbeddedStatic
    , getPseudostatic :: Static

mkEmbeddedStatic False "myStatic" . pure . embedFileAt "jquery.js" =<< runIO JQuery.file

pStatDir :: FilePath
pStatDir = ".pseudo-static-content"

mkYesod "PresentationServer" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET
/p/#PresProgress ExactPositionR GET
/changeposition/#PresProgress/#PositionChange ChPosR GET
/reset ResetR GET
/static StaticR EmbeddedStatic getStatic
/pseudostatic PStaticR Static getPseudostatic
instance Yesod PresentationServer where
  addStaticContent = embedStaticContent getStatic StaticR Right
  approot = ApprootRelative
instance YesodJquery PresentationServer

preprocPres :: IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
preprocPres (StaticContent c) = StaticContent c
preprocPres (Resultless p) = Resultless $ preprocPres p
preprocPres (Styling s p) = Styling s $ preprocPres p
preprocPres (Encaps (WithHeading h) p) = Encaps (WithHeading h) $ preprocPres<$>p
preprocPres (Encaps ManualCSSClasses p) = Encaps ManualCSSClasses $ preprocPres<$>p
preprocPres (Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness w) f) p)
                = Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness w) f) $ preprocPres<$>p
preprocPres (Encaps GriddedBlocks p)
           = Styling grids
           . divClass gridClass
           . fmap (backonstruct . map (first (read . Txt.unpack . _hchunkCSSClass) . swap)
                      . runWriterT)
           . Encaps ManualCSSClasses
           $ preprocPres <$> layouted
 where (GridLayout w h prelayed, backonstruct) = layoutGridP p
       layouted = WriterT $ swap . first (HTMDiv . ("autogrid-range_"<>) . idc)
                      . snd <$> prelayed
       gridRep :: [[Text]]
       gridRep = foldr fill (replicate h $ replicate w ".") prelayed
        where fill (GridRange xb xe yb ye, (i, _)) field
                 = yPre ++ [ xPre ++ (idc i<$xRel) ++ xPost
                           | xAll <- yRel
                           , let (xPre, (xRel, xPost)) = splitAt xb xAll
                                               & second (splitAt $ xe-xb) ] ++ yPost
               where (yPre, (yRel, yPost)) = splitAt yb field
                                   & second (splitAt $ ye-yb)
       idc i
        | c <- toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i
        , c <= 'z'                        = Txt.singleton c
       gridClass = "autogrid_"<>Txt.intercalate "-" (Txt.concat<$>gridRep)
       grids = [lucius|
                 div.#{gridClass} {
                    display: grid;
                    grid-template-areas: #{areas}
             : [ [lucius| div .#{divid} { grid-area: #{ist} } |]()
               | (_, (i, _)) <- prelayed
               , let ist = idc i
                     divid = "autogrid-range_" <> ist ]
        where areas = fold ["\""<>Txt.intercalate " " line<>"\" "
                           | line <- gridRep ]

preprocPres (Pure x) = Pure x
preprocPres (Deterministic f p) = Deterministic f $ preprocPres p
preprocPres (Interactive p a) = Interactive (preprocPres p) a
preprocPres (Dependent d o) = Dependent (preprocPres d) (preprocPres<$>o)

isInline :: IPresentation m a -> Bool
isInline (StaticContent _) = True
isInline (Encaps ManualCSSClasses (WriterT qs)) = all (\(_,i) -> case i of
                   HTMSpan _ -> True
                   HTMDiv _ -> False ) qs
isInline (Encaps _ _) = False
isInline (Styling _ q) = isInline q
isInline (Interactive q _) = isInline q
isInline (Resultless q) = isInline q
isInline (Dependent q _) = isInline q
isInline (Deterministic _ q) = isInline q
isInline (Pure _) = True

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = redirect . ExactPositionR $ assemblePresProgress mempty

getExactPositionR :: PresProgress -> Handler Html
getExactPositionR pPosition = do
   PresentationServer presentation _ _ <- getYesod
   defaultLayout $ do
      addScript $ StaticR jquery_js
      slideChoice <- (`runReaderT`pPosition)
            $ chooseSlide "" defaultChoiceName "" Nothing Nothing presentation
      (`here`slideChoice) $ \slide -> do
          let contents = go 0 slide
          toWidget contents
      return ()
 where chooseSlide :: PrPath -> (Text->PrPath) -> Text -> Maybe PrPath -> Maybe PrPath
                       -> IPresentation IO r
                       -> ReaderT PresProgress
                            (WidgetT PresentationServer IO) (These Presentation r)
       chooseSlide _ _ "" Nothing Nothing (StaticContent conts)
           = pure $ These (StaticContent conts) ()
       chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing (Styling sty conts)
                     = mapM_ toWidget sty
                        >> chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing conts
       chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing (Encaps f conts)
                  = postGather <$> cellwise f
        where postGather sq = case sequence sq of
               That p's -> That p's
               This _   -> This . discardResult $ Encaps f
                                $ fmap (maybe mempty id . (^?here)) sq
               These _ p's -> (`These`p's) . discardResult $ Encaps f
                                $ fmap (maybe mempty id . (^?here)) sq
              cellwise ManualCSSClasses
                | WriterT contsL <- conts
                     = WriterT <$> (`traverse`contsL) `id` \(cell,i) ->
                 (,i) <$> chooseSlide (path<>case i of
                                 HTMDiv c -> " div."<>c
                                 HTMSpan c -> " span."<>c
                              ) choiceName "" Nothing Nothing cell
              cellwise _ = traverse (chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing) conts
       chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing (Interactive conts followAction) = do
           purity <- chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing conts
           case purity ^? here of
             Just pres -> pure . This $ discardResult pres
             Nothing   -> That <$> liftIO followAction
       chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing (Resultless conts) = do
           purity <- chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing conts
           case purity ^? here of
             Just pres -> pure . (`These`()) $ discardResult pres
             Nothing   -> pure $ That ()
       chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing (Deterministic f conts) = do
           purity <- chooseSlide path choiceName "" Nothing Nothing conts
           pure $ bimap discardResult f purity
       chooseSlide path choiceName pdiv bwd fwd (Dependent def opt) = do
          let progPath = path<>" span."<>choiceName pdiv
          positionCh <- lookupProgress progPath
          case positionCh of
            Nothing -> do
              liftIO . putStrLn $ "Not enter '"++Txt.unpack progPath++"'"
              purity <- chooseSlide path choiceName (pdiv<>"0") bwd (Just progPath) def
              case preferThis purity of
                 Left pres -> pure . This $ discardResult pres
                 Right x -> do
                   pPosition' <- setProgress progPath x `execStateT` pPosition
                   redirect $ ExactPositionR pPosition'
            Just x -> chooseSlide path choiceName (pdiv<>"1") (Just progPath) fwd $ opt x
       chooseSlide path choiceName pdiv bwd fwd pres
        | isJust bwd || isJust fwd  = do
          let thisChoice = choiceName pdiv
              newPath = (path<>" span."<>thisChoice)
              [revertPossible, progressPossible]
                 = maybe "false" (const "true") <$> [bwd,fwd] :: [Text]
              [previous,next] = maybe "null" id <$> [bwd, fwd]
          toWidget [julius|
                 $("#{rawJS newPath}").click(function(e){
                     if (e.ctrlKey && #{rawJS revertPossible}) {
                         isRevert = true;
                         pChanger = "@{ChPosR pPosition (PositionChange previous True)}";
                     } else if (!(e.ctrlKey) && #{rawJS progressPossible}) {
                         isRevert = false;
                         pChanger = "@{ChPosR pPosition (PositionChange next False)}";
                     } else {
                     hasErrored = false;
                           contentType: "application/json",
                           processData: false,
                           url: pChanger,
                           type: "GET",
                           dataType: "text",
                           success: function(newURL, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                              if (isRevert) {
                              } else {
                                 window.location.href = newURL;
                           error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                              hasErrored = true;
                              setTimeout(function() {
                                 $("body").css("cursor","auto")}, 500);
                     setTimeout(function() {
                         if (!hasErrored) {$("body").css("cursor","wait")}
                     }, 150);
          (here %~ spanClass thisChoice)
                  <$> chooseSlide newPath (disambiguateChoiceName choiceName)
                           "" Nothing Nothing pres
       chooseSlide _ _ _ _ _ (Pure x) = pure $ That x
       chooseSlide _ _ _ _ _ pres
          = error $ "Cannot display "++outerConstructorName pres
       go :: Int -> IPresentation m r -> Html
       go _ (StaticContent conts) = conts
       go _ (Pure _) = error $ "Error: impossible to render a slide of an empty presentation."
       go _ (Dependent _ _) = error $ "Internal error: un-selected Dependent option while rendering to HTML."
       go lvl (Deterministic _ conts) = go lvl conts
       go lvl (Resultless conts) = go lvl conts
       go lvl (Interactive conts _) = go lvl conts
       go lvl (Styling sty conts) = go lvl conts
       go lvl (Encaps (WithHeading h) conts)
           = let lvl' = min 6 $ lvl + 1
                 hh = [HTM.h1, HTM.h2, HTM.h3, HTM.h4, HTM.h5, HTM.h6]!!lvl
             in go lvl' $ Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness SessionableWitness)
                                         $ \(Identity contsr)
                                    -> HTM.div HTM.! HTM.class_ "headed-container"
                                         $ hh h <> contsr
                                 ) conts
       go lvl (Encaps ManualCSSClasses conts)
           = go lvl $ Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness SessionableWitness) $ \(WriterT contsrs)
                  -> foldMap (\(q,i) -> case i of
                               HTMDiv c -> [hamlet| <div class=#{withSupclass c}> #{q} |]()
                               HTMSpan c -> [hamlet| <span class=#{withSupclass c}> #{q} |]())
                      $ contsrs
                 ) conts
        where withSupclass c
               | Just _ <- Txt.stripPrefix "autogrid_" c
                            = "autogrid "<>c
               | otherwise  = c
       go lvl (Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness _) f) conts) = f $ go lvl <$> conts
       go _ p = error $ outerConstructorName p <> " cannot be rendered."

preferThis :: These a b -> Either a b
preferThis (This a) = Left a
preferThis (That b) = Right b
preferThis (These a _) = Left a

hchunkFor :: Text -> IPresentation m r -> HTMChunkK
hchunkFor t p | isInline p  = HTMSpan t
              | otherwise   = HTMDiv t

instance (Monoid r, Sessionable r) => SG.Semigroup (IPresentation m r) where
  StaticContent c <> StaticContent d = StaticContent $ c<>d
  Encaps ManualCSSClasses (WriterT elems₀) <> Encaps ManualCSSClasses (WriterT elems₁)
     = Encaps ManualCSSClasses . WriterT . disambiguate $ elems₀ ++ elems₁
   where disambiguate = go 0 Map.empty
          where go _ _ [] = []
                go i occupied ((q,c):qs)
                 | Txt.null (_hchunkCSSClass c) || c`Map.member`occupied
                    = let c' = c & hchunkCSSClass .~ Txt.pack ("anonymousCell-"++show i)
                      in go (i+1) occupied (( fmap (fst . head . runWriterT)
                                             . Encaps ManualCSSClasses $ WriterT [(q,c)]
                                            , c' ):qs)
                 | otherwise
                    = (q,c) : go (i+1) (Map.insert c () occupied) qs
  Resultless (Encaps ManualCSSClasses ps) <> Resultless (Encaps ManualCSSClasses qs)
      = Resultless $ Encaps ManualCSSClasses (discardResult<$>ps)
               SG.<> Encaps ManualCSSClasses (discardResult<$>qs)
  Resultless p@(Encaps ManualCSSClasses _) <> c
      = Resultless p <> Resultless (Encaps ManualCSSClasses $ WriterT [(c,hchunkFor""c)])
  c <> Resultless p@(Encaps ManualCSSClasses _)
      = Resultless (Encaps ManualCSSClasses $ WriterT [(c,hchunkFor""c)]) <> Resultless p
  p <> q = fmap fold . Encaps ManualCSSClasses $ WriterT
             [(p, hchunkFor"anonymousCell-0"p), (q, hchunkFor"anonymousCell-1"q)]
instance  m . Monoid (IPresentation m ()) where
  mappend = (SG.<>)
  mempty = Resultless $ Encaps ManualCSSClasses
                (WriterT [] :: WriterT HTMChunkK [] (IPresentation m ()))

instance  m . SemigroupNo 0 (IPresentation m ()) where
  sappendN _ (Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks l))
             (Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks r))
           = Resultless . Encaps GriddedBlocks $ (discardResult<$>l)  (discardResult<$>r)
  sappendN _ l@(Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks _)) r
           = l  Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks $ pure r)
  sappendN _ l r
           = Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks $ pure l)  r

instance  m . SemigroupNo 1 (IPresentation m ()) where
  sappendN _ (Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks t))
             (Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks b))
           = Resultless . Encaps GriddedBlocks $ (discardResult<$>t) ── (discardResult<$>b)
  sappendN _ t@(Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks _)) b
           = t ── Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks $ pure b)
  sappendN _ t b
           = Resultless (Encaps GriddedBlocks $ pure t) ── b

outerConstructorName :: IPresentation m r -> String
outerConstructorName (StaticContent _) = "StaticContent"
outerConstructorName (Resultless _) = "Resultless"
outerConstructorName (Styling _ _) = "Styling"
outerConstructorName (Encaps (WithHeading _) _) = "Encaps WithHeading"
outerConstructorName (Encaps (CustomEncapsulation _ _) _) = "Encaps CustomEncapsulation"
outerConstructorName (Encaps ManualCSSClasses _) = "Encaps ManualCSSClasses"
outerConstructorName (Encaps GriddedBlocks _) = "Encaps GriddedBlocks"
outerConstructorName (Pure _) = "Pure"
outerConstructorName (Deterministic _ _) = "Deterministic"
outerConstructorName (Interactive _ _) = "Interactive"
outerConstructorName (Dependent _ _) = "Dependent"

discardResult :: IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m ()
discardResult (StaticContent c) = StaticContent c
discardResult (Resultless p) = Resultless p
discardResult p = Resultless p

serverSide :: Sessionable a => m a -> IPresentation m a
serverSide = Interactive (pure ())

instance Functor (IPresentation m) where
  fmap f (Deterministic g q) = Deterministic (f . g) q
  fmap f (Pure x) = Pure $ f x
  fmap f q = Deterministic f q
instance Applicative (IPresentation m) where
  pure = Pure
  Pure f <*> x = fmap f x
  f <*> Pure x = fmap ($ x) f
  fs<*>xs = ap fs xs

instance  m . Monad (IPresentation m) where
  return = pure
  StaticContent c >>= f = Dependent (StaticContent c) f
  Resultless p >>= f = Dependent (Resultless p) f
  Styling _ (Pure x) >>= f = f x
  Styling s (StaticContent c) >>= f = Dependent (Styling s (StaticContent c)) f
  Styling s (Resultless c) >>= f = Dependent (Styling s (Resultless c)) f
  Styling s (Styling s' x) >>= f = Styling (s++s') x >>= f
  Styling s (Encaps (WithHeading h) x) >>= f
      = Dependent (Styling s (Encaps (WithHeading h) x)) f
  Styling s (Encaps ManualCSSClasses x) >>= f
      = Dependent (Styling s (Encaps ManualCSSClasses x)) f
  Styling s (Deterministic g x) >>= f = Styling s x >>= f . g
  Styling s (Interactive p o) >>= f = Dependent (Interactive (Styling s p) o) f
  Styling s (Dependent p g) >>= f = Dependent (Styling s p) $ Styling s . g >=> f
  Encaps (WithHeading h) p >>= f = Dependent (Encaps (WithHeading h) p) f
  Encaps ManualCSSClasses ps >>= f = Dependent (Encaps ManualCSSClasses ps) f
  Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness w') e') ps' >>= f'
      = bindCustEncaps w' e' ps' f'
   where bindCustEncaps ::  a b t r
                        . (Sessionable r, Traversable t, Sessionable (t ()))
                        => ( r' . Sessionable r' => SessionableWitness (t r'))
                        -> (t Html -> Html)
                        -> t (IPresentation m r)
                        -> (t r -> IPresentation m b)
                        -> IPresentation m b
         bindCustEncaps w e ps f
          = case w :: SessionableWitness (t r) of
               -> Dependent (Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness w) e) ps) f
  Pure x >>= f = f x
  Deterministic g p >>= f = p >>= f . g
  Interactive p q >>= f = Dependent (Interactive p q) f
  Dependent p g >>= f = Dependent p $ g >=> f
  o >> Interactive (Pure _) q = Interactive (discardResult o) q
  o >> Pure x = fmap (const x) o
  o >> n = o >>= const n

infixr 6 ======
-- | Infix synonym of 'addHeading'. Intended to be used
--   in @do@ blocks, for headings of presentation slides.
(======) :: Sessionable r => Html -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
(======) = addHeading

addHeading :: Sessionable r => Html -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
addHeading h = fmap runIdentity . Encaps (WithHeading h) . Identity

divClass :: Sessionable r => Text -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
divClass cn = fmap (fst . head . runWriterT)
              . Encaps ManualCSSClasses . WriterT . pure . (,HTMDiv cn)

spanClass :: Sessionable r => Text -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
spanClass cn = fmap (fst . head . runWriterT)
              . Encaps ManualCSSClasses . WriterT . pure . (,HTMSpan cn)

divClasses :: Sessionable r => [(Text, IPresentation m r)] -> IPresentation m r
divClasses cns = fmap (fst . head . runWriterT)
              . Encaps ManualCSSClasses $ WriterT [ (content,HTMDiv cn)
                                                  | (cn,content) <- cns ]

infix 8 #%
-- | Assign this content a CSS class attribute. If the content is inline, this will
--   be a @<span>@, else a @<div>@.
(#%) :: Sessionable r => Text -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
 | isInline q  = spanClass c q
 | otherwise   = divClass c q

styling :: Css -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
styling s (Styling s' a) = Styling (s:s') a
styling s a = Styling [s] a

staticContent :: Monoid r => Html -> IPresentation m r
staticContent = fmap (const mempty) . StaticContent

tweakContent :: Sessionable r => (Html -> Html) -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
tweakContent f = fmap runIdentity
               . Encaps (CustomEncapsulation (EncapsulableWitness SessionableWitness)
                              $ f . runIdentity)
               . Identity

infixr 6 $<>
($<>) :: (r ~ (), TMM.SymbolClass σ, TMM.SCConstraint σ LaTeX)
         => TMM.CAS (TMM.Infix LaTeX) (TMM.Encapsulation LaTeX) (TMM.SymbolD σ LaTeX)
           -> IPresentation m r -> IPresentation m r
($<>) = (<>) . renderTeXMaths MathML.DisplayInline . TMM.toMathLaTeX

maths :: (r ~ (), TMM.SymbolClass σ, TMM.SCConstraint σ LaTeX)
        => [[TMM.CAS (TMM.Infix LaTeX) (TMM.Encapsulation LaTeX) (TMM.SymbolD σ LaTeX)]]
          -> String -> IPresentation m r
maths eqns = renderTeXMaths MathML.DisplayBlock . TMM.maths eqns

renderTeXMaths :: MathML.DisplayType -> LaTeX -> IPresentation m ()
renderTeXMaths dispSty tex = case MathML.readTeX . Txt.unpack $ LaTeX.render tex of
         Right exps -> StaticContent . HTM.preEscapedText . Txt.pack . XML.showElement
                        $ MathML.writeMathML dispSty exps
         Left err -> error $ "Failed to re-parse generated LaTeX. "++err

-- | Include a piece of plaintext, preserving all formatting. To be used in an
--   oxford bracket.
--   In practice, you probably want to use this for monospace plaintext, which should
--   appear in a @<pre>@ or @<textarea>@ tag. Use the specialised quoters for that.
verbatim :: QuasiQuoter  -- ^ ≈ @'String' -> 'IPresentation' m ()@
verbatim = verbatimWithin 'id

-- | Convenience wrapper to generate quasi-quoters that will wrap code in any suitable
--   HTML environment.
verbatimWithin :: Name         -- ^ A function @'Html' -> 'Html'@ that should be
                               --   used for presenting the (pre-escaped) plaintext.
               -> QuasiQuoter  -- ^ A specialised version of 'verbatim' that will
                               --   always use the wrapper.
verbatimWithin env
          = QuasiQuoter (pure . verbExp . preproc) undefined undefined undefined
 where verbExp = AppE (ConE 'StaticContent)
             . AppE (VarE env) . AppE (VarE 'HTM.preEscapedString) . LitE . StringL
       preproc s
         | (initL, '\n':posNewl) <- break (=='\n') s
         , all (==' ') initL
                      = preescapeBlock posNewl
         | otherwise  = preescapeInline s
       preescapeBlock s = intercalate "<br>" $ drop zeroIndent <$> sLines
        where zeroIndent = minimum $ length . takeWhile (==' ') <$> sLines
              sLines = lines s
       preescapeInline = concatMap preescapeChar
       preescapeChar '<' = "&lt;"
       preescapeChar '>' = "&gt;"
       preescapeChar '&' = "&amp;"
       preescapeChar c = [c]

-- | A simple version of 'verbatim' that gives the HTML wrapped in @<pre>@ tags, so
--   it will (by default) appear in a monospace font.
plaintext :: QuasiQuoter  -- ^ ≈ @'String' -> 'IPresentation' m ()@
plaintext = verbatimWithin 'HTM.pre
-- | Display an image generated on-the-fly in the server. The image will be
--   stored temporarily, in a content-indexed fashion.
imageFromFileSupplier :: String               -- ^ File extension
                      -> (FilePath -> IO ())  -- ^ File-writer function
                      -> IPresentation IO ()
imageFromFileSupplier ext = includeMediaFile SimpleImage ext . Left

-- | Display an image that lies on the server as any ordinary static file.
--   This is a special case of 'useFile', wrapping the file in an @<img>@ tag.
imageFromFile :: FilePath -> IPresentation IO ()
imageFromFile file = includeMediaFile SimpleImage (takeExtension file) $ Right file

-- | More general form of 'imageFromFile'. Takes a guess based on the file
--   extension, as to whether the media is a standing image or a video. In the
--   latter case, simple HTML5 controls are added.
mediaFromFile :: FilePath -> IPresentation IO ()
mediaFromFile file = includeMediaFile (guessMediaFileSetup fileExt) fileExt $ Right file
 where fileExt = takeExtension file

guessMediaFileSetup :: String -> FileUsageSetup
guessMediaFileSetup fileExt
  | fileExt`elem`knownImgFormats    = SimpleImage
  | fileExt`elem`knownVideoFormats  = SimpleVideo
  | otherwise  = error $ "Unknow media format ‘"++fileExt++"’. Use one of "
                            ++ show (knownImgFormats++knownVideoFormats)
 where knownImgFormats = ('.':)<$>words "png gif jpg jpeg"
       knownVideoFormats = ('.':)<$>words "webm ogg mp4"

data FileUsageSetup
      = SimpleImage
      | SimpleVideo
      | CustomFile (Url -> Html)

type Url = FilePath

useFile :: FilePath            -- ^ File that should be served to the client
        -> (Url -> Html)       -- ^ How it should be used in the presentation
        -> IPresentation IO ()
useFile file use = includeMediaFile (CustomFile use) (takeExtension file) $ Right file

useFileSupplier :: String               -- ^ File extension
                -> (FilePath -> IO ())  -- ^ Server-side file-providing action
                -> (Url -> Html)        -- ^ How to use the file client-side
                -> IPresentation IO ()
useFileSupplier ext supplier use = includeMediaFile (CustomFile use) ext $ Left supplier

includeMediaFile :: FileUsageSetup -> FilePath
             -> Either (FilePath -> IO ()) FilePath -> IPresentation IO ()
includeMediaFile mediaSetup fileExt fileSupp = do
   let prepareServing file hashLen completeHash = do
         let linkPath = pStatDir</>take hashLen completeHash<.>takeExtension file
         isOccupied <- doesPathExist linkPath
         absOrig <- makeAbsolute file
         let codedName = takeBaseName linkPath
             makeThisLink = do
               createFileLink absOrig linkPath
               return codedName
              | hashLen < length linkPath  = prepareServing file (hashLen+1) completeHash
         if isOccupied
            then do
              isSymlk <- pathIsSymbolicLink linkPath
              if isSymlk
                then do
                  existingTgt <- getSymbolicLinkTarget linkPath
                  if existingTgt/=absOrig
                   then disambiguate
                   else return codedName
                else disambiguate
            else makeThisLink
   imgCode <- case fileSupp of
       Right file
          -> serverSide . prepareServing file 4 . base64md5 . BSL.fromStrict . BC8.pack
                 $ show file
       Left supplier
          -> serverSide $ do
               tmpFile <- emptyTempFile pStatDir fileExt
               supplier tmpFile
               longHash <- base64md5 <$> BSL.readFile tmpFile
               let file = pStatDir</>longHash<.>fileExt
               renameFile tmpFile file
               prepareServing file 4 (base64md5 . BSL.fromStrict $ BC8.pack file)
   let servableFile = "/pseudostatic"</>imgCode<.>fileExt
    in StaticContent $ case mediaSetup of
         SimpleImage -> [hamlet| <img src=#{servableFile}> |]()
         SimpleVideo -> [hamlet| <video src=#{servableFile} controls> |]()
         CustomFile use -> use servableFile

getChPosR :: PresProgress -> PositionChange -> Handler Text
getChPosR oldPosition posStep = do
   newPosition <- execStateT (changePos_State posStep) oldPosition
   toTextUrl $ ExactPositionR newPosition

changePos_State :: PositionChange -> StateT PresProgress Handler ()
changePos_State (PositionChange path isRevert) = do
    PresentationServer presentation _ _ <- getYesod
    go ("", defaultChoiceName, "") (finePath <$> Txt.words path) presentation
    return ()

 where -- | Traverse into the presentation tree structure to find a suitable
       --   key to set at the relevant position.
       --   'go'' will disambiguate path names of different branches.
       go, go' :: ( PrPath            -- The path traversed already
                  , Text->PrPath      -- How to use new path-chunks
                  , Text )            -- Path-chunk being constructed
               -> [String]            -- Path yet to traverse
               -> IPresentation IO r  -- Presentation which to proceed
               -> StateT PresProgress Handler
                           ( Maybe r  -- Key value this branch yields
                           , Bool )   -- Whether it contains displayable content
       go _ [] (StaticContent _) = return $ (Just (), True)
       go _ [] (Pure x) = return $ (Just x, False)
       go _ [] (Interactive _ q)
           = (,error "Don't know if interactive request actually shows something.")
             . Just <$> liftIO q
       go crumbs path (Encaps (WithHeading _) (Identity cont))
           = (,True) . fmap Identity . fst <$> go crumbs path cont
       go crumbs path (Encaps (CustomEncapsulation _ _) cont)
           = (,True) . sequence
              <$> traverse (\c -> fst <$> go crumbs path c) cont
       go (crumbh,choiceName,crumbp) [] (Encaps ManualCSSClasses (WriterT conts))
           = (,True) . sequence . WriterT <$> traverse
                (\(c,ζ) -> (,ζ) . fst <$> go (crumbh<>case ζ of
                                              HTMDiv i -> " div."<>i
                                              HTMSpan i -> " span."<>i
                                             , choiceName, crumbp) [] c)
       go crumbs path (Deterministic f c) = first (fmap f) <$> go crumbs path c
       go crumbs [] (Resultless c) = (Just (),) <$> hasDisplayableContent crumbs c
       go crumbs path (Resultless c) = first (const $ Just()) <$> go crumbs path c
       go crumbs path (Interactive p _) = first (const Nothing) <$> go crumbs path p
       go (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp) (('0':prog):path') (Dependent def _)
           = first (const Nothing)
                <$> go' (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"0") (prog:path') def
       go (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp) path' (Dependent def opt) = do
          key <- lookupProgress $ crumbh <> " span."<>choiceName crumbp
          case (key, path', isRevert) of
            (Just k, ('1':prog):path'', _) -> do
              (resKey, rHasContent)
                   <- go' (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") (prog:path'') $ opt k
              if isRevert && not rHasContent then do
                 revertProgress $ crumbh <> " span."<>choiceName crumbp
                 return (Nothing, False)
               else return (resKey, rHasContent)
            (Nothing, ('1':prog):path'', _) -> do
              (~(Just k), _) <- go' (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"0") [] def
              go' (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") (prog:path'') $ opt k
            (_, [[]], False) -> do
              (key', _) <- go' (crumbh,choiceName,crumbp<>"0") [[]] def
              case key' of
               Just k -> do
                 setProgress path k
                 skipContentless (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") $ opt k
                 return (Nothing, True)
               Nothing -> error $ outerConstructorName def ++ " refuses to yield a result value."
            (_, [[]], True) -> do
              revertProgress path
                    <- hasDisplayableContent (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"0") def
              return (Nothing, lHasContent)
            (Just k, [], False)
             -> go' (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") [] $ opt k
            (Nothing, [], False)
             -> return (Nothing, False)
            (_, dir:_, _)
             -> error $ "Div-ID "++dir++" not suitable for making a Dependent choice."
       go crumbs path (Styling _ cont) = go crumbs path cont
       go (crumbh, choiceName, _) (divid:path) (Encaps ManualCSSClasses (WriterT conts))
         | Just dividt <-  HTMDiv<$>Txt.stripPrefix "div." (Txt.pack divid)
                       <|> HTMSpan<$>Txt.stripPrefix "span." (Txt.pack divid)
         , Just subSel <- lookup dividt $ swap<$>conts
              = first (fmap $ WriterT . pure . (,dividt))
                  <$> go (crumbh<>case dividt of
                                 HTMDiv i -> " div."<>i
                                 HTMSpan i -> " span."<>i
                                , choiceName, "") path subSel
       go _ [] pres
          = error $ "Need further path information to extract value from a "++outerConstructorName pres
       go _ (dir:_) pres
          = error $ "Cannot index ("++dir++") further into a "++outerConstructorName pres
       go' crumbs path p@(Dependent _ _)  = go crumbs path p
       go' (crumbh,choiceName,crumbp) ([]:t) p
              = go ( crumbh<>" span."<>choiceName crumbp
                   , disambiguateChoiceName choiceName
                   , "" ) t p
       go' (crumbh,choiceName,crumbp) [] p
        | not $ Txt.null crumbp
              = go ( crumbh<>" span."<>choiceName crumbp
                   , disambiguateChoiceName choiceName
                   , "" ) [] p
       go' crumbs path p = go crumbs path p
       skipContentless :: (PrPath, Text->PrPath, Text)
                              -> IPresentation IO r
                              -> StateT PresProgress Handler (Maybe r)
       skipContentless _ (Pure x) = return $ Just x
       skipContentless crumbs (Interactive p a) = do
          ll <- skipContentless crumbs p
          case ll of
            Just _ -> Just <$> liftIO a
            Nothing -> return Nothing
       skipContentless (crumbh,choiceName,crumbp) (Dependent def opt) = do
          let thisDecision = crumbh <> " span."<>choiceName crumbp
          key <- lookupProgress thisDecision
          case key of
            Just k -> skipContentless (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") $ opt k
            Nothing -> do
               key' <- skipContentless (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"0") def
               case key' of
                 Just k' -> do
                   setProgress thisDecision k'
                   skipContentless (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") $ opt k'
                 Nothing -> return Nothing
       skipContentless crumbs (Styling _ c) = skipContentless crumbs c
       skipContentless crumbs (Resultless c)
           = fmap (const ()) <$> skipContentless crumbs c
       skipContentless crumbs (Deterministic f c)
           = fmap f <$> skipContentless crumbs c
       skipContentless _ (StaticContent _) = return Nothing
       skipContentless _ (Encaps _ _) = return Nothing
       skipContentless _ p = error
        $ "`skipContentless` does not support "++outerConstructorName p

       hasDisplayableContent :: (PrPath, Text->PrPath, Text)
                              -> IPresentation IO r
                              -> StateT PresProgress Handler Bool
       hasDisplayableContent _ (Pure _) = return False
       hasDisplayableContent crumbs (Interactive p _) = hasDisplayableContent crumbs p
       hasDisplayableContent (crumbh,choiceName,crumbp) (Dependent def opt) = do
          let thisDecision = crumbh <> " span."<>choiceName crumbp
          key <- lookupProgress thisDecision
          case key of
            Just k -> hasDisplayableContent (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"1") $ opt k
            Nothing -> do
               hasDisplayableContent (crumbh, choiceName, crumbp<>"0") def
       hasDisplayableContent crumbs (Styling _ c) = hasDisplayableContent crumbs c
       hasDisplayableContent crumbs (Resultless c)
           = hasDisplayableContent crumbs c
       hasDisplayableContent crumbs (Deterministic f c)
           = hasDisplayableContent crumbs c
       hasDisplayableContent _ (StaticContent _) = return True
       hasDisplayableContent _ (Encaps _ _) = return True
       hasDisplayableContent _ p = error
        $ "`hasDisplayableContent` does not support "++outerConstructorName p

       finePath p
        | Just prog <- fmap (Txt.dropWhile (=='n'))
                    $ Txt.stripPrefix "span."
                     =<< Txt.stripSuffix "slide" p
           = Txt.unpack prog
        | otherwise  = Txt.unpack p

defaultChoiceName :: Text->PrPath
defaultChoiceName pdiv = "n"<>pdiv<>"slide"

disambiguateChoiceName :: (Text->PrPath) -> (Text->PrPath)
disambiguateChoiceName = (.("n"<>))

getResetR :: Handler Html
getResetR = do
    redirect HomeR

class (MonadHandler m) => KnowsProgressState m where
  lookupProgress :: Flat x => PrPath -> m (Maybe x)

instance MonadHandler m
            => KnowsProgressState (StateT PresProgress m) where
  lookupProgress path = get >>= lift . runReaderT (lookupProgress path)
instance MonadHandler m
            => KnowsProgressState (ReaderT PresProgress m) where
  lookupProgress path = do
   PresProgress progs <- ask
   case Map.lookup (Txt.words path) progs of
     Just bs
        | Right decoded <- unflat bs  -> return $ Just decoded
        | otherwise                   -> error $
            "Internal error in `lookupProgress`: value "++show bs++" cannot be decoded."
     Nothing -> return Nothing

setProgress :: (MonadHandler m, Flat x) => PrPath -> x -> StateT PresProgress m ()
setProgress path prog = do
   PresProgress progs <- get
   let progs' = Map.insert (Txt.words path)
                           (flat prog) progs

   put $ PresProgress progs'

revertProgress :: MonadHandler m => PrPath -> StateT PresProgress m Bool
revertProgress path = do
   PresProgress progs <- get
   let progs' = Map.delete (Txt.words path) progs
   put $ PresProgress progs'
   return $ Txt.words path`Map.member`progs


data YeamerServerConfig = YeamerServerConfig
   { _yeamerTcpPort :: Int }
makeLenses ''YeamerServerConfig

instance Default YeamerServerConfig where
  def = YeamerServerConfig 14910
yeamer' :: YeamerServerConfig -> Presentation -> IO ()
yeamer' (YeamerServerConfig port) presentation = do
   createDirectoryIfMissing True pStatDir
   pStat <- static pStatDir
   warp port $ PresentationServer (preprocPres presentation) myStatic pStat

-- | Run a Yesod/Warp web server that will allow the presentation to be viewed
--   in a web browser, on port 14910. This is a shorthand for @'yeamer'' 'def'@.
yeamer :: Presentation -> IO ()
yeamer = yeamer' def