module YampaSDL2.Backend.Output
  (outputAction) where

import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Primitive as GFX
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Linear.V4
import Linear.V2
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.StateVar (($=), get)
import Data.List
import Data.Colour.Names
import Debug.Trace

import YampaSDL2.AppOutput ( AppOutput(..)
                           , Graphics (..)
                           , Camera (..)
                           , RenderShape (..)
import YampaSDL2.Geometry

-- changed bool variable does not do anything
outputAction :: Double -> MVar [(String, (SDL.Texture, V2 Int))]-> MVar Double -> MVar Bool -> MVar (Maybe Graphics) -> SDL.Window -> SDL.Renderer -> Bool -> AppOutput -> IO Bool
outputAction fps mvarTextures mvarFPS mvarReady mvarG window renderer _ ao = do
  lastTime <- readMVar mvarFPS
  currentTime <- SDL.time
  ensureFPS <- if currentTime - lastTime > 1/fps
    then modifyMVar_ mvarFPS (return . const currentTime) >> return True
    else return False
  ready <- readMVar mvarReady
  when (ensureFPS && ready) $ do
    modifyMVar_ mvarReady (\_ -> return False)
    renderGraphics mvarTextures window renderer (graphics ao)
    modifyMVar_ mvarReady (\_ -> return True)
  return (shouldExit ao)

renderGraphics :: MVar [(String, (SDL.Texture, V2 Int))] -> SDL.Window -> SDL.Renderer -> Graphics -> IO ()
renderGraphics mvarTextures window renderer gra = do
  textures <- readMVar mvarTextures
  let newGraphics =
         adjustToCamera $
          removeOutOfBounds gra
  (V2 wW wH) <- fmap (fromIntegral . fromEnum) <$> get (SDL.windowSize window)
  (V2 cW cH) <- return (cSize $ camera gra)
  SDL.rendererScale renderer $= realToFrac <$> (V2 (wW/cW) (wH/cH))
  render mvarTextures renderer newGraphics
-- Preprocessing rendershapes for rendering

render :: MVar [(String, (SDL.Texture, V2 Int))] -> SDL.Renderer -> Graphics -> IO ()
render mvarTextures renderer gra = do
  mapM_ (renderShape mvarTextures renderer) $
      sortBy (\r1 r2 -> zIndex r1 `compare` zIndex r2) (objects gra)
  SDL.present renderer

removeOutOfBounds :: Graphics -> Graphics
removeOutOfBounds graphics =
  let cam = camera graphics
      objs = objects graphics
      (V2 bR bT) =  cPos cam + cSize cam/2
      (V2 bL bB) = cPos cam - cSize cam/2
      notOutOfBounds s = not $
        let (V4 r l u d) = shapeToBorders s
        in r < bL || l > bR || u < bB || d > bT
  in graphics{objects=filter (notOutOfBounds) objs}

adjustToCamera :: Graphics -> Graphics
adjustToCamera gra =
  let cam = camera gra
      obs = objects gra
  in gra{objects = (\rs -> adjustToCamera' cam rs) <$> obs}

adjustToCamera' :: Camera -> RenderShape -> RenderShape
adjustToCamera' c rs =
  let (V2 cx cy) = cPos c
      (V2 w h) = cSize c
      s = shape rs
      adjustPoint (V2 x y) = V2 (x+w/2-cx) (h/2-(y+cy))
      inverseY (V2 x y) = V2 x (-y)
      adjustedCentre = adjustPoint (shapeCentre rs)
      adjustedShape = case s of
       Triangle{ pointA=pA, pointB=pB, pointC=pC} ->
         s{pointA=inverseY pA, pointB = inverseY pB, pointC=inverseY pC}
       otherwise -> s
  in rs{shapeCentre=adjustedCentre, shape=adjustedShape}

-- actual renderfunction
renderShape :: MVar [(String, (SDL.Texture, V2 Int))] -> SDL.Renderer -> RenderShape -> IO ()
renderShape mvarTextures renderer renderShape =
      let shape' = shape renderShape
          centre' = shapeCentre renderShape
      in case shape' of
        Rectangle {rectSize = rectSize'} -> do
          let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB24 (sColour shape')
          let draw = if sFilled shape' then GFX.fillRectangle else GFX.rectangle
          draw renderer
            (round <$> centre'-rectSize'/2)
            (round <$> centre'+rectSize'/2)
            (V4 r g b maxBound)
        Circle {radius=rad'} -> do
          let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB24 (sColour shape')
          let draw = if sFilled shape' then GFX.fillCircle else
          draw renderer
            (round <$> centre')
            (round rad')
            (V4 r g b maxBound)
        Triangle {pointA=V2 pax pay, pointB=V2 pbx pby, pointC=V2 pcx pcy, colour=c'} -> do
          let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB24 (sColour shape')
              (V2 x y) = centre'
              draw = if sFilled shape' then GFX.fillTriangle else GFX.smoothTriangle
          draw renderer
            (round <$> V2 (x + pax) (y + pay))
            (round <$> V2 (x + pbx) (y + pby))
            (round <$> V2 (x + pcx) (y + pcy))
            (V4 r g b maxBound)
        Image {size=size', sourceRect=maybeRect, imgPath=path} -> do
          textures <- readMVar mvarTextures
          case lookup path textures of
              (Just (t,size)) ->
                let newSize = fromMaybe ((fromIntegral<$>size)/2, fromIntegral <$> size) maybeRect
                in drawImage renderer t (return newSize) centre' size'
              Nothing -> do
                eitherSurface <- try $ SDL.loadBMP path :: IO (Either SomeException SDL.Surface)
                case eitherSurface of
                  Left ex -> putStrLn $ "IMG Loading failed: " ++ show ex
                  Right val -> do

                    newTexture <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface renderer val
                    attrs <- SDL.queryTexture newTexture
                    let w = SDL.textureWidth attrs
                        h = SDL.textureHeight attrs
                    modifyMVar_ mvarTextures $ return . ((path,(newTexture, fromEnum <$> V2 w h)):)
                    drawImage renderer newTexture maybeRect centre' size'
  where drawImage renderer texture source position size = do
          let toSDLRect (V2 x y, V2 w h) =
                SDL.Rectangle (round <$> SDL.P (V2 (x-w/2) (y-h/2))) (round <$> V2 w h)
          SDL.copy renderer texture (toSDLRect <$> source) (return $ toSDLRect (position,size))

-- helper functions
shapeToBorders :: RenderShape -> V4 Double
shapeToBorders rs =
  let s = shape rs
      (V2 x y) = shapeCentre rs
  in case s of
    Rectangle {rectSize=V2 w h} ->
      V4 (x+w/2) (x-w/2) (y+h/2) (y-h/2)
    Circle {radius=r} ->
      V4 (x+r) (x-r) (y+r) (y-r)
    Triangle {pointA=V2 xa ya, pointB=V2 xb yb, pointC=V2 xc yc} ->
      V4 (x+maximum [xa, xb, xc]) (x+minimum [xa, xb, xc]) (y+maximum [ya,yb,yc]) (y-maximum [ya,yb,yc])
    Image {size=V2 w h} ->
      V4 (x+w/2) (x-w/2) (y+h/2) (y-h/2)

sColour :: Shape -> Colour Double
sColour s =
  case colour s of
    (Filled a) -> a
    (Unfilled a) -> a

sFilled :: Shape -> Bool
sFilled s =
  case colour s of
    (Filled _) -> True
    (Unfilled _) -> False