xmonad-contrib-0.17.0: Community-maintained extensions extensions for xmonad
Copyright(c) 2014 Igor Babuschkin Antoine R. Dumont
LicenseBSD3-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerAntoine R. Dumont <eniotna.t@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone



A thin wrapper around the standard pass(1) UNIX utility.

This module provides several prompts to ease password manipulation (generate, read, edit, remove); all of them benefit from the completion system provided by XMonad.Prompt. Specifically, we provide

  • two functions to lookup passwords in the password-store:

  • passGeneratePrompt generates a password for a given password label that the user inputs.
  • passEditPrompt edits a password for a given password label that the user inputs.
  • passRemovePrompt deletes a stored password for a given password label that the user inputs.

The password store is setup through an environment variable $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR, or $HOME/.password-store if it is unset. The editor is determined from the environment variable $EDITOR.




You can use this module with the following in your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs:

import XMonad.Prompt.Pass

Then add a keybinding for passPrompt, passGeneratePrompt, passRemovePrompt, passEditPrompt or passTypePrompt:

  , ((modMask , xK_p)                              , passPrompt def)
  , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_p)               , passGeneratePrompt def)
  , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_p)                 , passEditPrompt def)
  , ((modMask .|. controlMask  .|. shiftMask, xK_p), passRemovePrompt def)

For detailed instructions on:

Retrieving passwords

passPrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to retrieve a password from a given entry.

passTypePrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to type in a password for a given entry. This doesn't touch the clipboard.

Editing passwords

passEditPrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to edit a given entry. This doesn't touch the clipboard.

passRemovePrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to remove a password for a given entry. (Beware that no confirmation is asked)

passGeneratePrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to generate a password for a given entry. This can be used to override an already stored entry. (Beware that no confirmation is asked)

passGenerateAndCopyPrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to generate a password for a given entry and immediately copy it to the clipboard. This can be used to override an already stored entry. (Beware that no confirmation is asked)


passOTPPrompt :: XPConfig -> X () Source #

A prompt to retrieve a OTP from a given entry. Note that you will need to use the pass-otp extension for this to work.