xmonad-contrib-0.12: Third party extensions for xmonad

CopyrightDevin Mullins <devin.mullins@gmail.com>
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerDevin Mullins <devin.mullins@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




This is a draft of a brand new config syntax for xmonad. It aims to be:

  • easier to copy/paste snippets from the docs
  • easier to get the gist for what's going on, for you imperative programmers

It's brand new, so it's pretty much guaranteed to break or change syntax. But what's the worst that could happen? Xmonad crashes and logs you out? It probably won't do that. Give it a try.


Start here

To start with, create a ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs that looks like this:

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import XMonad.Config.Prime

-- Imports go here.

main = xmonad $ do
  -- Configs go here.

This will give you a default xmonad install, with room to grow. The lines starting with double dashes are comments. You may delete them. Note that Haskell is a bit precise about indentation. Make sure all the statements in your do-block start at the same column, and make sure that any multi-line statements are formatted with a hanging indent. (For an example, see the 'keys =+' statement in the Example config section, below.)

After changing your config file, restart xmonad with mod-q (where, by default, "mod" == "alt").

xmonad :: (Default a, Read (l Window), LayoutClass l Window) => (a -> IO (XConfig l)) -> IO () Source

This is the xmonad main function. It passes def (the default XConfig) into your do-block, takes the modified config out of your do-block, and then runs xmonad.

The do-block is a Prime. Advanced readers can skip right to that definition.

nothing :: Prime l l Source

This doesn't modify the config in any way. It's just here for your initial config because Haskell doesn't allow empty do-blocks. Feel free to delete it once you've added other stuff.

Attributes you can set

These are a bunch of attributes that you can set. Syntax looks like this:

  terminal =: "urxvt"

Strings are double quoted, Dimensions are unquoted integers, booleans are True or False (case-sensitive), and modMask is usually mod1Mask or mod4Mask.

normalBorderColor :: Settable String (XConfig l) Source

Non-focused windows border color. Default: "#dddddd"

focusedBorderColor :: Settable String (XConfig l) Source

Focused windows border color. Default: "#ff0000"

terminal :: Settable String (XConfig l) Source

The preferred terminal application. Default: "xterm"

modMask :: Settable KeyMask (XConfig l) Source

The mod modifier, as used by key bindings. Default: mod1Mask (which is probably alt on your computer).

borderWidth :: Settable Dimension (XConfig l) Source

The border width (in pixels). Default: 1

focusFollowsMouse :: Settable Bool (XConfig l) Source

Whether window focus follows the mouse cursor on move, or requires a mouse click. (Mouse? What's that?) Default: True

clickJustFocuses :: Settable Bool (XConfig l) Source

If True, a mouse click on an inactive window focuses it, but the click is not passed to the window. If False, the click is also passed to the window. Default True

class SettableClass s x y | s -> x y where Source


(=:) :: s c -> y -> Arr c c Source

This lets you modify an attribute.


class UpdateableClass s x y | s -> x y where Source


(=.) :: s c -> (x -> y) -> Arr c c Source

This lets you apply a function to an attribute (i.e. read, modify, write).

Attributes you can add to

In addition to being able to set these attributes, they have a special syntax for being able to add to them. The operator is =+ (the plus comes after the equals), but each attribute has a different syntax for what comes after the operator.

manageHook :: Summable ManageHook ManageHook (XConfig l) Source

The action to run when a new window is opened. Default:

  manageHook =: composeAll [className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat, className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat]

To add more rules to this list, you can say, for instance:

import XMonad.StackSet
  manageHook =+ (className =? "Emacs" --> doF kill)
  manageHook =+ (className =? "Vim" --> doF shiftMaster)

Note that operator precedence mandates the parentheses here.

handleEventHook :: Summable (Event -> X All) (Event -> X All) (XConfig l) Source

Custom X event handler. Return All True if the default handler should also be run afterwards. Default does nothing. To add an event handler:

import XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode
  handleEventHook =+ serverModeEventHook

workspaces :: Summable [String] [String] (XConfig l) Source

List of workspaces' names. Default: map show [1 .. 9 :: Int]. Adding appends to the end:

  workspaces =+ ["0"]

This is useless unless you also create keybindings for this.

logHook :: Summable (X ()) (X ()) (XConfig l) Source

The action to perform when the windows set is changed. This happens whenever focus change, a window is moved, etc. logHook =+ takes an X () and appends it via '(>>)'. For instance:

import XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus
  logHook =+ takeTopFocus

Note that if your expression is parametrically typed (e.g. of type MonadIO m => m ()), you'll need to explicitly annotate it, like so:

  logHook =+ (io $ putStrLn "Hello, world!" :: X ())

startupHook :: Summable (X ()) (X ()) (XConfig l) Source

The action to perform on startup. startupHook =+ takes an X () and appends it via '(>>)'. For instance:

import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
  startupHook =+ setWMName "LG3D"

Note that if your expression is parametrically typed (e.g. of type MonadIO m => m ()), you'll need to explicitly annotate it, as documented in logHook.

clientMask :: Summable EventMask EventMask (XConfig l) Source

The client events that xmonad is interested in. This is useful in combination with handleEventHook. Default: structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask

  clientMask =+ keyPressMask .|. keyReleaseMask

rootMask :: Summable EventMask EventMask (XConfig l) Source

The root events that xmonad is interested in. This is useful in combination with handleEventHook. Default: substructureRedirectMask .|. substructureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. leaveWindowMask .|. structureNotifyMask .|. buttonPressMask

class SummableClass s y | s -> y where Source


(=+) :: s c -> y -> Arr c c infix 0 Source

This lets you add to an attribute.

Attributes you can add to or remove from

The following support the the =+ for adding items and the =- operator for removing items.

keys :: Keys (XConfig l) Source

Key bindings to X actions. Default: see `man xmonad`. keys takes a list of keybindings specified emacs-style, as documented in mkKeyMap. For example, to change the "kill window" key:

  keys =- ["M-S-c"]
  keys =+ [("M-M1-x", kill)]

mouseBindings :: MouseBindings (XConfig l) Source

Mouse button bindings to an X actions on a window. Default: see `man xmonad`. To make mod-scrollwheel switch workspaces:

import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (nextWS, prevWS)
  mouseBindings =+ [((mod4Mask, button4), const prevWS),
                    ((mod4Mask, button5), const nextWS)]

Note that you need to specify the numbered mod-mask e.g. mod4Mask instead of just modMask.

class RemovableClass r y | r -> y where Source


(=-) :: r c -> y -> Arr c c infix 0 Source

This lets you remove from an attribute.

Modifying the list of workspaces

Workspaces can be configured through workspaces, but then the keys need to be set, and this can be a bit laborious. withWorkspaces provides a convenient mechanism for common workspace updates.

withWorkspaces :: Arr WorkspaceConfig WorkspaceConfig -> Prime l l Source

Configure workspaces through a Prime-like interface. Example:

  withWorkspaces $ do
    wsKeys =+ ["0"]
    wsActions =+ [("M-M1-", windows . swapWithCurrent)]
    wsSetName 1 "mail"

This will set workspaces and add the necessary keybindings to keys. Note that it won't remove old keybindings; it's just not that clever.

wsNames :: Settable [String] WorkspaceConfig Source

The list of workspace names, like workspaces but with two differences:

  1. If any entry is the empty string, it'll be replaced with the corresponding entry in wsKeys.
  2. The list is truncated to the size of wsKeys.

The default value is repeat "".

If you'd like to create workspaces without associated keyspecs, you can do that afterwards, outside the withWorkspaces block, with workspaces =+.

wsKeys :: Summable [String] [String] WorkspaceConfig Source

The list of workspace keys. These are combined with the modifiers in wsActions to form the keybindings for navigating to workspaces. Default: ["1","2",...,"9"].

wsActions :: Summable [(String, String -> X ())] [(String, String -> X ())] WorkspaceConfig Source

Mapping from key prefix to command. Its type is [(String, String -> X())]. The key prefix may be a modifier such as "M-", or a submap prefix such as "M-a ", or both, as in "M-a M-". The command is a function that takes a workspace name and returns an X (). withWorkspaces creates keybindings for the cartesian product of wsKeys and wsActions.


[("M-", windows . W.greedyView),
 ("M-S-", windows . W.shift)]

wsSetName :: Int -> String -> Arr WorkspaceConfig WorkspaceConfig Source

A convenience for just modifying one entry in wsNames, in case you only want a few named workspaces. Example:

    wsSetName 1 "mail"
    wsSetName 2 "web"

Modifying the screen keybindings

withScreens provides a convenient mechanism to set keybindings for moving between screens, much like withWorkspaces.

withScreens :: Arr ScreenConfig ScreenConfig -> Prime l l Source

Configure screen keys through a Prime-like interface:

  withScreens $ do
    sKeys =: ["e", "r"]

This will add the necessary keybindings to keys. Note that it won't remove old keybindings; it's just not that clever.

sKeys :: Summable [String] [String] ScreenConfig Source

The list of screen keys. These are combined with the modifiers in sActions to form the keybindings for navigating to workspaces. Default: ["w","e","r"].

sActions :: Summable [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] ScreenConfig Source

Mapping from key prefix to command. Its type is [(String, ScreenId -> X())]. Works the same as wsActions except for a different function type.


[("M-", windows . onScreens W.view),
 ("M-S-", windows . onScreens W.shift)]

onScreens :: Eq s => (i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd) -> s -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd Source

Converts a stackset transformer parameterized on the workspace type into one parameterized on the screen type. For example, you can use onScreens W.view 0 to navigate to the workspace on the 0th screen. If the screen id is not recognized, the returned transformer acts as an identity function.

Modifying the layoutHook

Layouts are special. You can't modify them using the =: or =. operator. You need to use the following functions.

addLayout :: (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass r Window) => r Window -> Prime l (Choose l r) Source

Add a layout to the list of layouts choosable with mod-space. For instance:

import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
  addLayout simpleTabbed

resetLayout :: LayoutClass r Window => r Window -> Prime l r Source

Reset the layoutHook from scratch. For instance, to get rid of the wide layout:

  resetLayout $ Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| Full

(The dollar is like an auto-closing parenthesis, so all the stuff to the right of it is treated like an argument to resetLayout.)

modifyLayout :: LayoutClass r Window => (l Window -> r Window) -> Prime l r Source

Modify your layoutHook with some wrapper function. You probably want to call this after you're done calling addLayout. Example:

import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
  modifyLayout smartBorders

Updating the XConfig en masse

Finally, there are a few contrib modules that bundle multiple attribute updates together. There are three types: 1) wholesale replacements for the default config, 2) pure functions on the config, and 3) IO actions on the config. The syntax for each is different. Examples:

1) To start with a gnomeConfig instead of the default, we use startWith:

import XMonad.Config.Gnome
  startWith gnomeConfig

2) withUrgencyHook is a pure function, so we need to use apply:

import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
  apply $ withUrgencyHook dzenUrgencyHook

3) xmobar returns an IO (XConfig l), so we need to use applyIO:

import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
  applyIO xmobar

startWith :: XConfig l' -> Prime l l' Source

Replace the current XConfig with the given one. If you use this, you probably want it to be the first line of your config.

apply :: (XConfig l -> XConfig l') -> Prime l l' Source

Turns a pure function on XConfig into a Prime.

applyIO :: (XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l')) -> Prime l l' Source

Turns an IO function on XConfig into a Prime.

The rest of the world

Everything you know and love from the core XMonad module is available for use in your config file, too.

module XMonad

(Almost) everything you know and love from the Haskell Prelude is available for use in your config file. Note that >> has been overriden, so if you want to create do-blocks for normal monads, you'll need some let statements or a separate module. (See the Troubleshooting section.)

module Prelude


These are the building blocks on which the config language is built. Regular people shouldn't need to know about these.

type Prime l l' = Arr (XConfig l) (XConfig l') Source

A Prime is a function that transforms an XConfig. It's not a monad, but we turn on RebindableSyntax so we can abuse the pretty do notation.

type Arr x y = x -> IO y Source

An Arr is a generalization of Prime. Don't reference the type, if you can avoid it. It might go away in the future.

(>>) :: Arr x y -> Arr y z -> Arr x z Source

Composes two Arrs using >>= from Prelude.

ifThenElse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a Source

Because of RebindableSyntax, this is necessary to enable you to use if-then-else expressions. No need to call it directly.

Example config

As an example, I've included below a subset of my current config. Note that my import statements specify individual identifiers in parentheticals. That's optional. The default is to import the entire module. I just find it helpful to remind me where things came from.

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import XMonad.Config.Prime

import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (prevWS, nextWS)
import XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces (swapWithCurrent)
import XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation (withWindowNavigation)
import XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen (fullscreenSupport)
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders (smartBorders)
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed (simpleTabbed)

main = xmonad $ do
  modMask =: mod4Mask
  normalBorderColor =: "#222222"
  terminal =: "urxvt"
  focusFollowsMouse =: False
  resetLayout $ Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| simpleTabbed
  modifyLayout smartBorders
  apply fullscreenSupport
  applyIO $ withWindowNavigation (xK_w, xK_a, xK_s, xK_d)
  withWorkspaces $ do
    wsKeys =+ ["0"]
    wsActions =+ [("M-M1-", windows . swapWithCurrent)]
  keys =+ [
      ("M-,",                      sendMessage $ IncMasterN (-1)),
      ("M-.",                      sendMessage $ IncMasterN 1),
      ("M-M1-d",                   spawn "date | dzen2 -fg '#eeeeee' -p 2"),
      ("C-S-q",                    return ()),
      ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>",   spawn "amixer set Master 5%-"),
      ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>",   spawn "amixer set Master 5%+"),
      ("M-M1-x",                   kill),
      ("M-i",                      prevWS),
      ("M-o",                      nextWS)


Only the last line of my config seems to take effect. What gives?

You're missing the {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} line at the top.

How do I do use normal monads like X or IO?

Here are a couple of ways:

import qualified Prelude as P
test1, test2 :: X ()
test1 = spawn "echo Hi" P.>> spawn "echo Bye"
test2 = do spawn "echo Hi"
           spawn "echo Bye"
  where (>>) = (P.>>)

How do I use the old keyboard syntax?

You can use apply and supply your own Haskell function. For instance:

apply $ flip additionalKeys $ [((mod1Mask, xK_z), spawn "date | dzen2 -fg '#eeeeee' -p 2")]

How do I run a command before xmonad starts (like spawnPipe)?

If you're using it for a status bar, see if dzen or xmobar does what you want. If so, you can apply it with applyIO.

If not, you can write your own XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l) and apply it with applyIO. When writing this function, see the above tip about using normal monads.

Alternatively, you could do something like this this:

import qualified Prelude as P (>>)

main =
  openFile ".xmonad.log" AppendMode >>= \log ->
  hSetBuffering log LineBuffering P.>>
  (xmonad $ do
     nothing -- Prime config here.