xmonad-contrib-0.11: Third party extensions for xmonad

Safe HaskellNone




Two-level layout with windows split in individual layout groups, themselves managed by a user-provided layout.



This module provides a layout combinator that allows you to manage your windows in independent groups. You can provide both the layout with which to arrange the windows inside each group, and the layout with which the groups themselves will be arranged on the screen.

The XMonad.Layout.Groups.Examples and XMonad.Layout.Groups.Wmii modules contain examples of layouts that can be defined with this combinator. They're also the recommended starting point if you are a beginner and looking for something you can use easily.

One thing to note is that Groups-based layout have their own notion of the order of windows, which is completely separate from XMonad's. For this reason, operations like SwapUp will have no visible effect, and those like focusUp will focus the windows in an unpredictable order. For a better way of rearranging windows and moving focus in such a layout, see the example ModifySpecs (to be passed to the Modify message) provided by this module.

If you use both Groups-based and other layouts, The XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers module provides actions that can work correctly with both, defined using functions from XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback.

group :: l Window -> l2 (Group l Window) -> Groups l l2 WindowSource

Create a Groups layout.

Note that the second parameter (the layout for arranging the groups) is not used on Windows, but on Groups. For this reason, you can only use layouts that don't specifically need to manage Windows. This is obvious, when you think about it.


data GroupsMessage Source

Messages accepted by Groups-based layouts. All other messages are forwarded to the layout of the currently focused subgroup (as if they had been wrapped in ToFocused).


ToEnclosing SomeMessage

Send a message to the enclosing layout (the one that places the groups themselves)

ToGroup Int SomeMessage

Send a message to the layout for nth group (starting at 0)

ToFocused SomeMessage

Send a message to the layout for the focused group

ToAll SomeMessage

Send a message to all the sub-layouts


Refocus the window which should be focused according to the layout.

Modify ModifySpec

Modify the ordering/grouping/focusing of windows according to a ModifySpec

type ModifySpec = forall l. WithID l Window -> Zipper (Group l Window) -> Zipper (Group l Window)Source

Type of functions describing modifications to a Groups layout. They are transformations on Zippers of groups.

Things you shouldn't do:

  • Forge new windows (they will be ignored)
  • Duplicate windows (whatever happens is your problem)
  • Remove windows (they will be added again)
  • Duplicate layouts (only one will be kept, the rest will get the base layout)

Note that ModifySpec is a rank-2 type (indicating that ModifySpecs must be polymorphic in the layout type), so if you define functions taking ModifySpecs as arguments, or returning them, you'll need to write a type signature and add {--} at the beginning

Useful ModifySpecs

swapUp :: ModifySpecSource

Swap the focused window with the previous one.

swapDown :: ModifySpecSource

Swap the focused window with the next one.

swapMaster :: ModifySpecSource

Swap the focused window with the (group's) master window.

focusUp :: ModifySpecSource

Move focus to the previous window in the group.

focusDown :: ModifySpecSource

Move focus to the next window in the group.

focusMaster :: ModifySpecSource

Move focus to the group's master window.

swapGroupUp :: ModifySpecSource

Swap the focused group with the previous one.

swapGroupDown :: ModifySpecSource

Swap the focused group with the next one.

swapGroupMaster :: ModifySpecSource

Swap the focused group with the master group.

focusGroupUp :: ModifySpecSource

Move focus to the previous group.

focusGroupDown :: ModifySpecSource

Move focus to the next group.

focusGroupMaster :: ModifySpecSource

Move focus to the master group.

moveToGroupUp :: Bool -> ModifySpecSource

Move the focused window to the previous group. If True, when in the first group, wrap around to the last one. If False, create a new group before it.

moveToGroupDown :: Bool -> ModifySpecSource

Move the focused window to the next group. If True, when in the last group, wrap around to the first one. If False, create a new group after it.

moveToNewGroupUp :: ModifySpecSource

Move the focused window to a new group before the current one.

moveToNewGroupDown :: ModifySpecSource

Move the focused window to a new group after the current one.

splitGroup :: ModifySpecSource

Split the focused group into two at the position of the focused window (below it, unless it's the last window - in that case, above it).


data Groups l l2 a Source

The type of our layouts.


(Show (Groups l l2 Window), LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass l2 (Group l Window)) => LayoutClass (Groups l l2) Window 
(Read a, Read (l a), Read (l2 (Group l a))) => Read (Groups l l2 a) 
(Show a, Show (l a), Show (l2 (Group l a))) => Show (Groups l l2 a) 

data Group l a Source

A group of windows and its layout algorithm.




gLayout :: WithID l a
gZipper :: Zipper a


Eq a => EQF GroupEQ (Group l a) 
Eq a => Eq (Group l a) 
(Read a, Read (l a)) => Read (Group l a) 
(Show a, Show (l a)) => Show (Group l a) 

onZipper :: (Zipper a -> Zipper a) -> Group l a -> Group l aSource

onLayout :: (WithID l a -> WithID l a) -> Group l a -> Group l aSource

data WithID l a Source

Split an infinite list into two. I ended up not needing this, but let's keep it just in case. split :: [a] -> ([a], [a]) split as = snd $ foldr step (True, ([], [])) as where step a (True, (as1, as2)) = (False, (a:as1, as2)) step a (False, (as1, as2)) = (True, (as1, a:as2))

Add a unique identity to a layout so we can follow it around.


(Show (WithID l a), LayoutClass l a) => LayoutClass (WithID l) a 
Eq (WithID l a) 
Read (l a) => Read (WithID l a) 
Show (l a) => Show (WithID l a) 

sameID :: WithID l a -> WithID l a -> BoolSource

Compare the ids of two WithID values