wx- wxHaskell

Copyright(c) Daan Leijen 2003
Safe HaskellNone




Defines common dialogs.


Generic dialogs

type Dialog a = TopLevelWindow (CDialog a) #

Pointer to an object of type Dialog, derived from TopLevelWindow.

dialog :: Window a -> [Prop (Dialog ())] -> IO (Dialog ()) Source #

Create a dialog window. Use showModal for a modal dialog. Use the visible property to show/hide a modeless dialog.

showModal :: Dialog b -> ((Maybe a -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO (Maybe a) Source #

Show a modal dialog. Take a function as argument that takes a function itself as argument that can be used to end the modal dialog. The argument of this function is returned as the result of the dialog. The result is Nothing when the dialog is dismissed via the system menu.

d   <- dialog w [text := "Demo"]
ok  <- button d [text := "Ok"]
result <- showModal d (\stop -> set ok [on command := stop (Just 42)])


errorDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> IO () #

An error dialog with a single Ok button.

errorDialog parent "error" "fatal error, please re-install windows"

warningDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> IO () #

An warning dialog with a single Ok button.

warningDialog parent "warning" "you need a break"

infoDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> IO () #

An information dialog with a single Ok button.

infoDialog parent "info" "you've got mail"

confirmDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool #

The expression (confirmDialog caption msg yesDefault parent) shows a confirm dialog with a Yes and No button. If yesDefault is True, the Yes button is default, otherwise the No button. Returns True when the Yes button was pressed.

yes <- confirmDialog parent "confirm" "are you sure that you want to reformat the hardisk?"

proceedDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> IO Bool #

An dialog with an Ok and Cancel button. Returns True when Ok is pressed.

proceedDialog parent "Error" "Do you want to debug this application?"


fileOpenDialog :: Window a -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> [(String, [String])] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) #

Show a modal file selection dialog. Usage:

fileOpenDialog parent rememberCurrentDir allowReadOnly message wildcards directory filename

If rememberCurrentDir is True, the library changes the current directory to the one where the files were chosen. allowReadOnly determines whether the read-only files can be selected. The message is displayed on top of the dialog. The directory is the default directory (use the empty string for the current directory). The filename is the default file name. The wildcards determine the entries in the file selection box. It consists of a list of pairs: the first element is a description ("Image files") and the second element a list of wildcard patterns (["*.bmp","*.gif"]).

fileOpenDialog frame True True "Open image" [("Any file",["*.*"]),("Bitmaps",["*.bmp"])] "" ""

Returns Nothing when the user presses the cancel button.

filesOpenDialog :: Window a -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> [(String, [String])] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] #

Opens a dialog that lets the user select multiple files. See fileOpenDialog for a description of the arguments. Returns the empty list when the user selected no files or pressed the cancel button.

fileSaveDialog :: Window a -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> [(String, [String])] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) #

Show a modal file save dialog. Usage:

fileSaveDialog parent rememberCurrentDir overwritePrompt message directory filename

The overwritePrompt argument determines whether the user gets a prompt for confirmation when overwriting a file. The other arguments are as in fileOpenDialog.

dirOpenDialog :: Window a -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) #

Show a modal directory dialog. Usage:

dirOpenDialog parent allowNewDir message directory

The allowNewDir argument determines whether the user can create new directories and edit directory names. The message is displayed on top of the dialog and directory is the default directory (or empty for the current directory). Return Nothing when the users presses the cancel button.


fontDialog :: Window a -> FontStyle -> IO (Maybe FontStyle) #

Show a font selection dialog with a given initial font. Returns Nothing when cancel was pressed.

colorDialog :: Window a -> Color -> IO (Maybe Color) #

Show a color selection dialog given an initial color. Returns Nothing when cancel was pressed.

passwordDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> String -> IO String #

Retrieve a password from a user. Returns the empty string on cancel. Usage:

passwordDialog window message caption defaultText

textDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> String -> IO String #

Retrieve a text string from a user. Returns the empty string on cancel. Usage:

textDialog window message caption defaultText

numberDialog :: Window a -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int) #

Retrieve a positive number from a user. Returns Nothing on cancel. Usage:

numberDialog window message prompt caption initialValue minimum maximum


dialogEx :: Window a -> Style -> [Prop (Dialog ())] -> IO (Dialog ()) Source #

Create a dialog window with a certain style.

Orphan instances