{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-| The "Wordpress.Auth" module is used for checking the validity of
various Wordpress authentication schemes.

This is useful if you want a Haskell application to be able to serve
authenticated API requests to a Wordpress site without having to devise
a Wordpress-to-Haskell authentication system.

You will need some constants from your Wordpress site's @wp-config.php@,
like the @NONCE_KEY@ & @NONCE_SALT@, you could supply these via
environmental variables:

 loggedInScheme <- 'AuthScheme'
     \<$> ('wpConfigKey' . T.pack \<$> getEnv \"LOGGED_IN_KEY\")
     \<*> ('wpConfigSalt' . T.pack \<$> getEnv \"LOGGED_IN_SALT\")

Then you'll want to pull the specific cookie's text out of the Cookie
header(see 'findCookie') & use then 'parseWordpressCookie' to build
a 'WPCookie'. You should then use the `username` field of the cookie to
query your Wordpress database for the User's @ID@('WordpressUserId')
& @user_pass@('WordpresUserPass') fields as well as the @session_tokens@
User Meta('SessionToken').

Equiped with these and the current time(via
'Data.Time.Clock.POSIX.getPOSIXTime'), you can then validate the cookie:

 passwordFragment = 'WordpressUserPass' myUserTablesUserPassFieldValue
 sessionTokens    = 'decodeSessionTokens' myUserMetaTablesSessionTokensMetaValue
 cookieIsValid    = 'validateCookie' loggedInScheme currentTime cookie
                                   passwordFragment sessionTokens

If this is a REST request or a form submission, you should __always__
validate the nonce, even for requests with no auth cookies. The nonce can
be pulled out of the @X-WP-Nonce@ header or the @_wpnonce@ query parameter.

 nonceTick     <- 'wordpressNonceTick' (60 * 60 * 24) currentTime
 let validNonce = 'validateNonce' nonceScheme (Just cookie) nonceTick
                                (Just $ 'WordpressUserId' userId)
                                "wp_rest" myNonceText

module Wordpress.Auth
    -- * Request Handling
    , WPAuthConfig(..)
    , UserAuthData(..)
    , WPAuthorization(..)
    , WPAuthError(..)
    , CookieName(..)
    , cookieName
    , findCookie
    , CookieHeaderError(..)
    , findNonce
    -- * Cookies
    , WPCookie(..)
    , CookieToken(..)
    , parseWordpressCookie
    , CookieParseError(..)
    , validateCookie
    , WordpressUserPass(..)
    , CookieValidationError(..)
    , validateCookieHash
    -- * Session Tokens
    , SessionToken(..)
    , decodeSessionTokens
    , validateSessionToken
    -- * Nonces
    , NonceTick(..)
    , wordpressNonceTick
    , validateNonce
    , WordpressUserId(..)
    -- * Hashing / Salting
    , wordpressHash
    , wordpressSalt
    , AuthScheme(..)
    , WordpressKey
    , WordpressSalt
    , wpConfigKey
    , wpConfigSalt

import           Control.Applicative            ( (<|>) )
import           Control.Monad                  ( (<=<)
                                                , join
                                                , void
                                                , unless
import           Control.Monad.Except           ( MonadIO
                                                , ExceptT
                                                , withExceptT
                                                , runExceptT
                                                , liftEither
                                                , liftIO
                                                , lift
                                                , throwError
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5               as MD5
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256            as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString               as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16        as Base16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy          as LBS
import qualified Data.List                     as L
import           Data.Maybe                     ( mapMaybe
                                                , isJust
import           Data.PHPSession                ( PHPSessionValue(..)
                                                , decodePHPSessionValue
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import           Data.Text                      ( Text )
import           Data.Text.Encoding             ( encodeUtf8
                                                , decodeUtf8
import           Data.Time.Clock                ( NominalDiffTime )
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX          ( POSIXTime
                                                , getPOSIXTime
import           Network.HTTP.Types             ( RequestHeaders
                                                , QueryItem
import qualified Network.URI.Encode            as URI
import           Text.Read                      ( readMaybe )
import           Web.Cookie                     ( parseCookiesText )

-- Request Handling

-- | The is a generalized authentication verification scheme that
-- authorizes a user if the @logged_in@ cookie is set and valid, & verifies
-- the @wp_rest@ nonce action for both authorized & anonymous users.
-- The 'WPAuthConfig' failure handler will be used if a Cookie is present
-- but invalid or if the nonce is missing\/invalid.
    :: forall m a
     . MonadIO m
    => WPAuthConfig m a
    -> RequestHeaders
    -> [QueryItem]
    -> m (WPAuthorization a)
authorizeWordpressRequest cfg headers query =
    either (onAuthenticationFailure cfg) return <=< runExceptT $ do
        name        <- lift $ getCookieName cfg
        currentTime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
        either (const $ validateAnonymousUser currentTime)
               (validateAuthorizedUser currentTime)
            $ findCookie name headers
        :: POSIXTime -> ExceptT WPAuthError m (WPAuthorization a)
    validateAnonymousUser currentTime =
        checkNonce currentTime Nothing Nothing >> return WPAnonymousUser

        :: POSIXTime -> Text -> ExceptT WPAuthError m (WPAuthorization a)
    validateAuthorizedUser currentTime rawCookie = do
        parsedCookie <- liftWith EParse $ parseWordpressCookie rawCookie
        UserAuthData { userData, wpUser, wpPass, wpTokens } <-
            lift (getUserData cfg $ username parsedCookie)
                >>= liftMaybe UserDataNotFound
        void . liftWith EValid $ validateCookie (loggedInScheme cfg)
        checkNonce currentTime (Just $ token parsedCookie) (Just wpUser)
        return $ WPAuthorizedUser userData

        :: POSIXTime
        -> Maybe CookieToken
        -> Maybe WordpressUserId
        -> ExceptT WPAuthError m ()
    checkNonce time mToken mUser = do
        nonce <- liftMaybe NoNonce $ findNonce headers query
        let nonceTick    = wordpressNonceTick (nonceLifetime cfg) time
            nonceIsValid = validateNonce (nonceScheme cfg)
        unless nonceIsValid $ throwError InvalidNonce

    liftMaybe :: e -> Maybe b -> ExceptT e m b
    liftMaybe e m = liftEither $ maybe (Left e) Right m

    liftWith :: (e2 -> e1) -> Either e2 b -> ExceptT e1 m b
    liftWith e = withExceptT e . liftEither

-- | The result of the 'authorizeWordpressRequest' function can be an
-- authorized user with some additional data, or an anonymous user.
data WPAuthorization a
    = WPAuthorizedUser a
    | WPAnonymousUser
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Configuration data specific to your Wordpress site & Haskell
-- application.
data WPAuthConfig m a
    = WPAuthConfig
        { getCookieName :: m CookieName
        -- ^ A monadic action that generates a `CookieName`. You can simply
        -- return a constant value, or do something more complex like
        -- querying your database for the `siteurl` option.
        , loggedInScheme :: AuthScheme
        -- ^ The @LOGGED_IN_KEY@ & @LOGGED_IN_SALT@ from your
        -- @wp-config.php@.
        , nonceScheme :: AuthScheme
        -- ^ The @NONCE_KEY@ & @NONCE_SALT@ from your @wp-config.php@.
        , nonceLifetime :: NominalDiffTime
        -- ^ The nonce lifetime of your Wordpress site. Wordpress defaults
        -- to 1 day.
        , getUserData :: Text -> m (Maybe (UserAuthData a))
        -- ^ A function to pull your custom data & the user data needed for
        -- authentication. See the 'UserAuthData' type.
        , onAuthenticationFailure :: WPAuthError -> m (WPAuthorization a)
        -- ^ How to handle authentication failures. You might want to throw
        -- an HTTP error or simply treat the user as unauthenticated.

-- | The data needed for authentication, along with some arbitrary data
-- that is returned on success.
data UserAuthData a =
        { userData :: a
        -- ^ Arbitrary data that the validation should return. E.g., if you
        -- query your users table for the @ID@ & @user_pass@, you can
        -- return your whole User type so you don't have to make another
        -- database call in your handler.
        , wpUser :: WordpressUserId
        -- ^ The @ID@ field of the User.
        , wpPass :: WordpressUserPass
        -- ^ The @user_pass@ field of the User.
        , wpTokens :: [SessionToken]
        -- ^ The @session_tokens@ usermeta for the User. You can use
        -- 'Wordpress.Auth.decodeSessionTokens' to parse the raw meta value.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Potential errors during authentication.
data WPAuthError
    = EHeader CookieHeaderError
    -- ^ Header Error.
    | EParse CookieParseError
    -- ^ Parsing Error.
    | EValid CookieValidationError
    -- ^ Validation Error.
    | UserDataNotFound
    -- ^ The `getUserData` function returned `Nothing`.
    | NoNonce
    -- ^ The `Request` has no @X-WP-Nonce@ header.
    | InvalidNonce
    -- ^ The nonce couldn't be validated.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | The name of a Wordpress authentication cookie. Wordpress's frontend
-- uses @CookieNameWithMD5 "wordpress_logged_in_" "\<your-site-url>"@ by
-- default.
data CookieName
    = CustomCookieName Text
    -- ^ A constant name for the cookie.
    | CookieNameWithMD5 Text Text
    -- ^ A cookie name with some text to hash & append. E.g., Wordpress's
    -- @logged_in@ auth scheme uses @wordpress_logged_in_@ suffixed with
    -- the MD5 hash of the @siteurl@ option.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Build the name of an authentication cookie from a `CookieName`,
-- hashing the suffix if present.
cookieName :: CookieName -> Text
cookieName = \case
    CustomCookieName n -> n
    CookieNameWithMD5 name textToHash ->
        name <> hashText MD5.hash (HashMessage textToHash)

-- | Try to find & decode a Cookie in the headers with the given name.
findCookie :: CookieName -> RequestHeaders -> Either CookieHeaderError Text
findCookie name headers = do
    header <- liftMaybe NoCookieHeader $ lookup "cookie" headers
    let cookieBody = parseCookiesText header
        authCookie = URI.decodeText <$> lookup (cookieName name) cookieBody
    liftMaybe NoCookieMatches authCookie
    where liftMaybe e = maybe (Left e) Right

-- | Potential errors while searching for a specific cookie in the request
-- headers.
data CookieHeaderError
    = NoCookieHeader
    -- ^ The `Request` has no `Cookie` header.
    | NoCookieMatches
    -- ^ No Cookie matched the expected `CookieName`.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Try to find & decode a Nonce in either the @X-WP-Nonce@ header or the
-- @_wpnonce@ query parameter.
findNonce :: RequestHeaders -> [QueryItem] -> Maybe Text
findNonce headers query =
    fmap decodeUtf8 $ lookup "x-wp-nonce" headers <|> join
        (lookup "_wpnonce" query)

-- Cookies

-- | This represents a Cookie set by a Wordpress authentication scheme
-- (`auth`, `auth_sec`, & `logged_in`).
data WPCookie
    = WPCookie
        { username :: Text
        -- ^ The `user_login` column for the Wordpress User.
        , expiration :: POSIXTime
        -- ^ The expiration time of the Cookie.
        , token :: CookieToken
        -- ^ The Wordpress User's session token.
        , hmac :: Text
        -- ^ A SHA256 HMAC hash of the token & some user data.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A User's Wordpress Session Token from an auth cookie.
newtype CookieToken
    = CookieToken { cookieToken :: Text }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Potential errors we may encounter while parsing a `WPCookie`.
data CookieParseError
    = MalformedCookie
    -- ^ The cookie did not have 4 fields separated by `|` characters.
    | InvalidExpiration
    -- ^ The `expiration` field of the cookie is not an Integer.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Parse a `WPCookie` from the body text of an `auth`, `auth_sec`, or
-- `logged_in` cookie.
parseWordpressCookie :: Text -> Either CookieParseError WPCookie
parseWordpressCookie rawCookie = case T.splitOn "|" rawCookie of
    [username, expiration_, token_, hmac] ->
        let token = CookieToken token_
        in  case fromInteger <$> readMaybe (T.unpack expiration_) of
                Just expiration -> Right WPCookie { .. }
                Nothing         -> Left InvalidExpiration
    _ -> Left MalformedCookie

-- | The @ID@ field from the @users@ table of a Wordpress site.
newtype WordpressUserId
    = WordpressUserId { wordpressUserId :: Integer }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | The @user_pass@ field from the @users@ table of a Wordpress site.
newtype WordpressUserPass
    = WordpressUserPass { wordpressUserPass :: Text }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Determine if a `WPCookie`'s hash matches the hashed password & token.
-- A secret is generated by hashing the user, password, expiration, & token.
-- This secret is then used to hash the user, expiration, & token. The
-- resulting hash should match the `hmac` hash in the `WPCookie`.
validateCookieHash :: AuthScheme -> WPCookie -> WordpressUserPass -> Bool
validateCookieHash scheme cookie userPass =
        passwordFragment = T.take 4 $ T.drop 8 $ wordpressUserPass userPass
        user             = username cookie
        tok              = cookieToken $ token cookie
        secret           = wordpressHash scheme $ joinHashParts
            [user, passwordFragment, posixText $ expiration cookie, tok]
        hash =
            hmacText SHA256.hmac (HashSecret secret)
                $ HashMessage
                $ joinHashParts [user, posixText $ expiration cookie, tok]
        hash == hmac cookie
    posixText :: POSIXTime -> Text
    posixText t = T.pack $ show (floor t :: Integer)

-- | Validate a Wordpress Authentication Cookie by verifying that the hash
-- & token in the cookie are valid and the expiration time is in the
-- future.
    :: AuthScheme -- ^ They @_KEY@ & @_SALT@ constants for a WP auth scheme.
    -> POSIXTime -- ^ The current time.
    -> WPCookie -- ^ The cookie to validate.
    -> WordpressUserPass -- ^ The @user_pass@ field for the cookie's user.
    -> [SessionToken] -- ^ The @session_tokens@ meta for the cookie's user.
    -> Either CookieValidationError ()
validateCookie scheme currentTime cookie userPass sessionTokens =
    let validHash = validateCookieHash scheme cookie userPass
        validSessionToken =
                validateSessionToken currentTime (token cookie) sessionTokens
    in  if currentTime > expiration cookie
            then Left CookieExpired
            else case (validHash, validSessionToken) of
                (False, _    ) -> Left InvalidHash
                (_    , False) -> Left InvalidToken
                (True , True ) -> Right ()

-- | Potential validation errors for a `WPCookie`.
data CookieValidationError
    = CookieExpired
    -- ^ The `expiration` time of the cookie is in the past.
    | InvalidHash
    -- ^ The `hmac` hash in the cookie doesn't match the calculated hash.
    | InvalidToken
    -- ^ The `token` in the cookie is not valid or expired.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Hashing / Salting

-- | A port of the `wp_hash` function. This performs an 'MD5.hmac' hash on
-- some text using a secret derived from the authentication scheme's key
-- & salt constants.
wordpressHash :: AuthScheme -> Text -> Text
wordpressHash scheme textToHash =
    let secret = HashSecret $ wordpressSalt scheme
    in  hmacText MD5.hmac secret $ HashMessage textToHash

-- | A port of the `wp_salt` function. Builds a secret key for a hashing
-- function using the auth scheme's key & salt.
wordpressSalt :: AuthScheme -> Text
wordpressSalt AuthScheme { schemeKey, schemeSalt } =
    unKey schemeKey <> unSalt schemeSalt

-- Tokens

-- | A User Session's Token. These can be found in the `usermeta` Wordpress
-- table for rows where @meta_key="session_token"@.
-- You'll probably want to use `decodeSessionTokens` to parse the tables's
-- @meta_value@ instead of constructing them yourself.
data SessionToken
    = SessionToken
        { sessionToken :: Text
        , tokenExpiration :: POSIXTime
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Decode a serialized PHP array containing a User's Session Tokens.
-- These are usually stored as the `session_tokens` usermeta.
-- It may be an associative array of tokens to expiration times, or tokens
-- to an associative array of sub-fields:
-- > array(
-- >   'some-random-hex-text' => 192836504,
-- >   // ...
-- > );
-- > array(
-- >   'deadbeef ' => array(
-- >     'expiration' => 9001,
-- >     // ...
-- >   ),
-- > );
decodeSessionTokens :: Text -> [SessionToken]
decodeSessionTokens serializedText =
    case decodePHPSessionValue (LBS.fromStrict $ encodeUtf8 serializedText) of
        Nothing       -> []
        Just phpValue -> decodeTokenArray phpValue
    decodeTokenArray :: PHPSessionValue -> [SessionToken]
    decodeTokenArray = \case
        PHPSessionValueArray sessionTokens ->
            mapMaybe decodeToken sessionTokens
        _ -> []
    -- Decode a single Token, which can be a (token, expiration) pair, or
    -- an associative array.
    decodeToken :: (PHPSessionValue, PHPSessionValue) -> Maybe SessionToken
    decodeToken = \case
        (PHPSessionValueString token, expirationData) ->
            let decodedExpiration = case expirationData of
                    PHPSessionValueInt posixExpiration ->
                        Just . fromInteger $ fromIntegral posixExpiration
                    PHPSessionValueArray tokenData -> decodeTokenData tokenData
                    _                              -> Nothing
                sessionToken = decodeUtf8 $ LBS.toStrict token
            in  (\tokenExpiration -> SessionToken { .. }) <$> decodedExpiration

        _ -> Nothing
    -- Decode the sub-fields of a Token.
    decodeTokenData :: [(PHPSessionValue, PHPSessionValue)] -> Maybe POSIXTime
    decodeTokenData = \case
        [] -> Nothing
        (PHPSessionValueString "expiration", PHPSessionValueInt expiration) : _
            -> Just $ fromInteger $ fromIntegral expiration
        _ : rest -> decodeTokenData rest

-- | Determine if the SHA256 hash of the token matches one of the unexpired
-- session tokens.
    :: POSIXTime -- ^ The current time
    -> CookieToken -- ^ The session token from a `WPCookie`
    -> [SessionToken] -- ^ A list of the User's session tokens
    -> Bool
validateSessionToken currentTime (CookieToken cookieToken) sessionTokens =
    let hashedCookieToken = hashText SHA256.hash $ HashMessage cookieToken
    in  isJust $ L.find ((== hashedCookieToken) . sessionToken) $ filter
            (\tok -> tokenExpiration tok >= currentTime)

-- Nonces

-- | The tick number of a Wordpress site - required for Nonce verification.
newtype NonceTick
    = NonceTick
        { tickCount :: Integer
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A port of the @wp_nonce_tick@ function. Calculates the nonce tick
-- number, where each nonce has a lifetime of two ticks.
    :: NominalDiffTime -- ^ The nonce lifetime. Wordpress's default is 1 day.
    -> POSIXTime -- ^ The current time.
    -> NonceTick
wordpressNonceTick nonceLifetime currentTime =
    let currentTick = toRational currentTime / (toRational nonceLifetime / 2)
    in  NonceTick $ ceiling currentTick

-- | Determine if the tick-dependent hash of the `CookieToken` matches the
-- hash of the current or previous tick.
    :: AuthScheme -- ^ The Wordpress site's @nonce@ scheme constants - @NONCE_KEY@ & @NONCE_SALT@.
    -> Maybe CookieToken -- ^ A token from the `logged_in` cookie.
    -> NonceTick  -- ^ The current tick number.
    -> Maybe WordpressUserId -- ^ The ID of the currently logged in User.
    -> Text  -- ^ The @action@ of the nonce (e.g., @"wp_rest"@ for API requests).
    -> Text -- ^ The nonce to verify.
    -> Bool
validateNonce scheme maybeToken tick maybeUserId action nonce =
        userId        = maybe "" (T.pack . show . wordpressUserId) maybeUserId
        token         = maybe "" cookieToken maybeToken
        thisCycleHash = hashAndTrim $ joinHashParts
            [T.pack $ show $ tickCount tick, action, userId, token]
        lastCycleHash = hashAndTrim $ joinHashParts
            [T.pack $ show $ tickCount tick - 1, action, userId, token]
        nonce /= "" && nonce `elem` [thisCycleHash, lastCycleHash]
    hashAndTrim s =
        let hashed = wordpressHash scheme s
        in  T.take 10 $ T.drop (T.length hashed - 12) hashed

-- Basic Types

-- | This represents one of the @$scheme@s that Wordpress's cookie/nonce
-- functions use to salt their hashes.
-- The built-in Wordpress schemes are @auth@\/@auth_sec@ for HTTP\/HTTPS
-- requests to @/wp-admin/@, @logged_in@ for authenticated front-end
-- requests, & @nonce@ for form submissions & API requests.
-- The secret keys & salts are constants found in your @wp-config.php@
-- file, defined as @LOGGED_IN_SALT@, @LOGGED_IN_KEY@, etc.
data AuthScheme
    = AuthScheme
        { schemeKey :: WordpressKey
        , schemeSalt :: WordpressSalt
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | An auth scheme's `_KEY` constant, usually defined in your Wordpress
-- site's @wp-config.php@. E.g., `LOGGED_IN_KEY`
newtype WordpressKey
    = WordpressKey { unKey :: Text }
    deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | An auth scheme's `_SALT` constant, usually defined in your Wordpress
-- site's @wp-config.php@. E.g., `LOGGED_IN_SALT`
newtype WordpressSalt
    = WordpressSalt { unSalt :: Text }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Build the `_KEY` value for an authentiation scheme.
wpConfigKey :: Text -> WordpressKey
wpConfigKey = WordpressKey

-- | Build the `_SALT` value for an authentiation scheme.
wpConfigSalt :: Text -> WordpressSalt
wpConfigSalt = WordpressSalt

-- Helpers

newtype HashSecret = HashSecret Text
newtype HashMessage = HashMessage { hashMessage :: Text }
-- Apply an HMAC hashing function, converting the output to
-- a hex-representation.
    :: (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
    -> HashSecret
    -> HashMessage
    -> Text
hmacText hasher (HashSecret secret) =
        . Base16.encode
        . hasher (encodeUtf8 secret)
        . encodeUtf8
        . hashMessage

-- Apply a hashing function to Text values, converting the output to
-- a hex-representation.
hashText :: (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> HashMessage -> Text
hashText hasher =
    decodeUtf8 . Base16.encode . hasher . encodeUtf8 . hashMessage

-- Join the different text to hash together by `|` like Wordpress expects.
joinHashParts :: [Text] -> Text
joinHashParts = T.intercalate "|"