{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
module Data.Winery.Base
( Tag(..)
, Schema
, SchemaP(..)
, currentSchemaVersion
, bootstrapSchema
, Term(..)
, Extractor(..)
, Strategy'
, StrategyBind(..)
, StrategyEnv(..)
, Plan(..)
, unwrapExtractor
, WineryException(..)
, prettyWineryException)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Int
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc hiding ((<>), SText, SChar)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
import Data.Time
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Winery.Internal
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
data Tag = TagInt !Int
| TagStr !T.Text
| TagList ![Tag]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic)
instance IsString Tag where
fromString = TagStr . fromString
instance IsList Tag where
type Item Tag = Tag
fromList = TagList
toList (TagList xs) = xs
toList _ = []
instance Pretty Tag where
pretty (TagInt i) = pretty i
pretty (TagStr s) = pretty s
pretty (TagList xs) = list (map pretty xs)
currentSchemaVersion :: Word8
currentSchemaVersion = 4
type Schema = SchemaP Int
data SchemaP a = SFix !(SchemaP a)
| SVar !a
| SVector !(SchemaP a)
| SProduct !(V.Vector (SchemaP a))
| SRecord !(V.Vector (T.Text, SchemaP a))
| SVariant !(V.Vector (T.Text, SchemaP a))
| SBool
| SChar
| SWord8
| SWord16
| SWord32
| SWord64
| SInt8
| SInt16
| SInt32
| SInt64
| SInteger
| SFloat
| SDouble
| SBytes
| SText
| SUTCTime
| STag !Tag !(SchemaP a)
| SLet !(SchemaP a) !(SchemaP a)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (SchemaP a) where
pretty = \case
SProduct [] -> "()"
SBool -> "Bool"
SChar -> "Char"
SWord8 -> "Word8"
SWord16 -> "Word16"
SWord32 -> "Word32"
SWord64 -> "Word64"
SInt8 -> "Int8"
SInt16 -> "Int16"
SInt32 -> "Int32"
SInt64 -> "Int64"
SInteger -> "Integer"
SFloat -> "Float"
SDouble -> "Double"
SBytes -> "ByteString"
SText -> "Text"
SUTCTime -> "UTCTime"
SVector s -> "[" <> pretty s <> "]"
SProduct ss -> tupled $ map pretty (V.toList ss)
SRecord ss -> align $ encloseSep "{ " " }" ", " [group $ nest 2 $ sep [pretty k, "::" <+> pretty v] | (k, v) <- V.toList ss]
SVariant ss -> align $ encloseSep "" "" (flatAlt "| " " | ")
[ nest 2 $ sep $ pretty k : case vs of
SProduct xs -> map pretty $ V.toList xs
SRecord xs -> [pretty (SRecord xs)]
s -> [pretty s] | (k, vs) <- V.toList ss]
SFix sch -> group $ nest 2 $ sep ["μ", enclose "{ " " }" $ pretty sch]
SVar i -> "$" <> pretty i
STag t s -> nest 2 $ sep [pretty t <> ":", pretty s]
SLet s t -> sep ["let" <+> pretty s, pretty t]
bootstrapSchema :: Word8 -> Schema
bootstrapSchema 4 = SFix (SVariant [("SFix",SProduct [SVar 0]),("SVar",SProduct [SInteger]),("SVector",SProduct [SVar 0]),("SProduct",SProduct [SVector (SVar 0)]),("SRecord",SProduct [SVector (SProduct [SText,SVar 0])]),("SVariant",SProduct [SVector (SProduct [SText,SVar 0])]),("SBool",SProduct []),("SChar",SProduct []),("SWord8",SProduct []),("SWord16",SProduct []),("SWord32",SProduct []),("SWord64",SProduct []),("SInt8",SProduct []),("SInt16",SProduct []),("SInt32",SProduct []),("SInt64",SProduct []),("SInteger",SProduct []),("SFloat",SProduct []),("SDouble",SProduct []),("SBytes",SProduct []),("SText",SProduct []),("SUTCTime",SProduct []),("STag",SProduct [SFix (SVariant [("TagInt",SProduct [SInteger]),("TagStr",SProduct [SText]),("TagList",SProduct [SVector (SVar 0)])]),SVar 0]),("SLet",SProduct [SVar 0,SVar 0])])
bootstrapSchema n = error $ "Unsupported version: " <> show n
data Term = TBool !Bool
| TChar !Char
| TWord8 !Word8
| TWord16 !Word16
| TWord32 !Word32
| TWord64 !Word64
| TInt8 !Int8
| TInt16 !Int16
| TInt32 !Int32
| TInt64 !Int64
| TInteger !Integer
| TFloat !Float
| TDouble !Double
| TBytes !B.ByteString
| TText !T.Text
| TUTCTime !UTCTime
| TVector !(V.Vector Term)
| TProduct !(V.Vector Term)
| TRecord !(V.Vector (T.Text, Term))
| TVariant !Int !T.Text Term
deriving Show
instance J.ToJSON Term where
toJSON (TBool b) = J.toJSON b
toJSON (TChar c) = J.toJSON c
toJSON (TWord8 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TWord16 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TWord32 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TWord64 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TInt8 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TInt16 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TInt32 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TInt64 w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TInteger w) = J.toJSON w
toJSON (TFloat x) = J.toJSON x
toJSON (TDouble x) = J.toJSON x
toJSON (TBytes bs) = J.toJSON (B.unpack bs)
toJSON (TText t) = J.toJSON t
toJSON (TUTCTime t) = J.toJSON t
toJSON (TVector xs) = J.toJSON xs
toJSON (TProduct xs) = J.toJSON xs
toJSON (TRecord xs) = J.toJSON $ HM.fromList $ V.toList xs
toJSON (TVariant _ "Just" x) = J.toJSON x
toJSON (TVariant _ "Nothing" _) = J.Null
toJSON (TVariant _ t x) = J.object ["tag" J..= J.toJSON t, "contents" J..= J.toJSON x]
instance Pretty Term where
pretty (TWord8 i) = pretty i
pretty (TWord16 i) = pretty i
pretty (TWord32 i) = pretty i
pretty (TWord64 i) = pretty i
pretty (TInt8 i) = pretty i
pretty (TInt16 i) = pretty i
pretty (TInt32 i) = pretty i
pretty (TInt64 i) = pretty i
pretty (TInteger i) = pretty i
pretty (TBytes s) = pretty $ show s
pretty (TText s) = pretty s
pretty (TVector xs) = list $ map pretty (V.toList xs)
pretty (TBool x) = pretty x
pretty (TChar x) = pretty x
pretty (TFloat x) = pretty x
pretty (TDouble x) = pretty x
pretty (TProduct xs) = tupled $ map pretty (V.toList xs)
pretty (TRecord xs) = align $ encloseSep "{ " " }" ", " [group $ nest 2 $ vsep [pretty k <+> "=", pretty v] | (k, v) <- V.toList xs]
pretty (TVariant _ tag (TProduct xs)) = group $ nest 2 $ sep $ pretty tag : map pretty (V.toList xs)
pretty (TVariant _ tag x) = group $ nest 2 $ sep [pretty tag, pretty x]
pretty (TUTCTime t) = pretty (show t)
newtype Extractor a = Extractor { getExtractor :: Plan (Term -> a) }
deriving Functor
instance Applicative Extractor where
pure = Extractor . pure . pure
Extractor f <*> Extractor x = Extractor $ (<*>) <$> f <*> x
instance Alternative Extractor where
empty = Extractor empty
Extractor f <|> Extractor g = Extractor $ f <|> g
data StrategyBind = DynDecoder !Dynamic
| BoundSchema !Int !Schema
data StrategyEnv = StrategyEnv !Int ![StrategyBind]
type Strategy' = Strategy WineryException StrategyEnv
newtype Plan a = Plan { unPlan :: Schema -> Strategy' a }
deriving Functor
instance Applicative Plan where
pure = Plan . const . pure
m <*> k = Plan $ \sch -> Strategy $ \decs -> case unStrategy (unPlan m sch) decs of
Right f -> f <$> unStrategy (unPlan k sch) decs
Left e -> Left e
instance Monad Plan where
m >>= k = Plan $ \sch -> Strategy $ \decs -> case unStrategy (unPlan m sch) decs of
Right a -> unStrategy (unPlan (k a) sch) decs
Left e -> Left e
instance Alternative Plan where
empty = Plan $ const empty
Plan a <|> Plan b = Plan $ \s -> a s <|> b s
unwrapExtractor :: Extractor a -> Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> a)
unwrapExtractor (Extractor m) = unPlan m
{-# INLINE unwrapExtractor #-}
data WineryException = UnexpectedSchema !(Doc AnsiStyle) !(Doc AnsiStyle) !Schema
| FieldNotFound !(Doc AnsiStyle) !T.Text ![T.Text]
| TypeMismatch !Int !TypeRep !TypeRep
| ProductTooSmall !Int
| UnboundVariable !Int
| EmptyInput
| WineryMessage !(Doc AnsiStyle)
deriving Show
instance Exception WineryException
instance IsString WineryException where
fromString = WineryMessage . fromString
prettyWineryException :: WineryException -> Doc AnsiStyle
prettyWineryException = \case
UnexpectedSchema subject expected actual -> annotate bold subject
<+> "expects" <+> annotate (color Green <> bold) expected
<+> "but got " <+> pretty actual
FieldNotFound rep x xs -> rep <> ": field or constructor " <> pretty x <> " not found in " <> pretty xs
TypeMismatch i s t -> "A type mismatch in variable"
<+> pretty i <> ":"
<+> "expected" <> viaShow s
<+> "but got " <> viaShow t
ProductTooSmall i -> "The product is too small; expecting " <> pretty i
UnboundVariable i -> "Unbound variable: " <> pretty i
EmptyInput -> "Unexpected empty string"
WineryMessage a -> a