Copyright | (c) Fumiaki Kinoshita 2019 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Fumiaki Kinoshita <> |
Stability | Provisional |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type Schema = SchemaP Int
- data SchemaP a
- = SFix !(SchemaP a)
- | SVar !a
- | SVector !(SchemaP a)
- | SProduct !(Vector (SchemaP a))
- | SRecord !(Vector (Text, SchemaP a))
- | SVariant !(Vector (Text, SchemaP a))
- | SBool
- | SChar
- | SWord8
- | SWord16
- | SWord32
- | SWord64
- | SInt8
- | SInt16
- | SInt32
- | SInt64
- | SInteger
- | SFloat
- | SDouble
- | SBytes
- | SText
- | SUTCTime
- | STag !Tag !(SchemaP a)
- | SLet !(SchemaP a) !(SchemaP a)
- data Tag
- class Typeable a => Serialise a where
- schemaGen :: Proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
- toBuilder :: a -> Builder
- extractor :: Extractor a
- decodeCurrent :: Decoder a
- bundleSerialise :: BundleSerialise a
- testSerialise :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Serialise a) => a -> Property
- data DecodeException
- schema :: forall proxy a. Serialise a => proxy a -> Schema
- toBuilderWithSchema :: forall a. Serialise a => a -> Builder
- serialise :: Serialise a => a -> ByteString
- deserialise :: Serialise a => ByteString -> Either WineryException a
- deserialiseBy :: Extractor a -> ByteString -> Either WineryException a
- deserialiseTerm :: ByteString -> Either WineryException (Schema, Term)
- splitSchema :: ByteString -> Either WineryException (Schema, ByteString)
- writeFileSerialise :: Serialise a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
- readFileDeserialise :: Serialise a => FilePath -> IO a
- serialiseSchema :: Schema -> ByteString
- schemaToBuilder :: Schema -> Builder
- deserialiseSchema :: ByteString -> Either WineryException Schema
- newtype Extractor a = Extractor {
- runExtractor :: Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> a)
- mkExtractor :: forall a. Typeable a => (Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> a)) -> Extractor a
- unwrapExtractor :: Extractor a -> Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> a)
- data Decoder a
- evalDecoder :: Decoder a -> ByteString -> a
- serialiseOnly :: Serialise a => a -> ByteString
- getDecoder :: forall a. Serialise a => Schema -> Either WineryException (Decoder a)
- getDecoderBy :: Extractor a -> Schema -> Either WineryException (Decoder a)
- data Term
- = TBool !Bool
- | TChar !Char
- | TWord8 !Word8
- | TWord16 !Word16
- | TWord32 !Word32
- | TWord64 !Word64
- | TInt8 !Int8
- | TInt16 !Int16
- | TInt32 !Int32
- | TInt64 !Int64
- | TInteger !Integer
- | TFloat !Float
- | TDouble !Double
- | TBytes !ByteString
- | TText !Text
- | TUTCTime !UTCTime
- | TVector !(Vector Term)
- | TProduct !(Vector Term)
- | TRecord !(Vector (Text, Term))
- | TVariant !Int !Text Term
- encodeTerm :: Term -> Builder
- newtype Subextractor a = Subextractor {
- unSubextractor :: Extractor a
- buildExtractor :: Typeable a => Subextractor a -> Extractor a
- extractListBy :: Typeable a => Extractor a -> Extractor (Vector a)
- extractField :: Serialise a => Text -> Subextractor a
- extractFieldBy :: Extractor a -> Text -> Subextractor a
- extractConstructor :: Serialise a => (Text, a -> r) -> Subextractor r -> Subextractor r
- extractConstructorBy :: Typeable a => (Extractor a, Text, a -> r) -> Subextractor r -> Subextractor r
- extractProductItemBy :: Extractor a -> Int -> Subextractor a
- extractVoid :: Typeable r => Subextractor r
- buildVariantExtractor :: (Generic a, Typeable a) => HashMap Text (Extractor a) -> Extractor a
- buildRecordExtractor :: (Typeable b, TraversableB b) => b Subextractor -> Extractor (b Identity)
- bextractors :: forall b. (ConstraintsB b, AllB Serialise b, FieldNamesB b) => b Subextractor
- buildRecordExtractorF :: (Typeable b, Typeable h, TraversableB b) => b (Compose Subextractor h) -> Extractor (b h)
- bextractorsF :: forall b h. (ConstraintsB b, AllBF Serialise h b, FieldNamesB b) => b (Compose Subextractor h)
- data ExtractException = InvalidTerm !Term
- newtype SingleField a = SingleField {
- getSingleField :: a
- newtype VarInt a = VarInt {
- getVarInt :: a
- data WineryException
- = UnexpectedSchema ![TypeRep] !(Doc AnsiStyle) !Schema
- | FieldNotFound ![TypeRep] !Text ![Text]
- | TypeMismatch ![TypeRep] !Int !TypeRep !TypeRep
- | ProductTooSmall ![TypeRep] !Int
- | UnboundVariable ![TypeRep] !Int
- | EmptyInput
- | WineryMessage !(Doc AnsiStyle)
- | UnsupportedSchemaVersion !Word8
- prettyWineryException :: WineryException -> Doc AnsiStyle
- unexpectedSchema :: forall f a. Serialise a => Schema -> Strategy' (f a)
- data SchemaGen a
- getSchema :: forall proxy a. Serialise a => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
- newtype WineryRecord a = WineryRecord {
- unWineryRecord :: a
- newtype WineryVariant a = WineryVariant {
- unWineryVariant :: a
- newtype WineryProduct a = WineryProduct {
- unWineryProduct :: a
- class GSerialiseRecord f
- gschemaGenRecord :: forall proxy a. (GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
- gtoBuilderRecord :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> Builder
- gextractorRecord :: forall a. (GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Maybe a -> Extractor a
- gdecodeCurrentRecord :: (GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a
- class GSerialiseVariant f
- class GConstructorCount f
- class GEncodeVariant f
- class GDecodeVariant f
- gschemaGenVariant :: forall proxy a. (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Typeable a, Generic a) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
- gtoBuilderVariant :: forall a. (GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> Builder
- gextractorVariant :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Extractor a
- gdecodeCurrentVariant :: forall a. (GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a
- gvariantExtractors :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => HashMap Text (Extractor a)
- class GEncodeProduct f
- class GDecodeProduct f
- gschemaGenProduct :: forall proxy a. (Generic a, GSerialiseProduct (Rep a)) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
- gtoBuilderProduct :: (Generic a, GEncodeProduct (Rep a)) => a -> Builder
- gextractorProduct :: forall a. (GSerialiseProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Extractor a
- gdecodeCurrentProduct :: forall a. (GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a
- decodeCurrentDefault :: forall a. Serialise a => Decoder a
- data BundleSerialise a = BundleSerialise {
- bundleSchemaGen :: Proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
- bundleToBuilder :: a -> Builder
- bundleExtractor :: Extractor a
- bundleDecodeCurrent :: Decoder a
- bundleRecord :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => (Extractor a -> Extractor a) -> BundleSerialise a
- bundleRecordDefault :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => a -> (Extractor a -> Extractor a) -> BundleSerialise a
- bundleVariant :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => (Extractor a -> Extractor a) -> BundleSerialise a
- bundleVia :: forall a t. (Coercible a t, Serialise t) => (a -> t) -> BundleSerialise a
- bootstrapSchema :: Word8 -> Either WineryException Schema
type Schema = SchemaP Int Source #
A schema preserves structure of a datatype, allowing users to inspect the data regardless of the current implementation.
"Yeah, it’s just a memento. Just, you know, from the first time we met."
The basic schema datatype
SFix !(SchemaP a) | binds a fixpoint |
SVar !a |
SVector !(SchemaP a) | |
SProduct !(Vector (SchemaP a)) | |
SRecord !(Vector (Text, SchemaP a)) | |
SVariant !(Vector (Text, SchemaP a)) | |
SBool | |
SChar | |
SWord8 | |
SWord16 | |
SWord32 | |
SWord64 | |
SInt8 | |
SInt16 | |
SInt32 | |
SInt64 | |
SInteger | |
SFloat | |
SDouble | |
SBytes | |
SText | |
SUTCTime | nanoseconds from POSIX epoch |
STag !Tag !(SchemaP a) | |
SLet !(SchemaP a) !(SchemaP a) |
Tag is an extra value that can be attached to a schema.
IsList Tag Source # | |
Eq Tag Source # | |
Read Tag Source # | |
Show Tag Source # | |
IsString Tag Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base fromString :: String -> Tag # | |
Generic Tag Source # | |
Pretty Tag Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base | |
Serialise Tag Source # | |
type Rep Tag Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base type Rep Tag = D1 ('MetaData "Tag" "Codec.Winery.Base" "winery-1.3.2-KhjWZ07kGaY74i3HCD3TU0" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "TagInt" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Int)) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "TagStr" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "TagList" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 [Tag])))) | |
type Item Tag Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base |
class Typeable a => Serialise a where Source #
Serialisable datatype
schemaGen :: Proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema Source #
Obtain the schema of the datatype.
toBuilder :: a -> Builder Source #
Serialise a value.
extractor :: Extractor a Source #
A value of 'Extractor a' interprets a schema and builds a function from
to a
. This must be equivalent to decodeCurrent
when the schema
is the current one.
returns a function, the function must return a
non-bottom for any extractor
It must not return a function if an unsupported schema is supplied.
getDecoderBy extractor (schema (Proxy
a)) must be
Right d
d@ is equivalent to decodeCurrent
decodeCurrent :: Decoder a Source #
Decode a value with the current schema.
bundleSerialise :: BundleSerialise a Source #
Instead of the four methods above, you can supply a bundle.
testSerialise :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Serialise a) => a -> Property Source #
Check the integrity of a Serialise instance.
"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader."
data DecodeException Source #
Exceptions thrown by a Decoder
Eq DecodeException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Internal (==) :: DecodeException -> DecodeException -> Bool # (/=) :: DecodeException -> DecodeException -> Bool # | |
Read DecodeException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Internal | |
Show DecodeException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> DecodeException -> ShowS # show :: DecodeException -> String # showList :: [DecodeException] -> ShowS # | |
Exception DecodeException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Internal |
schema :: forall proxy a. Serialise a => proxy a -> Schema Source #
Obtain the schema of the datatype.
"Tell me what you drink, and I will tell you what you are."
Standalone serialisation
toBuilderWithSchema :: forall a. Serialise a => a -> Builder Source #
Serialise a value with the schema.
serialise :: Serialise a => a -> ByteString Source #
Serialise a value along with its schema.
"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."
deserialise :: Serialise a => ByteString -> Either WineryException a Source #
Deserialise a serialise
d Bytestring
"Old wood to burn! Old wine to drink! Old friends to trust! Old authors to read!"
deserialiseBy :: Extractor a -> ByteString -> Either WineryException a Source #
Deserialise a serialise
d Bytestring
using an Extractor
deserialiseTerm :: ByteString -> Either WineryException (Schema, Term) Source #
Deserialise a serialise
d Bytestring
splitSchema :: ByteString -> Either WineryException (Schema, ByteString) Source #
Split a Schema
from a ByteString
writeFileSerialise :: Serialise a => FilePath -> a -> IO () Source #
then write it to a file.
readFileDeserialise :: Serialise a => FilePath -> IO a Source #
Deserialise a file. Throws WineryException
Separate serialisation
serialiseSchema :: Schema -> ByteString Source #
Serialise a schema (prefix with the version number only).
schemaToBuilder :: Schema -> Builder Source #
deserialiseSchema :: ByteString -> Either WineryException Schema Source #
Deserialise a schema.
is a Plan
that creates a function to extract a value from Term.
The Applicative
instance can be used to build a user-defined extractor.
This is also Alternative
, meaning that fallback plans may be added.
"Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water."
Extractor | |
unwrapExtractor :: Extractor a -> Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> a) Source #
Deprecated: Use runExtractor instead
Run an Extractor
The Decoder monad
evalDecoder :: Decoder a -> ByteString -> a Source #
Run a Decoder
serialiseOnly :: Serialise a => a -> ByteString Source #
Serialise a value without its schema.
"Any unsaved progress will be lost."
getDecoder :: forall a. Serialise a => Schema -> Either WineryException (Decoder a) Source #
Obtain a decoder from a schema.
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one."
getDecoderBy :: Extractor a -> Schema -> Either WineryException (Decoder a) Source #
Get a decoder from a Extractor
and a schema.
Decoding combinators
Common representation for any winery data. Handy for prettyprinting winery-serialised data.
TBool !Bool | |
TChar !Char | |
TWord8 !Word8 | |
TWord16 !Word16 | |
TWord32 !Word32 | |
TWord64 !Word64 | |
TInt8 !Int8 | |
TInt16 !Int16 | |
TInt32 !Int32 | |
TInt64 !Int64 | |
TInteger !Integer | |
TFloat !Float | |
TDouble !Double | |
TBytes !ByteString | |
TText !Text | |
TUTCTime !UTCTime | |
TVector !(Vector Term) | |
TProduct !(Vector Term) | |
TRecord !(Vector (Text, Term)) | |
TVariant !Int !Text Term |
encodeTerm :: Term -> Builder Source #
newtype Subextractor a Source #
An extractor for individual fields. This distinction is required for handling recursions correctly.
Recommended extension: ApplicativeDo
Functor Subextractor Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class fmap :: (a -> b) -> Subextractor a -> Subextractor b # (<$) :: a -> Subextractor b -> Subextractor a # | |
Applicative Subextractor Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class pure :: a -> Subextractor a # (<*>) :: Subextractor (a -> b) -> Subextractor a -> Subextractor b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Subextractor a -> Subextractor b -> Subextractor c # (*>) :: Subextractor a -> Subextractor b -> Subextractor b # (<*) :: Subextractor a -> Subextractor b -> Subextractor a # | |
Alternative Subextractor Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class empty :: Subextractor a # (<|>) :: Subextractor a -> Subextractor a -> Subextractor a # some :: Subextractor a -> Subextractor [a] # many :: Subextractor a -> Subextractor [a] # |
buildExtractor :: Typeable a => Subextractor a -> Extractor a Source #
Build an extractor from a Subextractor
extractListBy :: Typeable a => Extractor a -> Extractor (Vector a) Source #
Extract a list or an array of values.
extractField :: Serialise a => Text -> Subextractor a Source #
Extract a field of a record.
extractFieldBy :: Extractor a -> Text -> Subextractor a Source #
Extract a field using the supplied Extractor
extractConstructor :: Serialise a => (Text, a -> r) -> Subextractor r -> Subextractor r infixr 1 Source #
Tries to match on a constructor. If it doesn't match (or constructor doesn't exist at all), leave it to the successor.
extractor = (Just, Just)extractConstructor
(Nothing, () -> Nothing)extractConstructor
extractConstructorBy :: Typeable a => (Extractor a, Text, a -> r) -> Subextractor r -> Subextractor r infixr 1 Source #
Tries to extract a specific constructor of a variant. Useful for implementing backward-compatible extractors.
extractProductItemBy :: Extractor a -> Int -> Subextractor a Source #
Extract a field using the supplied Extractor
extractVoid :: Typeable r => Subextractor r Source #
No constructors remaining.
buildVariantExtractor :: (Generic a, Typeable a) => HashMap Text (Extractor a) -> Extractor a Source #
buildRecordExtractor :: (Typeable b, TraversableB b) => b Subextractor -> Extractor (b Identity) Source #
bextractors :: forall b. (ConstraintsB b, AllB Serialise b, FieldNamesB b) => b Subextractor Source #
Collect extractors for record fields
buildRecordExtractorF :: (Typeable b, Typeable h, TraversableB b) => b (Compose Subextractor h) -> Extractor (b h) Source #
bextractorsF :: forall b h. (ConstraintsB b, AllBF Serialise h b, FieldNamesB b) => b (Compose Subextractor h) Source #
Collect extractors for record fields
data ExtractException Source #
This may be thrown if illegal Term
is passed to an extractor.
Show ExtractException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base showsPrec :: Int -> ExtractException -> ShowS # show :: ExtractException -> String # showList :: [ExtractException] -> ShowS # | |
Exception ExtractException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base |
newtype SingleField a Source #
A product with one field. Useful when creating a custom extractor for constructors.
Variable-length quantity
Encoded in variable-length quantity.
data WineryException Source #
Exceptions thrown by an extractor
UnexpectedSchema ![TypeRep] !(Doc AnsiStyle) !Schema | |
FieldNotFound ![TypeRep] !Text ![Text] | |
TypeMismatch ![TypeRep] !Int !TypeRep !TypeRep | |
ProductTooSmall ![TypeRep] !Int | |
UnboundVariable ![TypeRep] !Int | |
EmptyInput | |
WineryMessage !(Doc AnsiStyle) | |
UnsupportedSchemaVersion !Word8 |
Show WineryException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base showsPrec :: Int -> WineryException -> ShowS # show :: WineryException -> String # showList :: [WineryException] -> ShowS # | |
IsString WineryException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base fromString :: String -> WineryException # | |
Exception WineryException Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Base |
prettyWineryException :: WineryException -> Doc AnsiStyle Source #
Pretty-print WineryException
newtype WineryRecord a Source #
The Serialise
instance is generically defined for records.
"Remember thee! Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records."
(GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Serialise (WineryRecord a) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery schemaGen :: Proxy (WineryRecord a) -> SchemaGen Schema Source # toBuilder :: WineryRecord a -> Builder Source # extractor :: Extractor (WineryRecord a) Source # decodeCurrent :: Decoder (WineryRecord a) Source # bundleSerialise :: BundleSerialise (WineryRecord a) Source # |
newtype WineryVariant a Source #
The Serialise
instance is generically defined for variants.
"The one so like the other as could not be distinguish'd but by names."
(GConstructorCount (Rep a), GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Serialise (WineryVariant a) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery schemaGen :: Proxy (WineryVariant a) -> SchemaGen Schema Source # toBuilder :: WineryVariant a -> Builder Source # extractor :: Extractor (WineryVariant a) Source # decodeCurrent :: Decoder (WineryVariant a) Source # bundleSerialise :: BundleSerialise (WineryVariant a) Source # |
newtype WineryProduct a Source #
Serialise a value as a product (omits field names).
"I get ideas about what's essential when packing my suitcase."
(GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseProduct (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Serialise (WineryProduct a) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery schemaGen :: Proxy (WineryProduct a) -> SchemaGen Schema Source # toBuilder :: WineryProduct a -> Builder Source # extractor :: Extractor (WineryProduct a) Source # decodeCurrent :: Decoder (WineryProduct a) Source # bundleSerialise :: BundleSerialise (WineryProduct a) Source # |
Generic implementations (for old GHC / custom instances)
class GSerialiseRecord f Source #
GSerialiseRecord f => GSerialiseRecord (D1 c f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
GSerialiseRecord f => GSerialiseRecord (C1 c f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
(Serialise a, Selector c) => GSerialiseRecord (S1 c (K1 i a :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) Source # | |
(GSerialiseRecord f, GSerialiseRecord g) => GSerialiseRecord (f :*: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class |
gschemaGenRecord :: forall proxy a. (GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema Source #
Generic implementation of schemaGen
for a record.
gtoBuilderRecord :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> Builder Source #
Generic implementation of toBuilder
for a record.
:: forall a. (GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) | |
=> Maybe a | default value (optional) |
-> Extractor a |
Generic implementation of extractor
for a record.
gdecodeCurrentRecord :: (GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a Source #
Synonym for gdecodeCurrentProduct
class GSerialiseVariant f Source #
GSerialiseVariant f => GSerialiseVariant (D1 c f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
(GSerialiseRecord f, KnownSymbol name) => GSerialiseVariant (C1 ('MetaCons name fixity 'True) f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
(GSerialiseProduct f, KnownSymbol name) => GSerialiseVariant (C1 ('MetaCons name fixity 'False) f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
(GSerialiseVariant f, GSerialiseVariant g) => GSerialiseVariant (f :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class |
class GConstructorCount f Source #
GConstructorCount f => GConstructorCount (D1 i f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class variantCount :: proxy (D1 i f) -> Int Source # | |
GConstructorCount (C1 i f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class variantCount :: proxy (C1 i f) -> Int Source # | |
(GConstructorCount f, GConstructorCount g) => GConstructorCount (f :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class variantCount :: proxy (f :+: g) -> Int Source # |
class GEncodeVariant f Source #
GEncodeVariant f => GEncodeVariant (D1 i f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
GEncodeProduct f => GEncodeVariant (C1 i f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
(GEncodeVariant f, GEncodeVariant g) => GEncodeVariant (f :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class |
class GDecodeVariant f Source #
GDecodeVariant f => GDecodeVariant (D1 i f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
GDecodeProduct f => GDecodeVariant (C1 i f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
(GDecodeVariant f, GDecodeVariant g) => GDecodeVariant (f :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class |
gschemaGenVariant :: forall proxy a. (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Typeable a, Generic a) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema Source #
Generic implementation of schemaGen
for an ADT.
gtoBuilderVariant :: forall a. (GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> Builder Source #
Generic implementation of toBuilder
for an ADT.
gextractorVariant :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Extractor a Source #
Generic implementation of extractor
for an ADT.
gdecodeCurrentVariant :: forall a. (GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a Source #
gvariantExtractors :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => HashMap Text (Extractor a) Source #
Collect extractors as a HashMap
keyed by constructor names
class GEncodeProduct f Source #
Encode all the fields
GEncodeProduct (U1 :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productEncoder :: forall (x :: k0). U1 x -> Builder Source # | |
GEncodeProduct f => GEncodeProduct (D1 c f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productEncoder :: forall (x :: k0). D1 c f x -> Builder Source # | |
GEncodeProduct f => GEncodeProduct (C1 c f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productEncoder :: forall (x :: k0). C1 c f x -> Builder Source # | |
Serialise a => GEncodeProduct (S1 c (K1 i a :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class | |
(GEncodeProduct f, GEncodeProduct g) => GEncodeProduct (f :*: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productEncoder :: forall (x :: k0). (f :*: g) x -> Builder Source # |
class GDecodeProduct f Source #
GDecodeProduct (U1 :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productDecoder :: forall (x :: k0). Decoder (U1 x) Source # | |
(GDecodeProduct f, GDecodeProduct g) => GDecodeProduct (f :*: g :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productDecoder :: forall (x :: k0). Decoder ((f :*: g) x) Source # | |
Serialise a => GDecodeProduct (K1 i a :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productDecoder :: forall (x :: k0). Decoder (K1 i a x) Source # | |
GDecodeProduct f => GDecodeProduct (M1 i c f :: k -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Codec.Winery.Class productDecoder :: forall (x :: k0). Decoder (M1 i c f x) Source # |
gschemaGenProduct :: forall proxy a. (Generic a, GSerialiseProduct (Rep a)) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema Source #
gtoBuilderProduct :: (Generic a, GEncodeProduct (Rep a)) => a -> Builder Source #
gextractorProduct :: forall a. (GSerialiseProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => Extractor a Source #
Generic implementation of extractor
for a record.
gdecodeCurrentProduct :: forall a. (GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a Source #
Generic implementation of extractor
for a record.
decodeCurrentDefault :: forall a. Serialise a => Decoder a Source #
in terms of extractor
; note that it's very slow.
data BundleSerialise a Source #
A bundle of Serialise
BundleSerialise | |
bundleRecord :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => (Extractor a -> Extractor a) -> BundleSerialise a Source #
Deprecated: Use bundleVia instead
A bundle of generic implementations for records
bundleRecordDefault :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => a -> (Extractor a -> Extractor a) -> BundleSerialise a Source #
Deprecated: Use bundleVia instead
A bundle of generic implementations for records, with a default value
bundleVariant :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => (Extractor a -> Extractor a) -> BundleSerialise a Source #
Deprecated: Use bundleVia instead
A bundle of generic implementations for variants
:: forall a t. (Coercible a t, Serialise t) | |
=> (a -> t) | wrapper constructor (e.g. |
-> BundleSerialise a |
Create a BundleSerialise
where methods are defined via a wrapper.
Preset schema
bootstrapSchema :: Word8 -> Either WineryException Schema Source #
Obtain the schema of the schema corresponding to the specified version.