{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
module Codec.Winery.Class (Serialise(..)
, VarInt(..)
, BundleSerialise(..)
, bundleRecord
, bundleRecordDefault
, bundleVariant
, getSchema
, schema
, unexpectedSchema
, mkPlan
, extractListBy
, gschemaGenRecord
, gtoBuilderRecord
, gextractorRecord
, extractorRecord'
, gdecodeCurrentRecord
, GEncodeProduct(..)
, GDecodeProduct(..)
, GSerialiseRecord(..)
, GSerialiseProduct(..)
, gschemaGenProduct
, gtoBuilderProduct
, gextractorProduct
, gdecodeCurrentProduct
, extractorProduct'
, GConstructorCount(..)
, GDecodeVariant(..)
, GEncodeVariant(..)
, GSerialiseVariant(..)
, gschemaGenVariant
, gtoBuilderVariant
, gextractorVariant
, gdecodeCurrentVariant
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.FastBuilder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Bits
import Data.Complex
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Monoid as M
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Ratio (Ratio, (%), numerator, denominator)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific, coefficient, base10Exponent)
import Data.Semigroup as S
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord (Down(..))
import Data.Word
import Codec.Winery.Base as W
import Codec.Winery.Internal
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc hiding ((<>), SText, SChar)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Void (Void)
import Unsafe.Coerce
import GHC.Float (castWord32ToFloat, castWord64ToDouble)
import GHC.Natural
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
class Typeable a => Serialise a where
schemaGen :: Proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
schemaGen = bundleSchemaGen bundleSerialise
{-# INLINE schemaGen #-}
toBuilder :: a -> BB.Builder
toBuilder = bundleToBuilder bundleSerialise
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor :: Extractor a
extractor = bundleExtractor bundleSerialise
{-# INLINE extractor #-}
decodeCurrent :: Decoder a
decodeCurrent = bundleDecodeCurrent bundleSerialise
{-# INLINE decodeCurrent #-}
bundleSerialise :: BundleSerialise a
bundleSerialise = BundleSerialise
{ bundleSchemaGen = schemaGen
, bundleToBuilder = toBuilder
, bundleExtractor = extractor
, bundleDecodeCurrent = decodeCurrent
{-# MINIMAL schemaGen, toBuilder, extractor, decodeCurrent | bundleSerialise #-}
data BundleSerialise a = BundleSerialise
{ bundleSchemaGen :: Proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
, bundleToBuilder :: a -> BB.Builder
, bundleExtractor :: Extractor a
, bundleDecodeCurrent :: Decoder a
bundleRecord :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a)
=> (Extractor a -> Extractor a)
-> BundleSerialise a
bundleRecord f = BundleSerialise
{ bundleSchemaGen = gschemaGenRecord
, bundleToBuilder = gtoBuilderRecord
, bundleExtractor = f $ gextractorRecord Nothing
, bundleDecodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentRecord
{-# INLINE bundleRecord #-}
bundleRecordDefault :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a)
=> a
-> (Extractor a -> Extractor a)
-> BundleSerialise a
bundleRecordDefault def f = BundleSerialise
{ bundleSchemaGen = gschemaGenRecord
, bundleToBuilder = gtoBuilderRecord
, bundleExtractor = f $ gextractorRecord $ Just def
, bundleDecodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentRecord
{-# INLINE bundleRecordDefault #-}
bundleVariant :: (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a)
=> (Extractor a -> Extractor a)
-> BundleSerialise a
bundleVariant f = BundleSerialise
{ bundleSchemaGen = gschemaGenVariant
, bundleToBuilder = gtoBuilderVariant
, bundleExtractor = f $ gextractorVariant
, bundleDecodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentVariant
{-# INLINE bundleVariant #-}
getSchema :: forall proxy a. Serialise a => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
getSchema p = SchemaGen $ \seen -> if S.member rep seen
then (S.singleton rep, \xs -> case elemIndex rep xs of
Just i -> SVar i
Nothing -> error $ "getSchema: impossible " ++ show (rep, seen, xs))
else case unSchemaGen (schemaGen (Proxy @ a)) (S.insert rep seen) of
(reps, f)
| S.member rep reps -> (reps, \xs -> SFix $ f (rep : xs))
| otherwise -> (reps, f)
rep = typeRep p
schema :: forall proxy a. Serialise a => proxy a -> Schema
schema p = case unSchemaGen (schemaGen (Proxy @ a)) (S.singleton rep) of
(reps, f)
| S.member rep reps -> SFix $ f [rep]
| otherwise -> f []
rep = typeRep p
unexpectedSchema :: forall f a. Serialise a => Doc AnsiStyle -> Schema -> Strategy' (f a)
unexpectedSchema subject actual = throwStrategy
$ UnexpectedSchema subject (pretty $ schema (Proxy @ a)) actual
mkPlan :: forall a. Typeable a => (Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> a)) -> Plan (Term -> a)
mkPlan k = Plan $ \sch -> Strategy $ \(StrategyEnv ofs decs) -> case sch of
SVar i
| point : _ <- drop i decs -> case point of
BoundSchema ofs' sch' -> unPlan (mkPlan k) sch' `unStrategy` StrategyEnv ofs' (drop (ofs - ofs') decs)
DynDecoder dyn -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Nothing -> Left $ TypeMismatch i
(typeRep (Proxy @ (Term -> a)))
(dynTypeRep dyn)
Just a -> Right a
| otherwise -> Left $ UnboundVariable i
SFix s -> mfix $ \a -> unPlan (mkPlan k) s `unStrategy` StrategyEnv (ofs + 1) (DynDecoder (toDyn a) : decs)
SLet s t -> unPlan (mkPlan k) t `unStrategy` StrategyEnv (ofs + 1) (BoundSchema ofs s : decs)
s -> k s `unStrategy` StrategyEnv ofs decs
instance Serialise Tag where
schemaGen = gschemaGenVariant
toBuilder = gtoBuilderVariant
extractor = gextractorVariant
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentVariant
instance Serialise Schema where
schemaGen = gschemaGenVariant
toBuilder = gtoBuilderVariant
extractor = gextractorVariant
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentVariant
instance Serialise () where
schemaGen _ = pure $ SProduct mempty
toBuilder = mempty
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = pure ()
decodeCurrent = pure ()
instance Serialise Bool where
schemaGen _ = pure SBool
toBuilder False = BB.word8 0
toBuilder True = BB.word8 1
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SBool -> pure $ \case
TBool b -> b
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Bool" s
decodeCurrent = (/=0) <$> getWord8
instance Serialise Word8 where
schemaGen _ = pure SWord8
toBuilder = BB.word8
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SWord8 -> pure $ \case
TWord8 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Word8" s
decodeCurrent = getWord8
instance Serialise Word16 where
schemaGen _ = pure SWord16
toBuilder = BB.word16LE
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SWord16 -> pure $ \case
TWord16 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Word16" s
decodeCurrent = getWord16
instance Serialise Word32 where
schemaGen _ = pure SWord32
toBuilder = BB.word32LE
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SWord32 -> pure $ \case
TWord32 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Word32" s
decodeCurrent = getWord32
instance Serialise Word64 where
schemaGen _ = pure SWord64
toBuilder = BB.word64LE
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SWord64 -> pure $ \case
TWord64 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Word64" s
decodeCurrent = getWord64
instance Serialise Word where
schemaGen _ = pure SWord64
toBuilder = BB.word64LE . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SWord64 -> pure $ \case
TWord64 i -> fromIntegral i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Word" s
decodeCurrent = fromIntegral <$> getWord64
instance Serialise Int8 where
schemaGen _ = pure SInt8
toBuilder = BB.word8 . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SInt8 -> pure $ \case
TInt8 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Int8" s
decodeCurrent = fromIntegral <$> getWord8
instance Serialise Int16 where
schemaGen _ = pure SInt16
toBuilder = BB.word16LE . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SInt16 -> pure $ \case
TInt16 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Int16" s
decodeCurrent = fromIntegral <$> getWord16
instance Serialise Int32 where
schemaGen _ = pure SInt32
toBuilder = BB.word32LE . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SInt32 -> pure $ \case
TInt32 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Int32" s
decodeCurrent = fromIntegral <$> getWord32
instance Serialise Int64 where
schemaGen _ = pure SInt64
toBuilder = BB.word64LE . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SInt64 -> pure $ \case
TInt64 i -> i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Int64" s
decodeCurrent = fromIntegral <$> getWord64
instance Serialise Int where
schemaGen _ = pure SInteger
toBuilder = toBuilder . VarInt
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SInteger -> pure $ \case
TInteger i -> fromIntegral i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Int" s
decodeCurrent = decodeVarIntFinite
instance Serialise Float where
schemaGen _ = pure SFloat
toBuilder = BB.floatLE
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SFloat -> pure $ \case
TFloat x -> x
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Float" s
decodeCurrent = castWord32ToFloat <$> getWord32
instance Serialise Double where
schemaGen _ = pure SDouble
toBuilder = BB.doubleLE
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SDouble -> pure $ \case
TDouble x -> x
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Double" s
decodeCurrent = castWord64ToDouble <$> getWord64
instance Serialise T.Text where
schemaGen _ = pure SText
toBuilder = toBuilder . T.encodeUtf8
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SText -> pure $ \case
TText t -> t
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Text" s
decodeCurrent = do
len <- decodeVarInt
T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode <$> getBytes len
newtype VarInt a = VarInt { getVarInt :: a } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum
, Bounded, Num, Real, Integral, Bits, Typeable)
instance (Typeable a, Bits a, Integral a) => Serialise (VarInt a) where
schemaGen _ = pure SInteger
toBuilder = varInt . getVarInt
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SInteger -> pure $ \case
TInteger i -> fromIntegral i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise (VarInt a)" s
decodeCurrent = VarInt <$> decodeVarInt
instance Serialise Integer where
schemaGen _ = pure SInteger
toBuilder = toBuilder . VarInt
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = getVarInt <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = getVarInt <$> decodeCurrent
instance Serialise Natural where
schemaGen _ = pure SInteger
toBuilder = toBuilder . toInteger
extractor = naturalFromInteger <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = naturalFromInteger <$> decodeCurrent
instance Serialise Char where
schemaGen _ = pure SChar
toBuilder = toBuilder . fromEnum
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SChar -> pure $ \case
TChar c -> c
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise Char" s
decodeCurrent = toEnum <$> decodeVarInt
instance Serialise a => Serialise (Maybe a) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenVariant
toBuilder = gtoBuilderVariant
extractor = gextractorVariant
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentVariant
instance Serialise B.ByteString where
schemaGen _ = pure SBytes
toBuilder bs = varInt (B.length bs) <> BB.byteString bs
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SBytes -> pure $ \case
TBytes bs -> bs
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise ByteString" s
decodeCurrent = decodeVarInt >>= getBytes
instance Serialise BL.ByteString where
schemaGen _ = pure SBytes
toBuilder = toBuilder . BL.toStrict
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = BL.fromStrict <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = BL.fromStrict <$> decodeCurrent
nanosecondsToNominalDiffTime :: Int64 -> NominalDiffTime
nanosecondsToNominalDiffTime = unsafeCoerce . MkFixed . (*1000) . fromIntegral
instance Serialise UTCTime where
schemaGen _ = pure SUTCTime
toBuilder = toBuilder . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ Plan $ \case
SUTCTime -> pure $ \case
TUTCTime bs -> bs
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> unexpectedSchema "Serialise UTCTime" s
decodeCurrent = posixSecondsToUTCTime <$> decodeCurrent
instance Serialise NominalDiffTime where
schemaGen _ = pure SInt64
toBuilder x = case unsafeCoerce x of
MkFixed p -> toBuilder (fromIntegral (p `div` 1000) :: Int64)
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = nanosecondsToNominalDiffTime <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = nanosecondsToNominalDiffTime <$> decodeCurrent
extractListBy :: Typeable a => Extractor a -> Extractor (V.Vector a)
extractListBy (Extractor plan) = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SVector s -> do
getItem <- unPlan plan s
return $ \case
TVector xs -> V.map getItem xs
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> throwStrategy $ UnexpectedSchema "extractListBy ..." "[a]" s
{-# INLINE extractListBy #-}
instance Serialise a => Serialise [a] where
schemaGen _ = SVector <$> getSchema (Proxy @ a)
toBuilder xs = varInt (length xs)
<> foldMap toBuilder xs
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = V.toList <$> extractListBy extractor
decodeCurrent = do
n <- decodeVarInt
replicateM n decodeCurrent
instance Serialise a => Serialise (V.Vector a) where
schemaGen _ = SVector <$> getSchema (Proxy @ a)
toBuilder xs = varInt (V.length xs)
<> foldMap toBuilder xs
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = extractListBy extractor
decodeCurrent = do
n <- decodeVarInt
V.replicateM n decodeCurrent
instance (SV.Storable a, Serialise a) => Serialise (SV.Vector a) where
schemaGen _ = SVector <$> getSchema (Proxy @ a)
toBuilder = toBuilder . (SV.convert :: SV.Vector a -> V.Vector a)
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = SV.convert <$> extractListBy extractor
decodeCurrent = do
n <- decodeVarInt
SV.replicateM n decodeCurrent
instance (UV.Unbox a, Serialise a) => Serialise (UV.Vector a) where
schemaGen _ = SVector <$> getSchema (Proxy @ a)
toBuilder = toBuilder . (UV.convert :: UV.Vector a -> V.Vector a)
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = UV.convert <$> extractListBy extractor
decodeCurrent = do
n <- decodeVarInt
UV.replicateM n decodeCurrent
instance (Ord k, Serialise k, Serialise v) => Serialise (M.Map k v) where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ [(k, v)])
toBuilder m = toBuilder (M.size m)
<> M.foldMapWithKey (curry toBuilder) m
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = M.fromList <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = M.fromList <$> decodeCurrent
instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Serialise k, Serialise v) => Serialise (HM.HashMap k v) where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ [(k, v)])
toBuilder m = toBuilder (HM.size m)
<> HM.foldrWithKey (\k v r -> toBuilder (k, v) <> r) mempty m
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = HM.fromList <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = HM.fromList <$> decodeCurrent
instance (Serialise v) => Serialise (IM.IntMap v) where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ [(Int, v)])
toBuilder m = toBuilder (IM.size m)
<> IM.foldMapWithKey (curry toBuilder) m
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = IM.fromList <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = IM.fromList <$> decodeCurrent
instance (Ord a, Serialise a) => Serialise (S.Set a) where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ [a])
toBuilder s = toBuilder (S.size s) <> foldMap toBuilder s
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = S.fromList <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = S.fromList <$> decodeCurrent
instance Serialise IS.IntSet where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ [Int])
toBuilder s = toBuilder (IS.size s) <> IS.foldr (mappend . toBuilder) mempty s
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = IS.fromList <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = IS.fromList <$> decodeCurrent
instance Serialise a => Serialise (Seq.Seq a) where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ [a])
toBuilder s = toBuilder (length s) <> foldMap toBuilder s
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Seq.fromList <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = Seq.fromList <$> decodeCurrent
instance (Integral a, Serialise a) => Serialise (Ratio a) where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ (a, a))
toBuilder x = toBuilder (numerator x, denominator x)
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = uncurry (%) <$> extractor
decodeCurrent = uncurry (%) <$> decodeCurrent
instance Serialise Scientific where
schemaGen _ = schemaGen (Proxy @ (Integer, Int))
toBuilder s = toBuilder (coefficient s, base10Exponent s)
{-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
extractor = Extractor $ Plan $ \s -> case s of
SWord8 -> f (fromIntegral :: Word8 -> Scientific) s
SWord16 -> f (fromIntegral :: Word16 -> Scientific) s
SWord32 -> f (fromIntegral :: Word32 -> Scientific) s
SWord64 -> f (fromIntegral :: Word64 -> Scientific) s
SInt8 -> f (fromIntegral :: Int8 -> Scientific) s
SInt16 -> f (fromIntegral :: Int16 -> Scientific) s
SInt32 -> f (fromIntegral :: Int32 -> Scientific) s
SInt64 -> f (fromIntegral :: Int64 -> Scientific) s
SInteger -> f fromInteger s
SFloat -> f (realToFrac :: Float -> Scientific) s
SDouble -> f (realToFrac :: Double -> Scientific) s
_ -> f (uncurry scientific) s
f c = unwrapExtractor (c <$> extractor)
decodeCurrent = scientific <$> decodeCurrent <*> decodeCurrent
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b) => Serialise (a, b) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b, Serialise c) => Serialise (a, b, c) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b, Serialise c, Serialise d) => Serialise (a, b, c, d) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b, Serialise c, Serialise d, Serialise e) => Serialise (a, b, c, d, e) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b, Serialise c, Serialise d, Serialise e, Serialise f) => Serialise (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b) => Serialise (Either a b) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenVariant
toBuilder = gtoBuilderVariant
extractor = gextractorVariant
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentVariant
instance Serialise Ordering where
schemaGen = gschemaGenVariant
toBuilder = gtoBuilderVariant
extractor = gextractorVariant
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentVariant
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Identity a)
deriving instance (Serialise a, Typeable b, Typeable k) => Serialise (Const a (b :: k))
deriving instance Serialise Any
deriving instance Serialise All
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Down a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Product a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Sum a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Dual a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (M.Last a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (M.First a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (S.Last a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (S.First a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (ZipList a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Option a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Max a)
deriving instance Serialise a => Serialise (Min a)
deriving instance (Typeable k, Typeable f, Typeable a, Serialise (f a)) => Serialise (Alt f (a :: k))
deriving instance (Typeable j, Typeable k, Typeable f, Typeable g, Typeable a, Serialise (f (g a))) => Serialise (Compose f (g :: j -> k) (a :: j))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0)
deriving instance (Typeable k, Typeable f, Typeable a, Serialise (f a)) => Serialise (Ap f (a :: k))
instance (Typeable k, Typeable a, Typeable b, a ~ b) => Serialise ((a :: k) :~: b) where
schemaGen _ = pure $ SProduct mempty
toBuilder = mempty
extractor = pure Refl
decodeCurrent = pure Refl
instance (Serialise a, Serialise b) => Serialise (Arg a b) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance Serialise a => Serialise (Complex a) where
schemaGen = gschemaGenProduct
toBuilder = gtoBuilderProduct
extractor = gextractorProduct
decodeCurrent = gdecodeCurrentProduct
instance Serialise Void where
schemaGen _ = pure $ SVariant V.empty
toBuilder = mempty
extractor = Extractor $ Plan $ const $ throwStrategy "No extractor for Void"
decodeCurrent = error "No decodeCurrent for Void"
gschemaGenRecord :: forall proxy a. (GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
gschemaGenRecord _ = SRecord . V.fromList <$> recordSchema (Proxy @ (Rep a))
gtoBuilderRecord :: (GEncodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> BB.Builder
gtoBuilderRecord = productEncoder . from
{-# INLINE gtoBuilderRecord #-}
data FieldDecoder i a = FieldDecoder !i !(Maybe a) !(Plan (Term -> a))
gextractorRecord :: forall a. (GSerialiseRecord (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a)
=> Maybe a
-> Extractor a
gextractorRecord def = Extractor $ mkPlan
$ fmap (fmap (to .)) $ extractorRecord'
("gextractorRecord :: Extractor " <> viaShow (typeRep (Proxy @ a)))
(from <$> def)
extractorRecord' :: (GSerialiseRecord f)
=> Doc AnsiStyle
-> Maybe (f x)
-> Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> f x)
extractorRecord' rep def (SRecord schs) = Strategy $ \decs -> do
let go :: FieldDecoder T.Text x -> Either WineryException (Term -> x)
go (FieldDecoder name def' p) = case lookupWithIndexV name schs of
Nothing -> case def' of
Just d -> Right (const d)
Nothing -> Left $ FieldNotFound rep name (map fst $ V.toList schs)
Just (i, sch) -> case p `unPlan` sch `unStrategy` decs of
Right getItem -> Right $ \case
TRecord xs -> maybe (error (show rep)) (getItem . snd) $ xs V.!? i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
Left e -> Left e
unTransFusion (recordExtractor def) go
extractorRecord' rep _ s = throwStrategy $ UnexpectedSchema rep "a record" s
{-# INLINE gextractorRecord #-}
gdecodeCurrentRecord :: (GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a
gdecodeCurrentRecord = to <$> productDecoder
{-# INLINE gdecodeCurrentRecord #-}
class GEncodeProduct f where
productEncoder :: f x -> BB.Builder
instance GEncodeProduct U1 where
productEncoder _ = mempty
{-# INLINE productEncoder #-}
instance (GEncodeProduct f, GEncodeProduct g) => GEncodeProduct (f :*: g) where
productEncoder (f :*: g) = productEncoder f <> productEncoder g
{-# INLINE productEncoder #-}
instance Serialise a => GEncodeProduct (S1 c (K1 i a)) where
productEncoder (M1 (K1 a)) = toBuilder a
{-# INLINE productEncoder #-}
instance GEncodeProduct f => GEncodeProduct (C1 c f) where
productEncoder (M1 a) = productEncoder a
{-# INLINE productEncoder #-}
instance GEncodeProduct f => GEncodeProduct (D1 c f) where
productEncoder (M1 a) = productEncoder a
{-# INLINE productEncoder #-}
class GDecodeProduct f where
productDecoder :: Decoder (f x)
instance GDecodeProduct U1 where
productDecoder = pure U1
instance Serialise a => GDecodeProduct (K1 i a) where
productDecoder = K1 <$> decodeCurrent
{-# INLINE productDecoder #-}
instance GDecodeProduct f => GDecodeProduct (M1 i c f) where
productDecoder = M1 <$> productDecoder
{-# INLINE productDecoder #-}
instance (GDecodeProduct f, GDecodeProduct g) => GDecodeProduct (f :*: g) where
productDecoder = (:*:) <$> productDecoder <*> productDecoder
{-# INLINE productDecoder #-}
class GSerialiseRecord f where
recordSchema :: proxy f -> SchemaGen [(T.Text, Schema)]
recordExtractor :: Maybe (f x) -> TransFusion (FieldDecoder T.Text) ((->) Term) (Term -> f x)
instance (GSerialiseRecord f, GSerialiseRecord g) => GSerialiseRecord (f :*: g) where
recordSchema _ = (++) <$> recordSchema (Proxy @ f) <*> recordSchema (Proxy @ g)
recordExtractor def = (\f g -> (:*:) <$> f <*> g)
<$> recordExtractor ((\(x :*: _) -> x) <$> def)
<*> recordExtractor ((\(_ :*: x) -> x) <$> def)
{-# INLINE recordExtractor #-}
instance (Serialise a, Selector c) => GSerialiseRecord (S1 c (K1 i a)) where
recordSchema _ = do
s <- getSchema (Proxy @ a)
pure [(T.pack $ selName (M1 undefined :: M1 i c (K1 i a) x), s)]
recordExtractor def = TransFusion $ \k -> fmap (fmap (M1 . K1)) $ k $ FieldDecoder
(T.pack $ selName (M1 undefined :: M1 i c (K1 i a) x))
(unK1 . unM1 <$> def)
(getExtractor extractor)
{-# INLINE recordExtractor #-}
instance (GSerialiseRecord f) => GSerialiseRecord (C1 c f) where
recordSchema _ = recordSchema (Proxy @ f)
recordExtractor def = fmap M1 <$> recordExtractor (unM1 <$> def)
instance (GSerialiseRecord f) => GSerialiseRecord (D1 c f) where
recordSchema _ = recordSchema (Proxy @ f)
recordExtractor def = fmap M1 <$> recordExtractor (unM1 <$> def)
class GSerialiseProduct f where
productSchema :: proxy f -> SchemaGen [Schema]
productExtractor :: Compose (State Int) (TransFusion (FieldDecoder Int) ((->) Term)) (Term -> f x)
instance GSerialiseProduct U1 where
productSchema _ = pure []
productExtractor = pure (pure U1)
instance (Serialise a) => GSerialiseProduct (K1 i a) where
productSchema _ = pure <$> getSchema (Proxy @ a)
productExtractor = Compose $ State $ \i ->
( TransFusion $ \k -> fmap (fmap K1) $ k $ FieldDecoder i Nothing (getExtractor extractor)
, i + 1)
instance GSerialiseProduct f => GSerialiseProduct (M1 i c f) where
productSchema _ = productSchema (Proxy @ f)
productExtractor = fmap M1 <$> productExtractor
instance (GSerialiseProduct f, GSerialiseProduct g) => GSerialiseProduct (f :*: g) where
productSchema _ = (++) <$> productSchema (Proxy @ f) <*> productSchema (Proxy @ g)
productExtractor = liftA2 (:*:) <$> productExtractor <*> productExtractor
gschemaGenProduct :: forall proxy a. (Generic a, GSerialiseProduct (Rep a)) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
gschemaGenProduct _ = SProduct . V.fromList <$> productSchema (Proxy @ (Rep a))
{-# INLINE gschemaGenProduct #-}
gtoBuilderProduct :: (Generic a, GEncodeProduct (Rep a)) => a -> BB.Builder
gtoBuilderProduct = productEncoder . from
{-# INLINE gtoBuilderProduct #-}
gextractorProduct :: forall a. (GSerialiseProduct (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a)
=> Extractor a
gextractorProduct = Extractor $ mkPlan $ fmap (to .) . extractorProduct'
{-# INLINE gextractorProduct #-}
gdecodeCurrentProduct :: forall a. (GDecodeProduct (Rep a), Generic a)
=> Decoder a
gdecodeCurrentProduct = to <$> productDecoder
{-# INLINE gdecodeCurrentProduct #-}
extractorProduct' :: GSerialiseProduct f => Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> f x)
extractorProduct' sch
| Just schs <- strip sch = Strategy $ \recs -> do
let go :: FieldDecoder Int x -> Either WineryException (Term -> x)
go (FieldDecoder i _ p) = do
getItem <- if i < length schs
then unPlan p (schs V.! i) `unStrategy` recs
else Left $ ProductTooSmall $ length schs
return $ \case
TProduct xs -> getItem $ maybe (throw $ InvalidTerm (TProduct xs)) id
$ xs V.!? i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
unTransFusion (getCompose productExtractor `evalState` 0) go
strip (SProduct xs) = Just xs
strip (SRecord xs) = Just $ V.map snd xs
strip _ = Nothing
extractorProduct' sch = throwStrategy $ UnexpectedSchema "extractorProduct'" "a product" sch
gschemaGenVariant :: forall proxy a. (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Typeable a, Generic a) => proxy a -> SchemaGen Schema
gschemaGenVariant _ = SVariant . V.fromList <$> variantSchema (Proxy @ (Rep a))
gtoBuilderVariant :: forall a. (GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> BB.Builder
gtoBuilderVariant = variantEncoder (variantCount (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a))) 0 . from
{-# INLINE gtoBuilderVariant #-}
gextractorVariant :: forall a. (GSerialiseVariant (Rep a), Generic a, Typeable a)
=> Extractor a
gextractorVariant = Extractor $ mkPlan $ \case
SVariant schs0 -> Strategy $ \decs -> do
ds' <- traverse (\(name, sch) -> case lookup name variantExtractor of
Nothing -> Left $ FieldNotFound rep name (map fst $ V.toList schs0)
Just f -> f sch `unStrategy` decs) schs0
return $ \case
TVariant i _ v -> to $ maybe (throw InvalidTag) ($ v) $ ds' V.!? i
t -> throw $ InvalidTerm t
s -> throwStrategy $ UnexpectedSchema rep "a variant" s
rep = "gextractorVariant :: Extractor "
<> viaShow (typeRep (Proxy @ a))
gdecodeCurrentVariant :: forall a. (GConstructorCount (Rep a), GEncodeVariant (Rep a), GDecodeVariant (Rep a), Generic a) => Decoder a
gdecodeCurrentVariant = decodeVarInt >>= fmap to . variantDecoder (variantCount (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a)))
{-# INLINE gdecodeCurrentVariant #-}
class GConstructorCount f where
variantCount :: proxy f -> Int
instance (GConstructorCount f, GConstructorCount g) => GConstructorCount (f :+: g) where
variantCount _ = variantCount (Proxy @ f) + variantCount (Proxy @ g)
{-# INLINE variantCount #-}
instance GConstructorCount (C1 i f) where
variantCount _ = 1
{-# INLINE variantCount #-}
instance GConstructorCount f => GConstructorCount (D1 i f) where
variantCount _ = variantCount (Proxy @ f)
{-# INLINE variantCount #-}
class GDecodeVariant f where
variantDecoder :: Int -> Int -> Decoder (f x)
instance (GDecodeVariant f, GDecodeVariant g) => GDecodeVariant (f :+: g) where
variantDecoder len i
| i < len' = L1 <$> variantDecoder len' i
| otherwise = R1 <$> variantDecoder (len - len') (i - len')
len' = unsafeShiftR len 1
{-# INLINE variantDecoder #-}
instance GDecodeProduct f => GDecodeVariant (C1 i f) where
variantDecoder _ _ = M1 <$> productDecoder
{-# INLINE variantDecoder #-}
instance GDecodeVariant f => GDecodeVariant (D1 i f) where
variantDecoder len i = M1 <$> variantDecoder len i
{-# INLINE variantDecoder #-}
class GEncodeVariant f where
variantEncoder :: Int -> Int -> f x -> BB.Builder
instance (GEncodeVariant f, GEncodeVariant g) => GEncodeVariant (f :+: g) where
variantEncoder len i (L1 f) = variantEncoder (unsafeShiftR len 1) i f
variantEncoder len i (R1 g) = variantEncoder (len - len') (i + len') g
len' = unsafeShiftR len 1
{-# INLINE variantEncoder #-}
instance (GEncodeProduct f) => GEncodeVariant (C1 i f) where
variantEncoder _ !i (M1 a) = varInt i <> productEncoder a
{-# INLINE variantEncoder #-}
instance GEncodeVariant f => GEncodeVariant (D1 i f) where
variantEncoder len i (M1 a) = variantEncoder len i a
{-# INLINE variantEncoder #-}
class GSerialiseVariant f where
variantSchema :: proxy f -> SchemaGen [(T.Text, Schema)]
variantExtractor :: [(T.Text, Schema -> Strategy' (Term -> f x))]
instance (GSerialiseVariant f, GSerialiseVariant g) => GSerialiseVariant (f :+: g) where
variantSchema _ = (++) <$> variantSchema (Proxy @ f) <*> variantSchema (Proxy @ g)
variantExtractor = fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap L1)))) variantExtractor
++ fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap R1)))) variantExtractor
instance (GSerialiseProduct f, KnownSymbol name) => GSerialiseVariant (C1 ('MetaCons name fixity 'False) f) where
variantSchema _ = do
s <- productSchema (Proxy @ f)
return [(T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @ name), SProduct $ V.fromList s)]
variantExtractor = [(T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @ name), fmap (fmap M1) . extractorProduct') ]
instance (GSerialiseRecord f, KnownSymbol name) => GSerialiseVariant (C1 ('MetaCons name fixity 'True) f) where
variantSchema _ = do
s <- recordSchema (Proxy @ f)
return [(T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @ name), SRecord $ V.fromList s)]
variantExtractor = [(T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @ name), fmap (fmap M1) . extractorRecord' "" Nothing) ]
instance (GSerialiseVariant f) => GSerialiseVariant (D1 c f) where
variantSchema _ = variantSchema (Proxy @ f)
variantExtractor = fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap M1))) <$> variantExtractor