{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
#include <MachDeps.h>
module Data.WideWord.Word256
( Word256 (..)
, showHexWord256
, zeroWord256
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Bits (Bits (..), FiniteBits (..), shiftL)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Ix (Ix)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable (..))
import GHC.Base (Int (..), and#, int2Word#, minusWord#, not#, or#, plusWord#, plusWord2#
, subWordC#, timesWord#, timesWord2#, xor#)
import GHC.Enum (predError, succError)
import GHC.Exts ((*#), (+#), Int#, State#, ByteArray#, MutableByteArray#, Addr#)
import GHC.Real ((%))
import GHC.Word (Word64 (..), Word32)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Data.Primitive.Types (Prim (..), defaultSetByteArray#, defaultSetOffAddr#)
data Word256 = Word256
{ word256hi :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, word256m1 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, word256m0 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, word256lo :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
deriving (Eq, Data, Ix, Typeable)
showHexWord256 :: Word256 -> String
showHexWord256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0)
| a3 == 0 = if a2 == 0
then if a1 == 0
then showHex a0 ""
else showHex a1 zeros0 ++ showHex a0 ""
else showHex a2 zeros1 ++ showHex a1 zeros0 ++ showHex a0 ""
| otherwise =
showHex a3 zeros2 ++ showHex a2 zeros1
++ showHex a1 zeros0 ++ showHex a0 ""
h0 = showHex a0 ""
h1 = showHex a1 ""
h2 = showHex a2 ""
zeros0 = replicate (16 - length h0) '0'
zeros1 = replicate (16 - length h1) '0'
zeros2 = replicate (16 - length h2) '0'
instance Show Word256 where
show = show . toInteger256
instance Read Word256 where
readsPrec p s = [(fromInteger256 (x :: Integer), r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]
instance Ord Word256 where
compare = compare256
instance Bounded Word256 where
minBound = zeroWord256
maxBound = Word256 maxBound maxBound maxBound maxBound
instance Enum Word256 where
succ = succ256
pred = pred256
toEnum = toEnum256
fromEnum = fromEnum256
instance Num Word256 where
(+) = plus256
(-) = minus256
(*) = times256
negate = negate256
abs = id
signum = signum256
fromInteger = fromInteger256
instance Bits Word256 where
(.&.) = and256
(.|.) = or256
xor = xor256
complement = complement256
shiftL = shiftL256
unsafeShiftL = shiftL256
shiftR = shiftR256
unsafeShiftR = shiftR256
rotateL = rotateL256
rotateR = rotateR256
bitSize _ = 256
bitSizeMaybe _ = Just 256
isSigned _ = False
testBit = testBit256
bit = bit256
popCount = popCount256
instance FiniteBits Word256 where
finiteBitSize _ = 256
countLeadingZeros = countLeadingZeros256
countTrailingZeros = countTrailingZeros256
instance Real Word256 where
toRational x = toInteger256 x % 1
instance Integral Word256 where
quot n d = fst (quotRem256 n d)
rem n d = snd (quotRem256 n d)
div n d = fst (quotRem256 n d)
mod n d = snd (quotRem256 n d)
quotRem = quotRem256
divMod = quotRem256
toInteger = toInteger256
instance Storable Word256 where
sizeOf _ = 4 * sizeOf (0 :: Word64)
alignment _ = 4 * alignment (0 :: Word64)
peek = peek256
peekElemOff = peekElemOff256
poke = poke256
pokeElemOff = pokeElemOff256
instance NFData Word256 where
rnf (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) =
rnf a3 `seq` rnf a2 `seq` rnf a1 `seq` rnf a0
instance Prim Word256 where
sizeOf# = sizeOf256#
alignment# = alignment256#
indexByteArray# = indexByteArray256#
readByteArray# = readByteArray256#
writeByteArray# = writeByteArray256#
setByteArray# = setByteArray256#
indexOffAddr# = indexOffAddr256#
readOffAddr# = readOffAddr256#
writeOffAddr# = writeOffAddr256#
setOffAddr# = setOffAddr256#
{-# INLINE sizeOf# #-}
{-# INLINE alignment# #-}
{-# INLINE indexByteArray# #-}
{-# INLINE readByteArray# #-}
{-# INLINE writeByteArray# #-}
{-# INLINE setByteArray# #-}
{-# INLINE indexOffAddr# #-}
{-# INLINE readOffAddr# #-}
{-# INLINE writeOffAddr# #-}
{-# INLINE setOffAddr# #-}
"fromIntegral :: Word256 -> Word256" fromIntegral = id :: Word256 -> Word256
"fromIntegral :: Int -> Word256" fromIntegral = \(I# i#) -> Word256 (W64# 0##) (W64# 0##) (W64# 0##) (W64# (int2Word# i#))
"fromIntegral :: Word -> Word256" fromIntegral = Word256 0 0 0 . (fromIntegral :: Word -> Word64)
"fromIntegral :: Word32 -> Word256" fromIntegral = Word256 0 0 0 . (fromIntegral :: Word32 -> Word64)
"fromIntegral :: Word64 -> Word256" fromIntegral = Word256 0 0 0
"fromIntegral :: Word256 -> Int" fromIntegral = \(Word256 _ _ _ w) -> fromIntegral w :: Int
"fromIntegral :: Word256 -> Word" fromIntegral = \(Word256 _ _ _ w) -> fromIntegral w :: Word
"fromIntegral :: Word256 -> Word32" fromIntegral = \(Word256 _ _ _ w) -> fromIntegral w :: Word32
"fromIntegral :: Word256 -> Word64" fromIntegral = \(Word256 _ _ _ w) -> w
compare256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Ordering
compare256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) (Word256 b3 b2 b1 b0) =
case compare a3 b3 of
LT -> LT
GT -> GT
EQ -> case compare a2 b2 of
LT -> LT
GT -> GT
EQ -> case compare a1 b1 of
LT -> LT
GT -> GT
EQ -> compare a0 b0
succ256 :: Word256 -> Word256
succ256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0)
| a0 == maxBound = if a1 == maxBound
then if a2 == maxBound
then if a3 == maxBound
then succError "Word256"
else Word256 (a3 + 1) 0 0 0
else Word256 a3 (a2 + 1) 0 0
else Word256 a3 a2 (a1 + 1) 0
| otherwise = Word256 a3 a2 a1 (a0 + 1)
pred256 :: Word256 -> Word256
pred256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0)
| a0 == 0 = if a1 == 0
then if a2 == 0
then if a3 == 0
then predError "Word256"
else Word256 (a3 - 1) maxBound maxBound maxBound
else Word256 a3 (a2 - 1) maxBound maxBound
else Word256 a3 a2 (a1 - 1) maxBound
| otherwise = Word256 a3 a2 a1 (a0 - 1)
{-# INLINABLE toEnum256 #-}
toEnum256 :: Int -> Word256
toEnum256 i = Word256 0 0 0 (toEnum i)
{-# INLINABLE fromEnum256 #-}
fromEnum256 :: Word256 -> Int
fromEnum256 (Word256 _ _ _ a0) = fromEnum a0
{-# INLINABLE plus256 #-}
plus256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
plus256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0))
(Word256 (W64# b3) (W64# b2) (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
Word256 (W64# s3) (W64# s2) (W64# s1) (W64# s0)
!(# c1, s0 #) = plusWord2# a0 b0
!(# c2a, s1a #) = plusWord2# a1 b1
!(# c2b, s1 #) = plusWord2# s1a c1
c2 = plusWord# c2a c2b
!(# c3a, s2a #) = plusWord2# a2 b2
!(# c3b, s2 #) = plusWord2# s2a c2
c3 = plusWord# c3a c3b
s3 = plusWord# a3 (plusWord# b3 c3)
{-# INLINABLE minus256 #-}
minus256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
minus256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0))
(Word256 (W64# b3) (W64# b2) (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
Word256 (W64# s3) (W64# s2) (W64# s1) (W64# s0)
!(# s0, v1 #) = subWordC# a0 b0
!(# s1, v2 #) =
case v1 of
0# -> subWordC# a1 b1
_ ->
case a1 of
0## -> (# minusWord# 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF## b1, 1# #)
_ -> subWordC# (minusWord# a1 1##) b1
!(# s2, v3 #) =
case v2 of
0# -> subWordC# a2 b2
_ ->
case a2 of
0## -> (# minusWord# 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF## b2, 1# #)
_ -> subWordC# (minusWord# a2 1##) b2
!s3 =
case v3 of
0# -> minusWord# a3 b3
_ -> minusWord# (minusWord# a3 1##) b3
times256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
times256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0))
(Word256 (W64# b3) (W64# b2) (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
Word256 (W64# r3) (W64# r2) (W64# r1) (W64# r0)
!(# c00, p00 #) = timesWord2# a0 b0
!(# c01, p01 #) = timesWord2# a0 b1
!(# c02, p02 #) = timesWord2# a0 b2
!p03 = timesWord# a0 b3
!(# c10, p10 #) = timesWord2# a1 b0
!(# c11, p11 #) = timesWord2# a1 b1
!p12 = timesWord# a1 b2
!(# c20, p20 #) = timesWord2# a2 b0
!p21 = timesWord# a2 b1
!p30 = timesWord# a3 b0
!r0 = p00
!c1 = c00
!(# c2x, r1a #) = plusWord2# p01 p10
!(# c2y, r1b #) = plusWord2# r1a c1
!(# c3w, c2 #) = plusWord2# c2x c2y
!r1 = r1b
!(# c3x, r2a #) = plusWord2# p11 p20
!(# c3y, r2b #) = plusWord2# p02 r2a
!(# c3z, r2c #) = plusWord2# r2b c2
!(# c3s, r2d #) = plusWord2# r2c c01
!(# c3t, r2e #) = plusWord2# r2d c10
!r2 = r2e
!r3 = p30 `plusWord#` p21 `plusWord#` p12 `plusWord#`
p03 `plusWord#` c3w `plusWord#` c3x `plusWord#`
c3y `plusWord#` c3z `plusWord#` c3s `plusWord#`
c3t `plusWord#` c02 `plusWord#` c11 `plusWord#`
{-# INLINABLE negate256 #-}
negate256 :: Word256 -> Word256
negate256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) =
case plusWord2# (not# a0) 1## of
(# c1, s0 #) -> case plusWord2# (not# a1) c1 of
(# c2, s1 #) -> case plusWord2# (not# a2) c2 of
(# c3, s2 #) -> case plusWord# (not# a3) c3 of
s3 -> Word256 (W64# s3) (W64# s2) (W64# s1) (W64# s0)
{-# INLINABLE signum256 #-}
signum256 :: Word256 -> Word256
signum256 (Word256 (W64# 0##) (W64# 0##) (W64# 0##) (W64# 0##)) = zeroWord256
signum256 _ = oneWord256
fromInteger256 :: Integer -> Word256
fromInteger256 i = Word256
(fromInteger $ i `shiftR` 192)
(fromInteger $ i `shiftR` 128)
(fromInteger $ i `shiftR` 64)
(fromInteger i)
{-# INLINABLE and256 #-}
and256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
and256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0))
(Word256 (W64# b3) (W64# b2) (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
Word256 (W64# (and# a3 b3)) (W64# (and# a2 b2))
(W64# (and# a1 b1)) (W64# (and# a0 b0))
{-# INLINABLE or256 #-}
or256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
or256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0))
(Word256 (W64# b3) (W64# b2) (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
Word256 (W64# (or# a3 b3)) (W64# (or# a2 b2))
(W64# (or# a1 b1)) (W64# (or# a0 b0))
{-# INLINABLE xor256 #-}
xor256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
xor256 (Word256 (W64# a3) (W64# a2) (W64# a1) (W64# a0))
(Word256 (W64# b3) (W64# b2) (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
Word256 (W64# (xor# a3 b3)) (W64# (xor# a2 b2))
(W64# (xor# a1 b1)) (W64# (xor# a0 b0))
{-# INLINABLE complement256 #-}
complement256 :: Word256 -> Word256
complement256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) = Word256
(complement a3) (complement a2)
(complement a1) (complement a0)
shiftL256 :: Word256 -> Int -> Word256
shiftL256 w@(Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) s
| s < 0 || s >= 256 = zeroWord256
| s == 0 = w
| s > 192 = Word256 (a0 `shiftL` (s - 192)) 0 0 0
| s == 192 = Word256 a0 0 0 0
| s > 128 = Word256
(a1 `shiftL` (s - 128) + a0 `shiftR` (192 - s))
(a0 `shiftL` (s - 128))
0 0
| s == 128 = Word256 a1 a0 0 0
| s > 64 = Word256
(a2 `shiftL` (s - 64) + a1 `shiftR` (128 - s))
(a1 `shiftL` (s - 64) + a0 `shiftR` (128 - s))
(a0 `shiftL` (s - 64))
| s == 64 = Word256 a2 a1 a0 0
| otherwise = Word256
(a3 `shiftL` s + a2 `shiftR` (64 - s))
(a2 `shiftL` s + a1 `shiftR` (64 - s))
(a1 `shiftL` s + a0 `shiftR` (64 - s))
(a0 `shiftL` s)
shiftR256 :: Word256 -> Int -> Word256
shiftR256 w@(Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) s
| s < 0 = zeroWord256
| s == 0 = w
| s >= 256 = zeroWord256
| s > 192 = Word256 0 0 0 (a3 `shiftR` (s - 192))
| s == 192 = Word256 0 0 0 a3
| s > 128 = Word256 0 0
(a3 `shiftR` (s - 128))
(a2 `shiftR` (s - 128) + a3 `shiftL` (192 - s))
| s == 128 = Word256 0 0 a3 a2
| s > 64 = Word256 0
(a3 `shiftR` (s - 64))
(a2 `shiftR` (s - 64) + a3 `shiftL` (128 - s))
(a1 `shiftR` (s - 64) + a2 `shiftL` (128 - s))
| s == 64 = Word256 0 a3 a2 a1
| otherwise = Word256
(a3 `shiftR` s)
(a2 `shiftR` s + a3 `shiftL` (64 - s))
(a1 `shiftR` s + a2 `shiftL` (64 - s))
(a0 `shiftR` s + a1 `shiftL` (64 - s))
rotateL256 :: Word256 -> Int -> Word256
rotateL256 w@(Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) r
| r < 0 = zeroWord256
| r == 0 = w
| r >= 256 = rotateL256 w (r `mod` 256)
| r >= 64 = rotateL256 (Word256 a2 a1 a0 a3) (r - 64)
| otherwise =
Word256 s3 s2 s1 s0
s0 = a0 `shiftL` r + a3 `shiftR` (64 - r)
s1 = a1 `shiftL` r + a0 `shiftR` (64 - r)
s2 = a2 `shiftL` r + a1 `shiftR` (64 - r)
s3 = a3 `shiftL` r + a2 `shiftR` (64 - r)
rotateR256 :: Word256 -> Int -> Word256
rotateR256 w@(Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) r
| r < 0 = rotateR256 w (256 - (abs r `mod` 256))
| r == 0 = w
| r >= 256 = rotateR256 w (r `mod` 256)
| r >= 64 = rotateR256 (Word256 a0 a3 a2 a1) (r - 64)
| otherwise =
Word256 s3 s2 s1 s0
s0 = a0 `shiftR` r + a1 `shiftL` (64 - r)
s1 = a1 `shiftR` r + a2 `shiftL` (64 - r)
s2 = a2 `shiftR` r + a3 `shiftL` (64 - r)
s3 = a3 `shiftR` r + a0 `shiftL` (64 - r)
testBit256 :: Word256 -> Int -> Bool
testBit256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) i
| i < 0 = False
| i >= 256 = False
| i >= 192 = testBit a3 (i - 192)
| i >= 128 = testBit a2 (i - 128)
| i >= 64 = testBit a1 (i - 64)
| otherwise = testBit a0 i
bit256 :: Int -> Word256
bit256 indx
| indx < 0 = zeroWord256
| indx >= 256 = zeroWord256
| otherwise = shiftL256 oneWord256 indx
popCount256 :: Word256 -> Int
popCount256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) =
popCount a3 + popCount a2 + popCount a1 + popCount a0
countLeadingZeros256 :: Word256 -> Int
countLeadingZeros256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) =
case countLeadingZeros a3 of
64 -> case countLeadingZeros a2 of
64 -> case countLeadingZeros a1 of
64 -> 192 + countLeadingZeros a0
res -> 128 + res
res -> 64 + res
res -> res
countTrailingZeros256 :: Word256 -> Int
countTrailingZeros256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) =
case countTrailingZeros a0 of
64 -> case countTrailingZeros a1 of
64 -> case countTrailingZeros a2 of
64 -> 192 + countTrailingZeros a3
res -> 128 + res
res -> 64 + res
res -> res
quotRem256 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> (Word256, Word256)
quotRem256 a b =
let (x,y) = quotRem (toInteger256 a) (toInteger256 b)
in (fromInteger256 x, fromInteger256 y)
toInteger256 :: Word256 -> Integer
toInteger256 (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) =
(toInteger a3 `shiftL` 192)
+ (toInteger a2 `shiftL` 128)
+ (toInteger a1 `shiftL` 64)
+ (toInteger a0)
peek256 :: Ptr Word256 -> IO Word256
peek256 ptr = Word256
<$> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) index3
<*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) index2
<*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) index1
<*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) index0
peekElemOff256 :: Ptr Word256 -> Int -> IO Word256
peekElemOff256 ptr idx = Word256
<$> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index3)
<*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index2)
<*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index1)
<*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index0)
where idx2 = 4 * idx
poke256 :: Ptr Word256 -> Word256 -> IO ()
poke256 ptr (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) = do
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) index3 a3
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) index2 a2
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) index1 a1
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) index0 a0
pokeElemOff256 :: Ptr Word256 -> Int -> Word256 -> IO ()
pokeElemOff256 ptr idx (Word256 a3 a2 a1 a0) = do
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index0) a0
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index1) a1
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index2) a2
pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) (idx2 + index3) a3
where idx2 = 4 * idx
{-# INLINE sizeOf256# #-}
sizeOf256# :: Word256 -> Int#
sizeOf256# _ = 4# *# sizeOf# (undefined :: Word64)
{-# INLINE alignment256# #-}
alignment256# :: Word256 -> Int#
alignment256# _ = alignment# (undefined :: Word64)
{-# INLINE indexByteArray256# #-}
indexByteArray256# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word256
indexByteArray256# arr# i# =
let i2# = 4# *# i#
w = indexByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index3)
x = indexByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index2)
y = indexByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index1)
z = indexByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index0)
in Word256 w x y z
{-# INLINE readByteArray256# #-}
readByteArray256# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word256 #)
readByteArray256# arr# i# =
\s0 -> case readByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index3) s0 of
(# s1, w #) -> case readByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index2) s1 of
(# s2, x #) -> case readByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index1) s2 of
(# s3, y #) -> case readByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index0) s3 of
(# s4, z #) -> (# s4, Word256 w x y z #)
where i2# = 4# *# i#
{-# INLINE writeByteArray256# #-}
writeByteArray256# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Word256 -> State# s -> State# s
writeByteArray256# arr# i# (Word256 a b c d) =
\s0 -> case writeByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index3) a s0 of
s1 -> case writeByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index2) b s1 of
s2 -> case writeByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index1) c s2 of
s3 -> case writeByteArray# arr# (i2# +# unInt index0) d s3 of
s4 -> s4
where i2# = 4# *# i#
{-# INLINE setByteArray256# #-}
setByteArray256# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> Word256 -> State# s -> State# s
setByteArray256# = defaultSetByteArray#
{-# INLINE indexOffAddr256# #-}
indexOffAddr256# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word256
indexOffAddr256# arr# i# =
let i2# = 4# *# i#
w = indexOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index3)
x = indexOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index2)
y = indexOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index1)
z = indexOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index0)
in Word256 w x y z
{-# INLINE readOffAddr256# #-}
readOffAddr256# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word256 #)
readOffAddr256# arr# i# =
\s0 -> case readOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index3) s0 of
(# s1, w #) -> case readOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index2) s1 of
(# s2, x #) -> case readOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index1) s2 of
(# s3, y #) -> case readOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index0) s3 of
(# s4, z #) -> (# s4, Word256 w x y z #)
where i2# = 4# *# i#
{-# INLINE writeOffAddr256# #-}
writeOffAddr256# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Word256 -> State# s -> State# s
writeOffAddr256# arr# i# (Word256 a b c d) =
\s0 -> case writeOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index3) a s0 of
s1 -> case writeOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index2) b s1 of
s2 -> case writeOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index1) c s2 of
s3 -> case writeOffAddr# arr# (i2# +# unInt index0) d s3 of
s4 -> s4
where i2# = 4# *# i#
{-# INLINE setOffAddr256# #-}
setOffAddr256# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> Word256 -> State# s -> State# s
setOffAddr256# = defaultSetOffAddr#
zeroWord256 :: Word256
zeroWord256 = Word256 0 0 0 0
oneWord256 :: Word256
oneWord256 = Word256 0 0 0 1
unInt :: Int -> Int#
unInt (I# i#) = i#
index0, index1, index2, index3 :: Int
index0 = 3
index1 = 2
index2 = 1
index3 = 0
index0 = 0
index1 = 1
index2 = 2
index3 = 3