{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module What4.Expr.Simplify
( simplify
, count_subterms
) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Parameterized.HashTable as PH
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import Data.Word
import What4.Interface
import qualified What4.SemiRing as SR
import What4.Expr.Builder
import qualified What4.Expr.WeightedSum as WSum
data NormCache t st fs
= NormCache { ncBuilder :: !(ExprBuilder t st fs)
, ncTable :: !(PH.HashTable RealWorld (Expr t) (Expr t))
norm :: NormCache t st fs -> Expr t tp -> IO (Expr t tp)
norm c e = do
mr <- stToIO $ PH.lookup (ncTable c) e
case mr of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> do
r <- norm' c e
stToIO $ PH.insert (ncTable c) e r
return r
bvIteDist :: (BoolExpr t -> r -> r -> IO r)
-> Expr t i
-> (Expr t i -> IO r)
-> IO r
bvIteDist muxFn (asApp -> Just (BaseIte _ _ c t f)) atomFn = do
t' <- bvIteDist muxFn t atomFn
f' <- bvIteDist muxFn f atomFn
muxFn c t' f'
bvIteDist _ u atomFn = atomFn u
newtype Or x = Or {unOr :: Bool}
instance Functor Or where
fmap _f (Or b) = (Or b)
instance Applicative Or where
pure _ = Or False
(Or a) <*> (Or b) = Or (a || b)
norm' :: forall t st fs tp . PH.HashableF (Expr t) => NormCache t st fs -> Expr t tp -> IO (Expr t tp)
norm' nc (AppExpr a0) = do
let sb = ncBuilder nc
case appExprApp a0 of
SemiRingSum s
| let sr = WSum.sumRepr s
, SR.SemiRingBVRepr SR.BVArithRepr w <- sr
, unOr (WSum.traverseVars @(Expr t) (\x -> Or (iteSize x >= 1)) s)
-> do let tms = WSum.eval (++) (\c x -> [(c,x)]) (const []) s
let f [] k = bvLit sb w (s^.WSum.sumOffset) >>= k
f ((c,x):xs) k =
bvIteDist (bvIte sb) x $ \x' ->
scalarMul sb sr c x' >>= \cx' ->
f xs $ \xs' ->
bvAdd sb cx' xs' >>= k
f tms (norm nc)
BaseEq (BaseBVRepr _w) (asApp -> Just (BaseIte _ _ x_c x_t x_f)) y -> do
z_t <- bvEq sb x_t y
z_f <- bvEq sb x_f y
norm nc =<< itePred sb x_c z_t z_f
BaseEq (BaseBVRepr _w) x (asApp -> Just (BaseIte _ _ y_c y_t y_f)) -> do
z_t <- bvEq sb x y_t
z_f <- bvEq sb x y_f
norm nc =<< itePred sb y_c z_t z_f
BVSlt (asApp -> Just (BaseIte _ _ x_c x_t x_f)) y -> do
z_t <- bvSlt sb x_t y
z_f <- bvSlt sb x_f y
norm nc =<< itePred sb x_c z_t z_f
BVSlt x (asApp -> Just (BaseIte _ _ y_c y_t y_f)) -> do
z_t <- bvSlt sb x y_t
z_f <- bvSlt sb x y_f
norm nc =<< itePred sb y_c z_t z_f
app -> do
app' <- traverseApp (norm nc) app
if app' == app then
return (AppExpr a0)
norm nc =<< sbMakeExpr sb app'
norm' nc (NonceAppExpr p0) = do
let predApp = nonceExprApp p0
p <- traverseFC (norm nc) predApp
if p == predApp then
return $! NonceAppExpr p0
norm nc =<< sbNonceExpr (ncBuilder nc) p
norm' _ e = return e
simplify :: ExprBuilder t st fs -> BoolExpr t -> IO (BoolExpr t)
simplify sb p = do
tbl <- stToIO $ PH.new
let nc = NormCache { ncBuilder = sb
, ncTable = tbl
norm nc p
type Counter = State (Map Word64 Int)
recordExpr :: Nonce t (tp::k) -> Counter Bool
recordExpr n = do
m <- get
let (mr, m') = Map.insertLookupWithKey (\_ -> (+)) (indexValue n) 1 m
put $ m'
return $! isNothing mr
count_subterms' :: Expr t tp -> Counter ()
count_subterms' e0 =
case e0 of
BoolExpr{} -> pure ()
SemiRingLiteral{} -> pure ()
StringExpr{} -> pure ()
AppExpr ae -> do
is_new <- recordExpr (appExprId ae)
when is_new $ do
traverseFC_ count_subterms' (appExprApp ae)
NonceAppExpr nae -> do
is_new <- recordExpr (nonceExprId nae)
when is_new $ do
traverseFC_ count_subterms' (nonceExprApp nae)
BoundVarExpr v -> do
void $ recordExpr (bvarId v)
count_subterms :: Expr t tp -> Map Word64 Int
count_subterms e = execState (count_subterms' e) Map.empty