{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
module What4.Expr.UnaryBV
( UnaryBV
, width
, size
, traversePreds
, constant
, asConstant
, unsignedEntries
, unsignedRanges
, evaluate
, sym_evaluate
, instantiate
, domain
, add
, neg
, mux
, eq
, slt
, ult
, uext
, sext
, trunc
) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import qualified GHC.TypeNats as Type
import What4.BaseTypes
import What4.Interface
import What4.Utils.BVDomain (BVDomain)
import qualified What4.Utils.BVDomain as BVD
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
type IntMap = Map.Map Integer
splitLeq :: Integer -> IntMap a -> (IntMap a, IntMap a)
splitLeq k m =
case Map.splitLookup k m of
(l, Nothing, h) -> (l,h)
(l, Just v, h) -> (Map.insert k v l, h)
splitEntry :: IntMap a -> Maybe (IntMap a, (Integer, a), IntMap a)
splitEntry m0 = go (Map.splitRoot m0)
where go [] = Nothing
go [m] =
case Map.minViewWithKey m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (p, h) -> Just (Map.empty, p, h)
go (l:m:h) =
case Map.minViewWithKey m of
Nothing -> go (l:h)
Just (p, m') | Map.null m' -> Just (l, p, Map.unions h)
| otherwise -> Just (l, p, Map.unions (m':h))
stripDuplicatePreds :: Eq p => [(Integer,p)] -> [(Integer,p)]
stripDuplicatePreds ((l,p):(h,q):r)
| p == q = stripDuplicatePreds ((l,p):r)
| otherwise = (l,p):stripDuplicatePreds ((h,q):r)
stripDuplicatePreds [p] = [p]
stripDuplicatePreds [] = []
data UnaryBV p (n::Type.Nat)
= UnaryBV { width :: !(NatRepr n)
, unaryBVMap :: !(IntMap p)
size :: UnaryBV p n -> Int
size x = Map.size (unaryBVMap x)
traversePreds :: Traversal (UnaryBV p n) (UnaryBV q n) p q
traversePreds f (UnaryBV w m) = UnaryBV w <$> traverse f m
instance Eq p => TestEquality (UnaryBV p) where
testEquality x y = do
Refl <- testEquality (width x) (width y)
if unaryBVMap x == unaryBVMap y then
Just Refl
instance Hashable p => Hashable (UnaryBV p n) where
hashWithSalt s0 u = Map.foldlWithKey' go s0 (unaryBVMap u)
where go s k e = hashWithSalt (hashWithSalt s k) e
constant :: IsExprBuilder sym
=> sym
-> NatRepr n
-> Integer
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
constant sym w v = UnaryBV w (Map.singleton v' (truePred sym))
where v' = toUnsigned w v
asConstant :: IsExpr p => UnaryBV (p BaseBoolType) w -> Maybe Integer
asConstant x
| size x == 1, [(v,_)] <- Map.toList (unaryBVMap x) = Just v
| otherwise = Nothing
unsignedRanges :: UnaryBV p n
-> [(p, Integer, Integer)]
unsignedRanges v =
case Map.toList (unaryBVMap v) of
[] -> error "internal: unsignedRanges given illegal UnaryBV"
l -> go l
where w :: Integer
w = maxUnsigned (width v)
next :: [(Integer,p)] -> Integer
next ((h,_):_) = h-1
next [] = w
go :: [(Integer, p)] -> [(p, Integer, Integer)]
go [] = []
go ((l,p):rest) = (p,l,next rest) : go rest
unsignedEntries :: (1 <= n)
=> UnaryBV p n
-> [(Integer, p)]
unsignedEntries b = Map.toList (unaryBVMap b)
evaluate :: Monad m => (p -> m Bool) -> UnaryBV p n -> m Integer
evaluate f0 u = go f0 (unaryBVMap u) (maxUnsigned (width u))
where go :: Monad m => (p -> m Bool) -> IntMap p -> Integer -> m Integer
go f m bnd =
case splitEntry m of
Nothing -> return bnd
Just (l,(k,v),h) -> do
b <- f v
case b of
True -> go f l k
False -> go f h bnd
sym_evaluate :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
=> (Integer -> m r)
-> (p -> r -> r -> m r)
-> UnaryBV p n
-> m r
sym_evaluate cns0 ite0 u = go cns0 ite0 (unaryBVMap u) (maxUnsigned (width u))
where go :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
=> (Integer -> m r)
-> (p -> r -> r -> m r)
-> IntMap p
-> Integer
-> m r
go cns ite m bnd =
case splitEntry m of
Nothing -> cns bnd
Just (l,(k,v),h) -> do
join $ ite v <$> go cns ite l k <*> go cns ite h bnd
instantiate :: (Applicative m, Eq q) => (p -> m q) -> UnaryBV p w -> m (UnaryBV q w)
instantiate f u = fin <$> traverse f (unaryBVMap u)
where fin m = UnaryBV { width = width u
, unaryBVMap = Map.fromDistinctAscList l
where l = stripDuplicatePreds (Map.toList m)
domain :: forall p n
. (1 <= n)
=> (p -> Maybe Bool)
-> UnaryBV p n
-> BVDomain n
domain f u = BVD.fromAscEltList (width u) (go (unaryBVMap u))
where go :: IntMap p -> [Integer]
go m =
case splitEntry m of
Nothing -> []
Just (l,(k,v),h) -> do
case f v of
Just True -> k:go l
Just False -> go h
Nothing -> go l ++ (k:go h)
mergeWithKey :: forall sym
. IsExprBuilder sym
=> sym
-> (Pred sym -> Pred sym -> IO (Pred sym))
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IO (IntMap (Pred sym))
mergeWithKey sym f x y =
go Map.empty (falsePred sym) (Map.toList x)
(falsePred sym) (Map.toList y)
where go :: IntMap (Pred sym)
-> Pred sym
-> [(Integer, Pred sym)]
-> Pred sym
-> [(Integer, Pred sym)]
-> IO (IntMap (Pred sym))
go m _ _ _ _ | seq m $ False = error "go bad"
go m x_prev x_a@((x_k,x_p):x_r) y_prev y_a@((y_k,y_p):y_r) =
case compare x_k y_k of
LT -> do
p <- f x_p y_prev
go (Map.insert x_k p m) x_p x_r y_prev y_a
GT -> do
p <- f x_prev y_p
go (Map.insert y_k p m) x_prev x_a y_p y_r
EQ -> do
p <- f x_p y_p
go (Map.insert x_k p m) x_p x_r y_p y_r
go m _ [] _ y_a = do
go1 m (truePred sym `f`) y_a
go m _ x_a _ [] = do
go1 m (`f` truePred sym) x_a
go1 m fn ((y_k,y_p):y_r) = do
p <- fn y_p
go1 (Map.insert y_k p m) fn y_r
go1 m _ [] =
return m
mux :: forall sym n
. (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> Pred sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) n)
mux sym c x y = fmap (UnaryBV (width x)) $
mergeWithKey sym
(itePred sym c)
(unaryBVMap x)
(unaryBVMap y)
eq :: (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (Pred sym)
eq sym0 x0 y0 =
let (x_k, x_p) = Map.findMin (unaryBVMap x0)
in go sym0 (falsePred sym0) x_k x_p (unaryBVMap x0) (unaryBVMap y0)
where go :: IsExprBuilder sym
=> sym
-> Pred sym
-> Integer
-> Pred sym
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IO (Pred sym)
go sym r x_k x_p x y
| Just (y_k, y_p) <- Map.lookupGE x_k y =
case x_k == y_k of
False -> do
go sym r y_k y_p y x
True -> do
let x_lt = maybe (falsePred sym) snd (Map.lookupLT x_k x)
let y_lt = maybe (falsePred sym) snd (Map.lookupLT x_k y)
x_is_eq <- andPred sym x_p =<< notPred sym x_lt
y_is_eq <- andPred sym y_p =<< notPred sym y_lt
r' <- orPred sym r =<< andPred sym x_is_eq y_is_eq
case Map.lookupGE (x_k+1) x of
Just (x_k', x_p') -> go sym r' x_k' x_p' x y
Nothing -> return r'
go _ r _ _ _ _ = return r
compareLt :: forall sym
. IsExprBuilder sym
=> sym
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IO (Pred sym)
compareLt sym x y
| Map.null y = return (falsePred sym)
| otherwise = go (falsePred sym) 0
where go :: Pred sym
-> Integer
-> IO (Pred sym)
go r min_x
| Just (x_k, _) <- Map.lookupGE min_x x
, Just (y_k, _) <- Map.lookupGT x_k y
, Just (x_k_max, x_p) <- Map.lookupLT y_k x = do
x_and_y_lt_x_k <-
case Map.lookupLT y_k y of
Nothing -> return $ x_p
Just (_,y_lt_y_k) -> andPred sym x_p =<< notPred sym y_lt_y_k
r' <- orPred sym r x_and_y_lt_x_k
go r' (x_k_max+1)
go r _ = andPred sym (snd (Map.findMax y)) r
ult :: (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (Pred sym)
ult sym x y = compareLt sym (unaryBVMap x) (unaryBVMap y)
slt :: (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (Pred sym)
slt sym x y = do
let mid = maxSigned (width x)
let (x_pos,x_neg) = splitLeq mid (unaryBVMap x)
let (y_pos,y_neg) = splitLeq mid (unaryBVMap y)
x_is_neg <-
if Map.null x_pos then
return $ truePred sym
notPred sym (snd (Map.findMax x_pos))
pos_case <- compareLt sym x_pos y_pos
neg_case <- andPred sym x_is_neg =<< compareLt sym x_neg y_neg
orPred sym pos_case neg_case
splitOnAddOverflow :: Integer -> UnaryBV p n -> (IntMap p, IntMap p)
splitOnAddOverflow v x = assert (0 <= v && v <= limit) $
splitLeq overflow_limit (unaryBVMap x)
where limit = maxUnsigned (width x)
overflow_limit = limit - v
completeList :: IsExprBuilder sym
=> sym
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> (Integer -> Integer)
-> (Pred sym -> IO (Pred sym))
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IO (IntMap (Pred sym))
completeList sym x keyFn predFn m0 = do
let m1 = Map.mapKeysMonotonic keyFn m0
m2 <- traverse predFn m1
mergeWithKey sym (orPred sym) x m2
addConstant :: forall sym n
. (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> Pred sym
-> Integer
-> Pred sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (IntMap (Pred sym))
addConstant sym m0 x_lt x_val x_leq y = do
let w = width y
let (y_low, y_high) = splitOnAddOverflow x_val y
m1 <- completeList sym m0 (x_val +) (andPred sym x_leq) y_low
case Map.null y_high of
True -> return m1
False -> do
let x_off = x_val-2^natValue w
x_eq <- andPred sym x_leq =<< notPred sym x_lt
p <-
case Map.null y_low of
True -> return $ x_eq
False -> andPred sym x_eq =<< notPred sym (snd (Map.findMax y_low))
completeList sym m1 (x_off +) (andPred sym p) y_high
add :: forall sym n
. (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) n)
add sym x y = go_x Map.empty (falsePred sym) (unsignedEntries x)
where w = width x
go_x :: IntMap (Pred sym)
-> Pred sym
-> [(Integer, Pred sym)]
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) n)
go_x m0 _ [] = do
return $! UnaryBV w m0
go_x m0 x_lt ((x_val,x_leq):remaining) = do
m2 <- addConstant sym m0 x_lt x_val x_leq y
go_x m2 x_leq remaining
neg :: forall sym n
. (1 <= n, IsExprBuilder sym)
=> sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) n
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) n)
neg sym x
| Map.null (unaryBVMap x) = error "Illegal unary value"
| otherwise =
case Map.deleteFindMin (unaryBVMap x) of
((0,_), m) | Map.null m -> return x
((0,x_p), m) -> go [(0, x_p)] x_p (Map.toDescList m)
_ -> go [] (falsePred sym) (Map.toDescList (unaryBVMap x))
where w = width x
go :: [(Integer, Pred sym)]
-> Pred sym
-> [(Integer, Pred sym)]
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) n)
go m p ((x_k,_) : r@((_,y_p):_)) = seq m $ do
let z_k = toUnsigned w (negate x_k)
q <- orPred sym p =<< notPred sym y_p
let pair = (z_k,q)
let m' = pair : m
seq z_k $ seq pair $ seq m' $ do
go m' p r
go m _ [(x_k,_)] = seq m $ do
let z_k = toUnsigned w (negate x_k)
let q = truePred sym
return $! UnaryBV w (Map.fromDistinctAscList (reverse ((z_k,q) : m)))
go _ _ [] = error "Illegal value return in UnaryBV.neg"
uext :: (1 <= u, u+1 <= r) => UnaryBV p u -> NatRepr r -> UnaryBV p r
uext x w' = UnaryBV w' (unaryBVMap x)
sext :: (1 <= u, u+1 <= r) => UnaryBV p u -> NatRepr r -> UnaryBV p r
sext x w' = UnaryBV w' (Map.union neg_entries l)
where w = width x
mid = maxSigned w
(l,h) = splitLeq mid (unaryBVMap x)
diff = 2^natValue w' - 2^natValue w
neg_entries = Map.mapKeysMonotonic (+ diff) h
trunc :: forall sym u r
. (IsExprBuilder sym, 1 <= u, u <= r)
=> sym
-> UnaryBV (Pred sym) r
-> NatRepr u
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) u)
trunc sym x w
| Just Refl <- testEquality w (width x) = return x
| otherwise = go Map.empty (truePred sym) (unaryBVMap x)
where go :: IntMap (Pred sym)
-> Pred sym
-> IntMap (Pred sym)
-> IO (UnaryBV (Pred sym) u)
go result toRemove remaining
| Map.null remaining =
return $! UnaryBV w result
| otherwise = do
let (k,_) = Map.findMin remaining
let base = k `xor` (maxUnsigned w)
let next = base + maxUnsigned w
let (l,h) = splitLeq next remaining
assert (not (Map.null l)) $ do
result' <- completeList sym result (toUnsigned w) (andPred sym toRemove) l
let (_,p) = Map.findMax l
toRemove' <- notPred sym p
go result' toRemove' h