{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.WebSockets.Hybi13.Demultiplex
( FrameType (..)
, Frame (..)
, DemultiplexState
, emptyDemultiplexState
, DemultiplexResult (..)
, demultiplex
) where
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord16be, runGet)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Network.WebSockets.Connection.Options
import Network.WebSockets.Types
data Frame = Frame
{ frameFin :: !Bool
, frameRsv1 :: !Bool
, frameRsv2 :: !Bool
, frameRsv3 :: !Bool
, frameType :: !FrameType
, framePayload :: !BL.ByteString
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data FrameType
= ContinuationFrame
| TextFrame
| BinaryFrame
| CloseFrame
| PingFrame
| PongFrame
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DemultiplexException = DemultiplexException
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception DemultiplexException
data DemultiplexState
= EmptyDemultiplexState
| DemultiplexState !Int64 !Builder !(Builder -> Message)
emptyDemultiplexState :: DemultiplexState
emptyDemultiplexState = EmptyDemultiplexState
data DemultiplexResult
= DemultiplexSuccess Message
| DemultiplexError ConnectionException
| DemultiplexContinue
demultiplex :: SizeLimit
-> DemultiplexState
-> Frame
-> (DemultiplexResult, DemultiplexState)
demultiplex _ state (Frame True False False False PingFrame pl)
| BL.length pl > 125 =
(DemultiplexError $ CloseRequest 1002 "Protocol Error", emptyDemultiplexState)
| otherwise =
(DemultiplexSuccess $ ControlMessage (Ping pl), state)
demultiplex _ state (Frame True False False False PongFrame pl) =
(DemultiplexSuccess (ControlMessage (Pong pl)), state)
demultiplex _ _ (Frame True False False False CloseFrame pl) =
(DemultiplexSuccess (ControlMessage (uncurry Close parsedClose)), emptyDemultiplexState)
| BL.length pl >= 2 = case runGet getWord16be pl of
a | a < 1000 || a `elem` [1004,1005,1006
,5000,65535] -> (1002, BL.empty)
a -> (a, BL.drop 2 pl)
| BL.length pl == 1 = (1002, BL.empty)
| otherwise = (1000, BL.empty)
demultiplex sizeLimit EmptyDemultiplexState (Frame fin rsv1 rsv2 rsv3 tp pl) = case tp of
_ | not (atMostSizeLimit size sizeLimit) ->
( DemultiplexError $ ParseException $
"Message of size " ++ show size ++ " exceeded limit"
, emptyDemultiplexState
| fin ->
(DemultiplexSuccess (text pl), emptyDemultiplexState)
| otherwise ->
(DemultiplexContinue, DemultiplexState size plb (text . B.toLazyByteString))
| fin -> (DemultiplexSuccess (binary pl), emptyDemultiplexState)
| otherwise -> (DemultiplexContinue, DemultiplexState size plb (binary . B.toLazyByteString))
_ -> (DemultiplexError $ CloseRequest 1002 "Protocol Error", emptyDemultiplexState)
size = BL.length pl
plb = B.lazyByteString pl
text x = DataMessage rsv1 rsv2 rsv3 (Text x Nothing)
binary x = DataMessage rsv1 rsv2 rsv3 (Binary x)
demultiplex sizeLimit (DemultiplexState size0 b f) (Frame fin False False False ContinuationFrame pl)
| not (atMostSizeLimit size1 sizeLimit) =
( DemultiplexError $ ParseException $
"Message of size " ++ show size1 ++ " exceeded limit"
, emptyDemultiplexState
| fin = (DemultiplexSuccess (f b'), emptyDemultiplexState)
| otherwise = (DemultiplexContinue, DemultiplexState size1 b' f)
size1 = size0 + BL.length pl
b' = b `mappend` plb
plb = B.lazyByteString pl
demultiplex _ _ _ =
(DemultiplexError (CloseRequest 1002 "Protocol Error"), emptyDemultiplexState)