web3- Web3 API for Haskell.

CopyrightAlexander Krupenkin 2016
Safe HaskellNone



Api calls with object prefix.



object :: MonadIO m => Text -> IpfsT m ObjectReturnType Source #

Output the raw bytes of an IPFS object.

new :: MonadIO m => IpfsT m ObjectObj Source #

Create a new object from an ipfs template.

getLinks :: MonadIO m => Text -> IpfsT m ObjectLinksObj Source #

Output the links pointed to by the specified object.

addLink :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> Text -> IpfsT m ObjectLinksObj Source #

Add a Merkle-link to the given object and return the hash of the result.

rmLink :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> IpfsT m ObjectLinksObj Source #

Remove a Merkle-link from the given object and return the hash of the result.

appendData :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> IpfsT m (Maybe ObjectLinksObj) Source #

Append data to what already exists in the data segment in the given object.

setData :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> IpfsT m (Maybe ObjectLinksObj) Source #

Set the data field of an IPFS object.

get :: MonadIO m => Text -> IpfsT m ObjectGetObj Source #

Get and serialize the DAG node named by key.

diff :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> IpfsT m ObjectDiffObj Source #

'Display the diff between two ipfs objects.

put :: MonadIO m => Text -> IpfsT m (Maybe ObjectObj) Source #

Store input as a DAG object, print its key.

objectStat :: MonadIO m => Text -> IpfsT m ObjectStatObj Source #

Get stats for the DAG node named by key.