{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Crypto.Ethereum.Signature
, signMessage
, signTransaction
, pack
, unpack
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, Keccak_256 (..), SHA256,
import Crypto.Number.Generate (generateBetween)
import Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic (inverse)
import Crypto.Number.Serialize (i2osp, os2ip)
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA (PrivateKey (..))
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim (pointMul)
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types (CurveCommon (ecc_g, ecc_n),
Point (..), common_curve)
import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom, withDRG)
import Crypto.Random.HmacDrbg (HmacDrbg, initialize)
import Data.Bits (xor, (.|.))
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess,
convert, singleton, takeView,
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (length, unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (intDec, toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS (toStrict)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Crypto.Ethereum.Utils (exportKey)
import Data.ByteArray.HexString (HexString)
import Data.Solidity.Prim.Address (Address)
signMessage :: (ByteArrayAccess message, ByteArray rsv)
=> PrivateKey
-> message
-> rsv
{-# INLINE signMessage #-}
signMessage pk = pack . sign pk . hashMessage
hashMessage :: ByteArrayAccess message => message -> Digest Keccak_256
hashMessage msg = hashWith Keccak_256 prefixed
len = LBS.toStrict . toLazyByteString . intDec . BA.length
prefixed = "\x19" <> "Ethereum Signed Message:\n" <> len msg <> convert msg
signTransaction :: ByteArray ba
=> (Maybe (Integer, Integer, Word8) -> ba)
-> PrivateKey
-> ba
signTransaction encode key = encode $ Just signed
unsigned = encode Nothing
signed = sign key (hashWith Keccak_256 unsigned)
sign :: ByteArrayAccess bin
=> PrivateKey
-> bin
-> (Integer, Integer, Word8)
sign pk bin = fst $ withDRG hmac_drbg $ ecsign pk (os2ip truncated)
hmac_drbg :: HmacDrbg SHA256
hmac_drbg = initialize $ exportKey pk <> truncated
truncated = convert $ takeView bin 32 :: HexString
ecsign :: MonadRandom m
=> PrivateKey
-> Integer
-> m (Integer, Integer, Word8)
ecsign pk@(PrivateKey curve d) z = do
k <- generateBetween 0 (n - 1)
case trySign k of
Nothing -> ecsign pk z
Just rsv -> return rsv
n = ecc_n (common_curve curve)
g = ecc_g (common_curve curve)
recoveryParam x y r = fromIntegral $
fromEnum (odd y) .|. if x /= r then 2 else 0
trySign k = do
(kpX, kpY) <- case pointMul curve k g of
PointO -> Nothing
Point x y -> return (x, y)
let r = kpX `mod` n
kInv <- inverse k n
let s = kInv * (z + r * d) `mod` n
when (r == 0 || s == 0) Nothing
let v = recoveryParam kpX kpY r
let (s', v') | s > n `div` 2 = (n - s, v `xor` 1)
| otherwise = (s, v)
return $ (r, s', v' + 27)
unpack :: ByteArrayAccess rsv => rsv -> (Integer, Integer, Word8)
unpack vrs = (r, s, v)
r = os2ip (view vrs 1 33)
s = os2ip (view vrs 33 65)
v = head (BA.unpack vrs)
pack :: ByteArray rsv => (Integer, Integer, Word8) -> rsv
pack (r, s, v) = i2osp r <> i2osp s <> singleton v