{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Worker (
, response
, worker
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..), AsyncException(..))
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault
import Network.HPACK
import Network.HPACK.Token
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.HTTP2
import Network.HTTP2.Priority
import Network.Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout as Timeout
import Network.Wai.Internal (Response(..), ResponseReceived(..), ResponseReceived(..))
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FileInfoCache
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.EncodeFrame
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.File
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Manager
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Request
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Types
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Imports hiding (insert)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Request (pauseTimeoutKey)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response as R
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings as S
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout as T
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
type Responder = InternalInfo
-> ValueTable
-> ThreadContinue
-> Stream
-> Request
-> Response
-> IO ResponseReceived
pushStream :: Context -> S.Settings
-> StreamId -> ValueTable -> Request -> InternalInfo
-> Maybe HTTP2Data
-> IO (OutputType, IO ())
pushStream _ _ _ _ _ _ Nothing = return (ORspn, return ())
pushStream ctx@Context{http2settings,outputQ,streamTable}
settings pid reqvt req ii (Just h2d)
| len == 0 = return (ORspn, return ())
| otherwise = do
pushable <- enablePush <$> readIORef http2settings
if pushable then do
tvar <- newTVarIO 0
lim <- push tvar pps0 0
if lim == 0 then
return (ORspn, return ())
return (OWait, waiter lim tvar)
return (ORspn, return ())
!pps0 = http2dataPushPromise h2d
!len = length pps0
!pushLogger = S.settingsServerPushLogger settings
increment tvar = atomically $ modifyTVar' tvar (+1)
waiter lim tvar = atomically $ do
n <- readTVar tvar
check (n >= lim)
!h2data = getHTTP2Data req
push _ [] !n = return (n :: Int)
push tvar (pp:pps) !n = do
let !file = promisedFile pp
efinfo <- E.try $ getFileInfo ii file
case efinfo of
Left (_ex :: E.IOException) -> push tvar pps n
Right (FileInfo _ size _ date) -> do
ws <- initialWindowSize <$> readIORef http2settings
let !w = promisedWeight pp
!pri = defaultPriority { weight = w }
!pre = toPrecedence pri
strm <- newPushStream ctx ws pre
let !sid = streamNumber strm
insert streamTable sid strm
(ths0, vt) <- toHeaderTable (promisedResponseHeaders pp)
let !scheme = fromJust $ getHeaderValue tokenScheme reqvt
!auth = fromJust (getHeaderValue tokenHost reqvt
<|> getHeaderValue tokenAuthority reqvt)
!path = promisedPath pp
!promisedRequest = [(tokenMethod, H.methodGet)
,(tokenScheme, scheme)
,(tokenAuthority, auth)
,(tokenPath, path)]
!part = FilePart 0 size size
!rsp = RspnFile H.ok200 (ths,vt) file (Just part)
!ths = (tokenLastModified,date) :
addContentHeadersForFilePart ths0 part
pushLogger req path size
let !ot = OPush promisedRequest pid
!out = Output strm rsp ii (increment tvar) h2data ot
enqueueOutput outputQ out
push tvar pps (n + 1)
response :: S.Settings -> Context -> Manager -> Responder
response settings ctx@Context{outputQ} mgr ii reqvt tconf strm req rsp = case rsp of
ResponseStream s0 hs0 strmbdy
| noBody s0 -> responseNoBody s0 hs0
| isHead -> responseNoBody s0 hs0
| otherwise -> getHTTP2Data req
>>= pushStream ctx settings sid reqvt req ii
>>= responseStreaming s0 hs0 strmbdy
ResponseBuilder s0 hs0 b
| noBody s0 -> responseNoBody s0 hs0
| isHead -> responseNoBody s0 hs0
| otherwise -> getHTTP2Data req
>>= pushStream ctx settings sid reqvt req ii
>>= responseBuilderBody s0 hs0 b
ResponseFile s0 hs0 p mp
| noBody s0 -> responseNoBody s0 hs0
| otherwise -> getHTTP2Data req
>>= pushStream ctx settings sid reqvt req ii
>>= responseFileXXX s0 hs0 p mp
ResponseRaw _ _ -> error "HTTP/2 does not support ResponseRaw"
noBody = not . R.hasBody
!isHead = requestMethod req == H.methodHead
!logger = S.settingsLogger settings
!th = threadHandle ii
sid = streamNumber strm
!h2data = getHTTP2Data req
responseNoBody s hs0 = toHeaderTable hs0 >>= responseNoBody' s
responseNoBody' s tbl = do
logger req s Nothing
setThreadContinue tconf True
let !rspn = RspnNobody s tbl
!out = Output strm rspn ii (return ()) h2data ORspn
enqueueOutput outputQ out
return ResponseReceived
responseBuilderBody s hs0 bdy (rspnOrWait,tell) = do
logger req s Nothing
setThreadContinue tconf True
tbl <- toHeaderTable hs0
let !rspn = RspnBuilder s tbl bdy
!out = Output strm rspn ii tell h2data rspnOrWait
enqueueOutput outputQ out
return ResponseReceived
responseFileXXX _ hs0 path Nothing aux = do
efinfo <- E.try $ getFileInfo ii path
case efinfo of
Left (_ex :: E.IOException) -> response404 hs0
Right finfo -> do
(rspths0,vt) <- toHeaderTable hs0
case conditionalRequest finfo rspths0 reqvt of
WithoutBody s -> responseNoBody s hs0
WithBody s rspths beg len -> responseFile2XX s (rspths,vt) path (Just (FilePart beg len (fileInfoSize finfo))) aux
responseFileXXX s0 hs0 path mpart aux = do
tbl <- toHeaderTable hs0
responseFile2XX s0 tbl path mpart aux
responseFile2XX s tbl path mpart (rspnOrWait,tell)
| isHead = do
logger req s Nothing
responseNoBody' s tbl
| otherwise = do
logger req s (filePartByteCount <$> mpart)
setThreadContinue tconf True
let !rspn = RspnFile s tbl path mpart
!out = Output strm rspn ii tell h2data rspnOrWait
enqueueOutput outputQ out
return ResponseReceived
response404 hs0 = responseBuilderBody s hs body (ORspn, return ())
s = H.notFound404
hs = R.replaceHeader H.hContentType "text/plain; charset=utf-8" hs0
body = byteString "File not found"
responseStreaming s0 hs0 strmbdy (rspnOrWait,tell) = do
logger req s0 Nothing
spawnAction mgr
setThreadContinue tconf False
tbq <- newTBQueueIO 10
tbl <- toHeaderTable hs0
let !rspn = RspnStreaming s0 tbl tbq
!out = Output strm rspn ii tell h2data rspnOrWait
enqueueOutput outputQ out
let push b = do
T.pause th
atomically $ writeTBQueue tbq (SBuilder b)
T.resume th
flush = atomically $ writeTBQueue tbq SFlush
_ <- strmbdy push flush
atomically $ writeTBQueue tbq SFinish
deleteMyId mgr
return ResponseReceived
worker :: Context -> S.Settings -> Application -> Responder -> T.Manager -> IO ()
worker ctx@Context{inputQ,controlQ} set app responder tm = do
sinfo <- newStreamInfo
tcont <- newThreadContinue
let timeoutAction = return ()
E.bracket (T.registerKillThread tm timeoutAction) T.cancel $ go sinfo tcont
go sinfo tcont th = do
setThreadContinue tcont True
ex <- E.try $ do
T.pause th
inp@(Input strm req reqvt ii) <- atomically $ readTQueue inputQ
setStreamInfo sinfo inp
T.resume th
T.tickle th
let !ii' = ii { threadHandle = th }
!body = requestBody req
!body' = do
T.pause th
bs <- body
T.resume th
return bs
!vaultValue = Vault.insert pauseTimeoutKey (Timeout.pause th) $ vault req
!req' = req { vault = vaultValue, requestBody = body' }
app req' $ responder ii' reqvt tcont strm req'
cont1 <- case ex of
Right ResponseReceived -> return True
Left e@(SomeException _)
| Just ThreadKilled <- E.fromException e -> return False
| Just T.TimeoutThread <- E.fromException e -> do
cleanup sinfo Nothing
return True
| otherwise -> do
cleanup sinfo $ Just e
return True
cont2 <- getThreadContinue tcont
clearStreamInfo sinfo
when (cont1 && cont2) $ go sinfo tcont th
cleanup sinfo me = do
minp <- getStreamInfo sinfo
case minp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (Input strm req _reqvt _ii) -> do
closed ctx strm Killed
let !frame = resetFrame InternalError (streamNumber strm)
enqueueControl controlQ $ CFrame frame
case me of
Nothing -> return ()
Just e -> S.settingsOnException set (Just req) e
newtype ThreadContinue = ThreadContinue (IORef Bool)
{-# INLINE newThreadContinue #-}
newThreadContinue :: IO ThreadContinue
newThreadContinue = ThreadContinue <$> newIORef True
{-# INLINE setThreadContinue #-}
setThreadContinue :: ThreadContinue -> Bool -> IO ()
setThreadContinue (ThreadContinue ref) x = writeIORef ref x
{-# INLINE getThreadContinue #-}
getThreadContinue :: ThreadContinue -> IO Bool
getThreadContinue (ThreadContinue ref) = readIORef ref
newtype StreamInfo = StreamInfo (IORef (Maybe Input))
{-# INLINE newStreamInfo #-}
newStreamInfo :: IO StreamInfo
newStreamInfo = StreamInfo <$> newIORef Nothing
{-# INLINE clearStreamInfo #-}
clearStreamInfo :: StreamInfo -> IO ()
clearStreamInfo (StreamInfo ref) = writeIORef ref Nothing
{-# INLINE setStreamInfo #-}
setStreamInfo :: StreamInfo -> Input -> IO ()
setStreamInfo (StreamInfo ref) inp = writeIORef ref $ Just inp
{-# INLINE getStreamInfo #-}
getStreamInfo :: StreamInfo -> IO (Maybe Input)
getStreamInfo (StreamInfo ref) = readIORef ref