module Network.Wai.Session (Session, SessionStore, withSession, genSessionId) where

import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Network.HTTP.Types (ResponseHeaders)
import Network.Wai (Middleware, Request(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,0,0)
import Network.Wai.Internal (Response(ResponseBuilder,ResponseFile,ResponseStream,ResponseRaw))
import Network.Wai.Internal (Response(ResponseBuilder,ResponseFile,ResponseSource))
import Web.Cookie (parseCookies, renderSetCookie, SetCookie(..))

#if MIN_VERSION_vault(0,3,0)
import Data.Vault.Lazy (Key)
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault
import Data.Vault (Key)
import qualified Data.Vault as Vault
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, foldr')
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (word8Hex, toLazyByteString)
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Builder

import System.Entropy (getEntropy)

-- | Type representing a single session (a lookup, insert pair)
type Session m k v = ((k -> m (Maybe v)), (k -> v -> m ()))

-- | A 'SessionStore' takes in the contents of the cookie (if there was one)
-- and returns a ('Session', 'IO' action to get new contents for cookie) pair
type SessionStore m k v = (Maybe ByteString -> IO (Session m k v, IO ByteString))

-- | Fully parameterised middleware for cookie-based sessions
withSession ::
	SessionStore m k v
	-- ^ The 'SessionStore' to use for sessions
	-> ByteString
	-- ^ Name to use for the session cookie (MUST BE ASCII)
	-> SetCookie
	-- ^ Settings for the cookie (path, expiry, etc)
	-> Key (Session m k v)
	-- ^ 'Data.Vault.Vault' key to use when passing the session through
	-> Middleware
#if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,0,0)
withSession sessions cookieName cookieDefaults vkey app req respond = do
withSession sessions cookieName cookieDefaults vkey app req = do
	(session, getNewCookie) <- liftIO $ sessions $ lookup cookieName =<< cookies
#if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,0,0)
	app (req {vault = Vault.insert vkey session (vault req)}) (\r -> do
			newCookieVal <- liftIO getNewCookie
			respond $ mapHeader (\hs -> (setCookie, newCookie newCookieVal):hs) r
	resp <- app (req {vault = Vault.insert vkey session (vault req)})
	newCookieVal <- liftIO getNewCookie
	return $ mapHeader (\hs -> (setCookie, newCookie newCookieVal):hs) resp
	newCookie v = Builder.toByteString $ renderSetCookie $ cookieDefaults {
			setCookieName = cookieName, setCookieValue = v
	cookies = fmap parseCookies $ lookup ciCookie (requestHeaders req)
	setCookie = fromString "Set-Cookie"
	ciCookie = fromString "Cookie"

-- | Simple session ID generator using cryptographically strong random IDs
-- Useful for session stores that use session IDs.
genSessionId :: IO ByteString
genSessionId = do
	randBytes <- getEntropy 32
	return $ prettyPrint randBytes
	prettyPrint :: ByteString -> ByteString
	prettyPrint = toStrict . toLazyByteString . mconcat . Data.ByteString.foldr'
		( \ byte acc -> word8Hex byte:acc ) []

-- | Run a function over the headers in a 'Response'
mapHeader :: (ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders) -> Response -> Response
mapHeader f (ResponseFile s h b1 b2) = ResponseFile s (f h) b1 b2
mapHeader f (ResponseBuilder s h b) = ResponseBuilder s (f h) b
#if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,0,0)
mapHeader f (ResponseStream s h b) = ResponseStream s (f h) b
mapHeader f (ResponseRaw io resp) = ResponseRaw io (mapHeader f resp)
mapHeader f (ResponseSource s h b) = ResponseSource s (f h) b