{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Network.Wai.Handler.Lambda where

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.!=))
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Function (fix)
import Network.Wai (Application)
import System.Directory (renameFile)
import System.IO.Unsafe
import UnliftIO
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as Binary
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Internal as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Parser as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Parser.Internal as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import qualified Data.IP as IP
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Internal as Wai
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp

-- | Run an 'Application'.
-- Continuously reads requests from @stdin@. Each line should be a a JSON
-- document as described in 'decodeInput'.
-- All requests will be timed out after 2 seconds. If any exception
-- is thrown while processing the request this will return an @HTTP 500
-- Internal Server Error@.
-- If you need more control use 'handleRequest' directly.
run :: Application -> IO ()
run app = xif BS.empty $ \loop leftover ->
    -- XXX: we don't use getLine because it errors out on EOF; here we deal
    -- with this explicitly
    BS.hGetSome stdin 4096 >>= \bs ->
      if BS.null bs
      then pure () -- EOF was reached
      else case second BS8.uncons $ BS8.break (== '\n') (leftover <> bs) of
        (_tmpLine, Nothing) -> loop (leftover <> bs)
        (line, Just ('\n', rest)) -> do
          void $ forkIO $ handleRequest app defaultTimeout line
          loop rest
        -- This happens if 'break' found a newline character but 'uncons'
        -- returned something different
        (_tmpLine, Just{}) -> throwIO $ userError $
          "wai-lambda: The impossible happened: was expecting newline"

-- | Default request timeout. 2 seconds.
defaultTimeout :: Int
defaultTimeout = 2 * 1000 * 1000

-- Request handling

-- | Parse and handle the request.
-- * Returns 504 if no response is available after the specified timeout.
-- * Returns 500 if an exception occurs while processing the request.
-- * Throws an exception if the input cannot be parsed.
  :: Application
  -> Int  -- ^ Timeout in microseconds
  -> BS.ByteString -- ^ The request (see 'decodeInput')
  -> IO ()
handleRequest app tout bs = case decodeInput bs of
    Left err -> do
      -- The request couldn't be parsed. There isn't much we can do since we
      -- don't even know where to put the response.
      let msg = unlines
            [ "Cannot decode request " <> show err
            , "Request was: " <> show bs
      putStrLn msg
      throwIO $ userError msg
    Right (fp, mkReq) -> do
      req <- mkReq
      mresp <- timeout tout $ tryAny $ processRequest app req
      resp <- case mresp of
        Just (Right r) -> do
          (st, hdrs, body) <- readResponse r
          pure $ toJSONResponse st hdrs body
        Just (Left e) -> do
          putStrLn $
            "Could not process request: " <> show bs <>
            " error: " <> show e
          pure $ toJSONResponse H.status500 [] "Internal Server Error"
        Nothing -> do
          putStrLn $ "Timeout processing request: " <> show bs
          pure $ toJSONResponse H.status504 [] "Timeout"

      writeFileAtomic fp $ BL.toStrict $ Aeson.encode $ Aeson.Object resp

-- | Run the 'Request' through the 'Application'.
-- This function is completely dependent on the 'Application. Any exception
-- thrown by the 'Application' will be rethrown here. No timeout is
-- implemented: if the 'Application' never provides a 'Response' then
-- 'processRequest' won't return.
processRequest :: Application -> Wai.Request -> IO Wai.Response
processRequest app req = do
    mvar <- newEmptyMVar
    Wai.ResponseReceived <- app req $ \resp -> do
      putMVar mvar resp
      pure Wai.ResponseReceived
    takeMVar mvar

-- WAI <-> API Gateway

-- | Decode a 'ByteString' into (1) a Wai 'Request' and (2) a filepath where
-- the response should be written.
-- The argument is JSON document with two fields:
--  * @request@: the API Gateway request (see 'parseRequest')
--  * @reqsponseFile@: Where to write the API Gateway response (see
--      'toJSONResponse')
decodeInput :: BS.ByteString -> Either (Aeson.JSONPath, String) (FilePath, IO Wai.Request)
decodeInput = Aeson.eitherDecodeStrictWith Aeson.jsonEOF $ Aeson.iparse $
    Aeson.withObject "input" $ \obj ->
      (,) <$>
        obj .: "responseFile" <*>
        (obj .: "request" >>= parseRequest)

-- | Parser for a 'Wai.Request'.
-- The input is an AWS API Gateway request event:
-- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/eventsources.html#eventsources-api-gateway-request
parseRequest :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser (IO Wai.Request)
parseRequest = Aeson.withObject "request" $ \obj -> do

    -- "httpMethod": "GET"
    requestMethod <- obj .: "httpMethod" >>=
      Aeson.withText "requestMethod" (pure . T.encodeUtf8)

    -- We don't get data about the version, just assume
    httpVersion <- pure H.http11

    -- "queryStringParameters": {
    --    "name": "me"
    --  },
    -- XXX: default to empty object for the query params as Lambda doesn't set
    -- 'queryStringParameters' if there are no query parameters
    queryParams <- obj .:? "queryStringParameters" .!= Aeson.Object HMap.empty >>=
      Aeson.withObject "queryParams" (
          (fmap (first T.encodeUtf8) . HMap.toList ) .
          traverse (Aeson.withText "queryParam" (pure . T.encodeUtf8))

    rawQueryString <- pure $ H.renderSimpleQuery True queryParams

    -- "path": "/test/hello",
    path <- obj .: "path" >>=
      Aeson.withText "path" (pure . T.encodeUtf8)

    rawPathInfo <- pure $ path <> rawQueryString

    --  "headers": {
    --    "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,...",
    --    ...
    --    "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"
    --  },
    requestHeaders <- obj .: "headers" >>=
      Aeson.withObject "headers" (
          (fmap (first (CI.mk . T.encodeUtf8)) . HMap.toList) .
          traverse (Aeson.withText "header" (pure . T.encodeUtf8))

    isSecure <- pure $ case lookup "X-Forwarded-Proto" requestHeaders of
      Just "https" -> True
      _ -> False

    --  "requestContext": {
    --    ...
    --    "identity": {
    --      ...
    --      "sourceIp": "",
    --    },
    --    ...
    --  },
    remoteHost <- obj .: "requestContext" >>=
      Aeson.withObject "requestContext" (\obj' ->
        obj' .: "identity" >>=
          Aeson.withObject "identity" (\idt -> do
              sourceIp <- case HMap.lookup "sourceIp" idt of
                Nothing -> fail "no sourceIp"
                Just (Aeson.String x) -> pure $ T.unpack x
                Just _ -> fail "bad type for sourceIp"
              ip <- case readMaybe sourceIp of
                Just ip -> pure ip
                Nothing -> fail "cannot parse sourceIp"

              pure $ case ip of
                IP.IPv4 ip4 ->
                    0 -- default port
                    (IP.toHostAddress ip4)
                IP.IPv6 ip6 ->
                    0 -- default port
                    0 -- flow info
                    (IP.toHostAddress6 ip6)
                    0 -- scope id

    pathInfo <- pure $ H.decodePathSegments path
    queryString <- pure $ H.parseQuery rawQueryString

    -- XXX: default to empty body as Lambda doesn't always set one (e.g. GET
    -- requests)
    requestBodyRaw <- obj .:? "body" .!= Aeson.String "" >>=
      Aeson.withText "body" (pure . T.encodeUtf8)
    requestBodyLength <- pure $
      Wai.KnownLength $ fromIntegral $ BS.length requestBodyRaw

    vault <- pure $ Vault.insert originalRequestKey obj Vault.empty

    requestHeaderHost <- pure $ lookup "host" requestHeaders
    requestHeaderRange <- pure $ lookup "range" requestHeaders
    requestHeaderReferer <- pure $ lookup "referer" requestHeaders
    requestHeaderUserAgent <- pure $ lookup "User-Agent" requestHeaders

    pure $ do
      requestBodyMVar <- newMVar requestBodyRaw
      let requestBody = do
            tryTakeMVar requestBodyMVar >>= \case
              Just bs -> pure bs
              Nothing -> pure BS.empty
      pure $ Wai.Request {..}

originalRequestKey :: Vault.Key Aeson.Object
originalRequestKey = unsafePerformIO Vault.newKey
{-# NOINLINE originalRequestKey #-}

-- | Read the status, headers and body of a 'Wai.Response'.
readResponse :: Wai.Response -> IO (H.Status, H.ResponseHeaders, BS.ByteString)
readResponse (Wai.responseToStream -> (st, hdrs, mkBody)) = do
    body <- mkBody drainBody
    pure (st, hdrs, body)
    drainBody :: Wai.StreamingBody -> IO BS.ByteString
    drainBody body = do
      ioref <- newIORef Binary.empty
        (\b -> atomicModifyIORef ioref (\b' -> (b <> b', ())))
        (pure ())
      BL.toStrict . Binary.toLazyByteString <$> readIORef ioref

-- | Make an API Gateway response from status, headers and body.
-- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/eventsources.html#eventsources-api-gateway-response
toJSONResponse :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> BS.ByteString -> Aeson.Object
toJSONResponse st hdrs body = HMap.fromList
    [ ("statusCode", Aeson.Number (fromIntegral (H.statusCode st)))
    , ("headers", Aeson.toJSON $ HMap.fromList $
        (bimap T.decodeUtf8 T.decodeUtf8 . first CI.original) <$> hdrs)
    , ("body", Aeson.String (T.decodeUtf8 body))

-- Auxiliary

-- | Atomically write the 'ByteString' to the file.
-- Uses @rename(2)@.
writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
writeFileAtomic fp bs =
    Temp.withSystemTempFile "temp-response" $ \tmpFp h -> do
      hClose h
      BS.writeFile tmpFp bs
      renameFile tmpFp fp

-- | @flip fix@
xif :: b -> ((b -> c) -> b -> c) -> c
xif = flip fix