module Waargonaut.Decode.ZipperMove
( ZipperMove (..)
, AsZipperMove (..)
, ppZipperMove
) where
import Control.Lens (Prism')
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Natural (Natural)
import Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.WL (Doc, (<+>))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.WL as WL
data ZipperMove
= U
| D
| DAt Text
| Item Text
| L Natural
| R Natural
| BranchFail Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
ppZipperMove :: ZipperMove -> Doc a
ppZipperMove m = case m of
U -> WL.text "up/" <> WL.linebreak
D -> WL.text "down\\" <> WL.linebreak
L n -> WL.text "-<-" <+> ntxt n
R n -> WL.text " ->-" <+> ntxt n
DAt k -> WL.text "into\\" <+> itxt "key" k <> WL.linebreak
Item t -> WL.text "-::" <+> itxt "item" t <> WL.linebreak
BranchFail t -> WL.text "(attempted: " <+> ntxt t <+> WL.text ")" <> WL.linebreak
itxt t k' = WL.parens (WL.text t <+> WL.colon <+> WL.text (Text.unpack k'))
ntxt n' = WL.parens (WL.char 'i' <+> WL.char '+' <+> WL.text (show n'))
class AsZipperMove r where
_ZipperMove :: Prism' r ZipperMove
_U :: Prism' r ()
_D :: Prism' r ()
_DAt :: Prism' r Text
_Item :: Prism' r Text
_L :: Prism' r Natural
_R :: Prism' r Natural
_U = _ZipperMove . _U
_D = _ZipperMove . _D
_DAt = _ZipperMove . _DAt
_Item = _ZipperMove . _Item
_L = _ZipperMove . _L
_R = _ZipperMove . _R
instance AsZipperMove ZipperMove where
_ZipperMove = id
_U = L.prism (const U)
(\x -> case x of
U -> Right ()
_ -> Left x
_D = L.prism (const D)
(\x -> case x of
D -> Right ()
_ -> Left x
_DAt = L.prism DAt
(\x -> case x of
DAt y -> Right y
_ -> Left x
_Item = L.prism Item
(\x -> case x of
Item y -> Right y
_ -> Left x
_L = L.prism L
(\x -> case x of
L y -> Right y
_ -> Left x
_R = L.prism R
(\x -> case x of
R y -> Right y
_ -> Left x