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waargonaut- JSON wrangling

Safe HaskellNone




Types and functions to encode your data types to Json.

We will work through a basic example, using the following type:

data Person = Person
  { _personName                    :: Text
  , _personAge                     :: Int
  , _personAddress                 :: Text
  , _personFavouriteLotteryNumbers :: [Int]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

To create an Encoder for our Person record, we will encode it as a "map like object", that is we have decided that there are no duplicate keys allowed. We can then use the following functions to build up the structure we want:

  :: ( AsJType Json ws a
     , Semigroup ws         -- This library supports GHC 7.10.3 and Semigroup wasn't a superclass of Monoid then.
     , Monoid ws
     , Applicative f
  => (i -> MapLikeObj ws a -> MapLikeObj ws a)
  -> Encoder f i


  :: ( At t
     , IxValue t ~ Json
  => Index t
  -> Encoder' a
  -> a
  -> t
  -> t

These types may seem pretty wild, but their usage is mundane. The mapLikeObj function is used when we want to encode some particular type i as a JSON object. In such a way as to prevent duplicate keys from appearing. The atKey' function is designed such that it can be composed with itself to build up an object with multiple keys.

import Waargonaut.Encode (Encoder)
import qualified Waargonaut.Encode as E
personEncoder :: Applicative f => Encoder f Person
personEncoder = E.mapLikeObj $ \p ->
  E.atKey' "name" E.text (_personName p) .
  E.atKey' "age" E.int (_personAge p) .
  E.atKey' "address" E.text (_personAddress p) .
  E.atKey' "numbers" (E.list E.int) (_personFavouriteLotteryNumbers p)

The JSON RFC leaves the handling of duplicate keys on an object as a choice. It is up to the implementor of a JSON handling package to decide what they will do. Waargonaut passes on this choice to you. In both encoding and decoding, the handling of duplicate keys is up to you. Waargonaut provides functionality to support both use cases.

To then turn these values into JSON output:

simpleEncodeText         :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Text
simpleEncodeTextNoSpaces :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Text

simpleEncodeByteString         :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f ByteString
simpleEncodeByteStringNoSpaces :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f ByteString


simplePureEncodeText         :: Encoder' a -> a -> Text
simplePureEncodeTextNoSpaces :: Encoder' a -> a -> Text

simplePureEncodeByteString         :: Encoder' a -> a -> ByteString
simplePureEncodeByteStringNoSpaces :: Encoder' a -> a -> ByteString

The latter functions specialise the f to be Identity.

Then, like the use of the Decoder you select the Encoder you wish to use and run it against a value of a matching type:

simplePureEncodeTextNoSpaces personEncoder (Person "Krag" 33 "Red House 4, Three Neck Lane, Greentown." [86,3,32,42,73])
"{"name":"Krag","age":88,"address":"Red House 4, Three Neck Lane, Greentown.","numbers":[86,3,32,42,73]}"

Encoder type

type Encoder f a = EncoderFns Json f a Source #

As a convenience, this type defines the i to be a specific Json structure:

type Encoder' a = EncoderFns Json Identity a Source #

As a convenience, this type is a pure Encoder over Identity in place of the f.

type ObjEncoder f a = EncoderFns (JObject WS Json) f a Source #

As a convenience, this type defines the i to be a specific 'JObject WS Json' structure:

type ObjEncoder' a = EncoderFns (JObject WS Json) Identity a Source #

As a convenience, this type is a pure ObjEncoder over Identity in place of the f.


encodeA :: (a -> f Json) -> Encoder f a Source #

Create an Encoder' for a by providing a function from 'a -> f Json'.

encodePureA :: (a -> Json) -> Encoder' a Source #

As encodeA but specialised to Identity when the additional flexibility isn't needed.

jsonEncoder :: (a -> f Json) -> EncoderFns Json f a Source #

Helper function for creating an Encoder, provides the default finaliseEncoding function for Json encoders.

objEncoder :: (a -> f (JObject WS Json)) -> EncoderFns (JObject WS Json) f a Source #

Helper function for creating a JSON object Encoder. Provides the default finaliseEncoding function for completing the JObject to the necessary Json type.


runPureEncoder :: EncoderFns i Identity a -> a -> Json Source #

Run any encoder to the Json representation, with the context specialised to Identity for convenience.

runEncoder :: Functor f => EncoderFns i f a -> a -> f Json Source #

Run any encoder to the Json representation, allowing for some Functor context f.

simpleEncodeWith :: (Applicative f, Monoid b, IsString t) => Builder t b -> (b -> out) -> (Builder t b -> WS -> b) -> Encoder f a -> a -> f out Source #

Encode an a directly to some output text type using the provided Builder and Encoder.

simplePureEncodeWith :: (Monoid b, IsString t) => Builder t b -> (b -> out) -> (Builder t b -> WS -> b) -> Encoder Identity a -> a -> out Source #

Encode an a directly to a Text using the provided Encoder.

simpleEncodeText :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Text Source #

Encode an a directly to a Text using the provided Encoder.

simpleEncodeTextNoSpaces :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Text Source #

Encode an a directly to a Text using the provided Encoder.

simpleEncodeByteString :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f ByteString Source #

Encode an a directly to a ByteString using the provided Encoder.

simpleEncodeByteStringNoSpaces :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f ByteString Source #

Encode an a directly to a ByteString using the provided Encoder.

simplePureEncodeText :: Encoder Identity a -> a -> Text Source #

As per simpleEncodeText but specialised the f to Identity.

Provided encoders

int :: Applicative f => Encoder f Int Source #

Encode an Int

integral :: (Applicative f, Integral n) => Encoder f n Source #

Encode a numeric value of the typeclass Integral

null :: Applicative f => Encoder f () Source #

Encode an explicit null.

either :: Functor f => Encoder f a -> Encoder f b -> Encoder f (Either a b) Source #

Encode an Either value using the given Encoders

maybe :: Functor f => Encoder f () -> Encoder f a -> Encoder f (Maybe a) Source #

Encode a Maybe value, using the provided Encoder's to handle the different choices.

maybeOrNull :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> Encoder f (Maybe a) Source #

Encode a 'Maybe a' to either 'Encoder a' or null

traversable :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => Encoder f a -> Encoder f (t a) Source #

Encode some Traversable of a into a JSON array.

list :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> Encoder f [a] Source #

Encode a list

nonempty :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> Encoder f (NonEmpty a) Source #

Encode a NonEmpty list

mapToObj :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> (k -> Text) -> Encoder f (Map k a) Source #

Encode a Map in a JSON object.

json :: Applicative f => Encoder f Json Source #

Encoder' for a Waargonaut Json data structure

prismE :: Prism' a b -> Encoder f a -> Encoder f b Source #

Build an Encoder using a Prism'

asJson :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Json Source #

Transform the given input using the Encoder to its Json data structure representation.

Object encoder helpers

mapLikeObj :: (AsJType Json ws a, Monoid ws, Semigroup ws, Applicative f) => (i -> MapLikeObj ws a -> MapLikeObj ws a) -> Encoder f i Source #

Apply a function to update a MapLikeObj and encode that as a JSON object.

For example, given the following data type:

data Image = Image
  { _imageW        :: Int
  , _imageH        :: Int
  , _imageTitle    :: Text
  , _imageAnimated :: Bool
  , _imageIDs      :: [Int]

We can use this function to create an encoder, composing the individual update functions to set the keys and values as desired.

encodeImage :: Applicative f => Encoder f Image
encodeImage = mapLikeObj $ \img ->
  intAt "Width" (_imageW img) .           -- ^ Set an Int value at the "Width" key.
  intAt "Height" (_imageH img) .
  textAt "Title" (_imageTitle img) .
  boolAt "Animated" (_imageAnimated img) .
  listAt int "IDs" (_imageIDs img) -- ^ Set an [Int] value at the "IDs" key.

atKey :: (At t, IxValue t ~ Json, Applicative f) => Index t -> Encoder f a -> a -> t -> f t Source #

When encoding a MapLikeObj, this function lets you encode a value at a specific key

atOptKey :: (At t, IxValue t ~ Json, Applicative f) => Index t -> Encoder f a -> Maybe a -> t -> f t Source #

Optionally encode an a if it is a Just a. A Nothing will result in the key being absent from the object.

intAt :: Text -> Int -> MapLikeObj WS Json -> MapLikeObj WS Json Source #

Encode an Int at the given Text key.

textAt :: Text -> Text -> MapLikeObj WS Json -> MapLikeObj WS Json Source #

Encode a Text value at the given Text key.

boolAt :: Text -> Bool -> MapLikeObj WS Json -> MapLikeObj WS Json Source #

Encode a Bool at the given Text key.

traversableAt :: (At t, Traversable f, IxValue t ~ Json) => Encoder' a -> Index t -> f a -> t -> t Source #

Encode a Foldable of a at the given index on a JSON object.

listAt :: (At t, IxValue t ~ Json) => Encoder' a -> Index t -> [a] -> t -> t Source #

Encode a standard Haskell list at the given index on a JSON object.

nonemptyAt :: (At t, IxValue t ~ Json) => Encoder' a -> Index t -> NonEmpty a -> t -> t Source #

Encode a NonEmpty list at the given index on a JSON object.

encAt :: Applicative f => Encoder f b -> Text -> (a -> b) -> a -> JObject WS Json -> f (JObject WS Json) Source #

Using a given Encoder, encode a key value pair on the JSON object, using the accessor function to retrieve the value.

keyValuesAsObj :: (Foldable g, Monad f) => g (a -> JObject WS Json -> f (JObject WS Json)) -> Encoder f a Source #

Encode key value pairs as a JSON object, allowing duplicate keys.

onObj :: Applicative f => Text -> b -> Encoder f b -> JObject WS Json -> f (JObject WS Json) Source #

When encoding a JSON object that may contain duplicate keys, this function works the same as the atKey function for MapLikeObj.

keyValueTupleFoldable :: (Monad f, Foldable g) => Encoder f a -> Encoder f (g (Text, a)) Source #

Encode some Foldable of (Text, a) as a JSON object. This permits duplicate keys.

extendObject :: Functor f => ObjEncoder f a -> a -> (JObject WS Json -> JObject WS Json) -> f Json Source #

This function allows you to extend the fields on a JSON object created by a separate encoder.

extendMapLikeObject :: Functor f => ObjEncoder f a -> a -> (MapLikeObj WS Json -> MapLikeObj WS Json) -> f Json Source #

This function lets you extend the fields on a JSON object but enforces the uniqueness of the keys by working through the MapLikeObj structure.

This will keep the first occurence of each unique key in the map. So be sure to check your output.

combineObjects :: Applicative f => (a -> (b, c)) -> ObjEncoder f b -> ObjEncoder f c -> ObjEncoder f a Source #

Given encoders for things that are represented in JSON as objects, and a way to get to the b and c from the a. This function lets you create an encoder for a. The two objects are combined to make one single JSON object.


encodeFoo :: ObjEncoder f Foo
encodeBar :: ObjEncoder f Bar
-- and some wrapping type:
data A = { _foo :: Foo, _bar :: Bar }

We can use this function to utilise our already defined ObjEncoder structures to give us an encoder for A:

combineObjects (aRecord -> (_foo aRecord, _bar aRecord)) encodeFoo encodeBar :: ObjEncoder f Bar

Encoders specialised to Identity

int' :: Encoder' Int Source #

As per int but with the f specialised to Identity.

integral' :: Integral n => Encoder' n Source #

As per integral but with the f specialised to Identity.

scientific' :: Encoder' Scientific Source #

As per scientific but with the f specialised to Identity.

bool' :: Encoder' Bool Source #

As per bool but with the f specialised to Identity.

string' :: Encoder' String Source #

As per string but with the f specialised to Identity.

text' :: Encoder' Text Source #

As per text but with the f specialised to Identity.

null' :: Encoder' () Source #

As per null but with the f specialised to Identity.

either' :: Encoder' a -> Encoder' b -> Encoder' (Either a b) Source #

As per either but with the f specialised to Identity.

maybe' :: Encoder' () -> Encoder' a -> Encoder' (Maybe a) Source #

As per maybe but with the f specialised to Identity.

maybeOrNull' :: Encoder' a -> Encoder' (Maybe a) Source #

As per maybeOrNull but with the f specialised to Identity.

traversable' :: Traversable t => Encoder' a -> Encoder' (t a) Source #

As per traversable but with the f specialised to Identity.

nonempty' :: Encoder' a -> Encoder' (NonEmpty a) Source #

As per nonempty but with the f specialised to Identity.

list' :: Encoder' a -> Encoder' [a] Source #

As per list but with the f specialised to Identity.

atKey' :: (At t, IxValue t ~ Json) => Index t -> Encoder' a -> a -> t -> t Source #

Encode an a at the given index on the JSON object.

atOptKey' :: (At t, IxValue t ~ Json) => Index t -> Encoder' a -> Maybe a -> t -> t Source #

Optionally encode a key : value pair on an object.

encoder = E.mapLikeObj $ \a ->
  atKey' "A" E.text (_getterA a)
  atOptKey' "B" E.int (_maybeB a)

simplePureEncodeByteString encoder (Foo "bob" (Just 33)) = "{"A":"bob","B":33}"

simplePureEncodeByteString encoder (Foo "bob" Nothing) = "{"A":"bob"}"

mapLikeObj' :: (AsJType Json ws a, Semigroup ws, Monoid ws) => (i -> MapLikeObj ws a -> MapLikeObj ws a) -> Encoder' i Source #

As per mapLikeObj but specialised for Identity as the Applicative.

mapToObj' :: Encoder' a -> (k -> Text) -> Encoder' (Map k a) Source #

Using the given function to convert the k type keys to a Text value, encode a Map as a JSON object.

keyValuesAsObj' :: (Foldable g, Functor g) => g (a -> JObject WS Json -> JObject WS Json) -> Encoder' a Source #

As per keyValuesAsObj but with the f specialised to Identity.

json' :: Encoder' Json Source #

As per json but with the f specialised to Identity.

asJson' :: Encoder Identity a -> a -> Json Source #

As per asJson, but with the Encoder specialised to Identity

onObj' :: Text -> b -> Encoder' b -> JObject WS Json -> JObject WS Json Source #

As per onObj but the f is specialised to Identity.

generaliseEncoder :: Monad f => EncoderFns i Identity a -> EncoderFns i f a Source #

Generalise any Encoder a' to 'Encoder f a'