{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
-- |
-- Types and Functions for turning JSON into Haskell.
module Waargonaut.Decode
    -- * Types
  , SuccinctCursor
  , DecodeResult (..)
  , Decoder (..)
  , JCurs (..)
  , ParseFn
  , Err (..)

    -- * Runners
  , runDecode
  , runDecodeResult
  , runPureDecode
  , simpleDecode
  , overrideParser
  , generaliseDecoder

    -- * Helpers
  , DI.ppCursorHistory

    -- * Cursors
  , withCursor
  , mkCursor
  , cursorRankL
  , manyMoves
  , down
  , up
  , DI.try
  , moveRightN
  , moveRight1
  , moveLeftN
  , moveLeft1
  , moveToKey
  , moveToRankN

    -- * Decoding at cursor
  , jsonAtCursor
  , fromKey
  , atKey
  , focus

    -- * Provided Decoders
  , leftwardCons
  , rightwardSnoc
  , foldCursor
  , rank
  , prismD
  , prismDOrFail
  , json
  , int
  , scientific
  , integral
  , string
  , unboundedChar
  , boundedChar
  , text
  , bool
  , null
  , nonemptyAt
  , nonempty
  , listAt
  , list
  , withDefault
  , maybeOrNull
  , either

  ) where

import           GHC.Word                                  (Word64)

import           Control.Lens                              (Cons, Lens', Prism',
                                                            Snoc, cons, lens,
                                                            modifying, preview,
                                                            snoc, traverseOf,
                                                            view, (.~), (^.),

import           Prelude                                   (Bool, Bounded, Char,
                                                            Int, Integral,
                                                            fromIntegral, (-),

import           Control.Applicative                       (Applicative (..))
import           Control.Category                          ((.))
import           Control.Monad                             (Monad (..), (>=>))
import           Control.Monad.Morph                       (embed, generalize)

import           Control.Monad.Except                      (MonadError, lift,
import           Control.Monad.Reader                      (ReaderT (..), ask,
                                                            local, runReaderT)
import           Control.Monad.State                       (MonadState)

import           Control.Error.Util                        (note)
import           Control.Monad.Error.Hoist                 ((<?>))

import           Data.Either                               (Either (..))
import           Data.Foldable                             (foldl)
import           Data.Function                             (const, flip, ($),
import           Data.Functor                              (fmap, (<$), (<$>))
import           Data.Functor.Identity                     (Identity,
import           Data.Monoid                               (mempty)

import           Data.Scientific                           (Scientific)

import           Data.List                                 (replicate)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty                        (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import           Data.Maybe                                (Maybe (..),
                                                            fromMaybe, maybe)

import           Data.Text                                 (Text)

import           Data.ByteString.Char8                     (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                     as BS8

import           Numeric.Natural                           (Natural)

import           Waargonaut.Types

import           HaskellWorks.Data.Positioning             (Count)
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.Positioning             as Pos

import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.BalancedParens.FindOpen as BP

import           HaskellWorks.Data.Bits                    ((.?.))
import           HaskellWorks.Data.FromByteString          (fromByteString)
import           HaskellWorks.Data.TreeCursor              (TreeCursor (..))

import           HaskellWorks.Data.Json.Cursor             (JsonCursor (..))
import qualified HaskellWorks.Data.Json.Cursor             as JC

import           Waargonaut.Decode.Error                   (DecodeError (..),
                                                            Err (..))
import           Waargonaut.Decode.ZipperMove              (ZipperMove (..))

import qualified Waargonaut.Decode.Internal                as DI

import           Waargonaut.Decode.Types                   (CursorHistory,
                                                            DecodeResult (..),
                                                            Decoder (..),
                                                            JCurs (..), ParseFn,

-- | Function to define a 'Decoder' for a specific data type.
-- For example, given the following data type:
-- @
-- data Image = Image
--   { _imageW        :: Int
--   , _imageH        :: Int
--   , _imageTitle    :: Text
--   , _imageAnimated :: Bool
--   , _imageIDs      :: [Int]
--   }
-- @
-- We can use 'withCursor' to write a decoder that will be given a cursor that
-- we can use to build the data types that we need.
-- @
-- imageDecoder :: Monad f => Decoder f Image
-- imageDecoder = withCursor $ \\curs -> D.down curs >>= Image
--   \<$> D.fromKey \"Width\" D.int curs
--   \<*> D.fromKey \"Height\" D.int curs
--   \<*> D.fromKey \"Title\" D.text curs
--   \<*> D.fromKey \"Animated\" D.bool curs
--   \<*> D.fromKey \"IDs\" intArray curs
-- @
-- It's up to you to provide a cursor that is at the correct position for a
-- 'Decoder' to operate, but building decoders in this way simplifies creating
-- decoders for larger structures, as the smaller pieces contain fewer
-- assumptions. This encourages greater reuse of decoders and simplifies the
-- debugging process.
  :: (JCurs -> DecodeResult f a)
  -> Decoder f a
withCursor g = Decoder $ \p ->
  DI.runDecoder' $ DI.withCursor' (flip runReaderT p . unDecodeResult . g)

-- | Take a 'ByteString' input and build an index of the JSON structure inside
mkCursor :: ByteString -> JCurs
mkCursor = JCurs . fromByteString

-- | Lens for accessing the 'rank' of the 'JsonCursor'. The 'rank' forms part of
-- the calculation that is the cursors current position in the index.
cursorRankL :: Lens' (JsonCursor s i p) Count
cursorRankL = lens JC.cursorRank (\c r -> c { cursorRank = r })

-- | Execute the given function 'n' times'.
manyMoves :: Monad m => Natural -> (b -> m b) -> b -> m b
manyMoves i g = foldl (>=>) pure (replicate (fromIntegral i) g)

-- | Generalise a 'Decoder' that has been specialised to 'Identity' back to some 'Monad f'.
generaliseDecoder :: Monad f => Decoder Identity a -> Decoder f a
generaliseDecoder dr = Decoder (\p -> embed generalize . runDecoder dr p)
{-# INLINE generaliseDecoder #-}

-- | Execute the given cursor movement function, throwing a 'FailedToMove' error
-- if it is unsuccessful, recording the new position in history if it is
-- successful.
  :: Monad f
  => (SuccinctCursor -> Maybe SuccinctCursor)
  -> ZipperMove
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveCursBasic f m c =
  traverseOf _Wrapped f c <?> FailedToMove m >>= recordRank m

-- | Move the cursor down or into the child of the current cursor position.
-- The following examples use "*" to represent the cursor position.
-- Starting position:
-- @ *{"fred": 33, "sally": 44 } @
-- After moving 'down':
-- @ { *"fred": 33, "sally": 44 } @
-- This function will also move into the elements in an array:
-- Starting position:
-- @ *[1,2,3] @
-- After moving 'down':
-- @ [*1,2,3] @
-- This function is essential when dealing with the inner elements of objects or
-- arrays. As you must first move 'down' into the focus.
  :: Monad f
  => JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
down =
  moveCursBasic firstChild D

-- | Move the cursor up into the parent of the current cursor position.
-- The following examples use "*" to represent the cursor position.
-- Starting position:
-- @ { "fred": 33, *"sally": 44 } @
-- After moving 'up':
-- @ *{"fred": 33, "sally": 44 } @
  :: Monad f
  => JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
up =
  moveCursBasic parent U

-- | Given a 'rank' value, attempt to move the cursor directly to that position.
-- Returns a 'InputOutOfBounds' error if that position is invalid.
  :: Monad f
  => Word64
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveToRankN newRank c =
  if JC.balancedParens (c ^. _Wrapped) .?. Pos.lastPositionOf newRank
  then pure $ c & _Wrapped . cursorRankL .~ newRank
  else throwError $ InputOutOfBounds newRank

-- | Move the cursor rightwards 'n' times.
-- Starting position:
-- @ [*1, 2, 3] @
-- After @moveRightN 2@:
-- @ [1, 2, *3] @
  :: Monad f
  => Natural
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveRightN i =
  moveCursBasic (manyMoves i nextSibling) (R i)

-- | Helper function to move right once.
  :: Monad f
  => JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveRight1 =
  moveRightN 1

-- | Helper function to move left once.
-- Starting position:
-- @ [1, 2, *3] @
-- Ater 'moveLeft1':
-- @ [1, *2, 3] @
  :: Monad f
  => JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveLeft1 jc =
    c         = jc ^. _Wrapped
    rnk       = c ^. cursorRankL
    setRank r = jc & _Wrapped . cursorRankL .~ r
    prev      = rnk - 1
    setRank <$> BP.findOpen (JC.balancedParens c) prev <?> InputOutOfBounds prev

-- | Move the cursor leftwards 'n' times.
  :: Monad f
  => Natural
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveLeftN i =
  manyMoves i moveLeft1

-- | Using the given parsing function, attempt to decode the value of the
-- 'ByteString' at the current cursor position.
  :: Monad f
  => (ByteString -> Either DecodeError a)
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f a
jsonAtCursor p jc = do
    c         = jc ^. _Wrapped
    rnk       = c ^. cursorRankL

    leading   = fromIntegral $ Pos.toCount (JC.jsonCursorPos c)
    cursorTxt = BS8.drop leading (JC.cursorText c)

  if JC.balancedParens c .?. Pos.lastPositionOf rnk
    then liftEither (p cursorTxt)
    else throwError (InputOutOfBounds rnk)

-- Internal function to record the current rank of the cursor into the zipper history
  :: MonadState CursorHistory f
  => ZipperMove
  -> JCurs
  -> f JCurs
recordRank mv c =
  c <$ modifying _Wrapped (`snoc` (mv, c ^. _Wrapped . cursorRankL))

-- | Using the given 'Decoder', try to decode the current focus.
-- @
-- myIntList <- focus (list int) cursor
-- @
  :: Monad f
  => Decoder f a
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f a
focus decoder curs = DecodeResult $ do
  p <- ask
  lift $ runDecoder decoder p curs

-- | Attempt to move to the value at a given key on the current JSON object.
-- This will only work if you have already moved 'down' into the JSON object,
-- because the cursor allows you to step over an entire object in a single. It has
-- to be told to move into the object first, otherwise it will not look in the
-- correct location for keys.
-- Cursor position indicated by "*".
-- Assuming cursor positioned here:
-- @ *{ "foo": 33, "fieldB": "pew pew" } @
-- This won't work, because we're AT the object, not IN the object:
-- @
-- moveToKey "foo" cursor
-- @
-- This will work, because we've moved 'down' INTO the object:
-- @
-- down cursor >>= moveToKey "foo"
-- @
  :: Monad f
  => Text
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f JCurs
moveToKey k c =
  -- Tease out the key
  focus text c >>= \k' -> if k' == k -- Are we at the key we want to be at ?
  -- if we are, then move into the THING at the key
  then moveRight1 c
  -- if not, then jump to the next key index, the adjacent sibling is opening of the value of the current key
  else moveRightN 2 c >>= moveToKey k

-- | Move to the first occurence of this key, as per 'moveToKey' and then
-- attempt to run the given 'Decoder' on that value, returning the result.
-- This decoder does not assume you have moved into the object.
-- @
-- ...
-- txtVal <- fromKey "foo" text c
-- ...
-- @
  :: ( Monad f
  => Text
  -> Decoder f b
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f b
fromKey k d =
  moveToKey k >=> focus d

-- | A simplified version of 'fromKey' that takes a 'Text' value indicating a
-- key to be moved to and decoded using the given 'Decoder f a'. If you don't
-- need any special cursor movements to reach the list of keys you require, you
-- could use this function to build a trivial 'Decoder' for a record type:
-- This decoder assumes it is positioned at the top of an object and will move
-- 'down' each time, before attempting to find the given key.
-- @
-- data MyRec = MyRec { fieldA :: Text, fieldB :: Int }
-- myRecDecoder :: Decoder f MyRec
-- myRecDecoder = MyRec
--   <$> atKey "field_a" text
--   <*> atKey "field_b" int
-- @
  :: Monad f
  => Text
  -> Decoder f a
  -> Decoder f a
atKey k d =
  withCursor (down >=> fromKey k d)

-- | Used internally in the construction of the basic 'Decoder's. Takes a 'Text'
-- description of the thing you expect to find at the current cursor, and a
-- function to convert the 'Json' structure found there into something else.
-- Useful if you want to decide how a 'Json' value is converted to another type.
  :: Monad f
  => Text
  -> (Json -> Maybe c)
  -> Decoder f c
atCursor m c = withCursor $ \curs -> do
  p <- ask
  jsonAtCursor p curs >>=
    liftEither . note (ConversionFailure m) . c

-- | Higher order function for combining a folding function with repeated cursor
-- movements. This lets you combine arbitrary cursor movements with an accumulating
-- function.
-- The functions 'leftwardCons' and 'rightwardSnoc' are both impelemented using
-- this function.
-- @
-- leftwardCons = foldCursor (flip cons) moveLeft1
-- @
-- @
-- rightwardSnoc = foldCursor snoc moveRight1
-- @
  :: Monad f
  => (b -> a -> b)
  -> (JCurs -> DecodeResult f JCurs)
  -> b
  -> Decoder f a
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f b
foldCursor nom f s elemD curs = DecodeResult . ReaderT $ \p ->
  DI.foldCursor' s nom
    (flip runReaderT p . unDecodeResult . f)
    (DI.Decoder' $ runDecoder elemD p)

-- | From the current cursor position, move leftwards one position at a time and
-- push each 'a' onto the front of some 'Cons' structure.
  :: ( Monad f
     , Cons s s a a
  => s
  -> Decoder f a
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f s
leftwardCons =
  foldCursor (flip cons) moveLeft1

-- | From the current cursor position, move rightwards one position at a time,
-- and append the 'a' to some 'Snoc' structure.
  :: ( Monad f
     , Snoc s s a a
  => s
  -> Decoder f a
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f s
rightwardSnoc =
  foldCursor snoc moveRight1

-- | Run a 'Decoder' for the final result to see if you have your 'a' or an error.
  :: Monad f
  => Decoder f a
  -> ParseFn
  -> JCurs
  -> f (Either (DecodeError, CursorHistory) a)
runDecode dr p =
  DI.runDecoderResultT . runDecoder dr p

-- |
-- Using the 'ParseFn', complete a 'DecodeResult' to find out if we have the type we're after. This
-- is mostly used internally to help build 'Decoder' structures. Exported as it may prove useful
-- when abstracting over the 'Decoder' types or other such shenanigans.
  :: Monad f
  => ParseFn
  -> DecodeResult f a
  -> f (Either (DecodeError, CursorHistory) a)
runDecodeResult p =
  . flip runReaderT p
  . unDecodeResult

-- | Basic usage of a 'Decoder' is to specialise the 'f' to be 'Identity', then
-- provide the 'ParseFn' and the 'ByteString' input. This will run the 'Decoder' to
-- try to parse and decode the JSON to the 'a' you require.
-- This function takes care of converting the 'ByteString' to a 'JCurs'.
-- @
-- simpleDecode (list int) myParseFn "[1,2,3]"
-- =
-- Right [1,2,3]
-- @
  :: Decoder Identity a
  -> ParseFn
  -> ByteString
  -> Either (DecodeError, CursorHistory) a
simpleDecode d parseFn =
  runPureDecode d parseFn
  . mkCursor

-- | Similar to the 'simpleDecode' function, however this function expects
-- you've already converted your input to a 'JCurs'.
  :: Decoder Identity a
  -> ParseFn
  -> JCurs
  -> Either (DecodeError, CursorHistory) a
runPureDecode dr p =
  runIdentity . runDecode dr p

-- | This function lets you override the parsing function that is being used in
-- a decoder for a different one. This means that when building your 'Decoder' you
-- are not bound to only using a single parsing function. If you have specific
-- needs for alternate parsers then you can use this function in your 'Decoder' to
-- make that change.
-- @
-- myTricksyObj = withCursor $ \curs -> do
--   curs' <- down curs
--   fA <- fromKey "normalFieldA" int curs'
--   fB <- fromKey "normalFieldB" text curs'
--   wB <- overrideParser handTunedParser $ fromKey "weirdFieldC" fieldCDecoder curs'
--   pure $ Foo fA fB wB
-- @
  :: Monad f
  => ParseFn
  -> DecodeResult f a
  -> DecodeResult f a
overrideParser parseOverride =
  local (const parseOverride)

-- | Decoder for some 'Integral' type. This conversion is walked through Mayan,
-- I mean, 'Scientific' to try to avoid numeric explosion issues.
integral :: (Monad f, Integral n, Bounded n) => Decoder f n
integral = atCursor "integral" DI.integral'

-- | At the given cursor position, return the 'Count' or 'rank' of that
-- position. Useful if you want to build a map of a complicated structure such that
-- you're able to optimise your 'Decoder' by using 'moveToRankN' instead of
-- individual cursor movements.
rank :: Monad f => Decoder f Count
rank = withCursor (pure . view cursorRankL . unJCurs)

-- | Create a 'Decoder' from a 'Control.Lens.Prism''.
  :: Monad f
  => Prism' a b
  -> Decoder f a
  -> Decoder f (Maybe b)
prismD p =
  fmap (preview p)

-- | As per 'prismD' but fail the 'Decoder' if unsuccessful.
  :: MonadError DecodeError f
  => DecodeError
  -> Prism' a b
  -> Decoder f a
  -> Decoder f b
prismDOrFail e p d = Decoder $ \pf ->
  DI.prismDOrFail' e p (DI.Decoder' $ runDecoder d pf)

-- | Decode an 'Int'.
int :: Monad f => Decoder f Int
int = integral

-- | Decode a 'Scientific' number value.
scientific :: Monad f => Decoder f Scientific
scientific = atCursor "scientific" DI.scientific'

-- | Decode a 'String' value.
string :: Monad f => Decoder f String
string = atCursor "string" DI.string'

-- | Decode a 'Char' value that is equivalent to a Haskell 'Char' value, as Haskell 'Char' supports a wider range than JSON.
unboundedChar :: Monad f => Decoder f Char
unboundedChar = atCursor "unbounded char" DI.unboundedChar'

-- | Decode a 'Char' that will fail if the 'Char' is outside of the range U+D800 to U+DFFF.
boundedChar :: Monad f => Decoder f Char
boundedChar = atCursor "bounded char" DI.boundedChar'

-- | Decode the 'Json' structure at the cursor. Useful if you don't have a need
-- to convert the Json and only want to make changes before sending it on its way.
json :: Monad f => Decoder f Json
json = atCursor "json" pure

-- | Decode 'Text'
text :: Monad f => Decoder f Text
text = atCursor "text" DI.text'

-- | Decode an explicit 'null' value at the current cursor position.
null :: Monad f => Decoder f ()
null = atCursor "null" DI.null'

-- | Decode a 'Bool' value.
bool :: Monad f => Decoder f Bool
bool = atCursor "bool" DI.bool'

-- | Given a 'Decoder' for 'a', attempt to decode a 'NonEmpty' list of 'a' at
-- the current cursor position.
  :: Monad f
  => Decoder f a
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f (NonEmpty a)
nonemptyAt elemD = down >=> \curs -> do
  h <- focus elemD curs
  xs <- moveRight1 curs
  (h :|) <$> rightwardSnoc [] elemD xs

-- | Helper to create a 'NonEmpty a' 'Decoder'.
nonempty :: Monad f => Decoder f a -> Decoder f (NonEmpty a)
nonempty d = withCursor (nonemptyAt d)

-- | Like 'nonemptyAt', this takes a 'Decoder' of 'a' and at the given cursor
-- will try to decode a '[a]'.
  :: Monad f
  => Decoder f a
  -> JCurs
  -> DecodeResult f [a]
listAt elemD curs = DI.try (down curs) >>= maybe
  (pure mempty)
  (rightwardSnoc mempty elemD)

-- | Helper function to simplify writing a '[]' decoder.
list :: Monad f => Decoder f a -> Decoder f [a]
list d = withCursor (listAt d)

-- | Try to decode an optional value, returning the given default value if
-- 'Nothing' is returned.
  :: Monad f
  => a
  -> Decoder f (Maybe a)
  -> Decoder f a
withDefault def hasD =
  withCursor (fmap (fromMaybe def) . focus hasD)

-- | Named to match it's 'Encoder' counterpart, this function will decode an
-- optional value.
  :: Monad f
  => Decoder f a
  -> Decoder f (Maybe a)
maybeOrNull a =
  withCursor (DI.try . focus a)

-- | Decode either an 'a' or a 'b', failing if neither 'Decoder' succeeds. The
-- 'Right' decoder is attempted first.
  :: Monad f
  => Decoder f a
  -> Decoder f b
  -> Decoder f (Either a b)
either leftD rightD =
  withCursor $ \c ->
    DI.try (focus (Right <$> rightD) c) >>=
    maybe (focus (Left <$> leftD) c) pure