{-# language Strict #-}
{-# language CPP #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd
  , vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR
  , vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR
  , VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR(..)
  , VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR(..)
  ) where

import Data.String
  ( IsString
import Foreign.C.Types
  ( CInt(..)
import Foreign.Ptr
  ( plusPtr
  , Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
  ( Storable(..)
  , Storable
import Graphics.Vulkan.NamedType
  ( (:::)

import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core
  ( VkResult(..)
  , VkStructureType(..)
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization
  ( VkDevice
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue
  ( VkSemaphore
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore
  ( VkSemaphoreImportFlags
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities
  ( VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits(..)

-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMPORT_SEMAPHORE_FD_INFO_KHR"
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_GET_FD_INFO_KHR"
pattern VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_GET_FD_INFO_KHR = VkStructureType 1000079001
-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FD_SPEC_VERSION"
-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FD_EXTENSION_NAME"
pattern VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FD_EXTENSION_NAME = "VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd"
-- | vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR - Get a POSIX file descriptor handle for a semaphore
-- = Parameters
-- -   @device@ is the logical device that created the semaphore being
--     exported.
-- -   @pGetFdInfo@ is a pointer to an instance of the
--     'VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR' structure containing parameters of the
--     export operation.
-- -   @pFd@ will return the file descriptor representing the semaphore
--     payload.
-- = Description
-- Each call to @vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR@ /must/ create a new file descriptor
-- and transfer ownership of it to the application. To avoid leaking
-- resources, the application /must/ release ownership of the file
-- descriptor when it is no longer needed.
-- __Note__
-- Ownership can be released in many ways. For example, the application can
-- call @close@() on the file descriptor, or transfer ownership back to
-- Vulkan by using the file descriptor to import a semaphore payload.
-- Where supported by the operating system, the implementation /must/ set
-- the file descriptor to be closed automatically when an @execve@ system
-- call is made.
-- Exporting a file descriptor from a semaphore /may/ have side effects
-- depending on the transference of the specified handle type, as described
-- in [Importing Semaphore
-- State](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-semaphores-importing).
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @device@ /must/ be a valid @VkDevice@ handle
-- -   @pGetFdInfo@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a valid
--     @VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR@ structure
-- -   @pFd@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a @int@ value
-- == Return Codes
-- [[Success](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-successcodes)]
--     -   @VK_SUCCESS@
-- [[Failure](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-errorcodes)]
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkDevice',
-- 'VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR'
foreign import ccall "vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR" vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR :: ("device" ::: VkDevice) -> ("pGetFdInfo" ::: Ptr VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR) -> ("pFd" ::: Ptr CInt) -> IO VkResult
-- | vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR - Import a semaphore from a POSIX file descriptor
-- = Parameters
-- -   @device@ is the logical device that created the semaphore.
-- -   @pImportSemaphoreFdInfo@ points to a 'VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR'
--     structure specifying the semaphore and import parameters.
-- = Description
-- Importing a semaphore payload from a file descriptor transfers ownership
-- of the file descriptor from the application to the Vulkan
-- implementation. The application /must/ not perform any operations on the
-- file descriptor after a successful import.
-- Applications /can/ import the same semaphore payload into multiple
-- instances of Vulkan, into the same instance from which it was exported,
-- and multiple times into a given Vulkan instance.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @semaphore@ /must/ not be associated with any queue command that has
--     not yet completed execution on that queue
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @device@ /must/ be a valid @VkDevice@ handle
-- -   @pImportSemaphoreFdInfo@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a valid
--     @VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR@ structure
-- == Return Codes
-- [[Success](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-successcodes)]
--     -   @VK_SUCCESS@
-- [[Failure](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-errorcodes)]
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkDevice',
-- 'VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR'
foreign import ccall "vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR" vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR :: ("device" ::: VkDevice) -> ("pImportSemaphoreFdInfo" ::: Ptr VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR) -> IO VkResult
-- | VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR - Structure specifying POSIX file descriptor
-- to import to a semaphore
-- = Description
-- The handle types supported by @handleType@ are:
-- +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | Handle Type                                       | Transference          | Permanence Supported  |
-- +===================================================+=======================+=======================+
-- | @VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT@ | Reference             | Temporary,Permanent   |
-- +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | @VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT@   | Copy                  | Temporary             |
-- +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
-- Handle Types Supported by VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @handleType@ /must/ be a value included in the [Handle Types
--     Supported by
--     VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-semaphore-handletypes-fd)
--     table.
-- -   @fd@ /must/ obey any requirements listed for @handleType@ in
--     [external semaphore handle types
--     compatibility](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#external-semaphore-handle-types-compatibility).
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @pNext@ /must/ be @NULL@
-- -   @semaphore@ /must/ be a valid @VkSemaphore@ handle
-- -   @flags@ /must/ be a valid combination of
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore.VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits'
--     values
-- -   @handleType@ /must/ be a valid
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities.VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits'
--     value
-- == Host Synchronization
-- -   Host access to @semaphore@ /must/ be externally synchronized
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities.VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSemaphore',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore.VkSemaphoreImportFlags',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType', 'vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR'
data VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR = VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @semaphore@ is the semaphore into which the payload will be imported.
  vkSemaphore :: VkSemaphore
  , -- | @flags@ is a bitmask of
  -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore.VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits'
  -- specifying additional parameters for the semaphore payload import
  -- operation.
  vkFlags :: VkSemaphoreImportFlags
  , -- | @handleType@ specifies the type of @fd@.
  vkHandleType :: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits
  , -- | @fd@ is the external handle to import.
  vkFd :: CInt
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR where
  sizeOf ~_ = 40
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                        <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                        <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                        <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24)
                                        <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 28)
                                        <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 32)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkSemaphore (poked :: VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkFlags (poked :: VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 28) (vkHandleType (poked :: VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 32) (vkFd (poked :: VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR))
-- | VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR - Structure describing a POSIX FD semaphore
-- export operation
-- = Description
-- The properties of the file descriptor returned depend on the value of
-- @handleType@. See
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities.VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits'
-- for a description of the properties of the defined external semaphore
-- handle types.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @handleType@ /must/ have been included in
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore.VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo'::@handleTypes@
--     when @semaphore@’s current payload was created.
-- -   @semaphore@ /must/ not currently have its payload replaced by an
--     imported payload as described below in [Importing Semaphore
--     Payloads](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-semaphores-importing)
--     unless that imported payload’s handle type was included in
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities.VkExternalSemaphoreProperties'::@exportFromImportedHandleTypes@
--     for @handleType@.
-- -   If @handleType@ refers to a handle type with copy payload
--     transference semantics, as defined below in [Importing Semaphore
--     Payloads](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-semaphores-importing),
--     there /must/ be no queue waiting on @semaphore@.
-- -   If @handleType@ refers to a handle type with copy payload
--     transference semantics, @semaphore@ /must/ be signaled, or have an
--     associated [semaphore signal
--     operation](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-semaphores-signaling)
--     pending execution.
-- -   @handleType@ /must/ be defined as a POSIX file descriptor handle.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @pNext@ /must/ be @NULL@
-- -   @semaphore@ /must/ be a valid @VkSemaphore@ handle
-- -   @handleType@ /must/ be a valid
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities.VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits'
--     value
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities.VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSemaphore',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType', 'vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR'
data VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR = VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @semaphore@ is the semaphore from which state will be exported.
  vkSemaphore :: VkSemaphore
  , -- | @handleType@ is the type of handle requested.
  vkHandleType :: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR where
  sizeOf ~_ = 32
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkSemaphore (poked :: VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkHandleType (poked :: VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR))