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vulkan- Bindings to the Vulkan graphics API.

Safe HaskellNone




newtype VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits - Enum describing what subgroup operations are supported

See Also


Eq VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details
Ord VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details
Read VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details
Show VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details
Storable VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details
Bits VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details


(.&.) :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

(.|.) :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

xor :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

complement :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

shift :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

rotate :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

zeroBits :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

bit :: Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

setBit :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

clearBit :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

complementBit :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

testBit :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> Bool #

bitSizeMaybe :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Maybe Int #

bitSize :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int #

isSigned :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Bool #

shiftL :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

unsafeShiftL :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

shiftR :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

unsafeShiftR :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

rotateL :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

rotateR :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int -> VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits #

popCount :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits -> Int #

FiniteBits VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source # 
Instance details

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniform capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformVote capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_ARITHMETIC_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_ARITHMETIC_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformArithmetic capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BALLOT_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BALLOT_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformBallot capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformShuffle capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_RELATIVE_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_RELATIVE_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformShuffleRelative capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_CLUSTERED_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_CLUSTERED_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformClustered capability.

pattern VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT :: VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules that contain the GroupNonUniformQuad capability.

data VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties Source #

VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties - Structure describing subgroup support for an implementation


The members of the VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties structure describe the following implementation-dependent limits:


  • sType is the type of this structure.
  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  • subgroupSize is the number of invocations in each subgroup. This will match any @SubgroupSize@ decorated variable used in any shader module created on this device. subgroupSize is at least 1 if any of the physical device’s queues support VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT.
  • supportedStages is a bitfield of VkShaderStageFlagBits describing the shader stages that subgroup operations are supported in. supportedStages will have the VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT bit set if any of any of the physical device’s queues support VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT.
  • supportedOperations is a bitmask of VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits specifying the sets of subgroup operations supported on this device. supportedOperations will have the VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT bit set if any of the physical device’s queues support VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT.
  • quadOperationsInAllStages is a boolean that specifies whether quad subgroup operations are available in all stages, or are restricted to fragment and compute stages.

Valid Usage (Implicit)


If the VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties structure is included in the pNext chain of VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2, it is filled with the implementation-dependent limits.

See Also

VkBool32, VkShaderStageFlags, VkStructureType, VkSubgroupFeatureFlags

type VkSubgroupFeatureFlags = VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits Source #

VkSubgroupFeatureFlags - Bitmask of VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits


VkSubgroupFeatureFlags is a bitmask type for setting a mask of zero or more VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits.

See Also

VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties, VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits