-- Copyright Corey O'Connor<coreyoconnor@gmail.com>
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Transforms an image into rows of operations.
module Graphics.Vty.PictureToSpans where

import Graphics.Vty.Attributes (Attr, currentAttr)
import Graphics.Vty.Image
import Graphics.Vty.Image.Internal
import Graphics.Vty.Picture
import Graphics.Vty.Span

import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Lens.Micro.TH
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding ( state )
import Control.Monad.ST.Strict

import qualified Data.Vector as Vector hiding ( take, replicate )
import Data.Vector.Mutable ( MVector(..))
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MVector

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL

type MRowOps s = MVector s SpanOps

type MSpanOps s = MVector s SpanOp

-- transform plus clip. More or less.
data BlitState = BlitState
    -- we always snoc to the operation vectors. Thus the columnOffset =
    -- length of row at rowOffset although, one possibility is to merge
    -- layers right in snocOp (naming it something else, of course). In
    -- which case columnnOffset would be applicable. Right now we need
    -- it to exist.
    { _columnOffset :: Int
    , _rowOffset :: Int
    -- clip coordinate space is in image space. Which means it's >= 0
    -- and < imageWidth.
    , _skipColumns :: Int
    -- >= 0 and < imageHeight
    , _skipRows :: Int
    -- includes consideration of skipColumns. In display space. The
    -- number of columns from the next column to be defined to the end
    -- of the display for the row.
    , _remainingColumns :: Int
    -- includes consideration of skipRows. In display space.
    , _remainingRows :: Int

makeLenses ''BlitState

data BlitEnv s = BlitEnv
    { _region :: DisplayRegion
    , _mrowOps :: MRowOps s

makeLenses ''BlitEnv

type BlitM s a = ReaderT (BlitEnv s) (StateT BlitState (ST s)) a

-- | Produces the span ops that will render the given picture, possibly
-- cropped or padded, into the specified region.
displayOpsForPic :: Picture -> DisplayRegion -> DisplayOps
displayOpsForPic pic r = Vector.create (combinedOpsForLayers pic r)

-- | Returns the DisplayOps for an image rendered to a window the size
-- of the image.
-- largerly used only for debugging.
displayOpsForImage :: Image -> DisplayOps
displayOpsForImage i = displayOpsForPic (picForImage i) (imageWidth i, imageHeight i)

-- | Produces the span ops for each layer then combines them.
combinedOpsForLayers :: Picture -> DisplayRegion -> ST s (MRowOps s)
combinedOpsForLayers pic r
    | regionWidth r == 0 || regionHeight r == 0 = MVector.new 0
    | otherwise = do
        layerOps <- mapM (\layer -> buildSpans layer r) (picLayers pic)
        case layerOps of
            []    -> fail "empty picture"
            [ops] -> substituteSkips (picBackground pic) ops
            -- instead of merging ops after generation the merging can
            -- be performed as part of snocOp.
            topOps : lowerOps -> do
                ops <- foldM mergeUnder topOps lowerOps
                substituteSkips (picBackground pic) ops

substituteSkips :: Background -> MRowOps s -> ST s (MRowOps s)
substituteSkips ClearBackground ops = do
    forM_ [0 .. MVector.length ops - 1] $ \row -> do
        rowOps <- MVector.read ops row
        -- the image operations assure that background fills are
        -- combined. clipping a background fill does not split the
        -- background fill. merging of image layers can split a skip,
        -- but only by the insertion of a non skip. all this combines to
        -- mean we can check the last operation and remove it if it's a
        -- skip
        let rowOps' = case Vector.last rowOps of
                        Skip w -> Vector.init rowOps `Vector.snoc` RowEnd w
                        _      -> rowOps
        -- now all the skips can be replaced by replications of ' ' of
        -- the required width.
        let rowOps'' = swapSkipsForSingleColumnCharSpan ' ' currentAttr rowOps'
        MVector.write ops row rowOps''
    return ops
substituteSkips (Background {backgroundChar, backgroundAttr}) ops = do
    -- At this point we decide if the background character is single
    -- column or not. obviously, single column is easier.
    case safeWcwidth backgroundChar of
        w | w == 0 -> fail $ "invalid background character " ++ show backgroundChar
          | w == 1 -> do
                forM_ [0 .. MVector.length ops - 1] $ \row -> do
                    rowOps <- MVector.read ops row
                    let rowOps' = swapSkipsForSingleColumnCharSpan backgroundChar backgroundAttr rowOps
                    MVector.write ops row rowOps'
          | otherwise -> do
                forM_ [0 .. MVector.length ops - 1] $ \row -> do
                    rowOps <- MVector.read ops row
                    let rowOps' = swapSkipsForCharSpan w backgroundChar backgroundAttr rowOps
                    MVector.write ops row rowOps'
    return ops

mergeUnder :: MRowOps s -> MRowOps s -> ST s (MRowOps s)
mergeUnder upper lower = do
    forM_ [0 .. MVector.length upper - 1] $ \row -> do
        upperRowOps <- MVector.read upper row
        lowerRowOps <- MVector.read lower row
        let rowOps = mergeRowUnder upperRowOps lowerRowOps
        MVector.write upper row rowOps
    return upper

mergeRowUnder :: SpanOps -> SpanOps -> SpanOps
mergeRowUnder upperRowOps lowerRowOps =
    onUpperOp Vector.empty (Vector.head upperRowOps) (Vector.tail upperRowOps) lowerRowOps
        -- H: it will never be the case that we are out of upper ops
        -- before lower ops.
        onUpperOp :: SpanOps -> SpanOp -> SpanOps -> SpanOps -> SpanOps
        onUpperOp outOps op@(TextSpan _ w _ _) upperOps lowerOps =
            let lowerOps' = dropOps w lowerOps
                outOps' = Vector.snoc outOps op
            in if Vector.null lowerOps'
                then outOps'
                else onUpperOp outOps' (Vector.head upperOps) (Vector.tail upperOps) lowerOps'
        onUpperOp outOps (Skip w) upperOps lowerOps =
            let (ops', lowerOps') = splitOpsAt w lowerOps
                outOps' = outOps `mappend` ops'
            in if Vector.null lowerOps'
                then outOps'
                else onUpperOp outOps' (Vector.head upperOps) (Vector.tail upperOps) lowerOps'
        onUpperOp _ (RowEnd _) _ _ = error "cannot merge rows containing RowEnd ops"

swapSkipsForSingleColumnCharSpan :: Char -> Attr -> SpanOps -> SpanOps
swapSkipsForSingleColumnCharSpan c a = Vector.map f
    where f (Skip ow) = let txt = TL.pack $ replicate ow c
                        in TextSpan a ow ow txt
          f v = v

swapSkipsForCharSpan :: Int -> Char -> Attr -> SpanOps -> SpanOps
swapSkipsForCharSpan w c a = Vector.map f
        f (Skip ow) = let txt0Cw = ow `div` w
                          txt0 = TL.pack $ replicate txt0Cw c
                          txt1Cw = ow `mod` w
                          txt1 = TL.pack $ replicate txt1Cw '…'
                          cw = txt0Cw + txt1Cw
                          txt = txt0 `TL.append` txt1
                      in TextSpan a ow cw txt
        f v = v

-- | Builds a vector of row operations that will output the given
-- picture to the terminal.
-- Crops to the given display region.
buildSpans :: Image -> DisplayRegion -> ST s (MRowOps s)
buildSpans image outRegion = do
    -- First we create a mutable vector for each rows output operations.
    outOps <- MVector.replicate (regionHeight outRegion) Vector.empty
    -- It's possible that building the span operations in display order
    -- would provide better performance.
    -- A depth first traversal of the image is performed. ordered
    -- according to the column range defined by the image from least
    -- to greatest. The output row ops will at least have the region
    -- of the image specified. Iterate over all output rows and output
    -- background fills for all unspecified columns.
    -- The images are made into span operations from left to right. It's
    -- possible that this could easily be made to assure top to bottom
    -- output as well.
    when (regionHeight outRegion > 0 && regionWidth outRegion > 0) $ do
        -- The ops builder recursively descends the image and outputs
        -- span ops that would display that image. The number of columns
        -- remaining in this row before exceeding the bounds is also
        -- provided. This is used to clip the span ops produced to the
        -- display.
        let fullBuild = do
                startImageBuild image
                -- Fill in any unspecified columns with a skip.
                forM_ [0 .. (regionHeight outRegion - 1)] (addRowCompletion outRegion)
            initEnv   = BlitEnv outRegion outOps
            initState = BlitState 0 0 0 0 (regionWidth outRegion) (regionHeight outRegion)
        _ <- runStateT (runReaderT fullBuild initEnv) initState
        return ()
    return outOps

-- | Add the operations required to build a given image to the current
-- set of row operations.
startImageBuild :: Image -> BlitM s ()
startImageBuild image = do
    outOfBounds <- isOutOfBounds image <$> get
    when (not outOfBounds) $ addMaybeClipped image

isOutOfBounds :: Image -> BlitState -> Bool
isOutOfBounds i s
    | s ^. remainingColumns <= 0              = True
    | s ^. remainingRows    <= 0              = True
    | s ^. skipColumns      >= imageWidth i  = True
    | s ^. skipRows         >= imageHeight i = True
    | otherwise = False

-- | This adds an image that might be partially clipped to the output
-- ops.
-- This is a very touchy algorithm. Too touchy. For instance, the
-- CropRight and CropBottom implementations are odd. They pass the
-- current tests but something seems terribly wrong about all this.
addMaybeClipped :: forall s . Image -> BlitM s ()
addMaybeClipped EmptyImage = return ()
addMaybeClipped (HorizText a textStr ow _cw) = do
    -- This assumes that text spans are only 1 row high.
    s <- use skipRows
    when (s < 1) $ do
        leftClip <- use skipColumns
        rightClip <- use remainingColumns
        let leftClipped = leftClip > 0
            rightClipped = (ow - leftClip) > rightClip
        if leftClipped || rightClipped
            then let textStr' = clipText textStr leftClip rightClip
                 in addUnclippedText a textStr'
            else addUnclippedText a textStr
addMaybeClipped (VertJoin topImage bottomImage _ow oh) = do
    when (imageHeight topImage + imageHeight bottomImage > 0) $
        addMaybeClippedJoin "vert_join" skipRows remainingRows rowOffset
                            (imageHeight topImage)
addMaybeClipped (HorizJoin leftImage rightImage ow _oh) = do
    when (imageWidth leftImage + imageWidth rightImage > 0) $
        addMaybeClippedJoin "horiz_join" skipColumns remainingColumns columnOffset
                            (imageWidth leftImage)
addMaybeClipped BGFill {outputWidth, outputHeight} = do
    s <- get
    let outputWidth'  = min (outputWidth  - s^.skipColumns) (s^.remainingColumns)
        outputHeight' = min (outputHeight - s^.skipRows   ) (s^.remainingRows)
    y <- use rowOffset
    forM_ [y..y+outputHeight'-1] $ snocOp (Skip outputWidth')
addMaybeClipped CropRight {croppedImage, outputWidth} = do
    s <- use skipColumns
    r <- use remainingColumns
    let x = outputWidth - s
    when (x < r) $ remainingColumns .= x
    addMaybeClipped croppedImage
addMaybeClipped CropLeft {croppedImage, leftSkip} = do
    skipColumns += leftSkip
    addMaybeClipped croppedImage
addMaybeClipped CropBottom {croppedImage, outputHeight} = do
    s <- use skipRows
    r <- use remainingRows
    let x = outputHeight - s
    when (x < r) $ remainingRows .= x
    addMaybeClipped croppedImage
addMaybeClipped CropTop {croppedImage, topSkip} = do
    skipRows += topSkip
    addMaybeClipped croppedImage

addMaybeClippedJoin :: forall s . String
                       -> Lens BlitState BlitState Int Int
                       -> Lens BlitState BlitState Int Int
                       -> Lens BlitState BlitState Int Int
                       -> Int
                       -> Image
                       -> Image
                       -> Int
                       -> BlitM s ()
addMaybeClippedJoin name skip remaining offset i0Dim i0 i1 size = do
    state <- get
    when (state^.remaining <= 0) $ fail $ name ++ " with remaining <= 0"
    case state^.skip of
        s | s > size -> put $ state & skip %~ subtract size
          | s == 0    -> if state^.remaining > i0Dim
                            then do
                                addMaybeClipped i0
                                put $ state & offset %~ (+ i0Dim) & remaining %~ subtract i0Dim
                                addMaybeClipped i1
                            else addMaybeClipped i0
          | s < i0Dim  ->
                let i0Dim' = i0Dim - s
                in if state^.remaining <= i0Dim'
                    then addMaybeClipped i0
                    else do
                        addMaybeClipped i0
                        put $ state & offset %~ (+ i0Dim') & remaining %~ subtract i0Dim' & skip .~ 0
                        addMaybeClipped i1
          | s >= i0Dim -> do
                put $ state & skip %~ subtract i0Dim
                addMaybeClipped i1
        _ -> fail $ name ++ " has unhandled skip class"

addUnclippedText :: Attr -> DisplayText -> BlitM s ()
addUnclippedText a txt = do
    let op = TextSpan a usedDisplayColumns
                      (fromIntegral $ TL.length txt)
        usedDisplayColumns = wctlwidth txt
    use rowOffset >>= snocOp op

addRowCompletion :: DisplayRegion -> Int -> BlitM s ()
addRowCompletion displayRegion row = do
    allRowOps <- view mrowOps
    rowOps <- lift $ lift $ MVector.read allRowOps row
    let endX = spanOpsAffectedColumns rowOps
    when (endX < regionWidth displayRegion) $ do
        let ow = regionWidth displayRegion - endX
        snocOp (Skip ow) row

-- | snocs the operation to the operations for the given row.
snocOp :: SpanOp -> Int -> BlitM s ()
snocOp !op !row = do
    theMrowOps <- view mrowOps
    theRegion <- view region
    lift $ lift $ do
        ops <- MVector.read theMrowOps row
        let ops' = Vector.snoc ops op
        when (spanOpsAffectedColumns ops' > regionWidth theRegion)
             $ fail $ "row " ++ show row ++ " now exceeds region width"
        MVector.write theMrowOps row ops'