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vinyl-0.13.0: Extensible Records

Safe HaskellNone




Storable records offer an efficient flat, packed representation in memory. In particular, field access is constant time (i.e. it doesn't depend on where in the record the field is) and as fast as possible, but updating fields may not be as efficient. The requirement is that all fields of a record have Storable instances.

The implementation leaks into the usual vinyl lens API: the requirement of Storable instances necessitates specialization on the functor argument of the record so that GHC can find all required instances at compile time (this is required for constant-time field access). What we do is allow ourselves to write instances of the RecElem and RecSubset classes (that provide the main vinyl lens API) that are restricted to particular choices of the record functor. This is why the SRec2 type that implements records here takes two functor arguments: they will usually be the same; we fix one when writing instances and write instance contexts that reference that type, and then require that the methods (e.g. rget) are called on records whose functor argument is equal to the one we picked. For usability, we provide an SRec type whose lens API is fixed to ElField as the functor. Other specializations are possible, and the work of those instances can always be passed along to the SRec2 functions.

Note that the lens field accessors for SRec do not support changing the types of the fields as they do for Rec and ARec.


Main record lens API

newtype SRec f ts Source #

A simpler type for SRec2 whose RecElem and RecSubset instances are specialized to the ElField functor.




(i ~ RIndex t ts, NatToInt i, FieldOffset ElField ts t, Storable (Rec ElField ts), AllConstrained (FieldOffset ElField ts) ts) => RecElem (SRec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) (t :: (Symbol, Type)) (t :: (Symbol, Type)) (ts :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (ts :: [(Symbol, Type)]) i Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

Associated Types

type RecElemFCtx SRec f :: Constraint Source #


rlensC :: (Functor g, RecElemFCtx SRec f) => (f t -> g (f t)) -> SRec f ts -> g (SRec f ts) Source #

rgetC :: (RecElemFCtx SRec f, t ~ t) => SRec f ts -> f t Source #

rputC :: RecElemFCtx SRec f => f t -> SRec f ts -> SRec f ts Source #

(is ~ RImage rs ss, RecSubset (Rec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) rs ss is, Storable (Rec ElField rs), Storable (Rec ElField ss), RPureConstrained (FieldOffset ElField ss) rs, RPureConstrained (FieldOffset ElField rs) rs, RFoldMap rs, RMap rs, RApply rs) => RecSubset (SRec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) (rs :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (ss :: [(Symbol, Type)]) is Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

Associated Types

type RecSubsetFCtx SRec f :: Constraint Source #


rsubsetC :: (Functor g, RecSubsetFCtx SRec f) => (SRec f rs -> g (SRec f rs)) -> SRec f ss -> g (SRec f ss) Source #

rcastC :: RecSubsetFCtx SRec f => SRec f ss -> SRec f rs Source #

rreplaceC :: RecSubsetFCtx SRec f => SRec f rs -> SRec f ss -> SRec f ss Source #

type RecElemFCtx (SRec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

type RecElemFCtx (SRec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) = f ~ ElField
type RecSubsetFCtx (SRec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

type RecSubsetFCtx (SRec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) = f ~ ElField

toSRec :: Storable (Rec f ts) => Rec f ts -> SRec f ts Source #

Create an SRec from a Rec. This should offer very fast field access, but note that its lens API (via RecElem and RecSubset) is restricted to the ElField functor.

fromSRec :: Storable (Rec f ts) => SRec f ts -> Rec f ts Source #

Create a Rec from an SRec.

Lens API specialized to SRec2

sget :: forall f t ts. FieldOffset f ts t => SRec2 f f ts -> f t Source #

Get a field from an SRec.

sput :: forall u (f :: u -> *) (t :: u) (ts :: [u]). (FieldOffset f ts t, Storable (Rec f ts), AllConstrained (FieldOffset f ts) ts) => f t -> SRec2 f f ts -> SRec2 f f ts Source #

Set a field.

slens :: (Functor g, FieldOffset f ts t, Storable (Rec f ts), AllConstrained (FieldOffset f ts) ts) => (f t -> g (f t)) -> SRec2 f f ts -> g (SRec2 f f ts) Source #

A lens for a field of an SRec2.

srecGetSubset :: forall u (ss :: [u]) (rs :: [u]) (f :: u -> *). (RPureConstrained (FieldOffset f ss) rs, RPureConstrained (FieldOffset f rs) rs, RFoldMap rs, RMap rs, RApply rs, Storable (Rec f rs)) => SRec2 f f ss -> SRec2 f f rs Source #

Get a subset of a record's fields.

srecSetSubset :: forall u (f :: u -> *) (ss :: [u]) (rs :: [u]). (rs ss, RPureConstrained (FieldOffset f ss) rs, RPureConstrained (FieldOffset f rs) rs, RFoldMap rs, RMap rs, RApply rs, Storable (Rec f ss)) => SRec2 f f ss -> SRec2 f f rs -> SRec2 f f ss Source #

Set a subset of a record's fields.


toSRec2 :: forall f ts. Storable (Rec f ts) => Rec f ts -> SRec2 f f ts Source #

Create an SRec2 from a Rec.

fromSRec2 :: Storable (Rec f ts) => SRec2 g f ts -> Rec f ts Source #

Create a Rec from an SRec2.

newtype SRec2 (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) Source #

A Storable-backed Rec. Each field of such a value has statically known size, allowing for a very efficient representation and very fast field access. The 2 suffix is due to apparently taking two functor arguments, but the first type parameter is phantom and exists so that we can write multiple instances of RecElem and RecSubset for different functors. The first functor argument will typically be identical to the second argument. We currently provide instances for the ElField functor; if you wish to use it at a different type, consider using sget, sput, and slens which work with any functor given that the necessary Storable instances exist.


SRec2 (ForeignPtr (Rec f ts)) 
(i ~ RIndex t ts, NatToInt i, FieldOffset ElField ts t, Storable (Rec ElField ts), AllConstrained (FieldOffset ElField ts) ts) => RecElem (SRec2 ElField) (t :: (Symbol, Type)) (t :: (Symbol, Type)) (ts :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (ts :: [(Symbol, Type)]) i Source #

Field accessors for SRec2 specialized to ElField as the functor.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

Associated Types

type RecElemFCtx (SRec2 ElField) f :: Constraint Source #


rlensC :: (Functor g, RecElemFCtx (SRec2 ElField) f) => (f t -> g (f t)) -> SRec2 ElField f ts -> g (SRec2 ElField f ts) Source #

rgetC :: (RecElemFCtx (SRec2 ElField) f, t ~ t) => SRec2 ElField f ts -> f t Source #

rputC :: RecElemFCtx (SRec2 ElField) f => f t -> SRec2 ElField f ts -> SRec2 ElField f ts Source #

(is ~ RImage rs ss, RecSubset (Rec :: ((Symbol, Type) -> Type) -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type) rs ss is, Storable (Rec ElField rs), Storable (Rec ElField ss), RPureConstrained (FieldOffset ElField ss) rs, RPureConstrained (FieldOffset ElField rs) rs, RFoldMap rs, RMap rs, RApply rs) => RecSubset (SRec2 ElField) (rs :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (ss :: [(Symbol, Type)]) is Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

Associated Types

type RecSubsetFCtx (SRec2 ElField) f :: Constraint Source #

type RecElemFCtx (SRec2 ElField) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

type RecElemFCtx (SRec2 ElField) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) = f ~ ElField
type RecSubsetFCtx (SRec2 ElField) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

type RecSubsetFCtx (SRec2 ElField) (f :: (Symbol, Type) -> Type) = f ~ ElField

class FieldOffsetAux f ts t (RIndex t ts) => FieldOffset f ts t Source #

A more concise constraint equivalent to FieldOffsetAux.

FieldOffsetAux f ts t (RIndex t ts) => FieldOffset (f :: k -> Type) (ts :: [k]) (t :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec

class (RIndex t ts ~ i, RecAll f ts Storable) => FieldOffsetAux f ts t i where Source #

The ability to work with a particular field of a Rec stored at a Ptr.


fieldOffset :: Int -> StorableAt f t Source #

Get the byte offset of a field from the given origin and the Storable dictionary needed to work with that field.

RecAll f (t ': ts) Storable => FieldOffsetAux (f :: a -> Type) (t ': ts :: [a]) (t :: a) Z Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec


fieldOffset :: Int -> StorableAt f t Source #

(RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ S i, FieldOffsetAux f ts t i, RecAll f (s ': ts) Storable) => FieldOffsetAux (f :: a -> Type) (s ': ts :: [a]) (t :: a) (S i) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vinyl.SRec


fieldOffset :: Int -> StorableAt f t Source #

data StorableAt f a where Source #

Capture a Storable dictionary along with a byte offset from some origin address.


StorableAt :: Storable (f a) => !Int -> StorableAt f a 

peekField :: forall f t ts. FieldOffset f ts t => ForeignPtr (Rec f ts) -> IO (f t) Source #

Get a field in a record stored at a ForeignPtr.

pokeField :: forall f t ts. FieldOffset f ts t => ForeignPtr (Rec f ts) -> f t -> IO () Source #

Set a field in a record stored at a ForeignPtr.