{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}

Implements higher-ranked equivalents of 'Functor', 'Monad', 'Foldable' and
module Language.Expression where

import           Control.Applicative               (Alternative, (<|>))
import           Control.Monad                     ((<=<), (>=>))
import           Data.Monoid                       (Alt (..))
import           Data.Typeable                     (Typeable)

import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader        (ReaderT (..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except        (ExceptT (..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy    as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict  as S
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy   as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as S

import           Data.Functor.Compose              (Compose (..))
import           Data.Functor.Const                (Const (..))
import           Data.Functor.Identity             (Identity (..))
import           Data.Functor.Product              (Product (..))
import           Data.Functor.Reverse              (Reverse (..))
import           Data.Functor.Sum                  (Sum (..))

infixr 1 ^>>=

--  Functor / Monad

Higher-ranked analogue of 'Functor'.
class HFunctor (h :: (u -> *) -> u -> *) where
  Higher-ranked analogue of 'fmap'. Has a default implementation in terms of
  'htraverse' for @'HTraversable' h@.
  hmap :: (forall b. t b -> t' b) -> h t a -> h t' a

  default hmap :: (HTraversable h) => (forall b. t b -> t' b) -> h t a -> h t' a
  hmap f = runIdentity . htraverse (Identity . f)

Half of the higher-ranked analogue of 'Monad'.
class HPointed h where
  Higher-ranked analogue of 'pure' or 'return'.
  hpure :: t a -> h t a

Half of the higher-ranked analogue of 'Monad'.
class HBind h where
  Higher-ranked analogue of '>>='.
  (^>>=) :: h t a -> (forall b. t b -> h t' b) -> h t' a


Higher-ranked analogue of 'Monad'.

NB there's no such thing as 'HApplicative' for a reason. Consider @f :: h t a ->
h t' a -> h ('Product' t t') a@, i.e. the higher-ranked analogue of @liftA2 (,)
:: f a -> f b -> f (a, b)@. Unfortunately @f@ can't exist, because @'Product'@
pairs up values /of the same type/, and in our constructions, @h@ potentially
contains values of many types; @a@ just happens to be the one at the top level.
There's no guarantee that the two structures will have the same types inside to
pair together.
class (HFunctor h, HPointed h, HBind h) => HMonad h

Implements 'hmap' from just an 'HPointed' and 'HBind' instance. Can be used to
implement 'HFunctor' for your 'HMonad's that aren't 'HTraversable'.
hliftM :: (HPointed h, HBind h) => (forall b. t b -> t' b) -> h t a -> h t' a
hliftM f x = x ^>>= hpure . f

Higher-ranked analogue of 'Control.Monad.join'.
hjoin :: (HBind h) => h (h t) a -> h t a
hjoin x = x ^>>= id

--  Traversable

Higher-ranked analogue of 'Traversable'.
class (HFunctor h) => HTraversable h where
  {-# MINIMAL htraverse | hsequence #-}

  Higher-ranked analogue of 'traverse'.
    :: (Applicative f)
    => (forall b. t b -> f (t' b)) -> h t a -> f (h t' a)
  htraverse f = hsequence . hmap (Compose . f)

  Higher-ranked analogue of 'sequenceA'.
    :: (Applicative f)
    => h (Compose f t) a -> f (h t a)
  hsequence = htraverse getCompose

-- | An 'HTraversable' instance lets you do something similar to 'foldMap'. For
-- a more flexible operation, see 'hfoldMap'.
  :: (HTraversable h, Monoid m)
  => (forall b. t b -> m) -> h t a -> m
hfoldMapMonoid f = getConst . htraverse (Const . f)

  :: (HTraversable h, HMonad h, Applicative f)
  => (forall b. t b -> f (h t' b))
  -> h t a
  -> f (h t' a)
hbindTraverse f = fmap hjoin . htraverse f

--  Binary Classes

Higher-ranked analogue of 'Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor'.
class HBifunctor (h :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *) -> k -> *) where
  Higher-ranked analogue of 'Data.Bifunctor.bimap'.
  hbimap :: (forall b. s b -> s' b)
         -> (forall b. t b -> t' b)
         -> h s t a
         -> h s' t' a
  hfirst :: (forall b. s b -> s' b) -> h s t a -> h s' t a
  hsecond :: (forall b. t b -> t' b) -> h s t a -> h s t' a

  default hbimap
    :: (HBitraversable h)
    => (forall b. s b -> s' b)
    -> (forall b. t b -> t' b)
    -> h s t a
    -> h s' t' a
  hbimap f g = runIdentity . hbitraverse (Identity . f) (Identity . g)

  hfirst f = hbimap f id
  hsecond = hbimap id

class (HBifunctor h) => HBitraversable h where
    :: (Applicative f)
    => (forall b. s b -> f (s' b))
    -> (forall b. t b -> f (t' b))
    -> h s t a -> f (h s' t' a)

  :: (Monoid m, HBitraversable h)
  => (forall b. s b -> m) -> (forall b. t b -> m) -> h s t a -> m
hbifoldMapMonoid f g = getConst . hbitraverse (Const . f) (Const . g)

--  (Even) Higher-Ranked Binary Classes

class HDuofunctor (h :: ((u -> *) -> u -> *) -> (u -> *) -> u -> *) where
    :: (forall g g' b. (forall c. g c -> g' c) -> s g b -> s' g' b)
    -> (forall b. t b -> t' b)
    -> h s t a
    -> h s' t' a

  default hduomap
    :: (HDuotraversable h)
    => (forall g g' b. (forall c. g c -> g' c) -> s g b -> s' g' b)
    -> (forall b. t b -> t' b)
    -> h s t a
    -> h s' t' a
  hduomap f g =
    runIdentity .
    hduotraverse (\h -> Identity . f (runIdentity . h)) (Identity . g)

  :: HDuofunctor h
  => (forall g g' b. (forall c. g c -> g' c) -> s g b -> s' g' b)
  -> h s t a
  -> h s' t a
hduomapFirst f = hduomap f id

  :: (HDuofunctor h, HFunctor s)
  => (forall g b. s g b -> s' g b) -> h s t a -> h s' t a
hduomapFirst' f = hduomapFirst (\g -> f . hmap g)

  :: (HDuofunctor h, HFunctor s)
  => (forall b. t b -> t' b) -> h s t a -> h s t' a
hduomapSecond = hduomap hmap

class HDuofunctor h => HDuotraversable h where
    :: (Applicative f)
    => (forall g g' b. (forall c. g c -> f (g' c)) -> s g b -> f (s' g' b))
    -> (forall b. t b -> f (t' b))
    -> h s t a
    -> f (h s' t' a)

  :: (HDuotraversable h, Applicative f)
  => (forall g g' b. (forall c. g c -> f (g' c)) -> s g b -> f (s' g' b))
  -> h s t a
  -> f (h s' t a)
hduotraverseFirst f = hduotraverse f pure

  :: (HDuotraversable h, HTraversable s, Monad f)
  => (forall g b. s g b -> f (s' g b)) -> h s t a -> f (h s' t a)
hduotraverseFirst' f = hduotraverseFirst (\g -> f <=< htraverse g)

  :: (HDuotraversable h, HTraversable s, Applicative f)
  => (forall b. t b -> f (t' b)) -> h s t a -> f (h s t' a)
hduotraverseSecond = hduotraverse htraverse

--  Folding

This is a more flexible, higher-ranked version of 'Foldable'. While 'Foldable'
only allows you to fold into a 'Monoid', 'HFoldable' allows you to fold into
some arbitrary type constructor @k@. This means that the instance can take
advantage of additional structure inside @k@ and @h@, to combine internal
results in different ways, rather than just the 'mappend' available to

Notice that if you have

instance ('Monoid' m) => 'HFoldableAt' ('Const' m) h

then 'hfoldMap' behaves very much like regular 'foldMap'.
class HFoldableAt k h where
  hfoldMap :: (forall b. t b -> k b) -> h t a -> k a

For 'HFunctor's, provides an implementation of 'hfoldMap' in terms of a simple
'hfold'-like function.
  :: (HFunctor h)
  => (h k a -> k a)
  -> (forall b. t b -> k b) -> h t a -> k a
implHfoldMap g f = g . hmap f

-- | A helper function for implementing instances with the general form @'Monad'
-- m => 'HFoldableAt' ('Compose' m t) h@. I.e. folding that requires a monadic
-- context of some kind.
  :: (HTraversable h, Monad m)
  => (h k a -> m (k a))
  -> (forall b. t b -> Compose m k b) -> h t a -> Compose m k a
implHfoldMapCompose f = implHfoldMap (Compose . (htraverse getCompose >=> f))

Higher-ranked equivalent of 'Data.Foldable.fold'.
hfold :: HFoldableAt t h => h t a -> t a
hfold = hfoldMap id

-- | Fold in an applicative context.
hfoldA :: (HFoldableAt (Compose f t) h, Applicative f) => h t a -> f (t a)
hfoldA = hfoldMapA pure

-- | Fold in an applicative context.
hfoldMapA :: (HFoldableAt (Compose f k) h, Applicative f) => (forall b. t b -> f (k b)) -> h t a -> f (k a)
hfoldMapA f = getCompose . hfoldMap (Compose . f)

-- | 'hfoldTraverse' is to 'hfoldMap' as 'htraverse' is to 'hmap'.
  :: (HFoldableAt k h, HTraversable h, Applicative f)
  => (forall b. t b -> f (k b))
  -> h t a
  -> f (k a)
hfoldTraverse f = fmap hfold . htraverse f

class HBifoldableAt k h where
  hbifoldMap :: (forall b. f b -> k b) -> (forall b. g b -> k b) -> h f g a -> k a

hbifold :: (HBifoldableAt k h) => h k k a -> k a
hbifold = hbifoldMap id id

class HDuofoldableAt k h where
    :: (HTraversable s)
    => (forall g b. (forall c. g c -> k c) -> s g b -> k b)
    -> (forall b. t b -> k b)
    -> h s t a
    -> k a

  :: (HDuofunctor h, HFunctor s)
  => ((forall g b. (forall c. g c -> k c) -> s g b -> k b) -> h s k a -> k a)
  -> (forall g b. (forall c. g c -> k c) -> s g b -> k b)
  -> (forall b. t b -> k b)
  -> h s t a
  -> k a
implHduofoldMap h f g = h f . hduomap hmap g

  :: (HDuotraversable h, HTraversable s, Monad m)
  => ((forall g b. (forall c. g c -> m (k c)) -> s g b -> m (k b)) -> h s k a -> m (k a))
  -> (forall g b. (forall c. g c -> Compose m k c) -> s g b -> Compose m k b)
  -> (forall b. t b -> Compose m k b)
  -> h s t a
  -> Compose m k a
implHduofoldMapCompose f =
    (\g ->
       Compose .
       (hduotraverseSecond getCompose >=>
        f (\h -> getCompose . g (Compose . h))))

--  Free Monads

@'HFree' h@ is a higher-ranked free monad over the higher-ranked functor @h@.
That means that given @'HFunctor' h@, we get @'HMonad' ('HFree' h)@ for free.
data HFree h t a
  = HPure (t a)
  | HWrap (h (HFree h t) a)
  deriving (Typeable)

instance HFunctor h => HFunctor (HFree h) where
  hmap = hliftM

instance HPointed (HFree h) where
  hpure = HPure

instance HFunctor h => HBind (HFree h) where
  HPure x ^>>= f = f x
  HWrap x ^>>= f = HWrap (hmap (^>>= f) x)

instance HFunctor h => HMonad (HFree h)

instance (HFoldableAt k h) => HFoldableAt k (HFree h) where
  hfoldMap f = \case
    HPure x -> f x
    HWrap x -> hfoldMap (hfoldMap f) x

instance HDuofoldableAt k HFree where
  hduofoldMap g f = \case
    HPure x -> f x
    HWrap x -> g (hduofoldMap g f) x

instance HTraversable h => HTraversable (HFree h) where
  htraverse f = \case
    HPure x -> HPure <$> f x
    HWrap x -> HWrap <$> htraverse (htraverse f) x

instance HDuofunctor HFree
instance HDuotraversable HFree where
  hduotraverse g f = \case
    HPure x -> HPure <$> f x
    HWrap x -> HWrap <$> g (hduotraverse g f) x

--  Higher-ranked instances for standard functors

--  'Compose' lifts a regular 'Functor'/'Monad'/etc into the higher-ranked
--  version

instance (Functor f) => HFunctor (Compose f) where
  hmap f = Compose . fmap f . getCompose

instance (Applicative f) => HPointed (Compose f) where
  hpure = Compose . pure

instance (Monad f) => HBind (Compose f) where
  Compose x ^>>= f = Compose (x >>= getCompose . f)

instance (Traversable f) => HTraversable (Compose f) where
  htraverse f = fmap Compose . traverse f . getCompose

-- | e.g. @('Monoid' m, 'Foldable' f) => 'HFoldableAt' ('Const' m) ('Compose' f)@
instance (Alternative g, Foldable f) => HFoldableAt g (Compose f) where
  hfoldMap f = getAlt . foldMap (Alt . f) . getCompose

-- 'Product'

instance HFunctor (Product f)
instance HTraversable (Product f) where
  htraverse f (Pair x y) = Pair x <$> f y

instance HBifunctor Product
instance HBitraversable Product where
  hbitraverse f g (Pair x y) = Pair <$> f x <*> g y

instance (Alternative k) => HBifoldableAt k Product where
  hbifoldMap f g (Pair x y) = f x <|> g y

instance (Alternative k) => HFoldableAt k (Product k) where
  hfoldMap = hbifoldMap id

-- 'Reverse' (note there's nothing for the instances to reverse)

instance HFunctor Reverse
instance HTraversable Reverse where
  htraverse f (Reverse x) = Reverse <$> f x

instance HPointed Reverse where
  hpure = Reverse

instance HBind Reverse where
  Reverse x ^>>= f = f x

instance HMonad Reverse

instance HFoldableAt k Reverse where
  hfoldMap f (Reverse x) = f x

-- 'Sum'

instance HFunctor (Sum f)
instance HTraversable (Sum f) where
  htraverse _ (InL x) = pure (InL x)
  htraverse f (InR y) = InR <$> f y

instance HBifunctor Sum
instance HBitraversable Sum where
  hbitraverse f _ (InL x) = InL <$> f x
  hbitraverse _ g (InR y) = InR <$> g y

instance HPointed (Sum f) where
  hpure = InR

instance HBind (Sum f) where
  InL x ^>>= _ = InL x
  InR y ^>>= f = f y

instance HMonad (Sum f)

instance HBifoldableAt k Sum where
  hbifoldMap f _ (InL x) = f x
  hbifoldMap _ g (InR y) = g y

instance HFoldableAt k (Sum k) where
  hfoldMap = hbifoldMap id

-- 'StateT'

instance HFunctor (S.StateT s) where
  hmap f (S.StateT k) = S.StateT (f . k)

instance HFunctor (L.StateT s) where
  hmap f (L.StateT k) = L.StateT (f . k)

-- 'WriterT'

instance HFunctor (S.WriterT w) where
  hmap f (S.WriterT x) = S.WriterT (f x)

instance HFunctor (L.WriterT w) where
  hmap f (L.WriterT x) = L.WriterT (f x)

-- 'ReaderT'

instance HFunctor (ReaderT r) where
  hmap f (ReaderT k) = ReaderT (f . k)

instance HPointed (ReaderT r) where
  hpure = ReaderT . const

instance HBind (ReaderT r) where
  ReaderT k ^>>= f = ReaderT (\r -> runReaderT (f (k r)) r)

instance HMonad (ReaderT r)

-- ExceptT

instance HFunctor (ExceptT e) where
  hmap f (ExceptT x) = ExceptT (f x)