{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Vec.Lazy (
Vec (..),
VecEach (..),
) where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
(Bool (..), Eq (..), Functor (..), Int, Maybe (..),
Monad (..), Monoid (..), Num (..), Ord (..), Show (..), id, seq,
showParen, showString, ($), (.), (<$>))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Control.Lens ((<&>))
import Data.Distributive (Distributive (..))
import Data.Fin (Fin)
import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply (..))
import Data.Functor.Rep (Representable (..), distributeRep)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import Data.Nat
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Control.Lens as I
import qualified Data.Foldable as I (Foldable (..))
import qualified Data.Functor.Bind as I (Bind (..))
import qualified Data.Semigroup.Foldable as I (Foldable1 (..))
import qualified Data.Semigroup.Traversable as I (Traversable1 (..))
import qualified Data.Traversable as I (Traversable (..))
import qualified Data.Fin as F
import qualified Data.Type.Nat as N
import qualified Data.Vec.Pull as P
infixr 5 :::
data Vec (n :: Nat) a where
VNil :: Vec 'Z a
(:::) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('S n) a
deriving (Typeable)
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Vec n a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Vec n a)
instance Show a => Show (Vec n a) where
showsPrec _ VNil = showString "VNil"
showsPrec d (x ::: xs) = showParen (d > 5)
$ showsPrec 6 x
. showString " ::: "
. showsPrec 5 xs
instance Functor (Vec n) where
fmap = map
instance I.Foldable (Vec n) where
foldMap = foldMap
foldr = foldr
foldl' = foldl'
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
null = null
length = length
sum = sum
product = product
instance n ~ 'S m => I.Foldable1 (Vec n) where
foldMap1 = foldMap1
instance I.Traversable (Vec n) where
traverse = traverse
instance n ~ 'S m => I.Traversable1 (Vec n) where
traverse1 = traverse1
instance NFData a => NFData (Vec n a) where
rnf VNil = ()
rnf (x ::: xs) = rnf x `seq` rnf xs
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Vec n a) where
hashWithSalt salt VNil = hashWithSalt salt (0 :: Int)
hashWithSalt salt (x ::: xs) = salt
`hashWithSalt` x
`hashWithSalt` xs
instance N.SNatI n => Applicative (Vec n) where
pure x = N.induction1 VNil (x :::)
(<*>) = zipWith ($)
_ *> x = x
x <* _ = x
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
liftA2 = zipWith
instance N.SNatI n => Monad (Vec n) where
return = pure
(>>=) = bind
_ >> x = x
instance N.SNatI n => Distributive (Vec n) where
distribute = distributeRep
instance N.SNatI n => Representable (Vec n) where
type Rep (Vec n) = Fin n
tabulate = fromPull . tabulate
index = index . toPull
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Vec n a) where
(<>) = zipWith (<>)
instance (Monoid a, N.SNatI n) => Monoid (Vec n a) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend = zipWith mappend
instance Apply (Vec n) where
(<.>) = zipWith ($)
_ .> x = x
x <. _ = x
instance I.Bind (Vec n) where
(>>-) = bind
join = join
instance I.FunctorWithIndex (Fin n) (Vec n) where
imap = imap
instance I.FoldableWithIndex (Fin n) (Vec n) where
ifoldMap = ifoldMap
ifoldr = ifoldr
instance I.TraversableWithIndex (Fin n) (Vec n) where
itraverse = itraverse
instance I.Each (Vec n a) (Vec n b) a b where
each = traverse
type instance I.Index (Vec n a) = Fin n
type instance I.IxValue (Vec n a) = a
instance I.Ixed (Vec n a) where
ix = ix
instance I.Field1 (Vec ('S n) a) (Vec ('S n) a) a a where
_1 = _head
instance I.Field2 (Vec ('S ('S n)) a) (Vec ('S ('S n)) a) a a where
_2 = _tail . _head
instance I.Field3 (Vec ('S ('S ('S n))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S n))) a) a a where
_3 = _tail . _tail . _head
instance I.Field4 (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S n)))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S n)))) a) a a where
_4 = _tail . _tail . _tail . _head
instance I.Field5 (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n))))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n))))) a) a a where
_5 = _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _head
instance I.Field6 (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n)))))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n)))))) a) a a where
_6 = _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _head
instance I.Field7 (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n))))))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n))))))) a) a a where
_7 = _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _head
instance I.Field8 (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n)))))))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n)))))))) a) a a where
_8 = _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _head
instance I.Field9 (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n))))))))) a) (Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S n))))))))) a) a a where
_9 = _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _tail . _head
empty :: Vec 'Z a
empty = VNil
singleton :: a -> Vec ('S 'Z) a
singleton x = x ::: VNil
withDict :: Vec n a -> (N.InlineInduction n => r) -> r
withDict VNil r = r
withDict (_ ::: xs) r = withDict xs r
toPull :: Vec n a -> P.Vec n a
toPull VNil = P.Vec F.absurd
toPull (x ::: xs) = P.Vec $ \n -> case n of
F.Z -> x
F.S m -> P.unVec (toPull xs) m
fromPull :: forall n a. N.SNatI n => P.Vec n a -> Vec n a
fromPull (P.Vec f) = case N.snat :: N.SNat n of
N.SZ -> VNil
N.SS -> f F.Z ::: fromPull (P.Vec (f . F.S))
_Pull :: N.SNatI n => I.Iso (Vec n a) (Vec n b) (P.Vec n a) (P.Vec n b)
_Pull = I.iso toPull fromPull
toList :: Vec n a -> [a]
toList VNil = []
toList (x ::: xs) = x : toList xs
fromList :: N.SNatI n => [a] -> Maybe (Vec n a)
fromList = getFromList (N.induction1 start step) where
start :: FromList 'Z a
start = FromList $ \xs -> case xs of
[] -> Just VNil
(_ : _) -> Nothing
step :: FromList n a -> FromList ('N.S n) a
step (FromList f) = FromList $ \xs -> case xs of
[] -> Nothing
(x : xs') -> (x :::) <$> f xs'
newtype FromList n a = FromList { getFromList :: [a] -> Maybe (Vec n a) }
_Vec :: N.SNatI n => I.Prism' [a] (Vec n a)
_Vec = I.prism' toList fromList
fromListPrefix :: N.SNatI n => [a] -> Maybe (Vec n a)
fromListPrefix = getFromList (N.induction1 start step) where
start :: FromList 'Z a
start = FromList $ \_ -> Just VNil
step :: FromList n a -> FromList ('N.S n) a
step (FromList f) = FromList $ \xs -> case xs of
[] -> Nothing
(x : xs') -> (x :::) <$> f xs'
reifyList :: [a] -> (forall n. N.InlineInduction n => Vec n a -> r) -> r
reifyList [] f = f VNil
reifyList (x : xs) f = reifyList xs $ \xs' -> f (x ::: xs')
(!) :: Vec n a -> Fin n -> a
(!) (x ::: _) F.Z = x
(!) (_ ::: xs) (F.S n) = xs ! n
(!) VNil n = case n of {}
ix :: Fin n -> I.Lens' (Vec n a) a
ix F.Z f (x ::: xs) = (::: xs) <$> f x
ix (F.S n) f (x ::: xs) = (x :::) <$> ix n f xs
_Cons :: I.Iso (Vec ('S n) a) (Vec ('S n) b) (a, Vec n a) (b, Vec n b)
_Cons = I.iso (\(x ::: xs) -> (x, xs)) (\(x, xs) -> x ::: xs)
_head :: I.Lens' (Vec ('S n) a) a
_head f (x ::: xs) = (::: xs) <$> f x
{-# INLINE head #-}
_tail :: I.Lens' (Vec ('S n) a) (Vec n a)
_tail f (x ::: xs) = (x :::) <$> f xs
{-# INLINE _tail #-}
cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('S n) a
cons = (:::)
head :: Vec ('S n) a -> a
head (x ::: _) = x
tail :: Vec ('S n) a -> Vec n a
tail (_ ::: xs) = xs
infixr 5 ++
(++) :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (N.Plus n m) a
VNil ++ ys = ys
(x ::: xs) ++ ys = x ::: xs ++ ys
split :: N.SNatI n => Vec (N.Plus n m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
split = appSplit (N.induction1 start step) where
start :: Split m 'Z a
start = Split $ \xs -> (VNil, xs)
step :: Split m n a -> Split m ('S n) a
step (Split f) = Split $ \(x ::: xs) -> case f xs of
(ys, zs) -> (x ::: ys, zs)
newtype Split m n a = Split { appSplit :: Vec (N.Plus n m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a) }
concatMap :: (a -> Vec m b) -> Vec n a -> Vec (N.Mult n m) b
concatMap _ VNil = VNil
concatMap f (x ::: xs) = f x ++ concatMap f xs
concat :: Vec n (Vec m a) -> Vec (N.Mult n m) a
concat = concatMap id
chunks :: (N.SNatI n, N.SNatI m) => Vec (N.Mult n m) a -> Vec n (Vec m a)
chunks = getChunks $ N.induction1 start step where
start :: Chunks m 'Z a
start = Chunks $ \_ -> VNil
step :: forall m n a. N.SNatI m => Chunks m n a -> Chunks m ('S n) a
step (Chunks go) = Chunks $ \xs ->
let (ys, zs) = split xs :: (Vec m a, Vec (N.Mult n m) a)
in ys ::: go zs
newtype Chunks m n a = Chunks { getChunks :: Vec (N.Mult n m) a -> Vec n (Vec m a) }
map :: (a -> b) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b
map _ VNil = VNil
map f (x ::: xs) = f x ::: fmap f xs
imap :: (Fin n -> a -> b) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b
imap _ VNil = VNil
imap f (x ::: xs) = f F.Z x ::: imap (f . F.S) xs
traverse :: forall n f a b. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Vec n a -> f (Vec n b)
traverse f = go where
go :: Vec m a -> f (Vec m b)
go VNil = pure VNil
go (x ::: xs) = (:::) <$> f x <*> go xs
traverse1 :: forall n f a b. Apply f => (a -> f b) -> Vec ('S n) a -> f (Vec ('S n) b)
traverse1 f = go where
go :: Vec ('S m) a -> f (Vec ('S m) b)
go (x ::: VNil) = (::: VNil) <$> f x
go (x ::: xs@(_ ::: _)) = (:::) <$> f x <.> go xs
itraverse :: Applicative f => (Fin n -> a -> f b) -> Vec n a -> f (Vec n b)
itraverse _ VNil = pure VNil
itraverse f (x ::: xs) = (:::) <$> f F.Z x <*> I.itraverse (f . F.S) xs
itraverse_ :: Applicative f => (Fin n -> a -> f b) -> Vec n a -> f ()
itraverse_ _ VNil = pure ()
itraverse_ f (x ::: xs) = f F.Z x *> itraverse_ (f . F.S) xs
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Vec n a -> m
foldMap _ VNil = mempty
foldMap f (x ::: xs) = mappend (f x) (foldMap f xs)
foldMap1 :: Semigroup s => (a -> s) -> Vec ('S n) a -> s
foldMap1 f (x ::: VNil) = f x
foldMap1 f (x ::: xs@(_ ::: _)) = f x <> foldMap1 f xs
ifoldMap :: Monoid m => (Fin n -> a -> m) -> Vec n a -> m
ifoldMap _ VNil = mempty
ifoldMap f (x ::: xs) = mappend (f F.Z x) (ifoldMap (f . F.S) xs)
ifoldMap1 :: Semigroup s => (Fin ('S n) -> a -> s) -> Vec ('S n) a -> s
ifoldMap1 f (x ::: VNil) = f F.Z x
ifoldMap1 f (x ::: xs@(_ ::: _)) = f F.Z x <> ifoldMap1 (f . F.S) xs
foldr :: forall a b n. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b
foldr f z = go where
go :: Vec m a -> b
go VNil = z
go (x ::: xs) = f x (go xs)
ifoldr :: forall a b n. (Fin n -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b
ifoldr _ z VNil = z
ifoldr f z (x ::: xs) = f F.Z x (ifoldr (f . F.S) z xs)
foldl' :: forall a b n. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b
foldl' f z = go z where
go :: b -> Vec m a -> b
go !acc VNil = acc
go !acc (x ::: xs) = go (f acc x) xs
length :: Vec n a -> Int
length VNil = 0
length (_ ::: xs) = 1 + length xs
null :: Vec n a -> Bool
null VNil = True
null (_ ::: _) = False
sum :: Num a => Vec n a -> a
sum VNil = 0
sum (x ::: xs) = x + sum xs
product :: Num a => Vec n a -> a
product VNil = 1
product (x ::: xs) = x * sum xs
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n c
zipWith _ VNil VNil = VNil
zipWith f (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = f x y ::: zipWith f xs ys
izipWith :: (Fin n -> a -> b -> c) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n c
izipWith _ VNil VNil = VNil
izipWith f (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = f F.Z x y ::: izipWith (f . F.S) xs ys
bind :: Vec n a -> (a -> Vec n b) -> Vec n b
bind VNil _ = VNil
bind (x ::: xs) f = head (f x) ::: bind xs (tail . f)
join :: Vec n (Vec n a) -> Vec n a
join VNil = VNil
join (x ::: xs) = head x ::: join (map tail xs)
universe :: N.SNatI n => Vec n (Fin n)
universe = getUniverse (N.induction first step) where
first :: Universe 'Z
first = Universe VNil
step :: Universe m -> Universe ('S m)
step (Universe go) = Universe (F.Z ::: map F.S go)
newtype Universe n = Universe { getUniverse :: Vec n (Fin n) }
class I.Each s t a b => VecEach s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
mapWithVec :: (forall n. N.InlineInduction n => Vec n a -> Vec n b) -> s -> t
traverseWithVec :: Applicative f => (forall n. N.InlineInduction n => Vec n a -> f (Vec n b)) -> s -> f t
instance (a ~ a', b ~ b') => VecEach (a, a') (b, b') a b where
mapWithVec f ~(x, y) = case f (x ::: y ::: VNil) of
x' ::: y' ::: VNil -> (x', y')
traverseWithVec f ~(x, y) = f (x ::: y ::: VNil) <&> \res -> case res of
x' ::: y' ::: VNil -> (x', y')
instance (a ~ a2, a ~ a3, b ~ b2, b ~ b3) => VecEach (a, a2, a3) (b, b2, b3) a b where
mapWithVec f ~(x, y, z) = case f (x ::: y ::: z ::: VNil) of
x' ::: y' ::: z' ::: VNil -> (x', y', z')
traverseWithVec f ~(x, y, z) = f (x ::: y ::: z ::: VNil) <&> \res -> case res of
x' ::: y' ::: z' ::: VNil -> (x', y', z')
instance (a ~ a2, a ~ a3, a ~ a4, b ~ b2, b ~ b3, b ~ b4) => VecEach (a, a2, a3, a4) (b, b2, b3, b4) a b where
mapWithVec f ~(x, y, z, u) = case f (x ::: y ::: z ::: u ::: VNil) of
x' ::: y' ::: z' ::: u' ::: VNil -> (x', y', z', u')
traverseWithVec f ~(x, y, z, u) = f (x ::: y ::: z ::: u ::: VNil) <&> \res -> case res of
x' ::: y' ::: z' ::: u' ::: VNil -> (x', y', z', u')