vault- a persistent store for values of arbitrary types

Safe HaskellNone




A persistent store for values of arbitrary types. Variant for the ST monad.

The Vault type in this module is strict in both keys and values.



data Vault s Source


data Key s a Source

empty :: Vault s Source

The empty vault.

newKey :: ST s (Key s a) Source

Create a new key for use with a vault.

lookup :: Key s a -> Vault s -> Maybe a Source

Lookup the value of a key in the vault.

insert :: Key s a -> a -> Vault s -> Vault s Source

Insert a value for a given key. Overwrites any previous value.

adjust :: (a -> a) -> Key s a -> Vault s -> Vault s Source

Adjust the value for a given key if it's present in the vault.

delete :: Key s a -> Vault s -> Vault s Source

Delete a key from the vault.

union :: Vault s -> Vault s -> Vault s Source

Merge two vaults (left-biased).


data Locker s Source

lock :: Key s a -> a -> Locker s Source

Put a single value into a Locker.

unlock :: Key s a -> Locker s -> Maybe a Source

Retrieve the value from the Locker.