-- Subset of UU.Pretty, based on very simple pretty printing
-- Extended with line-nr tracking

module Pretty
  ( PP_Doc, PP(..)
  , disp

  , (>|<), (>-<)
  , (>#<)
  , ppWithLineNr
  , hlist, vlist, hv
  , fill
  , indent

  , pp_block
  , vlist_sep
  , pp_parens
  , pp_braces
  , hv_sp

  , empty, empty1, text
  , isEmpty

import Data.List(intersperse)

-- Doc structure

data Doc
  = Emp
  | Emp1
  | Str         !String                 -- basic string
  | Hor         Doc  !Doc               -- horizontal positioning
  | Ver         Doc  !Doc               -- vertical positioning
  | Ind         !Int Doc                -- indent
  | Line        (Int -> Doc)            -- line nr

type PP_Doc = Doc

-- Basic combinators

infixr 3 >|<, >#<
infixr 2 >-<

(>|<) :: (PP a, PP b) => a -> b -> PP_Doc
l >|< r = pp l `Hor` pp r

(>-<) :: (PP a, PP b) => a -> b -> PP_Doc
l >-< r  | isEmpty a = b
         | isEmpty b = a
         | otherwise = a `Ver` b
         where a = pp l
               b = pp r

(>#<) :: (PP a, PP b) => a -> b -> PP_Doc
l >#< r  | isEmpty a = b
         | isEmpty b = a
         | otherwise = a >|< " " >|< b
         where a = pp l
               b = pp r

indent :: PP a => Int -> a -> PP_Doc
indent i d = Ind i $ pp d

text :: String -> PP_Doc
text s
  = let ls = lines s
        ls' | null ls   = [""]
            | otherwise = ls
    in vlist (map Str ls')

empty :: PP_Doc
empty = Emp

-- empty1 is not a zero for >#<
empty1 :: PP_Doc
empty1 = Emp1

ppWithLineNr :: PP a => (Int -> a) -> PP_Doc
ppWithLineNr f = Line (pp . f)

-- Derived combinators

hlist, vlist :: PP a => [a] -> PP_Doc
vlist [] = empty
vlist as = foldr  (>-<) empty as
hlist [] = empty
hlist as = foldr  (>|<) empty as

hv :: PP a => [a] -> PP_Doc
hv = vlist

hv_sp :: PP a => [a] -> PP_Doc
hv_sp = foldr (>#<) empty

fill :: PP a => [a] -> PP_Doc
fill = hlist

pp_block:: (PP a, PP b, PP c) => a -> b -> c -> [PP_Doc] -> PP_Doc
pp_block o c s as = pp o >|< hlist (intersperse (pp s) as) >|< pp c

pp_parens :: PP a => a -> PP_Doc
pp_parens p = '(' >|< p >|< ')'

pp_braces :: PP a => a -> PP_Doc
pp_braces p = '{' >-< p >-< '}'

vlist_sep :: (PP a, PP b) => a -> [b] -> PP_Doc
vlist_sep sep lst
  = vlist (intersperse (pp sep) (map pp lst))

-- PP class

class Show a => PP a where
  pp     :: a   -> PP_Doc
  pp       = text . show

  ppList :: [a] -> PP_Doc
  ppList as = hlist as

instance PP Doc where
  pp     = id

instance PP Char where
  pp c   = text [c]
  ppList = text

instance PP a => PP [a] where
  pp = ppList

instance Show Doc where
  show p = disp p 200 ""

instance PP Int where
  pp = text . show

instance PP Float where
  pp = text . show

-- Observation

isEmpty :: PP_Doc -> Bool
isEmpty Emp         = True
isEmpty Emp1        = False
isEmpty (Ver d1 d2) = isEmpty d1 && isEmpty d2
isEmpty (Hor d1 d2) = isEmpty d1 && isEmpty d2
isEmpty (Ind _  d ) = isEmpty d
isEmpty _           = False

-- Rendering

disp  ::  PP_Doc -> Int -> ShowS
disp d0 _ s0
  = r
  where (r,_,_) = put 0 1 d0 s0
        put p l d s
          = case d of
              Emp              -> (s,p,l)
              Emp1             -> (s,p,l)
              Str s'           -> (s' ++ s,p + length s',l)
              Ind i  d1        -> (ind ++ r',p', l')
                               where (r',p',l') = put (p+i) l d1 s
                                     ind = replicate i ' '
              Hor d1 d2        -> (r1,p2,l2)
                               where (r1,p1,l1) = put p  l  d1 r2
                                     (r2,p2,l2) = put p1 l1 d2 s
              Ver d1 d2 | isEmpty d1
                               -> put p l d2 s
              Ver d1 d2 | isEmpty d2
                               -> put p l d1 s
              Ver d1 d2        -> (r1,p2,l2)
                               where (r1,_ ,l1) = put p l d1 $ "\n" ++ ind ++ r2
                                     (r2,p2,l2) = put p (l1+1) d2 s
                                     ind = replicate p ' '
              Line f           -> (r',p',l')
                               where (r',p',l') = put p l (f l) s