utxorpc-client- An SDK for clients of the UTxO RPC specification.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Create a UTxO RPC client connected to a UTxO RPC service. The UtxorpcClient provides functions for each of the methods in the UTxO RPC specification. Provide a UtxorpcClientLogger to perform automated logging.



data UtxorpcInfo m Source #

Configuration info for a UTxO RPC Client. For more fine-grained control, use GrpcClientConfig and UtxorpcClientWith




utxorpcClient :: UtxorpcInfo m -> IO (Either ClientError UtxorpcClient) Source #

Connect to a UTxO RPC service from a UtxorpcInfo. Provides more configurability than simpleUtxorpcClient but less than utxorpcClientWith.

simpleUtxorpcClient Source #


:: HostName

Host name of the service.

-> PortNumber

Port number of the service.

-> UseTlsOrNot

Whether or not to use TLS.

-> IO (Either ClientError UtxorpcClient) 

Make a connection to a UTxO RPC service with the minimum required information. No compression is used, no headers are added, and no logging is performed. For more configurability, use utxorpcClient or utxorpcClientWith.

utxorpcClientWith :: GrpcClientConfig -> Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> IO (Either ClientError UtxorpcClient) Source #

Connect to a UTxO RPC from a GrpcClientConfig. For a simpler interface with less configurability, use utxorpcClient or simpleUtxorpcClient.

data UtxorpcClientLogger m Source #

Logging functions to log requests, replies, server stream messages, and server stream endings. A UUID is generated for each request and passed downstream to the other logging functions.




type RequestLogger m Source #


 = forall i. (Show i, Message i) 
=> ByteString

The RPC path

-> GrpcClient

Included because it contains useful information such as the server address.


Generated for this request, and passed to other logging functions for other RPC events generated by this request. E.g., A unary request and its reply both have the same UUID.

-> i

The request message being sent.

-> m () 

Log outgoing requests of all types (i.e., unary requests and server stream requests).

type ReplyLogger m Source #


 = forall o. (Show o, Message o) 
=> ByteString

The RPC path

-> GrpcClient

Included because it contains useful information such as the server address.


Generated for the request that this reply is associated with.

-> Either ClientError (Either TooMuchConcurrency (RawReply o))

Message received from the service (with headers) or an error.

-> m () 

Log unary replies.

type ServerStreamLogger m Source #


 = forall o. (Show o, Message o) 
=> ByteString

The RPC path

-> GrpcClient

Included because it contains useful information such as the server address.

-> (UUID, Int)

The UUID was generated for the request that caused this reply, the Int is the index of this message in the stream.

-> o

Message received from the service.

-> m () 

Log server stream messages.

type ServerStreamEndLogger m Source #


 = ByteString

The RPC path

-> GrpcClient

Included because it contains useful information such as the server address.

-> (UUID, Int)

The UUID was generated for the request that caused this reply, the Int is the total number of messages received in the stream.

-> (HeaderList, HeaderList)

Headers and Trailers.

-> m ()