#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 710
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Plugin
( plugin
) where
import Plugins
import TcEvidence
import TcRnTypes
import TcType
import TcPluginM
import Coercion
import DataCon
import Type
import TyCon
import TysWiredIn
import FastString
import Outputable
import OccName ( occName, occNameFS, mkTcOcc )
import Module
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Plugin.Convert
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Plugin.NormalForm
import Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Plugin.Unify
import TcPluginExtras
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 710
import TyCoRep
import TypeRep
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra ( evByFiat, tracePlugin, lookupModule, lookupName )
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin { tcPlugin = const $ Just uomPlugin }
uomPlugin :: TcPlugin
uomPlugin = tracePlugin
TcPlugin { tcPluginInit = lookupUnitDefs
, tcPluginSolve = unitsOfMeasureSolver
, tcPluginStop = const $ return ()
unitsOfMeasureSolver :: UnitDefs -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
unitsOfMeasureSolver uds givens _deriveds [] = do
zonked_cts <- mapM zonkCt givens
let (unit_givens , _) = partitionEithers $ zipWith foo givens $ map (toUnitEquality uds) zonked_cts
case unit_givens of
[] -> return $ TcPluginOk [] []
(_:_) -> do
sr <- simplifyUnits uds $ map snd unit_givens
tcPluginTrace "unitsOfMeasureSolver simplified givens only" $ ppr sr
case sr of
Simplified _ -> return $ TcPluginOk [] []
Impossible eq _ -> reportContradiction uds eq
foo :: Ct -> Either UnitEquality Ct -> Either (Ct, UnitEquality) Ct
foo ct (Left x) = Left (ct, x)
foo _ (Right ct') = Right ct'
unitsOfMeasureSolver uds givens _deriveds wanteds = do
xs <- lookForUnpacks uds givens wanteds
if not $ null xs then return $ TcPluginOk [] xs else do
let (unit_wanteds, _) = partitionEithers $ map (toUnitEquality uds) wanteds
case unit_wanteds of
[] -> return $ TcPluginOk [] []
(_:_) -> do
(unit_givens , _) <- partitionEithers . map (toUnitEquality uds) <$> mapM zonkCt givens
sr <- simplifyUnits uds unit_givens
tcPluginTrace "unitsOfMeasureSolver simplified givens" $ ppr sr
case sr of
Impossible eq _ -> reportContradiction uds eq
Simplified ss -> do sr' <- simplifyUnits uds $ map (substsUnitEquality (simplifySubst ss)) unit_wanteds
tcPluginTrace "unitsOfMeasureSolver simplified wanteds" $ ppr sr'
case sr' of
Impossible _eq _ -> return $ TcPluginOk [] []
Simplified ss' -> TcPluginOk [ (evMagic uds ct, ct) | eq <- simplifySolved ss', let ct = fromUnitEquality eq ]
<$> mapM (substItemToCt uds) (filter (isWanted . ctEvidence . siCt) (substsSubst (simplifyUnsubst ss) (simplifySubst ss')))
reportContradiction :: UnitDefs -> UnitEquality -> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
reportContradiction uds eq = TcPluginContradiction . pure <$> fromUnitEqualityForContradiction uds eq
fromUnitEqualityForContradiction :: UnitDefs -> UnitEquality -> TcPluginM Ct
fromUnitEqualityForContradiction uds (UnitEquality ct u v) = case classifyPredType $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct of
EqPred NomEq _ _ -> return ct
_ | isGivenCt ct -> newGivenCt (ctLoc ct) (mkEqPred u' v') (mkFunnyEqEvidence (ctPred ct) u' v')
| otherwise -> newWantedCt (ctLoc ct) (mkEqPred u' v')
u' = reifyUnit uds u
v' = reifyUnit uds v
substItemToCt :: UnitDefs -> SubstItem -> TcPluginM Ct
substItemToCt uds si
| isGiven (ctEvidence ct) = newGivenCt loc prd $ evByFiat "units" ty1 ty2
| otherwise = newWantedCt loc prd
prd = mkEqPred ty1 ty2
ty1 = mkTyVarTy (siVar si)
ty2 = reifyUnit uds (siUnit si)
ct = siCt si
loc = ctLoc ct
lookForUnpacks :: UnitDefs -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM [Ct]
lookForUnpacks uds givens wanteds = mapM unpackCt unpacks
unpacks = concatMap collectCt $ givens ++ wanteds
collectCt ct = collectType ct $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct
collectType ct (AppTy f s) = collectType ct f ++ collectType ct s
collectType ct (TyConApp tc [a])
| tc == unpackTyCon uds = case maybeConstant =<< normaliseUnit uds a of
Just xs -> [(ct,a,xs)]
_ -> []
collectType ct (TyConApp _ as) = concatMap (collectType ct) as
collectType ct (FunTy t v) = collectType ct t ++ collectType ct v
collectType ct (ForAllTy _ t) = collectType ct t
collectType _ _ = []
unpackCt (ct,a,xs) = newGivenCt loc (mkEqPred ty1 ty2) (evByFiat "units" ty1 ty2)
ty1 = TyConApp (unpackTyCon uds) [a]
ty2 = mkTyConApp (unitSyntaxPromotedDataCon uds)
[ typeSymbolKind
, foldr promoter nil ys
, foldr promoter nil zs ]
loc = ctLoc ct
ys = concatMap (\ (s, i) -> if i > 0 then genericReplicate i s else []) xs
zs = concatMap (\ (s, i) -> if i < 0 then genericReplicate (abs i) s else []) xs
nil = mkTyConApp (promoteDataCon nilDataCon) [typeSymbolKind]
promoter x t = mkTyConApp cons_tycon [typeSymbolKind, mkStrLitTy x, t]
cons_tycon = promoteDataCon consDataCon
lookupUnitDefs :: TcPluginM UnitDefs
lookupUnitDefs = do
md <- lookupModule myModule myPackage
u <- look md "Unit"
b <- look md "Base"
o <- look md "One"
m <- look md "*:"
d <- look md "/:"
e <- look md "^:"
x <- look md "Unpack"
i <- look md "UnitSyntax"
c <- look md "~~"
return $ UnitDefs u b o m d e x i (getDataCon i ":/") c
getDataCon u s = case [ dc | dc <- tyConDataCons u, occNameFS (occName (dataConName dc)) == fsLit s ] of
[d] -> promoteDataCon d
_ -> error $ "lookupUnitDefs/getDataCon: missing " ++ s
look md s = tcLookupTyCon =<< lookupName md (mkTcOcc s)
myModule = mkModuleName "Data.UnitsOfMeasure.Internal"
myPackage = fsLit "uom-plugin"
evMagic :: UnitDefs -> Ct -> EvTerm
evMagic uds ct = case classifyPredType $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct of
EqPred NomEq t1 t2 -> evByFiat "units" t1 t2
IrredPred t
| Just (tc, [t1,t2]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t
, tc == equivTyCon uds -> mkFunnyEqEvidence t t1 t2
_ -> error "evMagic"
mkFunnyEqEvidence :: Type -> Type -> Type -> EvTerm
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
mkFunnyEqEvidence t t1 t2 = EvDFunApp (dataConWrapId heqDataCon) [typeKind t1, typeKind t2, t1, t2] [evByFiat "units" t1 t2]
`EvCast` mkUnivCo (PluginProv "units") Representational (mkHEqPred t1 t2) t
mkFunnyEqEvidence t t1 t2 = evByFiat "units" t1 t2
`EvCast` TcCoercion (mkUnivCo (fsLit "units") Representational (mkTyConApp eqTyCon [typeKind t1, t1, t2]) t)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 802
pattern FunTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
pattern FunTy t v = ForAllTy (Anon t) v
mkEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkEqPred = mkPrimEqPred
mkHEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkHEqPred t1 t2 = TyConApp heqTyCon [typeKind t1, typeKind t2, t1, t2]