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uom-plugin- Units of measure as a GHC typechecker plugin

Safe HaskellNone




Experimental support for conversions between units with the same dimension, for example feet and metres. This interface is not necessarily stable!

Rather than defining dimensions explicitly, we pick a "canonical" base unit for each dimension, and record the conversion ratio between each base unit and the canonical base unit for its dimension. This means we can automatically calculate the conversion ratio between a unit and its canonical representation, and hence between any two units that share a dimension (i.e. have the same canonical representation).

For example, to declare m as a canonical base unit, write:

instance HasCanonicalBaseUnit "m"

To declare ft as a derived unit, write:

instance HasCanonicalBaseUnit "ft" where
  type CanonicalBaseUnit "ft" = "m"
  conversionBase _ = [u| 3.28 ft/m |]

The above declarations can be written using the u declaration quasiquoter as [u| m, ft = 1 % 3.28 ft/m |], or generated automatically using declareConvertibleUnit.

Now it is possible to convert between quantities whose units involve feet or metres. For example:

>>> convert [u| 10m |] :: Quantity Double [u| ft |]
[u| 32.8 ft |]
>>> convert [u| 3ft^2 |] :: Quantity Double [u| m^2 |]
[u| 0.27885187388459254 m^2 |]

You are likely to get unpleasant compiler error messages if you attempt to convert without the units being fully determined by type inference, or if the units do not have the same dimension.

If you wish to define a dimensionless unit that requires explicit conversion to 1, such as radians, write [u| rad = 1 1 |]. The syntax [u| dimensionless = 1 |] defines dimensionless as a unit synonym for 1 that does not require conversion.



convert :: forall a u v. (Fractional a, Convertible u v) => Quantity a u -> Quantity a v Source #

Automatically convert a quantity with units u so that its units are v, provided u and v have the same dimension.

ratio :: forall a u v (proxy :: Unit -> *) proxy'. (Fractional a, Convertible u v) => proxy' (proxy u) -> proxy' (proxy v) -> Quantity a (u /: v) Source #

Calculate the conversion ratio between two units with the same dimension. The slightly unusual proxy arguments allow this to be called using quasiquoters to specify the units, for example ratio [u| ft |] [u| m |].

class IsCanonical (Unpack (CanonicalBaseUnit b)) => HasCanonicalBaseUnit (b :: Symbol) where Source #

Class to capture the dimensions to which base units belong. For a canonical base unit, the class instance can be left empty.

Associated Types

type CanonicalBaseUnit b :: Unit Source #

The canonical base unit for this base unit. If b is canonical, then CanonicalBaseUnit b = b. Otherwise, CanonicalBaseUnit b must itself be canonical.


conversionBase :: proxy b -> Quantity Rational (Base b /: CanonicalBaseUnit b) Source #

The conversion ratio between this base unit and its canonical base unit. If b is canonical then this ratio is 1.

conversionBase :: Base b ~ CanonicalBaseUnit b => proxy b -> Quantity Rational (Base b /: CanonicalBaseUnit b) Source #

The conversion ratio between this base unit and its canonical base unit. If b is canonical then this ratio is 1.


type Good u = (u ~ Pack (Unpack u), KnownUnit (Unpack u), HasCanonical (Unpack u)) Source #

A unit is "good" if all its base units have been defined, and have associated canonical base units.

type family IsCanonical (u :: UnitSyntax Symbol) :: Constraint where ... Source #

This constraint will be satisfied if all the base units in a syntactically represented unit are in their canonical form.


IsCanonical (xs :/ ys) = (AllIsCanonical xs, AllIsCanonical ys) 

type family HasCanonical (u :: UnitSyntax Symbol) :: Constraint where ... Source #

This constraint will be satisfied if all the base units in a syntactically represented unit have associated canonical representations.


HasCanonical (xs :/ ys) = (AllHasCanonical xs, AllHasCanonical ys) 

type Convertible u v = (Good u, Good v, ToCanonicalUnit u ~ ToCanonicalUnit v) Source #

Two units are convertible if they are both Good and they have the same canonical units (and hence the same dimension).

type ToCanonicalUnit u = ToCBU (Unpack u) Source #

Converts a unit to the corresponding canonical representation.