unliftio-messagebox-2.0.0: Fast and robust message queues for concurrent processes
Safe HaskellNone



This module contains a type class that describes exchangable operations on messages boxes.



class (IsMessageBox (MessageBox argument), IsInput (Input (MessageBox argument))) => IsMessageBoxArg argument where Source #

Types that configure and allow the creation of a MessageBox.

Create IsMessageBox instances from a parameter. Types that determine MessageBox values.

For a limited message box this might be the limit of the message queue.

Associated Types

type MessageBox argument :: Type -> Type Source #

The message box that can be created from the message box argument


getConfiguredMessageLimit :: argument -> Maybe Int Source #

Return a message limit.

NOTE: This method was added for unit tests. Although the method is totally valid, it might not be super useful in production code. Also note that the naming follows the rule: Reserve short names for entities that are used often.

newMessageBox :: MonadUnliftIO m => argument -> m (MessageBox argument a) Source #

Create a new msgBox according to the argument. This is required to receive a message. NOTE: Only one process may receive on an msgBox.


Instances details
IsMessageBoxArg BlockingUnlimited Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Unlimited

Associated Types

type MessageBox BlockingUnlimited :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBoxArg WaitingBoxLimit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

Associated Types

type MessageBox WaitingBoxLimit :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBoxArg NonBlockingBoxLimit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

Associated Types

type MessageBox NonBlockingBoxLimit :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBoxArg BlockingBoxLimit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

Associated Types

type MessageBox BlockingBoxLimit :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBoxArg cfg => IsMessageBoxArg (CatchAllArg cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.CatchAll

Associated Types

type MessageBox (CatchAllArg cfg) :: Type -> Type Source #

class IsInput (Input box) => IsMessageBox box where Source #

A type class for msgBox types. A common interface for receiving messages.

Minimal complete definition

receive, tryReceive, newInput

Associated Types

type Input box :: Type -> Type Source #

Type of the corresponding input


receive :: MonadUnliftIO m => box a -> m (Maybe a) Source #

Receive a message. Take whatever time it takes. Return Just the value or Nothing when an error occurred.

NOTE: Nothing may sporadically be returned, especially when there is a lot of load, so please make sure to build your application in such a way, that it anticipates failure.

tryReceive :: MonadUnliftIO m => box a -> m (Future a) Source #

Return a Future that can be used to wait for the arrival of the next message. NOTE: Each future value represents the next slot in the queue so one future corresponds to exactly that message (should it arrive) and if that future value is dropped, that message will be lost!

receiveAfter Source #


:: MonadUnliftIO m 
=> box a

Message box

-> Int

Time in micro seconds to wait until the action is invoked.

-> m (Maybe a) 

Wait for an incoming message or return Nothing.

The default implementation uses tryReceive to get a Future on which awaitFuture inside a timeout is called.

Instances might override this with more performant implementations especially non-blocking Unagi channel based implementation.

NOTE: Nothing may sporadically be returned, especially when there is a lot of load, so please make sure to build your application in such a way, that it anticipates failure.

newInput :: MonadUnliftIO m => box a -> m (Input box a) Source #

Create a new input that enqueus messages, which are received by the box


Instances details
IsMessageBox UnlimitedBox Source #

A blocking instance that invokes receive.

Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Unlimited

Associated Types

type Input UnlimitedBox :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBox WaitingBox Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

Associated Types

type Input WaitingBox :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBox NonBlockingBox Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

Associated Types

type Input NonBlockingBox :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBox BlockingBox Source #

A blocking instance that invokes receive.

Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

Associated Types

type Input BlockingBox :: Type -> Type Source #

IsMessageBox box => IsMessageBox (CatchAllBox box) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.CatchAll

Associated Types

type Input (CatchAllBox box) :: Type -> Type Source #

class IsInput input where Source #

A type class for input types. A common interface for delivering messages.

Minimal complete definition



deliver :: MonadUnliftIO m => input a -> a -> m Bool Source #

Send a message. Take whatever time it takes. Depending on the implementation, this might be a non-blocking operation. Return if the operation was successful.

NOTE: False may sporadically be returned, especially when there is a lot of load, so please make sure to build your application in such a way, that it anticipates failure.

deliver_ :: MonadUnliftIO m => input a -> a -> m () Source #

See deliver but with () as return value. If deliver fails, it fails silently.


Instances details
IsInput UnlimitedBoxInput Source #

A blocking instance that invokes deliver.

Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Unlimited

IsInput WaitingInput Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited


deliver :: MonadUnliftIO m => WaitingInput a -> a -> m Bool Source #

deliver_ :: MonadUnliftIO m => WaitingInput a -> a -> m () Source #

IsInput NonBlockingInput Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited

IsInput BlockingInput Source #

A blocking instance that invokes deliver.

Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited


deliver :: MonadUnliftIO m => BlockingInput a -> a -> m Bool Source #

deliver_ :: MonadUnliftIO m => BlockingInput a -> a -> m () Source #

IsInput i => IsInput (CatchAllInput i) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in UnliftIO.MessageBox.CatchAll


deliver :: MonadUnliftIO m => CatchAllInput i a -> a -> m Bool Source #

deliver_ :: MonadUnliftIO m => CatchAllInput i a -> a -> m () Source #

handleMessage :: (MonadUnliftIO m, IsMessageBox box) => box message -> (message -> m b) -> m (Maybe b) Source #

Receive a message and apply a function to it.