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universum-1.2.0: Custom prelude used in Serokell

Safe HaskellSafe




This module implements type class which allow to have conversion to and from Text, String and ByteString types (including both strict and lazy versions). Usually you need to export Text modules qualified and use pack / unpack functions to convert to/from Text. Now you can just use toText / toString functions.


Convenient type aliases

type LText = Text Source #

Type synonym for Text.

type LByteString = ByteString Source #

Type synonym for ByteString.

Conversion type classes

class ConvertUtf8 a b where Source #

Type class for conversion to utf8 representation of text.

Minimal complete definition

encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8, decodeUtf8Strict


encodeUtf8 :: a -> b Source #

Encode as utf8 string (usually ByteString).

>>> encodeUtf8 @Text @ByteString "патак"

decodeUtf8 :: b -> a Source #

Decode from utf8 string.

>>> decodeUtf8 @Text @ByteString "\208\191\208\176\209\130\208\176\208\186"
>>> putStrLn $ decodeUtf8 @Text @ByteString "\208\191\208\176\209\130\208\176\208\186"

decodeUtf8Strict :: b -> Either UnicodeException a Source #

Decode as utf8 string but returning execption if byte sequence is malformed.

>>> decodeUtf8 @Text @ByteString "\208\208\176\209\130\208\176\208\186"
>>> decodeUtf8Strict @Text @ByteString "\208\208\176\209\130\208\176\208\186"
Left Cannot decode byte '\xd0': Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.decodeUtf8: Invalid UTF-8 stream

class ToString a where Source #

Type class for converting other strings to String.

Minimal complete definition



toString :: a -> String Source #

class ToLText a where Source #

Type class for converting other strings to Text.

Minimal complete definition



toLText :: a -> Text Source #

class ToText a where Source #

Type class for converting other strings to Text.

Minimal complete definition



toText :: a -> Text Source #

Show and read functions

readEither :: (ToString a, Read b) => a -> Either Text b Source #

Polymorhpic version of readEither.

>>> readEither @Text @Int "123"
Right 123
>>> readEither @Text @Int "aa"
Left "Prelude.read: no parse"

show :: forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b Source #

Generalized version of show.