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unbound-generics-0.4.0: Support for programming with names and binders using GHC Generics

Copyright(c) 2014 Aleksey Kliger
LicenseBSD3 (See LICENSE)
MaintainerAleksey Kliger
Safe HaskellNone




The fundamental binding form. The type Bind p t allows you to place a pattern p in a term t such that the names in the pattern scope over the term. Use bind and unbind and lunbind to work with Bind p t


Name binding

data Bind p t Source #

A term of type Bind p t is a term that binds the free variable occurrences of the variables in pattern p in the term t. In the overall term, those variables are now bound. See also bind and unbind and lunbind


B p t 
(Subst c b, Subst c a, Alpha a, Alpha b) => Subst c (Bind a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Subst


isvar :: Bind a b -> Maybe (SubstName (Bind a b) c) Source #

isCoerceVar :: Bind a b -> Maybe (SubstCoerce (Bind a b) c) Source #

subst :: Name c -> c -> Bind a b -> Bind a b Source #

substs :: [(Name c, c)] -> Bind a b -> Bind a b Source #

(Show p, Show t) => Show (Bind p t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Bind


showsPrec :: Int -> Bind p t -> ShowS #

show :: Bind p t -> String #

showList :: [Bind p t] -> ShowS #

Generic (Bind p t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Bind

Associated Types

type Rep (Bind p t) :: * -> * #


from :: Bind p t -> Rep (Bind p t) x #

to :: Rep (Bind p t) x -> Bind p t #

(NFData p, NFData t) => NFData (Bind p t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Bind


rnf :: Bind p t -> () #

(Alpha p, Alpha t) => Alpha (Bind p t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Bind


aeq' :: AlphaCtx -> Bind p t -> Bind p t -> Bool Source #

fvAny' :: (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => AlphaCtx -> (AnyName -> f AnyName) -> Bind p t -> f (Bind p t) Source #

close :: AlphaCtx -> NamePatFind -> Bind p t -> Bind p t Source #

open :: AlphaCtx -> NthPatFind -> Bind p t -> Bind p t Source #

isPat :: Bind p t -> DisjointSet AnyName Source #

isTerm :: Bind p t -> All Source #

isEmbed :: Bind p t -> Bool Source #

nthPatFind :: Bind p t -> NthPatFind Source #

namePatFind :: Bind p t -> NamePatFind Source #

swaps' :: AlphaCtx -> Perm AnyName -> Bind p t -> Bind p t Source #

lfreshen' :: LFresh m => AlphaCtx -> Bind p t -> (Bind p t -> Perm AnyName -> m b) -> m b Source #

freshen' :: Fresh m => AlphaCtx -> Bind p t -> m (Bind p t, Perm AnyName) Source #

acompare' :: AlphaCtx -> Bind p t -> Bind p t -> Ordering Source #

type Rep (Bind p t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Bind

type Rep (Bind p t) = D1 (MetaData "Bind" "Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Bind" "unbound-generics-0.4.0-3CzcjD8SUhgLQazt2sGCP5" False) (C1 (MetaCons "B" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 p) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 t)))