typerep-map-0.2.0: Efficient implementation of a dependent map with types as keys

Safe HaskellNone




Map type

empty :: TypeRepMap f Source #

Empty structure.

insert :: forall a f. Typeable a => a -> TypeRepMap f -> TypeRepMap f Source #

Inserts the value with its type as a key.

lookup :: forall a f. Typeable a => TypeRepMap f -> Maybe (f a) Source #

Looks up the value at the type. >>> let x = lookup $ insert (11 :: Int) empty >>> x :: Maybe Int Just 11 >>> x :: Maybe () Nothing

size :: TypeRepMap f -> Int Source #

Returns the size of the TypeRepMap.

Helpful testing functions

data TF f where Source #


TF :: Typeable a => f a -> TF f 

fromList :: forall f. [TF f] -> TypeRepMap f Source #