typelits-witnesses- Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits
Copyright(c) Justin Le 2024
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides the ability to refine given KnownNat instances using GHC.TypeLits's comparison API, and also the ability to prove inequalities and upper/lower limits.

If a library function requires 1 <= n constraint, but only KnownNat n is available:

foo :: (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => Proxy n -> Int

bar :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
bar n = case (Proxy :: Proxy 1) %<=? n of
          LE  Refl -> foo n
          NLE _    -> 0

foo requires that 1 <= n, but bar has to handle all cases of n. %<=? lets you compare the KnownNats in two Proxys and returns a :<=?, which has two constructors, LE and NLE.

If you pattern match on the result, in the LE branch, the constraint 1 <= n will be satisfied according to GHC, so bar can safely call foo, and GHC will recognize that 1 <= n.

In the NLE branch, the constraint that 1 > n is satisfied, so any functions that require that constraint would be callable.

For convenience, isLE and isNLE are also offered:

bar :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
bar n = case isLE (Proxy :: Proxy 1) n of
          Just Refl -> foo n
          Nothing   -> 0

Similarly, if a library function requires something involving CmpNat, you can use cmpNat and the SCmpNat type:

foo1 :: (KnownNat n, CmpNat 5 n ~ LT) => Proxy n -> Int
foo2 :: (KnownNat n, CmpNat 5 n ~ GT) => Proxy n -> Int

bar :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
bar n = case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy 5) n of
          CLT Refl -> foo1 n
          CEQ Refl -> 0
          CGT Refl -> foo2 n

You can use the Refl that cmpNat gives you with flipCmpNat and cmpNatLE to "flip" the inequality or turn it into something compatible with <=? (useful for when you have to work with libraries that mix the two methods) or cmpNatEq and eqCmpNat to get to/from witnesses for equality of the two Nats.

This module is useful for helping bridge between libraries that use different Nat-based comparison systems in their type constraints.


<= and <=?

data (:<=?) :: Nat -> Nat -> Type where Source #

Two possible ordered relationships between two natural numbers.


LE :: ((m <=? n) :~: 'True) -> m :<=? n 
NLE :: ((m <=? n) :~: 'False) -> ((n <=? m) :~: 'True) -> m :<=? n 

(%<=?) :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> q n -> m :<=? n Source #

Compare m and n, classifying their relationship into some constructor of :<=?.

Convenience functions

isLE :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> q n -> Maybe ((m <=? n) :~: 'True) Source #

Simplified version of %<=?: check if m is less than or equal to to n. If it is, match on Just Refl to get GHC to believe it, within the body of the pattern match.

isNLE :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> q n -> Maybe ((m <=? n) :~: 'False) Source #

Simplified version of %<=?: check if m is not less than or equal to to n. If it is, match on Just Refl to get GHC to believe it, within the body of the pattern match.


data SCmpNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Type where Source #

Three possible ordered relationships between two natural numbers.


CLT :: (CmpNat m n :~: 'LT) -> SCmpNat m n 
CEQ :: (CmpNat m n :~: 'EQ) -> (m :~: n) -> SCmpNat m n 
CGT :: (CmpNat m n :~: 'GT) -> SCmpNat m n 

cmpNat :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> q n -> SCmpNat m n Source #

Compare m and n, classifying their relationship into some constructor of SCmpNat.

Manipulating witnesses

flipCmpNat :: SCmpNat m n -> SCmpNat n m Source #

Flip an inequality.

cmpNatEq :: (CmpNat m n :~: 'EQ) -> m :~: n Source #

CmpNat m n being EQ implies that m is equal to n.

eqCmpNat :: (m :~: n) -> CmpNat m n :~: 'EQ Source #

A witness of equality implies that CmpNat m n is Eq.

reflCmpNat :: (m :~: n) -> SCmpNat m n Source #

Inject a witness of equality into an SCmpNat at CEQ.

cmpNatLE :: SCmpNat m n -> m :<=? n Source #

Convert to :<=?

cmpNatGOrdering :: SCmpNat n m -> GOrdering n m Source #

Convert to GOrdering
