Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Contains type save equivalents of the following functions defined in encoding:
These conversions are provides AS-IS and assume that encoding functions behave in a way consistent with typed-encoding type definitions.
For example, typed-encoding effectively guarantees that decode function will never fail
and it is safe to use Identity
instance of the UnexpectedDecodeErr
In encoding v0.8.5, the decoding can fail after the encoding succeeded:
Encoding.encodeStringExplicit EncCP932.CP932 "\DEL"
Right "\DEL">>>
Encoding.decodeStringExplicit EncCP932.CP932 "\DEL"
Left (IllegalCharacter 127)
Here are some other peculiarities:
cp1257 is a single bit encoding and one could expect this to fail, but it succeeds:
Encoding.encodeStringExplicit (Encoding.encodingFromString "cp1257") "\x100"
Right "\194"
Decoding can also be surprising:
Encoding.decodeStringExplicit EncASCII.ASCII "\236\239"
Right "\236\239"
here is UTF8 decoding
Encoding.decodeStringExplicit EncUTF8.UTF8 "\192\NUL"
Right "\NUL">>>
Encoding.encodeStringExplicit EncUTF8.UTF8 "\NUL"
Right "\NUL"
This package does not try to fix these issues, only provides a wrapper that annotates encodings as symbols.
- type family IsDynEnc (s :: Symbol) :: Bool where ...
- type DynEnc s = (KnownSymbol s, IsDynEnc s ~ True)
- encodeStrictByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc xs c String -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString)
- encodeLazyByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc xs c String -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString)
- encodeStringExplicit :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc xs c String -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c String)
- encString :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) s "enc-pkg/encoding" c String
- decodeStrictByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c String)
- decodeLazyByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c String)
- decodeStringExplicit :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc (s ': xs) c String -> f (Enc xs c String)
- decString :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Decoding f s "enc-pkg/encoding" c String
- getDynEncoding :: forall s xs c str. DynEnc s => Enc (s ': xs) c str -> DynEncoding
- exferDynEncoding :: (KnownSymbol s, DynEnc s) => Proxy s -> Either String DynEncoding
:set -XOverloadedStrings -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications -XFlexibleContexts
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.TypedEncoding as Usage
import Data.Encoding.ASCII as EncASCII
import Data.Encoding.UTF8 as EncUTF8
import Data.Encoding.CP932 as EncCP932
Conversion To ByteString
encodeStrictByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc xs c String -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString) Source #
creates values of types like
Enc '["enc-pkg/encoding:cyrillic"] () ByteString
fmap Typed.displ . encodeStrictByteStringExplicit @"enc-pkg/encoding:cyrillic" . Typed.toEncoding () $ "а на животе кнопка"
Right "Enc '[enc-pkg/encoding:cyrillic] () (ByteString \208 \221\208 \214\216\210\222\226\213 \218\221\222\223\218\208)"
fmap Typed.displ . encodeStrictByteStringExplicit @"enc-pkg/encoding:koi8_r" . Typed.toEncoding () $ "а на животе кнопка"
Right "Enc '[enc-pkg/encoding:koi8_r] () (ByteString \193 \206\193 \214\201\215\207\212\197 \203\206\207\208\203\193)"
"а на животе кнопка"
"\1072 \1085\1072 \1078\1080\1074\1086\1090\1077 \1082\1085\1086\1087\1082\1072"
fmap Typed.displ . encodeStrictByteStringExplicit @"enc-pkg/encoding:cyrillic" . Typed.toEncoding () $ "Статья"
Right "Enc '[enc-pkg/encoding:cyrillic] () (ByteString \193\226\208\226\236\239)"
encodeStrictByteStringExplicit @"enc-pkg/encoding:ascii" . Typed.toEncoding () $ "Статья"
Left (EncodeEx "enc-pkg/encoding:ascii" (HasNoRepresentation '\1057'))
fmap Typed.displ . encodeStrictByteStringExplicit @"enc-pkg/encoding:ascii" . Typed.toEncoding () $ "story"
Right "Enc '[enc-pkg/encoding:ascii] () (ByteString story)"
encodeLazyByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc xs c String -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString) Source #
Converts String
to some Enc '["enc-pkg/encoding:..."] () BL.ByteString
by actually encoding characters in the String into correct byte layout.
Conversion to encoded String
encodeStringExplicit :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc xs c String -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c String) Source #
Converts String
to some Enc '["enc-pkg/encoding:..."] () String
by actually encoding characters in the String into a certain byte layout.
The resulting payload has all Characters representing bytes, that is < '\255'
encString :: forall s xs c. (DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Encoding (Either EncodeEx) s "enc-pkg/encoding" c String Source #
Conversion From ByteString
decodeStrictByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c String) Source #
fmap Typed.displ $ decodeStrictByteStringExplicit @"enc-pkg/encoding:cyrillic" @'[] @Identity (Typed.unsafeSetPayload () "\193\226\208\226\236\239")
Identity "Enc '[] () (String \1057\1090\1072\1090\1100\1103)"
decodeLazyByteStringExplicit :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc (s ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c String) Source #
Conversion From encoded String
decodeStringExplicit :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Enc (s ': xs) c String -> f (Enc xs c String) Source #
decString :: forall s xs f c. (UnexpectedDecodeErr f, Monad f, DynEnc s, Algorithm s "enc-pkg/encoding") => Decoding f s "enc-pkg/encoding" c String Source #
getDynEncoding :: forall s xs c str. DynEnc s => Enc (s ': xs) c str -> DynEncoding Source #
Provides type safety over existence of DynEncoding
exferDynEncoding :: (KnownSymbol s, DynEnc s) => Proxy s -> Either String DynEncoding Source #