Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Boolean algebra on encodings
(Experimental, early alpha development stage)
Use Bool
This module was not converted to v0.3 style yet.
Simple grammar requires boolean terms to be included in parentheses
bool[BinaryOp]:(leftTerm)(rightTerm) bool[UnaryOp]:(term)
Expected behavior is described next to the corresponding combinator.
- encBoolOrLeft :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, LeftTerm s ~ t) => (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolOrLeft' :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, LeftTerm s ~ t, Encode f t t c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolOrLeft'' :: forall alg f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, LeftTerm s ~ t, Encode f t alg c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolOrRight :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, RightTerm s ~ t) => (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolOrRight' :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, RightTerm s ~ t, Encode f t t c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolOrRight'' :: forall alg f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, RightTerm s ~ t, Encode f t alg c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolAnd :: forall f s t1 t2 xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "and" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, f ~ Either EncodeEx, Eq str, LeftTerm s ~ t1, RightTerm s ~ t2) => (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t1 ': xs) c str)) -> (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t2 ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolAnd' :: forall s t1 t2 xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "and" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, Eq str, LeftTerm s ~ t1, RightTerm s ~ t2, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t1 t1 c str, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t2 t2 c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolAnd'' :: forall al1 al2 s t1 t2 xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "and" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, Eq str, LeftTerm s ~ t1, RightTerm s ~ t2, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t1 al1 c str, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t2 al2 c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolNot :: forall s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "not" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, FirstTerm s ~ t, Restriction t) => (Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (t ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolNot' :: forall s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "not" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, FirstTerm s ~ t, KnownSymbol t, Restriction t, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t t c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- encBoolNot'' :: forall alg s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "not" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, FirstTerm s ~ t, Restriction t, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t alg c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- decBoolR :: forall f xs t s c str. (NestedR s ~ True, Applicative f) => Enc (s ': xs) c str -> f (Enc xs c str)
- recWithEncBoolR :: forall (s :: Symbol) xs c str. NestedR s ~ True => (Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> Either RecreateEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- unsafeRecWithEncR :: forall (s :: Symbol) xs c str. (Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> Either RecreateEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)
- type family BoolOpIs (s :: Symbol) (op :: Symbol) :: Bool where ...
- type family BoolOp (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family BoolOpHelper (x :: (Symbol, Symbol)) :: (Symbol, Bool) where ...
- type family IsBool (s :: Symbol) :: Bool where ...
- type family NestedR (s :: Symbol) :: Bool where ...
- type family FirstTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family SecondTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family LeftTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family RightTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family LDropLast (s :: [Symbol]) :: [Symbol] where ...
- type family LParenCnt (s :: [Symbol]) :: [(Symbol, Nat)] where ...
- data Adjust
- type family AdjHelper (a :: Adjust) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where ...
- type family LParenCntHelper (s :: (Symbol, Adjust)) (sx :: [(Symbol, Nat)]) :: [(Symbol, Nat)] where ...
- type family LTakeFstParen (si :: [(Symbol, Nat)]) :: [Symbol] where ...
- type family LTakeSndParen (n :: Nat) (si :: [(Symbol, Nat)]) :: [Symbol] where ...
:set -XOverloadedStrings -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Restriction.Misc()
encBoolOrLeft :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, LeftTerm s ~ t) => (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
See examples in encBoolOrRight'
encBoolOrLeft' :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, LeftTerm s ~ t, Encode f t t c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
See examples in encBoolOrRight'
encBoolOrLeft'' :: forall alg f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, LeftTerm s ~ t, Encode f t alg c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
encBoolOrRight :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, RightTerm s ~ t) => (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
encBoolOrRight' :: forall f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, RightTerm s ~ t, Encode f t t c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
let tst1, tst2, tst3 :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["boolOr:(r-Word8-decimal)(r-Int-decimal)"] () T.Text) tst1 = encBoolOrLeft' . toEncoding () $ "212" tst2 = encBoolOrRight' . toEncoding () $ "1000000" tst3 = encBoolOrLeft' . toEncoding () $ "1000000" :}
Right (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "212")
Right (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "1000000")
Left (EncodeEx "r-Word8-decimal" ("Payload does not satisfy format Word8-decimal: 1000000"))
encBoolOrRight'' :: forall alg f s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "or" ~ True, Functor f, RightTerm s ~ t, Encode f t alg c str) => Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
encBoolAnd :: forall f s t1 t2 xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "and" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, f ~ Either EncodeEx, Eq str, LeftTerm s ~ t1, RightTerm s ~ t2) => (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t1 ': xs) c str)) -> (Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (t2 ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> f (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
encBoolAnd' :: forall s t1 t2 xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "and" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, Eq str, LeftTerm s ~ t1, RightTerm s ~ t2, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t1 t1 c str, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t2 t2 c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
contains strings that encode the same way under both encodings.
for example "boolOr:(r-UPPER)(r-lower)"
valid elements would include "123-34"
but not "abc"
let tst1, tst2 :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["boolAnd:(r-Word8-decimal)(r-Int-decimal)"] () T.Text) tst1 = encBoolAnd' . toEncoding () $ "234" tst2 = encBoolAnd' . toEncoding () $ "100000" :}
Right (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "234")>>>
Left (EncodeEx "r-Word8-decimal" ("Payload does not satisfy format Word8-decimal: 100000"))
encBoolAnd'' :: forall al1 al2 s t1 t2 xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "and" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, Eq str, LeftTerm s ~ t1, RightTerm s ~ t2, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t1 al1 c str, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t2 al2 c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
encBoolNot :: forall s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "not" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, FirstTerm s ~ t, Restriction t) => (Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (t ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
encBoolNot' :: forall s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "not" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, FirstTerm s ~ t, KnownSymbol t, Restriction t, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t t c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
let tst1, tst2 :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["boolNot:(r-Word8-decimal)"] () T.Text) tst1 = encBoolNot' . toEncoding () $ "334" tst2 = encBoolNot' . toEncoding () $ "127" :}
Right (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "334")>>>
Left (EncodeEx "boolNot:(r-Word8-decimal)" ("Encoding r-Word8-decimal succeeded"))
encBoolNot'' :: forall alg s t xs c str. (BoolOpIs s "not" ~ True, KnownSymbol s, FirstTerm s ~ t, Restriction t, Encode (Either EncodeEx) t alg c str) => Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
decBoolR :: forall f xs t s c str. (NestedR s ~ True, Applicative f) => Enc (s ': xs) c str -> f (Enc xs c str) Source #
Decodes boolean expression if all leaves are "r-"
recWithEncBoolR :: forall (s :: Symbol) xs c str. NestedR s ~ True => (Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> Either RecreateEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
unsafeRecWithEncR :: forall (s :: Symbol) xs c str. (Enc xs c str -> Either EncodeEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str)) -> Enc xs c str -> Either RecreateEx (Enc (s ': xs) c str) Source #
Type family based parser
type family BoolOpIs (s :: Symbol) (op :: Symbol) :: Bool where ... Source #
:kind! BoolOpIs "boolAnd:(someenc)(otherenc)" "and"
... = 'True
type family BoolOp (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
This works fast with !kind
but is much slower in declaration
:kind! BoolOp "boolOr:()()"
BoolOp s = Fst (BoolOpHelper (Dupl s)) |
type family NestedR (s :: Symbol) :: Bool where ... Source #
:kind! NestedR "boolOr:(r-abc)(r-cd)"
... = 'True
:kind! NestedR "boolOr:(boolAnd:(r-ab)(r-ac))(boolNot:(r-cd))"
... = 'True
:kind! NestedR "boolOr:(boolAnd:(r-ab)(ac))(boolNot:(r-cd))"
... ... (TypeError ...) ...
type family SecondTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
returns "" for unary operator
SecondTerm s = RightTerm s |
type family LeftTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
:kind! LeftTerm "boolSomeOp:(agag)(222)"
... = "agag"
:kind! LeftTerm "r-Int-decimal"
... = ""
type family RightTerm (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
:kind! RightTerm "boolSomeOp:(agag)(222)"
... = "222"
:kind! RightTerm "r-Int-decimal"
... = ""
type family LParenCntHelper (s :: (Symbol, Adjust)) (sx :: [(Symbol, Nat)]) :: [(Symbol, Nat)] where ... Source #
LParenCntHelper ((,) x k) '[] = (,) x (AdjHelper k 0) ': '[] | |
LParenCntHelper ((,) x k) ((,) c i ': xs) = (,) x (AdjHelper k i) ': ((,) c i ': xs) |
type family LTakeFstParen (si :: [(Symbol, Nat)]) :: [Symbol] where ... Source #
LTakeFstParen '[] = '[] | |
LTakeFstParen ((,) _ 0 ': xs) = LTakeFstParen xs | |
LTakeFstParen ((,) ")" 1 ': _) = '[")"] | |
LTakeFstParen ((,) a p ': xs) = a ': LTakeFstParen xs |
type family LTakeSndParen (n :: Nat) (si :: [(Symbol, Nat)]) :: [Symbol] where ... Source #
LTakeSndParen _ '[] = '[] | |
LTakeSndParen 0 ((,) ")" 1 ': xs) = LTakeSndParen 1 xs | |
LTakeSndParen 1 ((,) _ 0 ': xs) = LTakeSndParen 1 xs | |
LTakeSndParen 0 ((,) _ _ ': xs) = LTakeSndParen 0 xs | |
LTakeSndParen 1 ((,) a _ ': xs) = a ': LTakeSndParen 1 xs | |
LTakeSndParen n _ = '[] |