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typed-encoding- Type safe string transformations

Safe HaskellSafe



Internal definition of types



>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XAllowAmbiguousTypes
>>> import qualified Data.ByteString as B
>>> import qualified Data.Text as T
>>> import Data.Functor.Identity
>>> import Data.TypedEncoding
>>> import Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Enc.Base64 ()
>>> import Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Restriction.BoundedAlphaNums ()

data Enc nms conf str where Source #

Contains encoded data annotated by

  • nms list of Symbols with encoding names (encoding stack)
  • conf that can contain configuration / encoding information such as digest.
  • str the encoded data


Enc '["r-ASCII"] () ByteString



UnsafeMkEnc :: Proxy nms -> conf -> str -> Enc nms conf str

@since renamed from MkEnc

Use of this constructor should be kept to a minimum.

Use of unsafeSetPayload currently recommended for recovering Enc from trusted input sources (if avoiding cost of Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Types.Validation is important).

(Eq conf, Eq str) => Eq (Enc nms conf str) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Types.Enc


(==) :: Enc nms conf str -> Enc nms conf str -> Bool #

(/=) :: Enc nms conf str -> Enc nms conf str -> Bool #

(Show conf, Show str) => Show (Enc nms conf str) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Types.Enc


showsPrec :: Int -> Enc nms conf str -> ShowS #

show :: Enc nms conf str -> String #

showList :: [Enc nms conf str] -> ShowS #

(SymbolList xs, Show c, Displ str) => Displ (Enc xs c str) Source #
>>> let disptest = UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "hello" :: Enc '["TEST"] () T.Text
>>> displ disptest
"Enc '[TEST] () (Text hello)"
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Common.Types.Enc


displ :: Enc xs c str -> String Source #

toEncoding :: conf -> str -> Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) conf str Source #


fromEncoding :: Enc '[] conf str -> str Source #


getPayload :: Enc enc conf str -> str Source #


data Encoding f (nm :: Symbol) (alg :: Symbol) conf str where Source #

Wraps the encoding function. Contains type level information about the encoding name and the algorithm used.

This type is used by programs implementing encoding instance. Such program needs to define a value of this type. It also implements Encode instance that simply returns that value.

Programs using encoding can access this type using encoding (from the Encode typeclass) but a better (and recommended) approach is to use its plural sibling Encodings defined below.

This type has 2 symbol type variables:

  • nm defines the encoding
  • alg defines algorithm

These two are related, currently this library only supports

  • Names nm containing ":" using format "alg:...", for example name "r-ban:999" has "r-ban" algorithm
  • Names without ":" require that nm ~ alg

Future version are likely to relax this, possibly introducing ability do define more than one algorithm for given encoding.

Using 2 variables allows us to define typeclass constraints that work with definitions like "r-ban" where "r-ban:" can be followed by arbitrary string literal.


Encoding (Either EncodeEx) "r-ban:9" "r-ban" () String

encodes a single character <= 9'

Encoding Identity "enc-B64" "enc-B64" () ByteString

Represents a Byte 64 encoder that can operate on any stack of previous encodings. (encoding name and algorithm name are "enc-B64", there is no additional configuration () needed and it runs in the Identity Functor.

Similar boilerplate for Decoding and Validation is specified in separate modules.



UnsafeMkEncoding :: Proxy nm -> (forall (xs :: [Symbol]). Enc xs conf str -> f (Enc (nm ': xs) conf str)) -> Encoding f nm alg conf str

Consider this constructor as private or use it with care

Defining constructor like this: MkEncoding :: Proxy nm -> (forall (xs :: [Symbol]) . Enc xs conf str -> f (Enc (nm ': xs) conf str)) -> Encoding f nm (AlgNm nm) conf str

would make compilation much slower

_mkEncoding :: forall f (nm :: Symbol) conf str. (forall (xs :: [Symbol]). Enc xs conf str -> f (Enc (nm ': xs) conf str)) -> Encoding f nm (AlgNm nm) conf str Source #

Type safe smart constructor

Adding the type family (AlgNm nm) mapping to Encoding constructor slows down the compilation. Using smart constructor does not have that issue.

This approach also provides more future flexibility with possibility of future overloads relaxing current limitations on alg names.

Notice underscore _ convention, it indicates a use of Algorithm AlgNm: compiler figures out alg value. These can be slower to compile when used.

Here are other conventions that relate to the existence of alg

  • functions ending with: ', for example encodeF' have alg as first type variable in the forall list.
  • functions without tick tend to assume nm ~ alg

This particular function appears to not increase compilation time.


runEncoding' :: forall alg nm f xs conf str. Encoding f nm alg conf str -> Enc xs conf str -> f (Enc (nm ': xs) conf str) Source #


_runEncoding :: forall nm f xs conf str alg. Algorithm nm alg => Encoding f nm alg conf str -> Enc xs conf str -> f (Enc (nm ': xs) conf str) Source #

Same as runEncoding' but compiler figures out algorithm name

Using it can slowdown compilation

This combinator has Algorithm nm alg constraint (which stands for TakeUntil ":" nm ~ alg. If rules on alg are relaxed this will just return the default algorithm.

If that happens -XTypeApplications annotations will be needed and _ methods will simply use default algorithm name.


data Encodings f (nms :: [Symbol]) (algs :: [Symbol]) conf str where Source #

HList like construction that defines a list of Encoding elements.

This type is used by programs using / manipulating encodings.

Can be easily accessed with EncodeAll constraint using encodings. But could also be used by creating Encodings list by hand.



ZeroE :: Encodings f '[] '[] conf str

constructor is to be treated as Unsafe to Encode and Decode instance implementations particular encoding instances may expose smart constructors for limited data types

ConsE :: Encoding f nm alg conf str -> Encodings f nms algs conf str -> Encodings f (nm ': nms) (alg ': algs) conf str 

runEncodings' :: forall algs nms f c str. Monad f => Encodings f nms algs c str -> Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) c str -> f (Enc nms c str) Source #

Runs encodings, requires -XTypeApplication annotation specifying the algorithm(s)

>>> runEncodings' @'["r-ban"] encodings . toEncoding () $ ("22") :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-ban:111"] () T.Text)
Left (EncodeEx "r-ban:111" ("Input list has wrong size expecting 3 but length \"22\" == 2"))


_runEncodings :: forall nms f c str algs. (Monad f, algs ~ AlgNmMap nms) => Encodings f nms algs c str -> Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) c str -> f (Enc nms c str) Source #

At a possibly some compilation cost, have compiler figure out algorithm names.

>>> _runEncodings encodings . toEncoding () $ ("Hello World") :: Identity (Enc '["enc-B64","enc-B64"] () B.ByteString)
Identity (UnsafeMkEnc Proxy () "U0dWc2JHOGdWMjl5YkdRPQ==")
>>> _runEncodings encodings . toEncoding () $ ("22") :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-ban:111"] () T.Text)
Left (EncodeEx "r-ban:111" ("Input list has wrong size expecting 3 but length \"22\" == 2"))

(see also _runEncoding) @since