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typed-encoding- Type safe string transformations

Safe HaskellSafe




Combinators reexported in Data.TypedEncoding


Convenience combinators which mimic pre-v0.3 type signatures. These assume that algs are the same as nms

decodeF :: forall nm xs f c str. Decode f nm nm c str => Enc (nm ': xs) c str -> f (Enc xs c str) Source #

decodeFAll :: forall nms f c str. (Monad f, DecodeAll f nms nms c str) => Enc nms c str -> f (Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) c str) Source #

decodeAll :: forall nms c str. DecodeAll Identity nms nms c str => Enc nms c str -> Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) c str Source #


decodeFPart :: forall xs xsf f c str. (Monad f, DecodeAll f xs xs c str) => Enc (Append xs xsf) c str -> f (Enc xsf c str) Source #

decodePart :: forall xs xsf c str. DecodeAll Identity xs xs c str => Enc (Append xs xsf) c str -> Enc xsf c str Source #

Convenience combinators which mimic pre-v0.3 type signatures. These do not try to figure out algs or assume much about them

decodeF' :: forall alg nm xs f c str. Decode f nm alg c str => Enc (nm ': xs) c str -> f (Enc xs c str) Source #

decodeFAll' :: forall algs nms f c str. (Monad f, DecodeAll f nms algs c str) => Enc nms c str -> f (Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) c str) Source #

decodeAll' :: forall algs nms c str. DecodeAll Identity nms algs c str => Enc nms c str -> Enc ('[] :: [Symbol]) c str Source #


decodeFPart' :: forall algs xs xsf f c str. (Monad f, DecodeAll f xs algs c str) => Enc (Append xs xsf) c str -> f (Enc xsf c str) Source #

decodePart' :: forall algs xs xsf c str. DecodeAll Identity xs algs c str => Enc (Append xs xsf) c str -> Enc xsf c str Source #