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typed-encoding- Type safe string transformations

Safe HaskellSafe




>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XTypeApplications
>>> import           Data.TypedEncoding.Internal.Class.Util (displ)
>>> import           Data.TypedEncoding.Internal.Types (unsafeSetPayload)
>>> import           Data.Text as T

class Superset (y :: Symbol) (x :: Symbol) where Source #

DEPRECATED see IsSuperset

Subsets are useful for restriction encodings like r-UFT8 but should not be used for other encodings.

This would be dangerous, it would, for example, permit converting encoded binary "Enc '["enc-"] c ByteString to "Enc '["enc-"] c Text, decoding which could result in runtime errors.

The requirement is that that the decoding in the superset can replace the decoding from injected subset.

instance Superset "r-ASCII" "enc-B64" where -- DANGEROUS

inject is identity on payloads

Superset bigger smaller reads as bigger is a superset of smaller

Minimal complete definition



inject :: Enc (x ': xs) c str -> Enc (y ': xs) c str Source #

Superset x x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Internal.Class.Superset


inject :: Enc (x ': xs) c str -> Enc (x ': xs) c str Source #

Superset "r-ASCII" "enc-B64" Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Enc.Base64


inject :: Enc ("enc-B64" ': xs) c str -> Enc ("r-ASCII" ': xs) c str Source #

Superset "r-ASCII" "enc-B64-nontext" Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Enc.Base64


inject :: Enc ("enc-B64-nontext" ': xs) c str -> Enc ("r-ASCII" ': xs) c str Source #

Superset "r-UTF8" "r-ASCII" Source #

allow to treat ASCII encodings as UTF8 forgetting about B64 encoding

UTF-8 is backward compatible on first 128 characters using just one byte to store it.

Payload does not change when ASCII only strings are encoded to UTF8 in types like ByteString.

>>> let Right tstAscii = encodeFAll . toEncoding () $ "Hello World" :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-ASCII"] () T.Text)
>>> displ (inject @ "r-UTF8" tstAscii)
"MkEnc '[r-UTF8] () (Text Hello World)"
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Instances.Restriction.ASCII


inject :: Enc ("r-ASCII" ': xs) c str -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c str Source #

type family IsSuperset (y :: Symbol) (x :: Symbol) :: Bool where ... Source #

more permissive than class


IsSuperset "r-ASCII" "r-ASCII" = True 
IsSuperset "r-UTF8" "r-ASCII" = True 
IsSuperset "r-UTF8" "r-UTF8" = True 
IsSuperset y x = IsSupersetOpen y (TakeUntil x ":") (ToList x) 

type family IsSupersetOpen (y :: Symbol) (x :: Symbol) (xs :: [Symbol]) :: Bool Source #

type IsSupersetOpen "r-ASCII" "r-ban" xs Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.TypedEncoding.Combinators.Restriction.BoundedAlphaNums

type IsSupersetOpen "r-ASCII" "r-ban" xs = True

injectInto :: forall y x xs c str. IsSuperset y x ~ True => Enc (x ': xs) c str -> Enc (y ': xs) c str Source #

demoteFlattenTop :: forall y x xs c str. IsSuperset y x ~ True => Enc (x ': (y ': xs)) c str -> Enc (x ': xs) c str Source #

remove redundant superset right after the top (at second last encoding position)

>>> displ $ demoteFlattenTop (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-ASCII", "r-UTF8", "r-boo"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-ASCII,r-boo] () (Text )"

promoteUnFlattenTop :: forall y x xs c str. IsSuperset y x ~ True => Enc (x ': xs) c str -> Enc (x ': (y ': xs)) c str Source #

add redundant superset right after

>>> displ $ promoteUnFlattenTop @"r-UTF8" (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-ASCII", "r-boo"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-ASCII,r-UTF8,r-boo] () (Text )"

demoteRemoveTop :: forall y x xs c str. IsSuperset y x ~ True => Enc (y ': (x ': xs)) c str -> Enc (x ': xs) c str Source #

remove redunant superset from the top (at last applied encoding position)

>>> displ $ demoteRemoveTop (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-UTF8", "r-ASCII", "r-boo"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-ASCII,r-boo] () (Text )"

promoteAddTop :: forall y x xs c str. IsSuperset y x ~ True => Enc (x ': xs) c str -> Enc (y ': (x ': xs)) c str Source #

add redundant superset at the top

>>> displ $ promoteAddTop @"r-UTF8" (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-ASCII", "r-boo"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-UTF8,r-ASCII,r-boo] () (Text )"

demoteRemoveBot :: (UnSnoc xs ~ (,) ys y, UnSnoc ys ~ (,) zs x, IsSuperset y x ~ True) => Enc xs c str -> Enc ys c str Source #

remove redundant superset at bottom (first encoding) position

>>> displ $ demoteRemoveBot (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-boo", "r-ASCII", "r-UTF8"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-boo,r-ASCII] () (Text )"

promoteAddBot :: forall y x xs c str ys. (UnSnoc xs ~ (,) ys x, IsSuperset y x ~ True) => Enc xs c str -> Enc (Snoc xs y) c str Source #

add redundant superset at bottom (first encoding) position

>>> displ $ promoteAddBot @"r-UTF8" (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-boo", "r-ASCII"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-boo,r-ASCII,r-UTF8] () (Text )"

demoteFlattenBot :: (UnSnoc xs ~ (,) ys x, UnSnoc ys ~ (,) zs y, IsSuperset y x ~ True) => Enc xs c str -> Enc (Snoc zs x) c str Source #

remove redundant superset at second bottom (second encoding) position

>>> displ $ demoteFlattenBot (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-boo", "r-UTF8", "r-ASCII"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-boo,r-ASCII] () (Text )"

promoteUnFlattenBot :: forall y x xs c str ys. (UnSnoc xs ~ (,) ys x, IsSuperset y x ~ True) => Enc xs c str -> Enc (Snoc (Snoc ys y) x) c str Source #

add redundant superset at second bottom (second encoding) position

>>> displ $ promoteUnFlattenBot @"r-UTF8" (unsafeSetPayload () "" :: Enc '["r-boo", "r-ASCII"] () T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-boo,r-UTF8,r-ASCII] () (Text )"